Occupations with related activities Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Sort materials or products.
- Maintain security.
- Enter information into databases or software programs.
- Track goods or materials.
- Distribute materials to employees or customers.
- Refer customers to appropriate personnel.
- Calculate financial data.
- Demonstrate activity techniques or equipment use.
- Inspect items for damage or defects.
- Maintain inventory records.
- Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
- Issue documentation or identification to customers or employees.
- Type documents.
- Manage clerical or administrative activities.
- Process library materials.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Send information, materials or documentation.
- Maintain office equipment in proper operating condition.
- Plan educational activities.
- Plan special events.
- Prepare employee work schedules.
- Repair books or other printed material.
- Supervise clerical or administrative personnel.
- Maintain electronic equipment.
- Maintain financial or account records.
- Operate office equipment.
- Develop computer or online applications.
- Store records or related materials.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Prepare documentation for contracts, transactions, or regulatory compliance.
- Provide customer service to clients or users.
- Prepare research or technical reports.
- Deliver items.
- Arrange items for use or display.
- Sort mail.
- Sort materials or products.
- Operate communications equipment or systems.
- Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
- Search files, databases or reference materials to obtain needed information.
- Assist individuals with paperwork.
- Enter information into databases or software programs.
- Proofread documents, records, or other files to ensure accuracy.
- Assist disabled or incapacitated individuals.
- Discuss account status or activity with customers or patrons.
- Maintain call records.
- Promote products, services, or programs.
- Sort mail.
- Maintain financial or account records.
- Monitor financial information.
- Provide notifications to customers or patrons.
- Negotiate financial arrangements.
- Discuss account status or activity with customers or patrons.
- Respond to customer problems or complaints.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Interview employees, customers, or others to collect information.
- Obtain personal or financial information about customers or applicants.
- Provide information to coworkers.
- File documents or records.
- Maintain medical records.
- Sort mail.
- Route mail to correct destinations.
- Maintain office equipment in proper operating condition.
- Verify shipping documentation.
- Package objects for shipping.
- Operate computers or computerized equipment.
- Attach identification information to products, items or containers.
- Operate vehicles or material-moving equipment.
- Load materials or equipment.
- Unload materials or equipment.
- Distribute incoming mail.
- Train personnel.
- Obtain personal or financial information about customers or applicants.
- Prepare outgoing mail.
- Sort mail.
- Deliver items.
- Obtain written authorization to perform activities.
- Record shipping information.
- Load materials or equipment.
- Relay information between personnel.
- Operate vehicles or material-moving equipment.
- Unload materials or equipment.
- Analyze shipping information to make routing decisions.
- Confer with coworkers to coordinate work activities.
- Prepare outgoing mail.
- Provide notifications to customers or patrons.
- File documents or records.
- Operate office equipment.
- Maintain mechanical equipment.
- Sort mail.
- Read materials to determine needed actions.
- Enter information into databases or software programs.
- Operate office equipment.
- Type documents.
- Compile data or documentation.
- Provide information to coworkers.
- Verify accuracy of financial or transactional data.
- Maintain inventory records.
- File documents or records.
- Search files, databases or reference materials to obtain needed information.
- Track goods or materials.
- Store items.
- Store records or related materials.
- Examine documents to verify adherence to requirements.
- Attach identification information to products, items or containers.
- Develop data analysis or data management procedures.
- Sort mail.
- Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
- Distribute incoming mail.
- Proofread documents, records, or other files to ensure accuracy.
- Store records or related materials.
- Operate office equipment.
- Operate computers or computerized equipment.
- Type documents.
- Compile data or documentation.
- Calculate financial data.
- Verify accuracy of financial or transactional data.
- Schedule appointments.
- Format digital documents, data, or images.
- Maintain operational records.
- Search files, databases or reference materials to obtain needed information.
- Prepare research or technical reports.
- Enter information into databases or software programs.
- Maintain office equipment in proper operating condition.
- Sort mail.
- Greet customers, patrons, or visitors.
- Report maintenance or equipment problems to appropriate personnel.
- Distribute materials to employees or customers.
- Make travel, accommodations, or entertainment arrangements for others.
- Verify accuracy of financial or transactional data.
- Maintain financial or account records.
- Discuss account status or activity with customers or patrons.
- Refer customers to appropriate personnel.
- Calculate costs of goods or services.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Execute sales or other financial transactions.
- Operate communications equipment or systems.
- Discuss goods or services information with customers or patrons.
- Provide information to coworkers.
- Prepare employee work schedules.
- Supervise clerical or administrative personnel.
- Clean facilities or equipment.
- Arrange food for serving.
- Store items.
- Sort mail.
- Schedule appointments.
- Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
- Greet customers, patrons, or visitors.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Analyze operational or research data.
- Calculate costs of goods or services.
- Send information, materials or documentation.
- Respond to customer problems or complaints.
- File documents or records.
- Discuss goods or services information with customers or patrons.
- Operate computers or computerized equipment.
- Proofread documents, records, or other files to ensure accuracy.
- Distribute incoming mail.
- Record personnel information.
- Schedule operational activities.
- Prepare business correspondence.
- Clean facilities or equipment.
- Provide notifications to customers or patrons.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Sort mail.
- Operate communications equipment or systems.
- Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
- Greet customers, patrons, or visitors.
- Refer customers to appropriate personnel.
- Monitor alarm systems.
- Maintain security.
- Operate audio recording equipment.
- Relay information between personnel.
- Prepare documentation for contracts, transactions, or regulatory compliance.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Prepare cash for deposit or disbursement.
- Answer customer questions about goods or services.
- File documents or records.
- Maintain call records.
- Proofread documents, records, or other files to ensure accuracy.
- Type documents.
- Execute sales or other financial transactions.
- Schedule appointments.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Sort mail.
- Sell products or services.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Calculate shipping costs.
- Weigh parcels to determine shipping costs.
- Maintain financial or account records.
- Verify shipping documentation.
- Arrange insurance coverage.
- Prepare documentation for contracts, transactions, or regulatory compliance.
- Prepare outgoing mail.
- Receive shipments.
- Store items.
- Obtain written authorization to perform activities.
- Refer customers to appropriate personnel.
- Respond to customer problems or complaints.
- Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
- Assist individuals with paperwork.
- Deliver items.
- Load materials or equipment.
- Execute sales or other financial transactions.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Sort mail.
- Process library materials.
- Provide information to the general public.
- Help patrons use library or archival resources.
- Maintain operational records.
- Classify materials according to standard systems.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Assist other educational professionals with projects or research.
- Inspect materials or equipment to determine need for repair or replacement.
- Maintain computer equipment or software.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Direct activities of subordinates.
- Search information sources to find specific data.
- Train staff members.
- Plan community programs or activities for the general public.
- Organize informational materials.
- Develop instructional materials.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Write articles, books or other original materials in area of expertise.
- Deliver items.
- Operate audiovisual equipment.
- Compile specialized bibliographies or lists of materials.
- Sort mail.
- Package objects for shipping.
- Weigh parcels to determine shipping costs.
- Unload materials or equipment.
- Verify shipping documentation.
- Inspect items for damage or defects.
- Route mail to correct destinations.
- Prepare outgoing mail.
- Analyze shipping information to make routing decisions.
- Obtain written authorization to perform activities.
- Receive shipments.
- Operate computers or computerized equipment.
- Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
- Attach identification information to products, items or containers.
- Coordinate shipping activities with external parties.
- Maintain office equipment in proper operating condition.
- Adjust office equipment to ensure proper operation.
- Read work orders to determine material or setup requirements.
- Send information, materials or documentation.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Sell products or services.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
- Sort mail.
- Schedule operational activities.
- Execute sales or other financial transactions.
- Make travel, accommodations, or entertainment arrangements for others.
- Prepare research or technical reports.
- Maintain medical records.
- Prepare documentation for contracts, transactions, or regulatory compliance.
- Manage clerical or administrative activities.
- Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
- Coordinate operational activities.
- Prepare business correspondence.
- Distribute incoming mail.
- Greet customers, patrons, or visitors.
- Compile data or documentation.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- File documents or records.
- Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
- Read materials to determine needed actions.
- Develop organizational policies or programs.
- Perform administrative or clerical tasks.
- Confer with coworkers to coordinate work activities.
- Record information from meetings or other formal proceedings.
- Transcribe spoken or written information.
- Supervise clerical or administrative personnel.
- Train personnel.
- Inspect operational processes.
- Sort mail.
- Operate office equipment.
- Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
- Confer with coworkers to coordinate work activities.
- Respond to customer problems or complaints.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Execute sales or other financial transactions.
- Prepare cash for deposit or disbursement.
- Send information, materials or documentation.
- Maintain inventory records.
- Compile data or documentation.
- File documents or records.
- Distribute incoming mail.
- Search files, databases or reference materials to obtain needed information.
- Prepare documentation for contracts, transactions, or regulatory compliance.
- Proofread documents, records, or other files to ensure accuracy.
- Check data for recording errors.
- Prepare employee work schedules.
- Schedule appointments.
- Supervise clerical or administrative personnel.
- Record information from meetings or other formal proceedings.
- Transcribe spoken or written information.
- Monitor inventories of products or materials.
- Provide information to coworkers.
- Train personnel.
- Calculate weights, volumes or other characteristics of materials.
- Maintain office equipment in proper operating condition.
- Sort mail.