- Verify that the proper legal charges have been made against law offenders.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Coordinate investigative efforts with law enforcement officers and attorneys.
- Lead, or participate in, fraud investigation teams.
- Review reports of suspected fraud to determine need for further investigation.
- Conduct in-depth investigations of suspicious financial activity, such as suspected money-laundering efforts.
- Prepare evidence for presentation in court.
- Conduct field surveillance to gather case-related information.
- Gather financial documents related to investigations.
- Interview witnesses or suspects and take statements.
- Prepare written reports of investigation findings.
- Document all investigative activities.
- Create and maintain logs, records, or databases of information about fraudulent activity.
- Testify in court regarding investigation findings.
- Recommend actions in fraud cases.
- Design, implement, or maintain fraud detection tools or procedures.
- Analyze financial data to detect irregularities in areas such as billing trends, financial relationships, and regulatory compliance procedures.
- Maintain knowledge of current events and trends in such areas as money laundering and criminal tools and techniques.
- Evaluate business operations to identify risk areas for fraud.
- Advise businesses or agencies on ways to improve fraud detection.
- Train others in fraud detection and prevention techniques.
- Negotiate with responsible parties to arrange for recovery of losses due to fraud.
- Research or evaluate new technologies for use in fraud detection systems.
- Obtain and serve subpoenas.
- Arrest individuals to be charged with fraud.
- Coordinate investigative efforts with law enforcement officers and attorneys.
- Lead, or participate in, fraud investigation teams.
- Review reports of suspected fraud to determine need for further investigation.
- Conduct in-depth investigations of suspicious financial activity, such as suspected money-laundering efforts.
- Prepare evidence for presentation in court.
- Conduct field surveillance to gather case-related information.
- Analyze information gathered by investigation and report findings and recommendations.
- Investigate, evaluate, and settle claims, applying technical knowledge and human relations skills to effect fair and prompt disposal of cases and to contribute to a reduced loss ratio.
- Examine claims investigated by insurance adjusters, further investigating questionable claims to determine whether to authorize payments.
- Attend mediations or trials.
- Collect evidence to support contested claims in court.
- Examine claims forms and other records to determine insurance coverage.
- Pay and process claims within designated authority level.
- Verify and analyze data used in settling claims to ensure that claims are valid and that settlements are made according to company practices and procedures.
- Review police reports, medical treatment records, medical bills, or physical property damage to determine the extent of liability.
- Investigate and assess damage to property and create or review property damage estimates.
- Interview or correspond with agents and claimants to correct errors or omissions and to investigate questionable claims.
- Interview or correspond with claimants, witnesses, police, physicians, or other relevant parties to determine claim settlement, denial, or review.
- Enter claim payments, reserves and new claims on computer system, inputting concise yet sufficient file documentation.
- Resolve complex, severe exposure claims, using high service oriented file handling.
- Adjust reserves or provide reserve recommendations to ensure that reserve activities are consistent with corporate policies.
- Confer with legal counsel on claims requiring litigation.
- Maintain claim files, such as records of settled claims and an inventory of claims requiring detailed analysis.
- Refer questionable claims to investigator or claims adjuster for investigation or settlement.
- Contact or interview claimants, doctors, medical specialists, or employers to get additional information.
- Present cases and participate in their discussion at claim committee meetings.
- Report overpayments, underpayments, and other irregularities.
- Supervise claims adjusters to ensure that adjusters have followed proper methods.
- Conduct detailed bill reviews to implement sound litigation management and expense control.
- Communicate with reinsurance brokers to obtain information necessary for processing claims.
- Prepare reports to be submitted to company's data processing department.
- Examine titles to property to determine validity and act as company agent in transactions with property owners.
- Obtain credit information from banks and other credit services.
- Communicate with former associates to verify employment record or to obtain background information regarding persons or businesses applying for credit.
- Negotiate claim settlements or recommend litigation when settlement cannot be negotiated.
- Analyze information gathered by investigation and report findings and recommendations.
- Investigate, evaluate, and settle claims, applying technical knowledge and human relations skills to effect fair and prompt disposal of cases and to contribute to a reduced loss ratio.
- Examine claims investigated by insurance adjusters, further investigating questionable claims to determine whether to authorize payments.
- Attend mediations or trials.
- Collect evidence to support contested claims in court.
- Determine the nature of code violations and actions to be taken, and issue written notices of violation, participating in enforcement hearings, as necessary.
- Investigate complaints and suspected violations regarding illegal dumping, pollution, pesticides, product quality, or labeling laws.
- Monitor follow-up actions in cases where violations were found, and review compliance monitoring reports.
- Prepare, organize, and maintain inspection records.
- Determine which sites and violation reports to investigate, and coordinate compliance and enforcement activities with other government agencies.
- Interview individuals to determine the nature of suspected violations and to obtain evidence of violations.
- Inform individuals and groups of pollution control regulations and inspection findings, and explain how problems can be corrected.
- Verify that hazardous chemicals are handled, stored, and disposed of in accordance with regulations.
- Learn and observe proper safety precautions, rules, regulations, and practices so that unsafe conditions can be recognized and proper safety protocols implemented.
- Examine permits, licenses, applications, and records to ensure compliance with licensing requirements.
- Prepare written, oral, tabular, and graphic reports summarizing requirements and regulations, including enforcement and chain of custody documentation.
- Observe and record field conditions, gathering, interpreting, and reporting data such as flow meter readings and chemical levels.
- Determine sampling locations and methods, and collect water or wastewater samples for analysis, preserving samples with appropriate containers and preservation methods.
- Research and keep informed of pertinent information and developments in areas such as EPA laws and regulations.
- Participate in the development of spill prevention programs and hazardous waste rules and regulations, and recommend corrective actions for hazardous waste problems.
- Inspect waste pretreatment, treatment, and disposal facilities and systems for conformance to federal, state, or local regulations.
- Analyze and implement state, federal or local requirements as necessary to maintain approved pretreatment, pollution prevention, and storm water runoff programs.
- Evaluate label information for accuracy and conformance to regulatory requirements.
- Respond to questions and inquiries, such as those concerning service charges and capacity fees, or refer them to supervisors.
- Research and perform calculations related to landscape allowances, discharge volumes, production-based and alternative limits, and wastewater strength classifications, making recommendations and completing documentation.
- Perform laboratory tests on samples collected, such as analyzing the content of contaminated wastewater.
- Inform health professionals, property owners, and the public about harmful properties and related problems of water pollution and contaminated wastewater.
- Review and evaluate applications for registration of products containing dangerous materials, or for pollution control discharge permits.
- Conduct research on hazardous waste management projects to determine the magnitude of problems and treatment or disposal alternatives and costs.
- Maintain and repair materials, work sites, and equipment.
- Prepare data to calculate sewer service charges and capacity fees.
- Determine the nature of code violations and actions to be taken, and issue written notices of violation, participating in enforcement hearings, as necessary.
- Investigate complaints and suspected violations regarding illegal dumping, pollution, pesticides, product quality, or labeling laws.
- Monitor follow-up actions in cases where violations were found, and review compliance monitoring reports.
- Investigate alleged license or permit violations.
- Investigate applications for special licenses or permits.
- Collect, identify, evaluate, or preserve case evidence.
- Prepare correspondence, reports of inspections or investigations, or recommendations for action.
- Examine records, reports, or other documents to establish facts or detect discrepancies.
- Inspect government property, such as construction sites or public housing, to ensure compliance with contract specifications or legal requirements.
- Inspect manufactured or processed products to ensure compliance with contract specifications or legal requirements.
- Submit samples of products to government laboratories for testing, as required.
- Inspect government-owned equipment or materials in the possession of private contractors to ensure compliance with contracts or regulations or to prevent misuse.
- Recommend legal or administrative action to protect government property.
- Testify in court or at administrative proceedings concerning investigation findings.
- Coordinate with or assist law enforcement agencies in matters of mutual concern.
- Monitor investigations of suspected offenders to ensure that they are conducted in accordance with constitutional requirements.
- Investigate alleged license or permit violations.
- Investigate applications for special licenses or permits.
- Collect, identify, evaluate, or preserve case evidence.
- Investigate alleged parole violations, using interviews, surveillance, and search and seizure.
- Conduct prehearing and presentencing investigations and testify in court regarding offenders' backgrounds and recommended sentences and sentencing conditions.
- Prepare and maintain case folder for each assigned inmate or offender.
- Gather information about offenders' backgrounds by talking to offenders, their families and friends, and other people who have relevant information.
- Interview probationers and parolees regularly to evaluate their progress in accomplishing goals and maintaining the terms specified in their probation contracts and rehabilitation plans.
- Discuss with offenders how such issues as drug and alcohol abuse and anger management problems might have played roles in their criminal behavior.
- Supervise people on community-based sentences, such as electronically monitored home detention, and provide field supervision of probationers by conducting curfew checks or visits to home, work, or school.
- Recommend remedial action or initiate court action in response to noncompliance with terms of probation or parole.
- Arrange for medical, mental health, or substance abuse treatment services according to individual needs or court orders.
- Develop liaisons and networks with other parole officers, community agencies, correctional institutions, psychiatric facilities, and aftercare agencies to plan for helping offenders with life adjustments.
- Administer drug and alcohol tests, including random drug screens of offenders, to verify compliance with substance abuse treatment programs.
- Inform offenders or inmates of requirements of conditional release, such as office visits, restitution payments, or educational and employment stipulations.
- Participate in decisions about whether cases should go before courts and which court should hear them.
- Write reports describing offenders' progress.
- Arrange for postrelease services, such as employment, housing, counseling, education, and social activities.
- Provide offenders or inmates with assistance in matters concerning detainers, sentences in other jurisdictions, writs, and applications for social assistance.
- Develop and prepare packets containing information about social service agencies, assistance organizations, and programs that might be useful for inmates or offenders.
- Develop rehabilitation programs for assigned offenders or inmates, establishing rules of conduct, goals, and objectives.
- Recommend appropriate penitentiary for initial placement of an offender.
- Assess the suitability of penitentiary inmates for release under parole and statutory release programs and submit recommendations to parole boards.
- Identify and approve work placements for offenders with community service sentences.
- Investigate alleged parole violations, using interviews, surveillance, and search and seizure.
- Conduct prehearing and presentencing investigations and testify in court regarding offenders' backgrounds and recommended sentences and sentencing conditions.
- Investigate applications for duty refunds and petition for remission or mitigation of penalties when warranted.
- Institute civil and criminal prosecutions and cooperate with other law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of those in violation of immigration or customs laws.
- Examine immigration applications, visas, and passports and interview persons to determine eligibility for admission, residence, and travel in the U.S.
- Detain persons found to be in violation of customs or immigration laws and arrange for legal action, such as deportation.
- Inspect cargo, baggage, and personal articles entering or leaving U.S. for compliance with revenue laws and U.S. customs regulations.
- Locate and seize contraband, undeclared merchandise, and vehicles, aircraft, or boats that contain such merchandise.
- Interpret and explain laws and regulations to travelers, prospective immigrants, shippers, and manufacturers.
- Testify regarding decisions at immigration appeals or in federal court.
- Record and report job-related activities, findings, transactions, violations, discrepancies, and decisions.
- Determine duty and taxes to be paid on goods.
- Collect samples of merchandise for examination, appraisal, or testing.
- Investigate applications for duty refunds and petition for remission or mitigation of penalties when warranted.
- Institute civil and criminal prosecutions and cooperate with other law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of those in violation of immigration or customs laws.
- Identify or investigate violations of natural resources, waste management, recycling, or other environmental policies.
- Develop sustainability project goals, objectives, initiatives, or strategies in collaboration with other sustainability professionals.
- Monitor or track sustainability indicators, such as energy usage, natural resource usage, waste generation, and recycling.
- Assess or propose sustainability initiatives, considering factors such as cost effectiveness, technical feasibility, and acceptance.
- Provide technical or administrative support for sustainability programs or issues.
- Review and revise sustainability proposals or policies.
- Develop reports or presentations to communicate the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives.
- Create or maintain plans or other documents related to sustainability projects.
- Collect information about waste stream management or green building practices to inform decision makers.
- Research or review regulatory, technical, or market issues related to sustainability.
- Identify or create new sustainability indicators.
- Create marketing or outreach media, such as brochures or Web sites, to communicate sustainability issues, procedures, or objectives.
- Identify or procure needed resources to implement sustainability programs or projects.
- Write grant applications, rebate applications, or project proposals to secure funding for sustainability projects.
- Identify or investigate violations of natural resources, waste management, recycling, or other environmental policies.
- Investigate child abuse or neglect cases and take authorized protective action when necessary.
- Advocate for clients or patients to resolve crises.
- Educate clients about end-of-life symptoms and options to assist them in making informed decisions.
- Collaborate with other professionals to evaluate patients' medical or physical condition and to assess client needs.
- Refer patient, client, or family to community resources to assist in recovery from mental or physical illness and to provide access to services such as financial assistance, legal aid, housing, job placement or education.
- Utilize consultation data and social work experience to plan and coordinate client or patient care and rehabilitation, following through to ensure service efficacy.
- Monitor, evaluate, and record client progress according to measurable goals described in treatment and care plan.
- Identify environmental impediments to client or patient progress through interviews and review of patient records.
- Counsel clients and patients in individual and group sessions to help them overcome dependencies, recover from illness, and adjust to life.
- Organize support groups or counsel family members to assist them in understanding, dealing with, and supporting the client or patient.
- Modify treatment plans to comply with changes in clients' status.
- Supervise and direct other workers providing services to clients or patients.
- Plan and conduct programs to combat social problems, prevent substance abuse, or improve community health and counseling services.
- Develop or advise on social policy and assist in community development.
- Conduct social research to advance knowledge in the social work field.
- Oversee Medicaid- and Medicare-related paperwork and recordkeeping in hospitals.
- Plan discharge from care facility to home or other care facility.
- Investigate child abuse or neglect cases and take authorized protective action when necessary.
- Identify individual or transaction targets to direct intelligence collection.
- Develop emergency management plans for recovery decision making and communications, continuity of critical departmental processes, or temporary shut-down of non-critical departments to ensure continuity of operation and governance.
- Develop disaster recovery plans for physical locations with critical assets, such as data centers.
- Test documented disaster recovery strategies and plans.
- Analyze impact on, and risk to, essential business functions or information systems to identify acceptable recovery time periods and resource requirements.
- Write reports to summarize testing activities, including descriptions of goals, planning, scheduling, execution, results, analysis, conclusions, and recommendations.
- Review existing disaster recovery, crisis management, or business continuity plans.
- Create scenarios to reestablish operations from various types of business disruptions.
- Establish, maintain, or test call trees to ensure appropriate communication during disaster.
- Conduct or oversee contingency plan integration and operation.
- Identify opportunities for strategic improvement or mitigation of business interruption and other risks caused by business, regulatory, or industry-specific change initiatives.
- Interpret government regulations and applicable codes to ensure compliance.
- Create or administer training and awareness presentations or materials.
- Prepare reports summarizing operational results, financial performance, or accomplishments of specified objectives, goals, or plans.
- Attend professional meetings, read literature, and participate in training or other educational offerings to keep abreast of new developments and technologies related to disaster recovery and business continuity.
- Recommend or implement methods to monitor, evaluate, or enable resolution of safety, operations, or compliance interruptions.
- Create business continuity and disaster recovery budgets.
- Maintain and update organization information technology applications and network systems blueprints.
- Design or implement products and services to mitigate risk or facilitate use of technology-based tools and methods.
- Analyze corporate intelligence data to identify trends, patterns, or warnings indicating threats to security of people, assets, information, or infrastructure.
- Conduct or oversee collection of corporate intelligence to avoid fraud, financial crime, cyber attack, terrorism, and infrastructure failure.
- Identify individual or transaction targets to direct intelligence collection.
- Monitor tapes or digital recordings to identify the source of losses.
- Assess the nature and level of physical security threats so that the scope of the problem can be determined.
- Budget and schedule security design work.
- Conduct security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities related to physical security or staff safety.
- Design security policies, programs, or practices to ensure adequate security relating to alarm response, access card use, and other security needs.
- Design, implement, or establish requirements for security systems, video surveillance, motion detection, or closed-circuit television systems to ensure proper installation and operation.
- Develop conceptual designs of security systems.
- Develop or review specifications for design or construction of security systems.
- Engineer, install, maintain, or repair security systems, programmable logic controls, or other security-related electronic systems.
- Inspect fire, intruder detection, or other security systems.
- Inspect physical security design features, installations, or programs to ensure compliance with applicable standards or regulations.
- Interview witnesses or suspects to identify persons responsible for security breaches or to establish losses, pursue prosecutions, or obtain restitution.
- Monitor the work of contractors in the design, construction, and startup phases of security systems.
- Outline system security criteria for pre-bid meetings with clients and companies to ensure comprehensiveness and appropriateness for implementation.
- Perform risk analyses so that appropriate countermeasures can be developed.
- Prepare documentation for case reports or court proceedings.
- Prepare, maintain, or update security procedures, security system drawings, or related documentation.
- Provide system design and integration recommendations.
- Recommend improvements in security systems or procedures.
- Respond to emergency situations on an on-call basis.
- Review design drawings or technical documents for completeness, correctness, or appropriateness.
- Test security measures for final acceptance and implement or provide procedures for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the measures.
- Train personnel in security procedures or use of security equipment.
- Monitor tapes or digital recordings to identify the source of losses.
- Collect and analyze data to detect deficient controls, duplicated effort, extravagance, fraud, or non-compliance with laws, regulations, and management policies.
- Prepare detailed reports on audit findings.
- Report to management about asset utilization and audit results, and recommend changes in operations and financial activities.
- Inspect account books and accounting systems for efficiency, effectiveness, and use of accepted accounting procedures to record transactions.
- Supervise auditing of establishments, and determine scope of investigation required.
- Confer with company officials about financial and regulatory matters.
- Examine and evaluate financial and information systems, recommending controls to ensure system reliability and data integrity.
- Inspect cash on hand, notes receivable and payable, negotiable securities, and canceled checks to confirm records are accurate.
- Examine records and interview workers to ensure recording of transactions and compliance with laws and regulations.
- Prepare, examine, or analyze accounting records, financial statements, or other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards.
- Prepare adjusting journal entries.
- Review accounts for discrepancies and reconcile differences.
- Establish tables of accounts and assign entries to proper accounts.
- Examine inventory to verify journal and ledger entries.
- Analyze business operations, trends, costs, revenues, financial commitments, and obligations to project future revenues and expenses or to provide advice.
- Report to management regarding the finances of establishment.
- Develop, implement, modify, and document recordkeeping and accounting systems, making use of current computer technology.
- Evaluate taxpayer finances to determine tax liability, using knowledge of interest and discount rates, annuities, valuation of stocks and bonds, and amortization valuation of depletable assets.
- Examine whether the organization's objectives are reflected in its management activities, and whether employees understand the objectives.
- Audit payroll and personnel records to determine unemployment insurance premiums, workers' compensation coverage, liabilities, and compliance with tax laws.
- Review taxpayer accounts, and conduct audits on-site, by correspondence, or by summoning taxpayer to office.
- Compute taxes owed and prepare tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment, reporting, or other tax requirements.
- Advise clients in areas such as compensation, employee health care benefits, the design of accounting or data processing systems, or long-range tax or estate plans.
- Direct activities of personnel engaged in filing, recording, compiling, and transmitting financial records.
- Conduct pre-implementation audits to determine if systems and programs under development will work as planned.
- Develop, maintain, or analyze budgets, preparing periodic reports that compare budgeted costs to actual costs.
- Prepare, analyze, or verify annual reports, financial statements, and other records, using accepted accounting and statistical procedures to assess financial condition and facilitate financial planning.
- Process invoices for payment.
- Review data about material assets, net worth, liabilities, capital stock, surplus, income, or expenditures.
- Collect and analyze data to detect deficient controls, duplicated effort, extravagance, fraud, or non-compliance with laws, regulations, and management policies.
- Address special issues or situations, such as illegal or unauthorized use of equipment, or cases of electrical or acoustic shock.
- Demonstrate equipment to customers and explain its use, responding to any inquiries or complaints.
- Test circuits and components of malfunctioning telecommunications equipment to isolate sources of malfunctions, using test meters, circuit diagrams, polarity probes, and other hand tools.
- Test repaired, newly installed, or updated equipment to ensure that it functions properly and conforms to specifications, using test equipment and observation.
- Climb poles and ladders, use truck-mounted booms, and enter areas such as manholes and cable vaults to install, maintain, or inspect equipment.
- Assemble and install communication equipment such as data and telephone communication lines, wiring, switching equipment, wiring frames, power apparatus, computer systems, and networks.
- Run wires between components and to outside cable systems, connecting them to wires from telephone poles or underground cable accesses.
- Test connections to ensure that power supplies are adequate and that communications links function.
- Note differences in wire and cable colors so that work can be performed correctly.
- Inspect equipment on a regular basis to ensure proper functioning.
- Collaborate with other workers to locate and correct malfunctions.
- Remove loose wires and other debris after work is completed.
- Repair or replace faulty equipment, such as defective and damaged telephones, wires, switching system components, and associated equipment.
- Maintain computer and manual records pertaining to facilities and equipment.
- Communicate with bases, using telephones or two-way radios to receive instructions or technical advice, or to report equipment status.
- Remove and remake connections to change circuit layouts, following work orders or diagrams.
- Clean and maintain tools, test equipment, and motor vehicles.
- Perform database verifications, using computers.
- Request support from technical service centers when on-site procedures fail to solve installation or maintenance problems.
- Analyze test readings, computer printouts, and trouble reports to determine equipment repair needs and required repair methods.
- Adjust or modify equipment to enhance equipment performance or to respond to customer requests.
- Remove and replace plug-in circuit equipment.
- Refer to manufacturers' manuals to obtain maintenance instructions pertaining to specific malfunctions.
- Dig holes or trenches as necessary for equipment installation and access.
- Review manufacturer's instructions, manuals, technical specifications, building permits, and ordinances to determine communication equipment requirements and procedures.
- Drive crew trucks to and from work areas.
- Route and connect cables and lines to switches, switchboard equipment, and distributing frames, using wire-wrap guns or soldering irons to connect wires to terminals.
- Designate cables available for use.
- Diagnose and correct problems from remote locations, using special switchboards to find the sources of problems.
- Program computerized switches and switchboards to provide requested features.
- Enter codes needed to correct electronic switching system programming.
- Examine telephone transmission facilities to determine requirements for new or additional telephone services.
- Measure distances from landmarks to identify exact installation sites for equipment.
- Install updated software and programs that maintain existing software or provide requested features, such as time-correlated call routing.
- Perform routine maintenance on equipment, including adjusting and lubricating components and painting worn or exposed areas.
- Determine viability of sites through observation, and discuss site locations and construction requirements with customers.
- Install telephone station equipment, such as intercommunication systems, transmitters, receivers, relays, and ringers, and related apparatus, such as coin collectors, telephone booths, and switching-key equipment.
- Clean switches and replace contact points, using vacuum hoses, solvents, and hand tools.
- Provide input into the design and manufacturing of new equipment.
- Address special issues or situations, such as illegal or unauthorized use of equipment, or cases of electrical or acoustic shock.