- Develop training materials.
Occupations with related activities Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Develop training materials.
- Confer with personnel to coordinate business operations.
- Gather organizational performance information.
- Analyze business or financial data.
- Advise others on business or operational matters.
- Prepare research reports.
- Analyze jobs using observation, survey, or interview techniques.
- Conduct scientific research of organizational behavior or processes.
- Develop procedures to evaluate organizational activities.
- Train personnel in organizational or compliance procedures.
- Discuss business strategies, practices, or policies with managers.
- Develop business or financial information systems.
- Edit documents.
- Edit written materials.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop training materials.
- Coordinate training activities.
- Train personnel to enhance job skills.
- Conduct surveys in organizations.
- Evaluate training programs, instructors, or materials.
- Evaluate effectiveness of personnel policies or practices.
- Monitor financial indicators.
- Prepare financial documents, reports, or budgets.
- Train personnel on managerial topics.
- Update professional knowledge.
- Coordinate personnel recruitment activities.
- Negotiate contracts with clients or service providers.
- Supervise employees.
- Advise others on human resources topics.
- Train personnel in organizational or compliance procedures.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop contingency plans to deal with organizational emergencies.
- Develop emergency response plans or procedures.
- Assess risks to business operations.
- Prepare research reports.
- Apply mathematical models of financial or business conditions.
- Identify strategic business investment opportunities.
- Evaluate applicable laws and regulations to determine impact on organizational activities.
- Train personnel in organizational or compliance procedures.
- Prepare operational reports.
- Advise others on analytical techniques.
- Monitor organizational compliance with regulations.
- Update professional knowledge.
- Analyze budgetary or accounting data.
- Maintain data in information systems or databases.
- Investigate legal issues.
- Develop business or financial information systems.
- Analyze business or financial data.
- Gather organizational performance information.
- Oversee business processes.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop business relationships.
- Collect data about customer needs.
- Gather customer or product information to determine customer needs.
- Supervise employees.
- Allocate physical resources within organizations.
- Prepare proposal documents.
- Analyze logistics processes.
- Coordinate logistics or other business operations.
- Present business-related information to audiences.
- Manage operations, research, or logistics projects.
- Confer with personnel to coordinate business operations.
- Report information to managers or other personnel.
- Update professional knowledge.
- Develop business or financial information systems.
- Advise others on analytical techniques.
- Develop financial or business plans.
- Analyze business or financial data.
- Measure effectiveness of business strategies or practices.
- Coordinate regulatory documentation activities.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop training materials.
- Maintain personnel records.
- Schedule activities or facility use.
- Manage outreach activities.
- Recommend organizational process or policy changes.
- Manage guest services.
- Supervise employees.
- Maintain records, documents, or other files.
- Conduct employee training programs.
- Perform manual service or maintenance tasks.
- Implement organizational process or policy changes.
- Prepare operational budgets.
- Evaluate program effectiveness.
- Teach classes in area of specialization.
- Conduct opinion surveys or needs assessments.
- Develop marketing plans or strategies.
- Hire personnel.
- Provide health and wellness advice to patients, program participants, or caregivers.
- Present information to the public.
- Train employees on environmental awareness, conservation, or safety topics.
- Analyze data to inform personnel decisions.
- Coordinate special events or programs.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop training materials.
- Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
- Administer personnel recruitment or hiring activities.
- Update knowledge of legal or regulatory environments.
- Administer compensation or benefits programs.
- Perform human resources activities.
- Evaluate personnel practices to ensure adherence to regulations.
- Maintain data in information systems or databases.
- Verify application data to determine program eligibility.
- Coordinate personnel recruitment activities.
- Train personnel to enhance job skills.
- Review license or permit applications.
- Discuss business strategies, practices, or policies with managers.
- Maintain records, documents, or other files.
- Advise others on business or operational matters.
- Inform individuals or organizations of status or findings.
- Interview employees, customers, or others to collect information.
- Conduct eligibility or selection interviews.
- Train personnel on managerial topics.
- Evaluate effectiveness of personnel policies or practices.
- Prepare operational reports.
- Advise others on human resources topics.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop theories or models of physical phenomena.
- Interpret research or operational data.
- Conduct climatological research.
- Provide technical information or assistance to public.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Direct technical activities or operations.
- Collect environmental data or samples.
- Analyze design requirements for computer or electronics systems.
- Test computer system operations to ensure proper functioning.
- Write computer programming code.
- Prepare research or technical reports on environmental issues.
- Present information to the public.
- Teach classes in area of specialization.
- Collaborate on research activities with scientists or technical specialists.
- Instruct college students in physical or life sciences.
- Develop environmental research methods.
- Research environmental impact of industrial or development activities.
- Develop mathematical models of environmental conditions.
- Communicate with the public on environmental issues.
- Provide educational information to the public.
- Apply knowledge or research findings to address environmental problems.
- Measure environmental characteristics.
- Create images or other visual displays.
- Develop training materials.
- Develop training materials.
- Communicate with government agencies.
- Coordinate operational activities with external stakeholders.
- Establish interpersonal business relationships to facilitate work activities.
- Coordinate special events or programs.
- Maintain operational records.
- Prepare reports related to compliance matters.
- Develop emergency response plans or procedures.
- Evaluate program effectiveness.
- Confer with organizational members to accomplish work activities.
- Maintain knowledge of current developments in area of expertise.
- Inspect condition or functioning of facilities or equipment.
- Determine operational compliance with regulations or standards.
- Conduct opinion surveys or needs assessments.
- Recommend organizational process or policy changes.
- Present information to the public.
- Prepare operational progress or status reports.
- Prepare proposals or grant applications to obtain project funding.
- Teach safety standards or environmental compliance methods.
- Advise others on legal or regulatory compliance matters.
- Develop safety standards, policies, or procedures.
- Implement organizational process or policy changes.
- Communicate organizational policies and procedures.
- Manage inventories of products or organizational resources.
- Develop training materials.