- Identify opportunities or implement changes to improve manufacturing processes or products or to reduce costs, using knowledge of fabrication processes, tooling and production equipment, assembly methods, quality control standards, or product design, materials and parts.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Assist engineers in developing, building, or testing prototypes or new products, processes, or procedures.
- Develop or implement programs to address problems related to production, materials, safety, or quality.
- Develop production, inventory, or quality assurance programs.
- Test selected products at specified stages in the production process for performance characteristics or adherence to specifications.
- Compile and evaluate statistical data to determine and maintain quality and reliability of products.
- Study time, motion, methods, or speed involved in maintenance, production, or other operations to establish standard production rate or improve efficiency.
- Read worker logs, product processing sheets, or specification sheets to verify that records adhere to quality assurance specifications.
- Verify that equipment is being operated and maintained according to quality assurance standards by observing worker performance.
- Aid in planning work assignments in accordance with worker performance, machine capacity, production schedules, or anticipated delays.
- Evaluate industrial operations for compliance with permits or regulations related to the generation, storage, treatment, transportation, or disposal of hazardous materials or waste.
- Adhere to all applicable regulations, policies, and procedures for health, safety, and environmental compliance.
- Analyze, estimate, or report production costs.
- Calibrate or adjust equipment to ensure quality production, using tools such as calipers, micrometers, height gauges, protractors, or ring gauges.
- Conduct statistical studies to analyze or compare production costs for sustainable and nonsustainable designs.
- Coordinate equipment purchases, installations, or transfers.
- Create or interpret engineering drawings, schematic diagrams, formulas, or blueprints for management or engineering staff.
- Design plant layouts or production facilities.
- Develop manufacturing infrastructure to integrate or deploy new manufacturing processes.
- Develop sustainable manufacturing technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, minimize raw material use, replace toxic materials with non-toxic materials, replace non-renewable materials with renewable materials, or reduce waste.
- Identify opportunities for improvements in quality, cost, or efficiency of automation equipment.
- Monitor and adjust production processes or equipment for quality and productivity.
- Oversee equipment start-up, characterization, qualification, or release.
- Oversee or inspect production processes.
- Prepare layouts, drawings, or sketches of machinery or equipment, such as shop tooling, scale layouts, or new equipment design, using drafting equipment or computer-aided design (CAD) software.
- Prepare production documents, such as standard operating procedures, manufacturing batch records, inventory reports, or productivity reports.
- Provide advice or training to other technicians.
- Recommend corrective or preventive actions to assure or improve product quality or reliability.
- Select cleaning materials, tools, or equipment.
- Select material quantities or processing methods needed to achieve efficient production.
- Set up and operate production equipment in accordance with current good manufacturing practices and standard operating procedures.
- Assist engineers in developing, building, or testing prototypes or new products, processes, or procedures.
- Develop or implement programs to address problems related to production, materials, safety, or quality.
- Develop production, inventory, or quality assurance programs.
- Identify environmental risks and develop risk management strategies for civil engineering projects.
- Develop or implement engineering solutions to clean up industrial accidents or other contaminated sites.
- Direct engineering activities, ensuring compliance with environmental, safety, or other governmental regulations.
- Manage and direct the construction, operations, or maintenance activities at project site.
- Inspect project sites to monitor progress and ensure conformance to design specifications and safety or sanitation standards.
- Compute load and grade requirements, water flow rates, or material stress factors to determine design specifications.
- Plan and design transportation or hydraulic systems or structures, using computer-assisted design or drawing tools.
- Provide technical advice to industrial or managerial personnel regarding design, construction, program modifications, or structural repairs.
- Analyze survey reports, maps, drawings, blueprints, aerial photography, or other topographical or geologic data.
- Direct or participate in surveying to lay out installations or establish reference points, grades, or elevations to guide construction.
- Estimate quantities and cost of materials, equipment, or labor to determine project feasibility.
- Prepare or present public reports on topics such as bid proposals, deeds, environmental impact statements, or property and right-of-way descriptions.
- Design energy-efficient or environmentally sound civil structures.
- Test soils or materials to determine the adequacy and strength of foundations, concrete, asphalt, or steel.
- Conduct studies of traffic patterns or environmental conditions to identify engineering problems and assess potential project impact.
- Design or engineer systems to efficiently dispose of chemical, biological, or other toxic wastes.
- Identify environmental risks and develop risk management strategies for civil engineering projects.
- Develop or implement engineering solutions to clean up industrial accidents or other contaminated sites.
- Develop manufacturing methods, labor utilization standards, and cost analysis systems to promote efficient staff and facility utilization.
- Implement methods and procedures for disposition of discrepant material and defective or damaged parts, and assess cost and responsibility.
- Estimate production costs, cost saving methods, and the effects of product design changes on expenditures for management review, action, and control.
- Plan and establish sequence of operations to fabricate and assemble parts or products and to promote efficient utilization.
- Analyze statistical data and product specifications to determine standards and establish quality and reliability objectives of finished product.
- Confer with clients, vendors, staff, and management personnel regarding purchases, product and production specifications, manufacturing capabilities, or project status.
- Communicate with management and user personnel to develop production and design standards.
- Evaluate precision and accuracy of production and testing equipment and engineering drawings to formulate corrective action plan.
- Recommend methods for improving utilization of personnel, material, and utilities.
- Record or oversee recording of information to ensure currency of engineering drawings and documentation of production problems.
- Draft and design layout of equipment, materials, and workspace to illustrate maximum efficiency using drafting tools and computer.
- Direct workers engaged in product measurement, inspection, and testing activities to ensure quality control and reliability.
- Review production schedules, engineering specifications, orders, and related information to obtain knowledge of manufacturing methods, procedures, and activities.
- Complete production reports, purchase orders, and material, tool, and equipment lists.
- Coordinate and implement quality control objectives, activities, or procedures to resolve production problems, maximize product reliability, or minimize costs.
- Apply statistical methods and perform mathematical calculations to determine manufacturing processes, staff requirements, and production standards.
- Study operations sequence, material flow, functional statements, organization charts, and project information to determine worker functions and responsibilities.
- Formulate sampling procedures and designs and develop forms and instructions for recording, evaluating, and reporting quality and reliability data.
- Regulate and alter workflow schedules according to established manufacturing sequences and lead times to expedite production operations.
- Schedule deliveries based on production forecasts, material substitutions, storage and handling facilities, and maintenance requirements.
- Develop manufacturing methods, labor utilization standards, and cost analysis systems to promote efficient staff and facility utilization.
- Implement methods and procedures for disposition of discrepant material and defective or damaged parts, and assess cost and responsibility.
- Implement or test design solutions.
- Develop electronic, mechanical, or computerized processes to perform tasks in dangerous situations, such as underwater exploration or extraterrestrial mining.
- Create mechanical design documents for parts, assemblies, or finished products.
- Design advanced precision equipment for accurate or controlled applications.
- Design engineering systems for the automation of industrial tasks.
- Maintain technical project files.
- Identify materials appropriate for mechatronic system designs.
- Research, select, or apply sensors, communication technologies, or control devices for motion control, position sensing, pressure sensing, or electronic communication.
- Apply mechatronic or automated solutions to the transfer of materials, components, or finished goods.
- Provide consultation or training on topics such as mechatronics or automated control.
- Oversee the work of contractors in accordance with project requirements.
- Publish engineering reports documenting design details or qualification test results.
- Upgrade the design of existing devices by adding mechatronic elements.
- Create mechanical models to simulate mechatronic design concepts.
- Analyze existing development or manufacturing procedures and suggest improvements.
- Determine the feasibility, costs, or performance benefits of new mechatronic equipment.
- Monitor or calibrate automated systems, industrial control systems, or system components to maximize efficiency of production.
- Create embedded software design programs.
- Design advanced electronic control systems for mechanical systems.
- Design self-monitoring mechanical systems, such as gear systems that monitor loading or condition of systems to detect and prevent failures.
- Design or develop automated control systems for environmental applications, such as waste processing, air quality, or water quality systems.
- Design, develop, or implement control circuits or algorithms for electromechanical or pneumatic devices or systems.
- Design mechatronics components for computer-controlled products, such as cameras, video recorders, automobiles, or airplanes.
- Implement or test design solutions.
- Develop electronic, mechanical, or computerized processes to perform tasks in dangerous situations, such as underwater exploration or extraterrestrial mining.
- Develop processes or identify equipment needed for pilot or commercial nanoscale scale production.
- Engineer production processes for specific nanotechnology applications, such as electroplating, nanofabrication, or epoxy.
- Provide scientific or technical guidance or expertise to scientists, engineers, technologists, technicians, or others, using knowledge of chemical, analytical, or biological processes as applied to micro and nanoscale systems.
- Supervise technologists or technicians engaged in nanotechnology research or production.
- Conduct research related to a range of nanotechnology topics, such as packaging, heat transfer, fluorescence detection, nanoparticle dispersion, hybrid systems, liquid systems, nanocomposites, nanofabrication, optoelectronics, or nanolithography.
- Synthesize, process, or characterize nanomaterials, using advanced tools or techniques.
- Prepare reports, deliver presentations, or participate in program review activities to communicate engineering results or recommendations.
- Design or conduct tests of new nanotechnology products, processes, or systems.
- Create designs or prototypes for nanosystem applications, such as biomedical delivery systems or atomic force microscopes.
- Write proposals to secure external funding or to partner with other companies.
- Generate high-resolution images or measure force-distance curves, using techniques such as atomic force microscopy.
- Provide technical guidance or support to customers on topics such as nanosystem start-up, maintenance, or use.
- Apply nanotechnology to improve the performance or reduce the environmental impact of energy products, such as fuel cells or solar cells.
- Identify new applications for existing nanotechnologies.
- Design or engineer nanomaterials, nanodevices, nano-enabled products, or nanosystems, using three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) software.
- Design nano-enabled products with reduced toxicity, increased durability, or improved energy efficiency.
- Coordinate or supervise the work of suppliers or vendors in the designing, building, or testing of nanosystem devices, such as lenses or probes.
- Design nano-based manufacturing processes to minimize water, chemical, or energy use, as well as to reduce waste production.
- Design nanosystems with components such as nanocatalysts or nanofiltration devices to clean specific pollutants from hazardous waste sites.
- Prepare nanotechnology-related invention disclosures or patent applications.
- Reengineer nanomaterials to improve biodegradability.
- Integrate nanotechnology with antimicrobial properties into products, such as household or medical appliances, to reduce the development of bacteria or other microbes.
- Develop catalysis or other green chemistry methods to synthesize nanomaterials, such as nanotubes, nanocrystals, nanorods, or nanowires.
- Design nanoparticle catalysts to detect or remove chemical or other pollutants from water, soil, or air.
- Develop green building nanocoatings, such as self-cleaning, anti-stain, depolluting, anti-fogging, anti-icing, antimicrobial, moisture-resistant, or ultraviolet protectant coatings.
- Develop processes or identify equipment needed for pilot or commercial nanoscale scale production.
- Engineer production processes for specific nanotechnology applications, such as electroplating, nanofabrication, or epoxy.
- Plan or implement fuel cell cost reduction or product improvement projects in collaboration with other engineers, suppliers, support personnel, or customers.
- Develop or evaluate systems or methods of hydrogen storage for fuel cell applications.
- Plan or conduct experiments to validate new materials, optimize startup protocols, reduce conditioning time, or examine contaminant tolerance.
- Provide technical consultation or direction related to the development or production of fuel cell systems.
- Characterize component or fuel cell performances by generating operating maps, defining operating conditions, identifying design refinements, or executing durability assessments.
- Conduct fuel cell testing projects, using fuel cell test stations, analytical instruments, or electrochemical diagnostics, such as cyclic voltammetry or impedance spectroscopy.
- Analyze fuel cell or related test data, using statistical software.
- Conduct post-service or failure analyses, using electromechanical diagnostic principles or procedures.
- Define specifications for fuel cell materials.
- Recommend or implement changes to fuel cell system designs.
- Validate design of fuel cells, fuel cell components, or fuel cell systems.
- Read current literature, attend meetings or conferences, or talk with colleagues to stay abreast of new technology or competitive products.
- Prepare test stations, instrumentation, or data acquisition systems for use in specific tests of fuel cell components or systems.
- Develop fuel cell materials or fuel cell test equipment.
- Fabricate prototypes of fuel cell components, assemblies, stacks, or systems.
- Manage fuel cell battery hybrid system architecture, including sizing of components, such as fuel cells, energy storage units, or electric drives.
- Design or implement fuel cell testing or development programs.
- Write technical reports or proposals related to engineering projects.
- Simulate or model fuel cell, motor, or other system information, using simulation software programs.
- Design fuel cell systems, subsystems, stacks, assemblies, or components, such as electric traction motors or power electronics.
- Identify or define vehicle and system integration challenges for fuel cell vehicles.
- Calculate the efficiency or power output of a fuel cell system or process.
- Coordinate fuel cell engineering or test schedules with departments outside engineering, such as manufacturing.
- Authorize release of fuel cell parts, components, or subsystems for production.
- Evaluate the power output, system cost, or environmental impact of new hydrogen or non-hydrogen fuel cell system designs.
- Integrate electric drive subsystems with other vehicle systems to optimize performance or mitigate faults.
- Plan or implement fuel cell cost reduction or product improvement projects in collaboration with other engineers, suppliers, support personnel, or customers.
- Develop or evaluate systems or methods of hydrogen storage for fuel cell applications.
- Establish and maintain inventory, records, or documentation systems.
- Assist engineers to implement electromechanical designs in industrial or other settings.
- Test performance of electromechanical assemblies, using test instruments such as oscilloscopes, electronic voltmeters, or bridges.
- Install or program computer hardware or machine or instrumentation software in microprocessor-based systems.
- Read blueprints, schematics, diagrams, or technical orders to determine methods and sequences of assembly.
- Modify, maintain, or repair electrical, electronic, or mechanical components, equipment, or systems to ensure proper functioning.
- Inspect parts for surface defects.
- Install electrical or electronic parts and hardware in housings or assemblies, using soldering equipment and hand tools.
- Verify part dimensions or clearances to ensure conformance to specifications, using precision measuring instruments.
- Fabricate or assemble mechanical, electrical, or electronic components or assemblies.
- Align, fit, or assemble component parts, using hand or power tools, fixtures, templates, or microscopes.
- Produce electrical, electronic, or mechanical drawings or other related documents or graphics necessary for electromechanical design, using computer-aided design (CAD) software.
- Select electromechanical equipment, materials, components, or systems to meet functional specifications.
- Develop, test, or program new robots.
- Prepare written documentation of electromechanical test results.
- Repair, rework, or calibrate hydraulic or pneumatic assemblies or systems to meet operational specifications or tolerances.
- Select and use laboratory, operational, or diagnostic techniques or test equipment to assess electromechanical circuits, equipment, processes, systems, or subsystems.
- Operate, test, or maintain robotic equipment used for green production applications, such as waste-to-energy conversion systems, minimization of material waste, or replacement of human operators in dangerous work environments.
- Determine whether selected electromechanical components comply with environmental standards and regulations.
- Develop or implement programs related to the environmental impact of engineering activities.
- Train others to install, use, or maintain robots.
- Analyze engineering designs of logic or digital circuitry, motor controls, instrumentation, or data acquisition for implementation into new or existing automated, servomechanical, or other electromechanical systems.
- Conduct statistical studies to analyze or compare production costs for sustainable and nonsustainable designs.
- Specify, coordinate, or conduct quality-control or quality-assurance programs and procedures.
- Operate metalworking machines to fabricate housings, jigs, fittings, or fixtures.
- Translate electromechanical drawings into design specifications, applying principles of engineering, thermal or fluid sciences, mathematics, or statistics.
- Identify energy-conserving production or fabrication methods, such as by bending metal rather than cutting and welding or casting metal.
- Consult with machinists to ensure that electromechanical equipment or systems meet design specifications.
- Establish and maintain inventory, records, or documentation systems.
- Assist engineers to implement electromechanical designs in industrial or other settings.
- Optimize operational costs and productivity consistent with safety and environmental rules and regulations.
- Develop or implement production tracking or quality control systems, analyzing production, quality control, maintenance, or other operational reports to detect production problems.
- Set and monitor product standards, examining samples of raw products or directing testing during processing, to ensure finished products are of prescribed quality.
- Direct or coordinate production, processing, distribution, or marketing activities of industrial organizations.
- Review processing schedules or production orders to make decisions concerning inventory requirements, staffing requirements, work procedures, or duty assignments, considering budgetary limitations and time constraints.
- Review operations and confer with technical or administrative staff to resolve production or processing problems.
- Hire, train, evaluate, or discharge staff or resolve personnel grievances.
- Prepare and maintain production reports or personnel records.
- Review plans and confer with research or support staff to develop new products or processes.
- Develop budgets or approve expenditures for supplies, materials, or human resources, ensuring that materials, labor, or equipment are used efficiently to meet production targets.
- Maintain current knowledge of the quality control field, relying on current literature pertaining to materials use, technological advances, or statistical studies.
- Coordinate or recommend procedures for facility or equipment maintenance or modification, including the replacement of machines.
- Initiate or coordinate inventory or cost control programs.
- Negotiate materials prices with suppliers.
- Conduct site audits to ensure adherence to safety and environmental regulations.
- Develop or enforce procedures for normal operation of manufacturing systems.
- Implement operational and emergency procedures.
- Maintain records to demonstrate compliance with safety and environmental laws, regulations, or policies.
- Monitor permit requirements for updates.
- Prepare reports on operations and system productivity or efficiency.
- Supervise subordinate employees.
- Optimize operational costs and productivity consistent with safety and environmental rules and regulations.
- Develop or implement production tracking or quality control systems, analyzing production, quality control, maintenance, or other operational reports to detect production problems.
- Develop new visual design concepts and modify concepts based on stakeholder feedback.
- Develop, validate, and document test routines and schedules to ensure that test cases mimic external interfaces and address all browser and device types.
- Collaborate with management or users to develop e-commerce strategies and to integrate these strategies with Web sites.
- Collaborate with web development professionals, such as front-end or back-end developers, to complete the full scope of Web development projects.
- Communicate with network personnel or Web site hosting agencies to address hardware or software issues affecting Web sites.
- Conduct user research to determine design requirements and analyze user feedback to improve design quality.
- Confer with management or development teams to prioritize needs, resolve conflicts, develop content criteria, or choose solutions.
- Create searchable indices for Web page content.
- Create Web models or prototypes that include physical, interface, logical, or data models.
- Design, build, or maintain Web sites, using authoring or scripting languages, content creation tools, management tools, and digital media.
- Develop and document style guidelines for Web site content.
- Develop or implement procedures for ongoing Web site revision.
- Develop system interaction or sequence diagrams.
- Develop Web site maps, application models, image templates, or page templates that meet project goals, user needs, or industry standards.
- Direct and execute pre-production activities, such as creating moodboards or storyboards and establishing a project timeline.
- Document technical factors such as server load, bandwidth, database performance, and browser and device types.
- Identify or maintain links to and from other Web sites and check links to ensure proper functioning.
- Identify problems uncovered by testing or customer feedback, and correct problems or refer problems to appropriate personnel for correction.
- Incorporate technical considerations into Web site design plans, such as budgets, equipment, performance requirements, or legal issues including accessibility and privacy.
- Maintain understanding of current Web technologies or programming practices through continuing education, reading, or participation in professional conferences, workshops, or groups.
- Perform or direct Web site updates.
- Perform Web site tests according to planned schedules, or after any Web site or product revision.
- Provide clear, detailed descriptions of Web site specifications, such as product features, activities, software, communication protocols, programming languages, and operating systems software and hardware.
- Register Web sites with search engines to increase Web site traffic.
- Research and apply innovative solutions for product design, visuals, and user experience to meet the needs of individual Web development projects.
- Research, document, rate, or select alternatives for Web architecture or technologies.
- Respond to user email inquiries, or set up automated systems to send responses.
- Select programming languages, design tools, or applications.
- Write and edit technical documentation for digital interface products and designs, such as user manuals, testing protocols, and reports.
- Write supporting code for Web applications or Web sites.
- Develop new visual design concepts and modify concepts based on stakeholder feedback.
- Develop, validate, and document test routines and schedules to ensure that test cases mimic external interfaces and address all browser and device types.
- Develop processes to separate components of liquids or gases or generate electrical currents, using controlled chemical processes.
- Monitor and analyze data from processes and experiments.
- Develop safety procedures to be employed by workers operating equipment or working in close proximity to ongoing chemical reactions.
- Troubleshoot problems with chemical manufacturing processes.
- Evaluate chemical equipment and processes to identify ways to optimize performance or to ensure compliance with safety and environmental regulations.
- Conduct research to develop new and improved chemical manufacturing processes.
- Perform laboratory studies of steps in manufacture of new products and test proposed processes in small-scale operation, such as a pilot plant.
- Prepare estimate of production costs and production progress reports for management.
- Design measurement and control systems for chemical plants based on data collected in laboratory experiments and in pilot plant operations.
- Determine most effective arrangement of operations such as mixing, crushing, heat transfer, distillation, and drying.
- Direct activities of workers who operate or are engaged in constructing and improving absorption, evaporation, or electromagnetic equipment.
- Perform tests and monitor performance of processes throughout stages of production to determine degree of control over variables such as temperature, density, specific gravity, and pressure.
- Design and plan layout of equipment.
- Develop processes to separate components of liquids or gases or generate electrical currents, using controlled chemical processes.
- Develop new calibration methods or techniques based on measurement science, analyses, or calibration requirements.
- Analyze test data to identify defects or determine calibration requirements.
- Attend conferences, workshops, or other training sessions to learn about new tools or methods.
- Calibrate devices by comparing measurements of pressure, temperature, humidity, or other environmental conditions to known standards.
- Conduct calibration tests to determine performance or reliability of mechanical, structural, or electromechanical equipment.
- Disassemble and reassemble equipment for inspection.
- Draw plans for developing jigs, fixtures, instruments, or other devices.
- Maintain or repair measurement devices or equipment used for calibration testing.
- Operate metalworking machines to fabricate housings, jigs, fittings, or fixtures.
- Order replacement parts for malfunctioning equipment.
- Plan sequences of calibration tests according to equipment specifications and scientific principles.
- Read blueprints, schematics, diagrams, or technical orders.
- Verify part dimensions or clearances using precision measuring instruments to ensure conformance to specifications.
- Visually inspect equipment to detect surface defects.
- Write and submit reports about the results of calibration tests.
- Develop new calibration methods or techniques based on measurement science, analyses, or calibration requirements.
- Select or devise materials-handling methods and equipment to transport ore, waste materials, and mineral products efficiently and economically.
- Prepare technical reports for use by mining, engineering, and management personnel.
- Inspect mining areas for unsafe structures, equipment, and working conditions.
- Select or develop mineral location, extraction, and production methods, based on factors such as safety, cost, and deposit characteristics.
- Select locations and plan underground or surface mining operations, specifying processes, labor usage, and equipment that will result in safe, economical, and environmentally sound extraction of minerals and ores.
- Prepare schedules, reports, and estimates of the costs involved in developing and operating mines.
- Monitor mine production rates to assess operational effectiveness.
- Supervise, train, and evaluate technicians, technologists, survey personnel, engineers, scientists or other mine personnel.
- Examine maps, deposits, drilling locations, or mines to determine the location, size, accessibility, contents, value, and potential profitability of mineral, oil, and gas deposits.
- Design, implement, and monitor the development of mines, facilities, systems, or equipment.
- Test air to detect toxic gases and recommend measures to remove them, such as installation of ventilation shafts.
- Implement and coordinate mine safety programs, including the design and maintenance of protective and rescue equipment and safety devices.
- Devise solutions to problems of land reclamation and water and air pollution, such as methods of storing excavated soil and returning exhausted mine sites to natural states.
- Lay out, direct, and supervise mine construction operations, such as the construction of shafts and tunnels.
- Design, develop, and implement computer applications for use in mining operations such as mine design, modeling, or mapping or for monitoring mine conditions.
- Evaluate data to develop new mining products, equipment, or processes.
- Design mining and mineral treatment equipment and machinery in collaboration with other engineering specialists.
- Conduct or direct mining experiments to test or prove research findings.
- Select or devise materials-handling methods and equipment to transport ore, waste materials, and mineral products efficiently and economically.
- Identify or develop reverse-engineering tools to improve system capabilities or detect vulnerabilities.
- Adhere to legal policies and procedures related to handling digital media.
- Analyze log files or other digital information to identify the perpetrators of network intrusions.
- Conduct predictive or reactive analyses on security measures to support cyber security initiatives.
- Create system images or capture network settings from information technology environments to preserve as evidence.
- Develop plans for investigating alleged computer crimes, violations, or suspicious activity.
- Develop policies or requirements for data collection, processing, or reporting.
- Duplicate digital evidence to use for data recovery and analysis procedures.
- Maintain cyber defense software or hardware to support responses to cyber incidents.
- Maintain knowledge of laws, regulations, policies or other issuances pertaining to digital forensics or information privacy.
- Perform file signature analysis to verify files on storage media or discover potential hidden files.
- Perform forensic investigations of operating or file systems.
- Perform web service network traffic analysis or waveform analysis to detect anomalies, such as unusual events or trends.
- Preserve and maintain digital forensic evidence for analysis.
- Recommend cyber defense software or hardware to support responses to cyber incidents.
- Recover data or decrypt seized data.
- Write and execute scripts to automate tasks, such as parsing large data files.
- Write cyber defense recommendations, reports, or white papers using research or experience.
- Write reports, sign affidavits, or give depositions for legal proceedings.
- Write technical summaries to report findings.
- Identify or develop reverse-engineering tools to improve system capabilities or detect vulnerabilities.
- Prepare plans to intercept foreign communications transmissions.
- Validate known intelligence with data from other sources.
- Gather, analyze, correlate, or evaluate information from a variety of resources, such as law enforcement databases.
- Evaluate records of communications, such as telephone calls, to plot activity and determine the size and location of criminal groups and members.
- Gather intelligence information by field observation, confidential information sources, or public records.
- Analyze intelligence data to identify patterns and trends in criminal activity.
- Prepare comprehensive written reports, presentations, maps, or charts, based on research, collection, and analysis of intelligence data.
- Collaborate with representatives from other government and intelligence organizations to share information or coordinate intelligence activities.
- Link or chart suspects to criminal organizations or events to determine activities and interrelationships.
- Establish criminal profiles to aid in connecting criminal organizations with their members.
- Identify gaps in information.
- Design, use, or maintain databases and software applications, such as geographic information systems (GIS) mapping and artificial intelligence tools.
- Predict future gang, organized crime, or terrorist activity, using analyses of intelligence data.
- Study activities relating to narcotics, money laundering, gangs, auto theft rings, terrorism, or other national security threats.
- Study the assets of criminal suspects to determine the flow of money from or to targeted groups.
- Conduct presentations of analytic findings.
- Develop defense plans or tactics, using intelligence and other information.
- Interview, interrogate, or interact with witnesses or crime suspects to collect human intelligence.
- Study communication code languages or foreign languages to translate intelligence.
- Gather and evaluate information, using tools such as aerial photographs, radar equipment, or sensitive radio equipment.
- Operate cameras, radios, or other surveillance equipment to intercept communications or document activities.
- Prepare plans to intercept foreign communications transmissions.
- Develop process flows, work instructions, or standard operating procedures for radio frequency identification device (RFID) systems.
- Identify operational requirements for new systems to inform selection of technological solutions.
- Integrate tags, readers, or software in radio frequency identification device (RFID) designs.
- Perform systems analysis or programming of radio frequency identification device (RFID) technology.
- Test radio frequency identification device (RFID) software to ensure proper functioning.
- Select appropriate radio frequency identification device (RFID) tags and determine placement locations.
- Perform site analyses to determine system configurations, processes to be impacted, or on-site obstacles to technology implementation.
- Perform acceptance testing on newly installed or updated systems.
- Determine means of integrating radio frequency identification device (RFID) into other applications.
- Provide technical support for radio frequency identification device (RFID) technology.
- Collect data about existing client hardware, software, networking, or key business processes to inform implementation of radio frequency identification device (RFID) technology.
- Install, test, or maintain radio frequency identification device (RFID) systems.
- Test tags or labels to ensure readability.
- Determine usefulness of new radio frequency identification device (RFID) technologies.
- Verify compliance of developed applications with architectural standards and established practices.
- Train users in details of system operation.
- Read current literature, attend meetings or conferences, or talk with colleagues to stay abreast of industry research about new technologies.
- Document equipment or process details of radio frequency identification device (RFID) technology.
- Define and compare possible radio frequency identification device (RFID) solutions to inform selection for specific projects.
- Create simulations or models of radio frequency identification device (RFID) systems to provide information for selection and configuration.
- Analyze radio frequency identification device (RFID)-related supply chain data.
- Develop process flows, work instructions, or standard operating procedures for radio frequency identification device (RFID) systems.
- Monitor production rates, and plan rework processes to improve production.
- Specify and supervise well modification and stimulation programs to maximize oil and gas recovery.
- Maintain records of drilling and production operations.
- Analyze data to recommend placement of wells and supplementary processes to enhance production.
- Assist engineering and other personnel to solve operating problems.
- Direct and monitor the completion and evaluation of wells, well testing, or well surveys.
- Develop plans for oil and gas field drilling, and for product recovery and treatment.
- Assess costs and estimate the production capabilities and economic value of oil and gas wells, to evaluate the economic viability of potential drilling sites.
- Confer with scientific, engineering, and technical personnel to resolve design, research, and testing problems.
- Interpret drilling and testing information for personnel.
- Coordinate activities of workers engaged in research, planning, and development.
- Write technical reports for engineering and management personnel.
- Evaluate findings to develop, design, or test equipment or processes.
- Test machinery and equipment to ensure that it is safe and conforms to performance specifications.
- Assign work to staff to obtain maximum utilization of personnel.
- Simulate reservoir performance for different recovery techniques, using computer models.
- Design and implement environmental controls on oil and gas operations.
- Supervise the removal of drilling equipment, the removal of any waste, and the safe return of land to structural stability when wells or pockets are exhausted.
- Inspect oil and gas wells to determine that installations are completed.
- Coordinate the installation, maintenance, and operation of mining and oil field equipment.
- Take samples to assess the amount and quality of oil, the depth at which resources lie, and the equipment needed to properly extract them.
- Design or modify mining and oil field machinery and tools, applying engineering principles.
- Conduct engineering research experiments to improve or modify mining and oil machinery and operations.
- Monitor production rates, and plan rework processes to improve production.
- Assist engineers in the development of new products, fixtures, tools, or processes.
- Compute or record photonic test data.
- Maintain clean working environments, according to clean room standards.
- Adjust or maintain equipment, such as lasers, laser systems, microscopes, oscilloscopes, pulse generators, power meters, beam analyzers, or energy measurement devices.
- Document procedures, such as calibration of optical or fiber optic equipment.
- Set up or operate assembly or processing equipment, such as lasers, cameras, die bonders, wire bonders, dispensers, reflow ovens, soldering irons, die shears, wire pull testers, temperature or humidity chambers, or optical spectrum analyzers.
- Assist scientists or engineers in the conduct of photonic experiments.
- Test or perform failure analysis for optomechanical or optoelectrical products, according to test plans.
- Recommend optical or optic equipment design or material changes to reduce costs or processing times.
- Set up or operate prototype or test apparatus, such as control consoles, collimators, recording equipment, or cables.
- Monitor inventory levels and order supplies as necessary.
- Assemble fiber optical, optoelectronic, or free-space optics components, subcomponents, assemblies, or subassemblies.
- Optimize photonic process parameters by making prototype or production devices.
- Splice fibers, using fusion splicing or other techniques.
- Build prototype optomechanical devices for use in equipment such as aerial cameras, gun sights, or telescopes.
- Terminate, cure, polish, or test fiber cables with mechanical connectors.
- Perform diagnostic analyses of processing steps, using analytical or metrological tools, such as microscopy, profilometry, or ellipsometry devices.
- Assemble or adjust parts or related electrical units of prototypes to prepare for testing.
- Repair or calibrate products, such as surgical lasers.
- Design, build, or modify fixtures used to assemble parts.
- Assemble components of energy-efficient optical communications systems involving photonic switches, optical backplanes, or optoelectronic interfaces.
- Lay out cutting lines for machining, using drafting tools.
- Mix, pour, or use processing chemicals or gases according to safety standards or established operating procedures.
- Fabricate devices, such as optoelectronic or semiconductor devices.
- Assist engineers in the development of new products, fixtures, tools, or processes.
- Develop or implement operating methods or procedures.
- Conduct or direct system-level automotive testing.
- Provide technical direction to other engineers or engineering support personnel.
- Perform failure, variation, or root cause analyses.
- Calibrate vehicle systems, including control algorithms or other software systems.
- Design or analyze automobile systems in areas such as aerodynamics, alternate fuels, ergonomics, hybrid power, brakes, transmissions, steering, calibration, safety, or diagnostics.
- Prepare or present technical or project status reports.
- Conduct research studies to develop new concepts in the field of automotive engineering.
- Establish production or quality control standards.
- Alter or modify designs to obtain specified functional or operational performance.
- Research or implement green automotive technologies involving alternative fuels, electric or hybrid cars, or lighter or more fuel-efficient vehicles.
- Develop calibration methodologies, test methodologies, or tools.
- Create design alternatives for vehicle components, such as camless or dual-clutch engines or alternative air-conditioning systems, to increase fuel efficiency.
- Develop engineering specifications or cost estimates for automotive design concepts.
- Conduct automotive design reviews.
- Design vehicles that use lighter materials, such as aluminum, magnesium alloy, or plastic, to improve fuel efficiency.
- Write, review, or maintain engineering documentation.
- Develop specifications for vehicles powered by alternative fuels or alternative power methods.
- Build models for algorithm or control feature verification testing.
- Coordinate production activities with other functional units, such as procurement, maintenance, or quality control.
- Design control systems or algorithms for purposes such as automotive energy management, emissions management, or increased operational safety or performance.
- Develop or integrate control feature requirements.
- Research computerized automotive applications, such as telemetrics, intelligent transportation systems, artificial intelligence, or automatic control.
- Read current literature, attend meetings or conferences, or talk with colleagues to stay abreast of new automotive technology or competitive products.
- Design vehicles for increased recyclability or use of natural, renewable, or recycled materials in vehicle construction.
- Develop or implement operating methods or procedures.
- Implement new or enhanced methods or processes for the processing, testing, or manufacture of nanotechnology materials or products.
- Operate nanotechnology compounding, testing, processing, or production equipment in accordance with appropriate standard operating procedures, good manufacturing practices, hazardous material restrictions, or health and safety requirements.
- Maintain work area according to cleanroom or other processing standards.
- Produce images or measurements, using tools or techniques such as atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, particle size analysis, or zeta potential analysis.
- Collaborate with scientists or engineers to design or conduct experiments for the development of nanotechnology materials, components, devices, or systems.
- Repair nanotechnology processing or testing equipment or submit work orders for equipment repair.
- Measure or mix chemicals or compounds in accordance with detailed instructions or formulas.
- Monitor equipment during operation to ensure adherence to specifications for characteristics such as pressure, temperature, or flow.
- Collect or compile nanotechnology research or engineering data.
- Calibrate nanotechnology equipment, such as weighing, testing, or production equipment.
- Monitor hazardous waste cleanup procedures to ensure proper application of nanocomposites or accomplishment of objectives.
- Contribute written material or data for grant or patent applications.
- Inspect or measure thin films of carbon nanotubes, polymers, or inorganic coatings, using a variety of techniques or analytical tools.
- Compare the performance or environmental impact of nanomaterials by nanoparticle size, shape, or organization.
- Develop or modify wet chemical or industrial laboratory experimental techniques for nanoscale use.
- Process nanoparticles or nanostructures, using technologies such as ultraviolet radiation, microwave energy, or catalysis.
- Prepare detailed verbal or written presentations for scientists, engineers, project managers, or upper management.
- Perform functional tests of nano-enhanced assemblies, components, or systems, using equipment such as torque gauges or conductivity meters.
- Maintain accurate record or batch-record documentation of nanoproduction.
- Assemble components, using techniques such as interference fitting, solvent bonding, adhesive bonding, heat sealing, or ultrasonic welding.
- Prepare capability data, training materials, or other documentation for transfer of processes to production.
- Analyze the life cycle of nanomaterials or nano-enabled products to determine environmental impact.
- Measure emission of nanodust or nanoparticles during nanocomposite or other nano-scale production processes, using systems such as aerosol detection systems.
- Assist nanoscientists or engineers in processing or characterizing materials according to physical or chemical properties.
- Assist nanoscientists or engineers in writing process specifications or documentation.
- Implement new or enhanced methods or processes for the processing, testing, or manufacture of nanotechnology materials or products.
- Plan and modify product configurations to meet customer needs.
- Develop, present, or respond to proposals for specific customer requirements, including request for proposal responses and industry-specific solutions.
- Collaborate with sales teams to understand customer requirements, to promote the sale of company products, and to provide sales support.
- Create sales or service contracts for products or services.
- Visit prospective buyers at commercial, industrial, or other establishments to show samples or catalogs, and to inform them about product pricing, availability, and advantages.
- Keep informed on industry news and trends, products, services, competitors, relevant information about legacy, existing, and emerging technologies, and the latest product-line developments.
- Identify resale opportunities and support them to achieve sales plans.
- Confer with customers and engineers to assess equipment needs and to determine system requirements.
- Prepare and deliver technical presentations that explain products or services to customers and prospective customers.
- Recommend improved materials or machinery to customers, documenting how such changes will lower costs or increase production.
- Maintain sales forecasting reports.
- Document account activities, generate reports, and keep records of business transactions with customers and suppliers.
- Research and identify potential customers for products or services.
- Secure and renew orders and arrange delivery.
- Develop sales plans to introduce products in new markets.
- Attend trade shows and seminars to promote products or to learn about industry developments.
- Attend company training seminars to become familiar with product lines.
- Arrange for demonstrations or trial installations of equipment.
- Train team members in the customer applications of technologies.
- Sell products requiring extensive technical expertise and support for installation and use, such as material handling equipment, numerical-control machinery, or computer systems.
- Provide information needed for the development of custom-made machinery.
- Provide technical and non-technical support and services to clients or other staff members regarding the use, operation, and maintenance of equipment.
- Diagnose problems with installed equipment.
- Write technical documentation for products.
- Report to supervisors about prospective firms' credit ratings.
- Plan and modify product configurations to meet customer needs.
- Design or evaluate human work systems, using human factors engineering and ergonomic principles to optimize usability, cost, quality, safety, or performance.
- Collect data through direct observation of work activities or witnessing the conduct of tests.
- Conduct interviews or surveys of users or customers to collect information on topics, such as requirements, needs, fatigue, ergonomics, or interfaces.
- Advocate for end users in collaboration with other professionals, including engineers, designers, managers, or customers.
- Inspect work sites to identify physical hazards.
- Prepare reports or presentations summarizing results or conclusions of human factors engineering or ergonomics activities, such as testing, investigation, or validation.
- Recommend workplace changes to improve health and safety, using knowledge of potentially harmful factors, such as heavy loads or repetitive motions.
- Perform functional, task, or anthropometric analysis, using tools, such as checklists, surveys, videotaping, or force measurement.
- Provide technical support to clients through activities, such as rearranging workplace fixtures to reduce physical hazards or discomfort or modifying task sequences to reduce cycle time.
- Assess the user-interface or usability characteristics of products.
- Establish system operating or training requirements to ensure optimized human-machine interfaces.
- Integrate human factors requirements into operational hardware.
- Review health, safety, accident, or worker compensation records to evaluate safety program effectiveness or to identify jobs with high incidence of injury.
- Write, review, or comment on documents, such as proposals, test plans, or procedures.
- Train users in task techniques or ergonomic principles.
- Conduct research to evaluate potential solutions related to changes in equipment design, procedures, manpower, personnel, or training.
- Provide human factors technical expertise on topics, such as advanced user-interface technology development or the role of human users in automated or autonomous sub-systems in advanced vehicle systems.
- Develop or implement human performance research, investigation, or analysis protocols.
- Develop or implement research methodologies or statistical analysis plans to test and evaluate developmental prototypes used in new products or processes, such as cockpit designs, user workstations, or computerized human models.
- Estimate time or resource requirements for ergonomic or human factors research or development projects.
- Design cognitive aids, such as procedural storyboards or decision support systems.
- Analyze complex systems to determine potential for further development, production, interoperability, compatibility, or usefulness in a particular area, such as aviation.
- Investigate theoretical or conceptual issues, such as the human design considerations of lunar landers or habitats.
- Operate testing equipment, such as heat stress meters, octave band analyzers, motion analysis equipment, inclinometers, light meters, thermoanemometers, sling psychrometers, or colorimetric detection tubes.
- Perform statistical analyses, such as social network pattern analysis, network modeling, discrete event simulation, agent-based modeling, statistical natural language processing, computational sociology, mathematical optimization, or systems dynamics.
- Apply modeling or quantitative analysis to forecast events, such as human decisions or behaviors, the structure or processes of organizations, or the attitudes or actions of human groups.
- Design or evaluate human work systems, using human factors engineering and ergonomic principles to optimize usability, cost, quality, safety, or performance.
- Specify system components or direct modification of products to ensure conformance with engineering design, performance specifications, or environmental regulations.
- Read and interpret blueprints, technical drawings, schematics, or computer-generated reports.
- Research, design, evaluate, install, operate, or maintain mechanical products, equipment, systems or processes to meet requirements.
- Confer with engineers or other personnel to implement operating procedures, resolve system malfunctions, or provide technical information.
- Investigate equipment failures or difficulties to diagnose faulty operation and recommend remedial actions.
- Recommend design modifications to eliminate machine or system malfunctions.
- Research and analyze customer design proposals, specifications, manuals, or other data to evaluate the feasibility, cost, or maintenance requirements of designs or applications.
- Provide technical customer service.
- Oversee installation, operation, maintenance, or repair to ensure that machines or equipment are installed and functioning according to specifications.
- Assist drafters in developing the structural design of products, using drafting tools or computer-assisted drafting equipment or software.
- Conduct research that tests or analyzes the feasibility, design, operation, or performance of equipment, components, or systems.
- Develop or test models of alternate designs or processing methods to assess feasibility, sustainability, operating condition effects, potential new applications, or necessity of modification.
- Provide feedback to design engineers on customer problems or needs.
- Write performance requirements for product development or engineering projects.
- Estimate costs or submit bids for engineering, construction, or extraction projects.
- Develop, coordinate, or monitor all aspects of production, including selection of manufacturing methods, fabrication, or operation of product designs.
- Design integrated mechanical or alternative systems, such as mechanical cooling systems with natural ventilation systems, to improve energy efficiency.
- Calculate energy losses for buildings, using equipment such as computers, combustion analyzers, or pressure gauges.
- Recommend the use of utility or energy services that minimize carbon footprints.
- Perform personnel functions, such as supervision of production workers, technicians, technologists, or other engineers.
- Apply engineering principles or practices to emerging fields, such as robotics, waste management, or biomedical engineering.
- Direct the installation, operation, maintenance, or repair of renewable energy equipment, such as heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) or water systems.
- Select or install combined heat units, power units, cogeneration equipment, or trigeneration equipment that reduces energy use or pollution.
- Evaluate mechanical designs or prototypes for energy performance or environmental impact.
- Study industrial processes to maximize the efficiency of equipment applications, including equipment placement.
- Design test control apparatus or equipment or develop procedures for testing products.
- Establish or coordinate the maintenance or safety procedures, service schedule, or supply of materials required to maintain machines or equipment in the prescribed condition.
- Solicit new business.
- Specify system components or direct modification of products to ensure conformance with engineering design, performance specifications, or environmental regulations.
- Identify design alternatives for the development of new water resources.
- Provide technical direction or supervision to junior engineers, engineering or computer-aided design (CAD) technicians, or other technical personnel.
- Review and critique proposals, plans, or designs related to water or wastewater treatment systems.
- Design domestic or industrial water or wastewater treatment plants, including advanced facilities with sequencing batch reactors (SBR), membranes, lift stations, headworks, surge overflow basins, ultraviolet disinfection systems, aerobic digesters, sludge lagoons, or control buildings.
- Evaluate the operation and maintenance of water or wastewater systems to identify ways to improve their efficiency.
- Design or select equipment for use in wastewater processing to ensure compliance with government standards.
- Design pumping systems, pumping stations, pipelines, force mains, or sewers for the collection of wastewater.
- Design water distribution systems for potable or non-potable water.
- Conduct water quality studies to identify and characterize water pollutant sources.
- Analyze and recommend chemical, biological, or other wastewater treatment methods to prepare water for industrial or domestic use.
- Design water runoff collection networks, water supply channels, or water supply system networks.
- Design water or wastewater lift stations, including water wells.
- Conduct cost-benefit analyses for the construction of water supply systems, runoff collection networks, water and wastewater treatment plants, or wastewater collection systems.
- Provide technical support on water resource or treatment issues to government agencies.
- Conduct feasibility studies for the construction of facilities, such as water supply systems, runoff collection networks, water and wastewater treatment plants, or wastewater collection systems.
- Analyze storm water or floodplain drainage systems to control erosion, stabilize river banks, repair channel streams, or design bridges.
- Oversee the construction of decentralized or on-site wastewater treatment systems, including reclaimed water facilities.
- Develop plans for new water resources or water efficiency programs.
- Perform hydrological analyses, using three-dimensional simulation software, to model the movement of water or forecast the dispersion of chemical pollutants in the water supply.
- Perform hydraulic analyses of water supply systems or water distribution networks to model flow characteristics, test for pressure losses, or to identify opportunities to mitigate risks and improve operational efficiency.
- Write technical reports or publications related to water resources development or water use efficiency.
- Design water storage tanks or other water storage facilities.
- Analyze and recommend sludge treatment or disposal methods.
- Design sludge treatment plants.
- Gather and analyze water use data to forecast water demand.
- Conduct environmental impact studies related to water and wastewater collection, treatment, or distribution.
- Analyze the efficiency of water delivery structures, such as dams, tainter gates, canals, pipes, penstocks, or cofferdams.
- Perform mathematical modeling of underground or surface water resources, such as floodplains, ocean coastlines, streams, rivers, or wetlands.
- Identify design alternatives for the development of new water resources.
- Develop site-specific health and safety protocols, such as spill contingency plans or methods for loading or transporting waste.
- Design, or supervise the design of, systems, processes, or equipment for control, management, or remediation of water, air, or soil quality.
- Assess the existing or potential environmental impact of land use projects on air, water, or land.
- Collaborate with environmental scientists, planners, hazardous waste technicians, engineers, experts in law or business, or other specialists to address environmental problems.
- Advise corporations or government agencies of procedures to follow in cleaning up contaminated sites to protect people and the environment.
- Develop proposed project objectives and targets and report to management on progress in attaining them.
- Monitor progress of environmental improvement programs.
- Prepare, review, or update environmental investigation or recommendation reports.
- Prepare, maintain, or revise quality assurance documentation or procedures.
- Provide technical support for environmental remediation or litigation projects, including remediation system design or determination of regulatory applicability.
- Prepare or present public briefings on the status of environmental engineering projects.
- Assist in budget implementation, forecasts, or administration.
- Coordinate or manage environmental protection programs or projects, assigning or evaluating work.
- Advise industries or government agencies about environmental policies and standards.
- Obtain, update, or maintain plans, permits, or standard operating procedures.
- Direct installation or operation of environmental monitoring devices or supervise related data collection programs.
- Inspect industrial or municipal facilities or programs to evaluate operational effectiveness or ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
- Request bids from suppliers or consultants.
- Inform company employees or other interested parties of environmental issues.
- Serve as liaison with federal, state, or local agencies or officials on issues pertaining to solid or hazardous waste program requirements.
- Provide administrative support for projects by collecting data, providing project documentation, training staff, or performing other general administrative duties.
- Provide environmental engineering assistance in network analysis, regulatory analysis, or planning or reviewing database development.
- Develop or present environmental compliance training or orientation sessions.
- Provide assistance with planning, quality assurance, safety inspection protocols, or sampling as part of a team conducting multimedia inspections at complex facilities.
- Develop, implement, or manage plans or programs related to conservation or management of natural resources.
- Prepare hazardous waste manifests or land disposal restriction notifications.
- Attend professional conferences to share information.
- Write reports or articles for Web sites or newsletters related to environmental engineering issues.
- Assess, sort, characterize, or pack known or unknown materials.
- Develop site-specific health and safety protocols, such as spill contingency plans or methods for loading or transporting waste.
- Develop methodologies for transferring procedures or biological processes from laboratories to commercial-scale manufacturing production.
- Evaluate the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of biomedical equipment.
- Prepare technical reports, data summary documents, or research articles for scientific publication, regulatory submissions, or patent applications.
- Design or develop medical diagnostic or clinical instrumentation, equipment, or procedures, using the principles of engineering and biobehavioral sciences.
- Conduct research, along with life scientists, chemists, and medical scientists, on the engineering aspects of the biological systems of humans and animals.
- Adapt or design computer hardware or software for medical science uses.
- Maintain databases of experiment characteristics or results.
- Develop statistical models or simulations, using statistical or modeling software.
- Read current scientific or trade literature to stay abreast of scientific, industrial, or technological advances.
- Manage teams of engineers by creating schedules, tracking inventory, creating or using budgets, or overseeing contract obligations or deadlines.
- Develop models or computer simulations of human biobehavioral systems to obtain data for measuring or controlling life processes.
- Design or conduct follow-up experimentation, based on generated data, to meet established process objectives.
- Write documents describing protocols, policies, standards for use, maintenance, and repair of medical equipment.
- Communicate with bioregulatory authorities regarding licensing or compliance responsibilities.
- Collaborate with manufacturing or quality assurance staff to prepare product specification or safety sheets, standard operating procedures, user manuals, or qualification and validation reports.
- Research new materials to be used for products, such as implanted artificial organs.
- Prepare project plans for equipment or facility improvements, including time lines, budgetary estimates, or capital spending requests.
- Consult with chemists or biologists to develop or evaluate novel technologies.
- Confer with research and biomanufacturing personnel to ensure the compatibility of design and production.
- Recommend process formulas, instrumentation, or equipment specifications, based on results of bench or pilot experimentation.
- Communicate with suppliers regarding the design or specifications of bioproduction equipment, instrumentation, or materials.
- Conduct training or in-services to educate clinicians and other personnel on proper use of equipment.
- Advise hospital administrators on the planning, acquisition, and use of medical equipment.
- Analyze new medical procedures to forecast likely outcomes.
- Design and deliver technology, such as prosthetic devices, to assist people with disabilities.
- Advise manufacturing staff regarding problems with fermentation, filtration, or other bioproduction processes.
- Review existing manufacturing processes to identify opportunities for yield improvement or reduced process variation.
- Develop bioremediation processes to reduce pollution, protect the environment, or treat waste products.
- Lead studies to examine or recommend changes in process sequences or operation protocols.
- Design or direct bench or pilot production experiments to determine the scale of production methods that optimize product yield and minimize production costs.
- Develop methodologies for transferring procedures or biological processes from laboratories to commercial-scale manufacturing production.
- Develop or validate specialized materials characterization procedures, such as thermal withstand, fatigue, notch sensitivity, abrasion, or hardness tests.
- Create schematics and physical layouts of integrated microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) components or packaged assemblies consistent with process, functional, or package constraints.
- Investigate characteristics such as cost, performance, or process capability of potential microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) device designs, using simulation or modeling software.
- Create or maintain formal engineering documents, such as schematics, bills of materials, components or materials specifications, or packaging requirements.
- Conduct analyses addressing issues such as failure, reliability, or yield improvement.
- Plan or schedule engineering research or development projects involving microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology.
- Propose product designs involving microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, considering market data or customer requirements.
- Develop formal documentation for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices, including quality assurance guidance, quality control protocols, process control checklists, data collection, or reporting.
- Communicate operating characteristics or performance experience to other engineers or designers for training or new product development purposes.
- Evaluate materials, fabrication methods, joining methods, surface treatments, or packaging to ensure acceptable processing, performance, cost, sustainability, or availability.
- Refine final microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) design to optimize design for target dimensions, physical tolerances, or processing constraints.
- Conduct harsh environmental testing, accelerated aging, device characterization, or field trials to validate devices, using inspection tools, testing protocols, peripheral instrumentation, or modeling and simulation software.
- Develop or file intellectual property and patent disclosure or application documents related to microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices, products, or systems.
- Conduct or oversee the conduct of prototype development or microfabrication activities to ensure compliance to specifications and promote effective production processes.
- Conduct experimental or virtual studies to investigate characteristics and processing principles of potential microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology.
- Devise microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) production methods, such as integrated circuit fabrication, lithographic electroform modeling, or micromachining.
- Validate fabrication processes for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), using statistical process control implementation, virtual process simulations, data mining, or life testing.
- Demonstrate miniaturized systems that contain components, such as microsensors, microactuators, or integrated electronic circuits, fabricated on silicon or silicon carbide wafers.
- Manage new product introduction projects to ensure effective deployment of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices or applications.
- Conduct acceptance tests, vendor-qualification protocols, surveys, audits, corrective-action reviews, or performance monitoring of incoming materials or components to ensure conformance to specifications.
- Develop or implement microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) processing tools, fixtures, gages, dies, molds, or trays.
- Develop customer documentation, such as performance specifications, training manuals, or operating instructions.
- Identify, procure, or develop test equipment, instrumentation, or facilities for characterization of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) applications.
- Develop or validate product-specific test protocols, acceptance thresholds, or inspection tools for quality control testing or performance measurement.
- Oversee operation of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) fabrication or assembly equipment, such as handling, singulation, assembly, wire-bonding, soldering, or package sealing.
- Consider environmental issues when proposing product designs involving microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology.
- Design or develop energy products using nanomaterials or nanoprocesses, such as micro-nano machining.
- Design or develop industrial air quality microsystems, such as carbon dioxide fixing devices.
- Design or develop sensors to reduce the energy or resource requirements to operate appliances, such as washing machines or dishwashing machines.
- Design sensors or switches that require little or no power to operate for environmental monitoring or industrial metering applications.
- Research or develop emerging microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems to convert nontraditional energy sources into power, such as ambient energy harvesters that convert environmental vibrations into usable energy.
- Develop or validate specialized materials characterization procedures, such as thermal withstand, fatigue, notch sensitivity, abrasion, or hardness tests.