- Confer with ballistics, fingerprinting, handwriting, documents, electronics, medical, chemical, or metallurgical experts concerning evidence and its interpretation.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Confer with scientists or engineers to conduct analyses of research projects, interpret test results, or develop nonstandard tests.
- Analyze organic or inorganic compounds to determine chemical or physical properties, composition, structure, relationships, or reactions, using chromatography, spectroscopy, or spectrophotometry techniques.
- Induce changes in composition of substances by introducing heat, light, energy, or chemical catalysts for quantitative or qualitative analysis.
- Develop, improve, or customize products, equipment, formulas, processes, or analytical methods.
- Conduct quality control tests.
- Write technical papers or reports or prepare standards and specifications for processes, facilities, products, or tests.
- Maintain laboratory instruments to ensure proper working order and troubleshoot malfunctions when needed.
- Prepare test solutions, compounds, or reagents for laboratory personnel to conduct tests.
- Evaluate laboratory safety procedures to ensure compliance with standards or to make improvements as needed.
- Direct, coordinate, or advise personnel in test procedures for analyzing components or physical properties of materials.
- Purchase laboratory supplies, such as chemicals, when supplies are low or near their expiration date.
- Compile and analyze test information to determine process or equipment operating efficiency or to diagnose malfunctions.
- Confer with scientists or engineers to conduct analyses of research projects, interpret test results, or develop nonstandard tests.
- Analyze organic or inorganic compounds to determine chemical or physical properties, composition, structure, relationships, or reactions, using chromatography, spectroscopy, or spectrophotometry techniques.
- Induce changes in composition of substances by introducing heat, light, energy, or chemical catalysts for quantitative or qualitative analysis.
- Collaborate with biologists and other professionals to conduct appropriate genetic and biochemical analyses.
- Extract deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or perform diagnostic tests involving processes such as gel electrophoresis, Southern blot analysis, and polymerase chain reaction analysis.
- Supervise or direct the work of other geneticists, biologists, technicians, or biometricians working on genetics research projects.
- Plan or conduct basic genomic and biological research related to areas such as regulation of gene expression, protein interactions, metabolic networks, and nucleic acid or protein complexes.
- Prepare results of experimental findings for presentation at professional conferences or in scientific journals.
- Maintain laboratory notebooks that record research methods, procedures, and results.
- Write grants and papers or attend fundraising events to seek research funds.
- Search scientific literature to select and modify methods and procedures most appropriate for genetic research goals.
- Review, approve, or interpret genetic laboratory results.
- Attend clinical and research conferences and read scientific literature to keep abreast of technological advances and current genetic research findings.
- Evaluate genetic data by performing appropriate mathematical or statistical calculations and analyses.
- Analyze determinants responsible for specific inherited traits, and devise methods for altering traits or producing new traits.
- Instruct medical students, graduate students, or others in methods or procedures for diagnosis and management of genetic disorders.
- Create or use statistical models for the analysis of genetic data.
- Maintain laboratory safety programs and train personnel in laboratory safety techniques.
- Verify that cytogenetic, molecular genetic, and related equipment and instrumentation is maintained in working condition to ensure accuracy and quality of experimental results.
- Develop protocols to improve existing genetic techniques or to incorporate new diagnostic procedures.
- Confer with information technology specialists to develop computer applications for genetic data analysis.
- Design sampling plans or coordinate the field collection of samples such as tissue specimens.
- Evaluate, diagnose, or treat genetic diseases.
- Conduct family medical studies to evaluate the genetic basis for traits or diseases.
- Design and maintain genetics computer databases.
- Participate in the development of endangered species breeding programs or species survival plans.
- Plan curatorial programs for species collections that include acquisition, distribution, maintenance, or regeneration.
- Collaborate with biologists and other professionals to conduct appropriate genetic and biochemical analyses.
- Extract deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or perform diagnostic tests involving processes such as gel electrophoresis, Southern blot analysis, and polymerase chain reaction analysis.
- Collaborate with other scientists in the design, development, and testing of experimental, industrial, or medical equipment, instrumentation, and procedures.
- Perform complex calculations as part of the analysis and evaluation of data, using computers.
- Analyze data from research conducted to detect and measure physical phenomena.
- Design computer simulations to model physical data so that it can be better understood.
- Write research proposals to receive funding.
- Teach physics to students.
- Report experimental results by writing papers for scientific journals or by presenting information at scientific conferences.
- Observe the structure and properties of matter, and the transformation and propagation of energy, using equipment such as masers, lasers, and telescopes, to explore and identify the basic principles governing these phenomena.
- Develop theories and laws on the basis of observation and experiments, and apply these theories and laws to problems in areas such as nuclear energy, optics, and aerospace technology.
- Describe and express observations and conclusions in mathematical terms.
- Collaborate with other scientists in the design, development, and testing of experimental, industrial, or medical equipment, instrumentation, and procedures.
- Participate in multidisciplinary projects in areas such as virtual reality, human-computer interaction, or robotics.
- Analyze problems to develop solutions involving computer hardware and software.
- Apply theoretical expertise and innovation to create or apply new technology, such as adapting principles for applying computers to new uses.
- Assign or schedule tasks to meet work priorities and goals.
- Meet with managers, vendors, and others to solicit cooperation and resolve problems.
- Design computers and the software that runs them.
- Conduct logical analyses of business, scientific, engineering, and other technical problems, formulating mathematical models of problems for solution by computers.
- Evaluate project plans and proposals to assess feasibility issues.
- Consult with users, management, vendors, and technicians to determine computing needs and system requirements.
- Develop and interpret organizational goals, policies, and procedures.
- Develop performance standards, and evaluate work in light of established standards.
- Maintain network hardware and software, direct network security measures, and monitor networks to ensure availability to system users.
- Direct daily operations of departments, coordinating project activities with other departments.
- Participate in staffing decisions and direct training of subordinates.
- Approve, prepare, monitor, and adjust operational budgets.
- Participate in multidisciplinary projects in areas such as virtual reality, human-computer interaction, or robotics.
- Collaborate with other researchers in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of surveys.
- Review, classify, and record survey data in preparation for computer analysis.
- Produce documentation of the questionnaire development process, data collection methods, sampling designs, and decisions related to sample statistical weighting.
- Prepare and present summaries and analyses of survey data, including tables, graphs, and fact sheets that describe survey techniques and results.
- Determine and specify details of survey projects, including sources of information, procedures to be used, and the design of survey instruments and materials.
- Consult with clients to identify survey needs and specific requirements, such as special samples.
- Conduct surveys and collect data, using methods such as interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, market analysis surveys, public opinion polls, literature reviews, and file reviews.
- Support, plan, and coordinate operations for single or multiple surveys.
- Conduct research to gather information about survey topics.
- Direct and review the work of staff members, including survey support staff and interviewers who gather survey data.
- Analyze data from surveys, old records, or case studies, using statistical software.
- Direct updates and changes in survey implementation and methods.
- Write proposals to win new projects.
- Hire and train recruiters and data collectors.
- Monitor and evaluate survey progress and performance, using sample disposition reports and response rate calculations.
- Write training manuals to be used by survey interviewers.
- Collaborate with other researchers in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of surveys.
- Collaborate with other astronomers to carry out research projects.
- Analyze research data to determine its significance, using computers.
- Present research findings at scientific conferences and in papers written for scientific journals.
- Study celestial phenomena, using a variety of ground-based and space-borne telescopes and scientific instruments.
- Mentor graduate students and junior colleagues.
- Supervise students' research on celestial and astronomical phenomena.
- Teach astronomy or astrophysics.
- Develop theories based on personal observations or on observations and theories of other astronomers.
- Measure radio, infrared, gamma, and x-ray emissions from extraterrestrial sources.
- Develop instrumentation and software for astronomical observation and analysis.
- Review scientific proposals and research papers.
- Raise funds for scientific research.
- Develop and modify astronomy-related programs for public presentation.
- Serve on professional panels and committees.
- Conduct question-and-answer presentations on astronomy topics with public audiences.
- Direct the operations of a planetarium.
- Calculate orbits and determine sizes, shapes, brightness, and motions of different celestial bodies.
- Collaborate with other astronomers to carry out research projects.
- Develop radiation treatment plans in consultation with members of the radiation oncology team.
- Design the arrangement of radiation fields to reduce exposure to critical patient structures, such as organs, using computers, manuals, and guides.
- Plan the use of beam modifying devices, such as compensators, shields, and wedge filters, to ensure safe and effective delivery of radiation treatment.
- Identify and outline bodily structures, using imaging procedures, such as x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, or positron emission tomography.
- Calculate the delivery of radiation treatment, such as the amount or extent of radiation per session, based on the prescribed course of radiation therapy.
- Calculate, or verify calculations of, prescribed radiation doses.
- Supervise or perform simulations for tumor localizations, using imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, or positron emission tomography scans.
- Create and transfer reference images and localization markers for treatment delivery, using image-guided radiation therapy.
- Record patient information, such as radiation doses administered, in patient records.
- Advise oncology team members on use of beam modifying or immobilization devices in radiation treatment plans.
- Fabricate beam modifying devices, such as compensators, shields, and wedge filters.
- Perform quality assurance system checks, such as calibrations, on treatment planning computers.
- Fabricate patient immobilization devices, such as molds or casts, for radiation delivery.
- Develop requirements for the use of patient immobilization devices and positioning aides, such as molds or casts, as part of treatment plans to ensure accurate delivery of radiation and comfort of patient.
- Teach medical dosimetry, including its application, to students, radiation therapists, or residents.
- Conduct radiation oncology-related research, such as improving computer treatment planning systems or developing new treatment devices.
- Develop treatment plans, and calculate doses for brachytherapy procedures.
- Measure the amount of radioactivity in patients or equipment, using radiation monitoring devices.
- Educate patients regarding treatment plans, physiological reactions to treatment, or post-treatment care.
- Develop radiation treatment plans in consultation with members of the radiation oncology team.
- Consult with other offices, agencies, professionals, or researchers regarding the use and interpretation of climatological information for weather predictions and warnings.
- Develop or use mathematical or computer models for weather forecasting.
- Interpret data, reports, maps, photographs, or charts to predict long- or short-range weather conditions, using computer models and knowledge of climate theory, physics, and mathematics.
- Conduct meteorological research into the processes or determinants of atmospheric phenomena, weather, or climate.
- Broadcast weather conditions, forecasts, or severe weather warnings to the public via television, radio, or the Internet or provide this information to the news media.
- Prepare forecasts or briefings to meet the needs of industry, business, government, or other groups.
- Gather data from sources such as surface or upper air stations, satellites, weather bureaus, or radar for use in meteorological reports or forecasts.
- Develop computer programs to collect meteorological data or to present meteorological information.
- Prepare weather reports or maps for analysis, distribution, or use in weather broadcasts, using computer graphics.
- Develop and deliver training on weather topics.
- Prepare scientific atmospheric or climate reports, articles, or texts.
- Analyze climate data sets, using techniques such as geophysical fluid dynamics, data assimilation, or numerical modeling.
- Analyze historical climate information, such as precipitation or temperature records, to help predict future weather or climate trends.
- Speak to the public to discuss weather topics or answer questions.
- Apply meteorological knowledge to issues such as global warming, pollution control, or ozone depletion.
- Measure wind, temperature, and humidity in the upper atmosphere, using weather balloons.
- Direct forecasting services at weather stations or at radio or television broadcasting facilities.
- Collect air samples from planes or ships over land or sea to study atmospheric composition.
- Teach college-level courses on topics such as atmospheric and space science, meteorology, or global climate change.
- Design or develop new equipment or methods for meteorological data collection, remote sensing, or related applications.
- Research the impact of industrial projects or pollution on climate, air quality, or weather phenomena.
- Conduct wind assessment, integration, or validation studies.
- Conduct numerical simulations of climate conditions to understand and predict global or regional weather patterns.
- Estimate or predict the effects of global warming over time for specific geographic regions.
- Create visualizations to illustrate historical or future changes in the Earth's climate, using paleoclimate or climate geographic information systems (GIS) databases.
- Formulate predictions by interpreting environmental data, such as meteorological, atmospheric, oceanic, paleoclimate, climate, or related information.
- Perform managerial duties, such as creating work schedules, creating or implementing staff training, matching staff expertise to situations, or analyzing performance of offices.
- Consult with other offices, agencies, professionals, or researchers regarding the use and interpretation of climatological information for weather predictions and warnings.
- Provide assistance to internal or external auditors in compliance reviews.
- Report violations of compliance or regulatory standards to duly authorized enforcement agencies as appropriate or required.
- Identify compliance issues that require follow-up or investigation.
- Discuss emerging compliance issues to ensure that management and employees are informed about compliance reporting systems, policies, and practices.
- File appropriate compliance reports with regulatory agencies.
- Maintain documentation of compliance activities, such as complaints received or investigation outcomes.
- Consult with corporate attorneys as necessary to address difficult legal compliance issues.
- Conduct or direct the internal investigation of compliance issues.
- Provide employee training on compliance related topics, policies, or procedures.
- Serve as a confidential point of contact for employees to communicate with management, seek clarification on issues or dilemmas, or report irregularities.
- Verify that all regulatory policies and procedures have been documented, implemented, and communicated.
- Disseminate written policies and procedures related to compliance activities.
- Prepare management reports regarding compliance operations and progress.
- Conduct periodic internal reviews or audits to ensure that compliance procedures are followed.
- Keep informed regarding pending industry changes, trends, or best practices.
- Monitor compliance systems to ensure their effectiveness.
- Direct the development or implementation of policies and procedures related to compliance throughout an organization.
- Advise internal management or business partners on the implementation or operation of compliance programs.
- Design or implement improvements in communication, monitoring, or enforcement of compliance standards.
- Collaborate with human resources departments to ensure the implementation of consistent disciplinary action strategies in cases of compliance standard violations.
- Develop risk management strategies based on assessment of product, compliance, or operational risks.
- Advise technical professionals on the development or use of environmental compliance or reporting tools.
- Conduct environmental audits to ensure adherence to environmental standards.
- Evaluate testing procedures to meet the specifications of environmental monitoring programs.
- Review or modify policies or operating guidelines to comply with changes to environmental standards or regulations.
- Review communications such as securities sales advertising to ensure there are no violations of standards or regulations.
- Oversee internal reporting systems, such as corporate compliance hotlines.
- Verify that software technology is in place to adequately provide oversight and monitoring in all required areas.
- Direct environmental programs, such as air or water compliance, aboveground or underground storage tanks, spill prevention or control, hazardous waste or materials management, solid waste recycling, medical waste management, indoor air quality, integrated pest management, employee training, or disaster preparedness.
- Provide assistance to internal or external auditors in compliance reviews.
- Collaborate with hydrogeologists to evaluate groundwater or well circulation.
- Test and analyze samples to determine their content and characteristics, using laboratory apparatus or testing equipment.
- Collect or prepare solid or fluid samples for analysis.
- Compile, log, or record testing or operational data for review and further analysis.
- Prepare notes, sketches, geological maps, or cross-sections.
- Participate in geological, geophysical, geochemical, hydrographic, or oceanographic surveys, prospecting field trips, exploratory drilling, well logging, or underground mine survey programs.
- Prepare or review professional, technical, or other reports regarding sampling, testing, or recommendations of data analysis.
- Adjust or repair testing, electrical, or mechanical equipment or devices.
- Read and study reports in order to compile information and data for geological and geophysical prospecting.
- Interview individuals, and research public databases in order to obtain information.
- Plot information from aerial photographs, well logs, section descriptions, or other databases.
- Assemble, maintain, or distribute information for library or record systems.
- Operate or adjust equipment or apparatus used to obtain geological data.
- Plan and direct activities of workers who operate equipment to collect data.
- Set up or direct set-up of instruments used to collect geological data.
- Record readings in order to compile data used in prospecting for oil or gas.
- Create photographic recordings of information, using equipment.
- Measure geological characteristics used in prospecting for oil or gas, using measuring instruments.
- Participate in the evaluation of possible mining locations.
- Assess the environmental impacts of development projects on subsurface materials.
- Evaluate and interpret core samples and cuttings, and other geological data used in prospecting for oil or gas.
- Supervise well exploration, drilling activities, or well completions.
- Inspect engines for wear or defective parts, using equipment or measuring devices.
- Apply new technologies, such as improved seismic imaging techniques, to locate untapped oil or natural gas deposits.
- Collect data on underground areas, such as reservoirs, that could be used in carbon sequestration operations.
- Collect geological data from potential geothermal energy plant sites.
- Compile data used to address environmental issues, such as the suitability of potential landfill sites.
- Conduct geophysical surveys of potential sites for wind farms or solar installations to determine their suitability.
- Evaluate and interpret seismic data with the aid of computers.
- Collaborate with hydrogeologists to evaluate groundwater or well circulation.
- Participate in forensic activities, such as tooth and bone structure identification, in conjunction with police departments and pathologists.
- Collect information and make judgments through observation, interviews, and review of documents.
- Teach or mentor undergraduate and graduate students in anthropology or archeology.
- Write about and present research findings for a variety of specialized and general audiences.
- Plan and direct research to characterize and compare the economic, demographic, health care, social, political, linguistic, and religious institutions of distinct cultural groups, communities, and organizations.
- Create data records for use in describing and analyzing social patterns and processes, using photography, videography, and audio recordings.
- Train others in the application of ethnographic research methods to solve problems in organizational effectiveness, communications, technology development, policy making, and program planning.
- Identify culturally specific beliefs and practices affecting health status and access to services for distinct populations and communities, in collaboration with medical and public health officials.
- Apply traditional ecological knowledge and assessments of culturally distinctive land and resource management institutions to assist in the resolution of conflicts over habitat protection and resource enhancement.
- Lead field training sites and train field staff, students, and volunteers in excavation methods.
- Conduct participatory action research in communities and organizations to assess how work is done and to design work systems, technologies, and environments.
- Develop and test theories concerning the origin and development of past cultures.
- Research, survey, or assess sites of past societies and cultures in search of answers to specific research questions.
- Write grant proposals to obtain funding for research.
- Advise government agencies, private organizations, and communities regarding proposed programs, plans, and policies and their potential impacts on cultural institutions, organizations, and communities.
- Organize public exhibits and displays to promote public awareness of diverse and distinctive cultural traditions.
- Collaborate with economic development planners to decide on the implementation of proposed development policies, plans, and programs based on culturally institutionalized barriers and facilitating circumstances.
- Develop intervention procedures, using techniques such as individual and focus group interviews, consultations, and participant observation of social interaction.
- Enhance the cultural sensitivity of elementary and secondary curricula and classroom interactions in collaboration with educators and teachers.
- Study archival collections of primary historical sources to help explain the origins and development of cultural patterns.
- Formulate general rules that describe and predict the development and behavior of cultures and social institutions.
- Record the exact locations and conditions of artifacts uncovered in diggings or surveys, using drawings and photographs as necessary.
- Assess archeological sites for resource management, development, or conservation purposes and recommend methods for site protection.
- Gather and analyze artifacts and skeletal remains to increase knowledge of ancient cultures.
- Compare findings from one site with archeological data from other sites to find similarities or differences.
- Describe artifacts' physical properties or attributes, such as the materials from which artifacts are made and their size, shape, function, and decoration.
- Collect artifacts made of stone, bone, metal, and other materials, placing them in bags and marking them to show where they were found.
- Study objects and structures recovered by excavation to identify, date, and authenticate them and to interpret their significance.
- Consult site reports, existing artifacts, and topographic maps to identify archeological sites.
- Clean, restore, and preserve artifacts.
- Participate in forensic activities, such as tooth and bone structure identification, in conjunction with police departments and pathologists.