- Install expansion and control valves, using acetylene torches and wrenches.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Adjust, repair, or replace malfunctioning components or assemblies, using hand tools or soldering irons.
- Assemble components such as switches, electrical controls, and junction boxes, using hand tools or soldering irons.
- Assemble prototypes or models of circuits, instruments, and systems for use in testing.
- Test and troubleshoot instruments, components, and assemblies, using circuit testers, oscilloscopes, or voltmeters.
- Keep records of maintenance and repair work.
- Install electrical and electronic components, assemblies, and systems in aircraft, using hand tools, power tools, or soldering irons.
- Set up and operate ground support and test equipment to perform functional flight tests of electrical and electronic systems.
- Lay out installation of aircraft assemblies and systems, following documentation such as blueprints, manuals, and wiring diagrams.
- Connect components to assemblies such as radio systems, instruments, magnetos, inverters, and in-flight refueling systems, using hand tools and soldering irons.
- Interpret flight test data to diagnose malfunctions and systemic performance problems.
- Coordinate work with that of engineers, technicians, and other aircraft maintenance personnel.
- Fabricate parts and test aids as required.
- Operate computer-aided drafting and design applications to design avionics system modifications.
- Adjust, repair, or replace malfunctioning components or assemblies, using hand tools or soldering irons.
- Assemble components such as switches, electrical controls, and junction boxes, using hand tools or soldering irons.
- Assemble prototypes or models of circuits, instruments, and systems for use in testing.
- Remove damaged sections of vehicles using metal-cutting guns, air grinders and wrenches, and install replacement parts using wrenches or welding equipment.
- Fit and weld replacement parts into place, using wrenches and welding equipment, and grind down welds to smooth them, using power grinders and other tools.
- Fit and secure windows, vinyl roofs, and metal trim to vehicle bodies, using caulking guns, adhesive brushes, and mallets.
- File, grind, sand, and smooth filled or repaired surfaces, using power tools and hand tools.
- Inspect repaired vehicles for proper functioning, completion of work, dimensional accuracy, and overall appearance of paint job, and test-drive vehicles to ensure proper alignment and handling.
- Prime and paint repaired surfaces, using paint sprayguns and motorized sanders.
- Follow supervisors' instructions as to which parts to restore or replace and how much time the job should take.
- Sand body areas to be painted and cover bumpers, windows, and trim with masking tape or paper to protect them from the paint.
- Chain or clamp frames and sections to alignment machines that use hydraulic pressure to align damaged components.
- Position dolly blocks against surfaces of dented areas and beat opposite surfaces to remove dents, using hammers.
- Cut and tape plastic separating film to outside repair areas to avoid damaging surrounding surfaces during repair procedure and remove tape and wash surfaces after repairs are complete.
- Review damage reports, prepare or review repair cost estimates, and plan work to be performed.
- Fill small dents that cannot be worked out with plastic or solder.
- Remove small pits and dimples in body metal, using pick hammers and punches.
- Remove upholstery, accessories, electrical window-and-seat-operating equipment, and trim to gain access to vehicle bodies and fenders.
- Mix polyester resins and hardeners to be used in restoring damaged areas.
- Adjust or align headlights, wheels, and brake systems.
- Replace damaged glass on vehicles.
- Remove damaged panels, and identify the family and properties of the plastic used on a vehicle.
- Apply heat to plastic panels, using hot-air welding guns or immersion in hot water, and press the softened panels back into shape by hand.
- Clean work areas, using air hoses, to remove damaged material and discarded fiberglass strips used in repair procedures.
- Soak fiberglass matting in resin mixtures and apply layers of matting over repair areas to specified thicknesses.
- Read specifications or confer with customers to determine the desired custom modifications for altering the appearance of vehicles.
- Cut openings in vehicle bodies for the installation of customized windows, using templates and power shears or chisels.
- Measure and mark vinyl material and cut material to size for roof installation, using rules, straightedges, and hand shears.
- Remove damaged sections of vehicles using metal-cutting guns, air grinders and wrenches, and install replacement parts using wrenches or welding equipment.
- Fit and weld replacement parts into place, using wrenches and welding equipment, and grind down welds to smooth them, using power grinders and other tools.
- Fit and secure windows, vinyl roofs, and metal trim to vehicle bodies, using caulking guns, adhesive brushes, and mallets.
- Perform routine maintenance on boilers, such as replacing burners or hoses, installing replacement parts, or reinforcing structural weaknesses to ensure optimal boiler efficiency.
- Assemble, install, or repair wiring, electrical or electronic components, pipe systems, plumbing, machinery, or equipment.
- Assemble boilers at installation sites, using tools such as levels, plumb bobs, hammers, torches, or other hand tools.
- Perform routine maintenance, such as inspecting drives, motors, or belts, checking fluid levels, replacing filters, or doing other preventive maintenance actions.
- Inspect, operate, or test machinery or equipment to diagnose machine malfunctions.
- Adjust functional parts of devices or control instruments, using hand tools, levels, plumb bobs, or straightedges.
- Order parts, supplies, or equipment from catalogs or suppliers.
- Diagnose mechanical problems and determine how to correct them, checking blueprints, repair manuals, or parts catalogs, as necessary.
- Design new equipment to aid in the repair or maintenance of machines, mechanical equipment, or building structures.
- Clean or lubricate shafts, bearings, gears, or other parts of machinery.
- Estimate costs to repair machinery, equipment, or building structures.
- Align and balance new equipment after installation.
- Record type and cost of maintenance or repair work.
- Maintain or repair specialized equipment or machinery located in cafeterias, laundries, hospitals, stores, offices, or factories.
- Dismantle machines, equipment, or devices to access and remove defective parts, using hoists, cranes, hand tools, or power tools.
- Plan and lay out repair work, using diagrams, drawings, blueprints, maintenance manuals, or schematic diagrams.
- Install equipment to improve the energy or operational efficiency of residential or commercial buildings.
- Set up and operate machine tools to repair or fabricate machine parts, jigs, fixtures, or tools.
- Perform general cleaning of buildings or properties.
- Train or manage maintenance personnel or subcontractors.
- Fabricate or repair counters, benches, partitions, or other wooden structures, such as sheds or outbuildings.
- Paint or repair roofs, windows, doors, floors, woodwork, plaster, drywall, or other parts of building structures.
- Provide groundskeeping services, such as landscaping or snow removal.
- Operate cutting torches or welding equipment to cut or join metal parts.
- Inspect used parts to determine changes in dimensional requirements, using rules, calipers, micrometers, or other measuring instruments.
- Position, attach, or blow insulating materials to prevent energy losses from buildings, pipes, or other structures or objects.
- Repair machines, equipment, or structures, using tools such as hammers, hoists, saws, drills, wrenches, or equipment such as precision measuring instruments or electrical or electronic testing devices.
- Perform routine maintenance on boilers, such as replacing burners or hoses, installing replacement parts, or reinforcing structural weaknesses to ensure optimal boiler efficiency.
- Assemble, install, or repair wiring, electrical or electronic components, pipe systems, plumbing, machinery, or equipment.
- Assemble boilers at installation sites, using tools such as levels, plumb bobs, hammers, torches, or other hand tools.
- Install and align repaired or replacement parts for subsequent riveting or welding, using clamps and wrenches.
- Assemble and install electrical, plumbing, mechanical, hydraulic, and structural components and accessories, using hand or power tools.
- Reassemble engines following repair or inspection and reinstall engines in aircraft.
- Examine and inspect aircraft components, including landing gear, hydraulic systems, and deicers to locate cracks, breaks, leaks, or other problems.
- Conduct routine and special inspections as required by regulations.
- Inspect completed work to certify that maintenance meets standards and that aircraft are ready for operation.
- Read and interpret maintenance manuals, service bulletins, and other specifications to determine the feasibility and method of repairing or replacing malfunctioning or damaged components.
- Maintain repair logs, documenting all preventive and corrective aircraft maintenance.
- Modify aircraft structures, space vehicles, systems, or components, following drawings, schematics, charts, engineering orders, and technical publications.
- Inspect airframes for wear or other defects.
- Measure parts for wear, using precision instruments.
- Obtain fuel and oil samples and check them for contamination.
- Maintain, repair, and rebuild aircraft structures, functional components, and parts, such as wings and fuselage, rigging, hydraulic units, oxygen systems, fuel systems, electrical systems, gaskets, or seals.
- Replace or repair worn, defective, or damaged components, using hand tools, gauges, and testing equipment.
- Read and interpret pilots' descriptions of problems to diagnose causes.
- Test operation of engines and other systems, using test equipment, such as ignition analyzers, compression checkers, distributor timers, or ammeters.
- Measure the tension of control cables.
- Spread plastic film over areas to be repaired to prevent damage to surrounding areas.
- Remove or install aircraft engines, using hoists or forklift trucks.
- Locate and mark dimensions and reference lines on defective or replacement parts, using templates, scribes, compasses, and steel rules.
- Fabricate defective sections or parts, using metal fabricating machines, saws, brakes, shears, and grinders.
- Service and maintain aircraft and related apparatus by performing activities such as flushing crankcases, cleaning screens, and or moving parts.
- Clean, refuel, and change oil in line service aircraft.
- Trim and shape replacement body sections to specified sizes and fits and secure sections in place, using adhesives, hand tools, and power tools.
- Accompany aircraft on flights to make in-flight adjustments and corrections.
- Remove or cut out defective parts or drill holes to gain access to internal defects or damage, using drills and punches.
- Inventory and requisition or order supplies, parts, materials, and equipment.
- Clean, strip, prime, and sand structural surfaces and materials to prepare them for bonding.
- Communicate with other workers to coordinate fitting and alignment of heavy parts, or to facilitate processing of repair parts.
- Examine engines through specially designed openings while working from ladders or scaffolds, or use hoists or lifts to remove the entire engine from an aircraft.
- Check for corrosion, distortion, and invisible cracks in the fuselage, wings, and tail, using x-ray and magnetic inspection equipment.
- Disassemble engines and inspect parts, such as turbine blades or cylinders, for corrosion, wear, warping, cracks, and leaks, using precision measuring instruments, x-rays, and magnetic inspection equipment.
- Cure bonded structures, using portable or stationary curing equipment.
- Listen to operating engines to detect and diagnose malfunctions, such as sticking or burned valves.
- Clean engines, sediment bulk and screens, and carburetors, adjusting carburetor float levels.
- Determine repair limits for engine hot section parts.
- Remove, inspect, repair, and install in-flight refueling stores and external fuel tanks.
- Prepare and paint aircraft surfaces.
- Install and align repaired or replacement parts for subsequent riveting or welding, using clamps and wrenches.
- Assemble and install electrical, plumbing, mechanical, hydraulic, and structural components and accessories, using hand or power tools.
- Reassemble engines following repair or inspection and reinstall engines in aircraft.
- Test and replace electrical components and wiring, using test meters, soldering equipment, and hand tools.
- Reassemble machines and equipment following repair, testing operation and making adjustments, as necessary.
- Maintain, repair, and overhaul farm machinery and vehicles, such as tractors, harvesters, and irrigation systems.
- Dismantle defective machines for repair, using hand tools.
- Record details of repairs made and parts used.
- Clean and lubricate parts.
- Tune or overhaul engines.
- Examine and listen to equipment, read inspection reports, and confer with customers to locate and diagnose malfunctions.
- Repair or replace defective parts, using hand tools, milling and woodworking machines, lathes, welding equipment, grinders, or saws.
- Drive trucks to haul tools and equipment for on-site repair of large machinery.
- Fabricate new metal parts, using drill presses, engine lathes, and other machine tools.
- Repair bent or torn sheet metal.
- Calculate bills according to record of repairs made, labor time, and parts used.
- Install and repair agricultural irrigation, plumbing, and sprinkler systems.
- Test and replace electrical components and wiring, using test meters, soldering equipment, and hand tools.
- Reassemble machines and equipment following repair, testing operation and making adjustments, as necessary.
- Unload and assemble pipes and pumping equipment, using hand tools.
- Monitor pumps and flow lines for gas and fluid leaks.
- Gauge oil and gas production.
- Start compressor engines and divert oil from storage tanks into compressor units and auxiliary equipment to recover natural gas from oil.
- Monitor control panels during pumping operations to ensure that materials are being pumped at the correct pressure, density, rate, and concentration.
- Operate engines and pumps to shut off wells according to production schedules, and to switch flow of oil into storage tanks.
- Repair gas and oil meters and gauges.
- Perform routine maintenance on vehicles and equipment.
- Open valves to return compressed gas to bottoms of specified wells to repressurize them and force oil to surface.
- Prepare trucks and equipment necessary for the type of pumping service required.
- Attach pumps and hoses to wellheads.
- Mix acids, chemicals, or dry cement as required for a specific job.
- Supervise oil pumpers and other workers engaged in producing oil from wells.
- Change water filters.
- Unload and assemble pipes and pumping equipment, using hand tools.
- Install or replace machinery, equipment, and new or replacement parts and instruments, using hand or power tools.
- Disassemble broken or defective equipment to facilitate repair and reassemble equipment when repairs are complete.
- Examine and test machinery, equipment, components, and parts for defects to ensure proper functioning.
- Tend and observe equipment and machinery to verify efficient and safe operation.
- Adjust, connect, or disconnect wiring, piping, tubing, and other parts, using hand or power tools.
- Clean or lubricate vehicles, machinery, equipment, instruments, tools, work areas, and other objects, using hand tools, power tools, and cleaning equipment.
- Diagnose electrical problems and install and rewire electrical components.
- Position vehicles, machinery, equipment, physical structures, and other objects for assembly or installation, using hand tools, power tools, and moving equipment.
- Transfer tools, parts, equipment, and supplies to and from work stations and other areas.
- Adjust, maintain, and repair tools, equipment, and machines, and assist more skilled workers with similar tasks.
- Order new parts to maintain inventory.
- Apply protective materials to equipment, components, and parts to prevent defects and corrosion.
- Design, weld, and fabricate parts, using blueprints or other mechanical plans.
- Assemble and maintain physical structures, using hand or power tools.
- Prepare work stations for use by mechanics and repairers.
- Hold or supply tools, parts, equipment, and supplies for other workers.
- Install or replace machinery, equipment, and new or replacement parts and instruments, using hand or power tools.
- Disassemble broken or defective equipment to facilitate repair and reassemble equipment when repairs are complete.
- Install new foam dams on pinchwelds, if required.
- Replace all moldings, clips, windshield wipers, or other parts that were removed prior to glass replacement or repair.
- Prime all scratches on pinchwelds with primer and allow to dry.
- Remove all dirt, foreign matter, and loose glass from damaged areas, apply primer along windshield or window edges, and allow primer to dry.
- Allow all glass parts installed with urethane ample time to cure, taking temperature and humidity into account.
- Apply a bead of urethane around the perimeter of each pinchweld and dress the remaining urethane on the pinchwelds so that it is of uniform level and thickness.
- Select appropriate tools, safety equipment, and parts, according to job requirements.
- Install replacement glass in vehicles.
- Obtain windshields or windows for specific automobile makes and models from stock and examine them for defects prior to installation.
- Check for and remove moisture or contamination in damaged areas and keep areas dry until repairs are complete.
- Remove broken or damaged glass windshields or window glass from motor vehicles, using hand tools to remove screws from frames holding glass.
- Remove moldings, clips, windshield wipers, screws, bolts, and inside A-pillar moldings and lower headliners in preparation for installation or repair work.
- Install, repair, or replace safety glass and related materials, such as back glass heating elements, on vehicles or equipment.
- Cool or warm glass in the event of temperature extremes.
- Replace or adjust motorized or manual window-raising mechanisms.
- Install rubber channeling strips around edges of glass or frames to weatherproof windows or to prevent rattling.
- Hold cut or uneven edges of glass against automated abrasive belts to shape or smooth edges.
- Cut flat safety glass according to specified patterns or perform precision pattern making and glass cutting to custom fit replacement windows.
- Install new foam dams on pinchwelds, if required.
- Replace all moldings, clips, windshield wipers, or other parts that were removed prior to glass replacement or repair.
- Install, replace, or change machine parts and attachments, according to production specifications.
- Reassemble machines after the completion of repair or maintenance work.
- Dismantle machines and remove parts for repair, using hand tools, chain falls, jacks, cranes, or hoists.
- Record production, repair, and machine maintenance information.
- Lubricate or apply adhesives or other materials to machines, machine parts, or other equipment according to specified procedures.
- Set up and operate machines, and adjust controls to regulate operations.
- Collaborate with other workers to repair or move machines, machine parts, or equipment.
- Read work orders and specifications to determine machines and equipment requiring repair or maintenance.
- Inspect or test damaged machine parts, and mark defective areas or advise supervisors of repair needs.
- Start machines and observe mechanical operation to determine efficiency and to detect problems.
- Transport machine parts, tools, equipment, and other material between work areas and storage, using cranes, hoists, or dollies.
- Collect and discard worn machine parts and other refuse to maintain machinery and work areas.
- Inventory and requisition machine parts, equipment, and other supplies so that stock can be maintained and replenished.
- Remove hardened material from machines or machine parts, using abrasives, power and hand tools, jackhammers, sledgehammers, or other equipment.
- Replace, empty, or replenish machine and equipment containers such as gas tanks or boxes.
- Clean machines and machine parts, using cleaning solvents, cloths, air guns, hoses, vacuums, or other equipment.
- Replace or repair metal, wood, leather, glass, or other lining in machines, or in equipment compartments or containers.
- Measure, mix, prepare, and test chemical solutions used to clean or repair machinery and equipment.
- Install, replace, or change machine parts and attachments, according to production specifications.
- Reassemble machines after the completion of repair or maintenance work.
- Disassemble malfunctioning equipment and remove, repair, or replace defective parts, such as motors, clutches, or transformers.
- Test or calibrate components or equipment, following manufacturers' manuals and troubleshooting techniques, using hand tools, power tools, or measuring devices.
- Perform preventive maintenance or service, such as cleaning, lubricating, or adjusting equipment.
- Inspect, test, or troubleshoot malfunctioning medical or related equipment, following manufacturers' specifications and using test and analysis instruments.
- Keep records of maintenance, repair, and required updates of equipment.
- Examine medical equipment or facility's structural environment and check for proper use of equipment to protect patients and staff from electrical or mechanical hazards and to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
- Install medical equipment.
- Test, evaluate, and classify excess or in-use medical equipment and determine serviceability, condition, and disposition, in accordance with regulations.
- Plan and carry out work assignments, using blueprints, schematic drawings, technical manuals, wiring diagrams, or liquid or air flow sheets, following prescribed regulations, directives, or other instructions as required.
- Study technical manuals or attend training sessions provided by equipment manufacturers to maintain current knowledge.
- Explain or demonstrate correct operation or preventive maintenance of medical equipment to personnel.
- Research catalogs or repair part lists to locate sources for repair parts, requisitioning parts and recording their receipt.
- Repair shop equipment, metal furniture, or hospital equipment, including welding broken parts or replacing missing parts, or bring item into local shop for major repairs.
- Solder loose connections, using soldering iron.
- Compute power and space requirements for installing medical, dental, or related equipment and install units to manufacturers' specifications.
- Evaluate technical specifications to identify equipment or systems best suited for intended use and possible purchase, based on specifications, user needs, or technical requirements.
- Contribute expertise to develop medical maintenance standard operating procedures.
- Fabricate, dress down, or substitute parts or major new items to modify equipment to meet unique operational or research needs, working from job orders, sketches, modification orders, samples, or discussions with operating officials.
- Supervise or advise subordinate personnel.
- Make computations relating to load requirements of wiring or equipment, using algebraic expressions and standard formulas.
- Disassemble malfunctioning equipment and remove, repair, or replace defective parts, such as motors, clutches, or transformers.