- Manage the work of subcontractors to ensure quality control.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Supervise and coordinate work activities of workers engaged in drafting, designing layouts, assembling, or testing printed circuit boards.
- Supervise or train other technologists, technicians, or drafters.
- Draft detail and assembly drawings of design components, circuitry or printed circuit boards, using computer-assisted equipment or standard drafting techniques and devices.
- Draft working drawings, wiring diagrams, wiring connection specifications, or cross-sections of underground cables, as required for instructions to installation crew.
- Assemble documentation packages and produce drawing sets to be checked by an engineer or an architect.
- Review completed construction drawings and cost estimates for accuracy and conformity to standards and regulations.
- Consult with engineers to discuss or interpret design concepts, or determine requirements of detailed working drawings.
- Confer with engineering staff and other personnel to resolve problems.
- Measure factors that affect installation and arrangement of equipment, such as distances to be spanned by wire and cable.
- Design electrical systems, such as lighting systems.
- Draw master sketches to scale showing relation of proposed installations to existing facilities and exact specifications and dimensions.
- Review work orders or procedural manuals and confer with vendors or design staff to resolve problems or modify design.
- Locate files relating to specified design project in database library, load program into computer, and record completed job data.
- Examine electronic schematics and supporting documents to develop, compute, and verify specifications for drafting data, such as configuration of parts, dimensions, or tolerances.
- Compare logic element configuration on display screen with engineering schematics and calculate figures to convert, redesign, or modify element.
- Review blueprints to determine customer requirements and consult with assembler regarding schematics, wiring procedures, or conductor paths.
- Study work order requests to determine type of service, such as lighting or power, demanded by installation.
- Explain drawings to production or construction teams and provide adjustments, as necessary.
- Reproduce working drawings on copy machines or trace drawings in ink.
- Generate computer tapes of final layout design to produce layered photo masks or photo plotting design onto film.
- Determine the order of work and the method of presentation, such as orthographic or isometric drawing.
- Visit proposed installation sites and draw rough sketches of location.
- Key and program specified commands and engineering specifications into computer system to change functions and test final layout.
- Copy drawings of printed circuit board fabrication using print machine or blueprinting procedure.
- Select drill size to drill test head, according to test design and specifications, and submit guide layout to designated department.
- Plot electrical test points on layout sheets and draw schematics for wiring test fixture heads to frames.
- Write technical reports and draw charts that display statistics and data.
- Train students to use drafting machines and to prepare schematic diagrams, block diagrams, control drawings, logic diagrams, integrated circuit drawings, or interconnection diagrams.
- Prepare and interpret specifications, calculating weights, volumes, or stress factors.
- Use computer-aided drafting equipment or conventional drafting stations, technical handbooks, tables, calculators, or traditional drafting tools, such as boards, pencils, protractors, or T-squares.
- Supervise and coordinate work activities of workers engaged in drafting, designing layouts, assembling, or testing printed circuit boards.
- Supervise or train other technologists, technicians, or drafters.
- Supervise and train other drafters, technologists, and technicians.
- Develop detailed design drawings and specifications for mechanical equipment, dies, tools, and controls, using computer-assisted drafting (CAD) equipment.
- Produce three-dimensional models, using computer-aided design (CAD) software.
- Lay out and draw schematic, orthographic, or angle views to depict functional relationships of components, assemblies, systems, and machines.
- Modify and revise designs to correct operating deficiencies or to reduce production problems.
- Review and analyze specifications, sketches, drawings, ideas, and related data to assess factors affecting component designs and the procedures and instructions to be followed.
- Check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to the materials.
- Design scale or full-size blueprints of specialty items, such as furniture and automobile body or chassis components.
- Compute mathematical formulas to develop and design detailed specifications for components or machinery, using computer-assisted equipment.
- Coordinate with and consult other workers to design, lay out, or detail components and systems and to resolve design or other problems.
- Confer with customer representatives to review schematics and answer questions pertaining to installation of systems.
- Position instructions and comments onto drawings.
- Lay out, draw, and reproduce illustrations for reference manuals and technical publications to describe operation and maintenance of mechanical systems.
- Draw freehand sketches of designs, trace finished drawings onto designated paper for the reproduction of blueprints, and reproduce working drawings on copy machines.
- Shade or color drawings to clarify and emphasize details and dimensions or eliminate background, using ink, crayon, airbrush, and overlays.
- Supervise and train other drafters, technologists, and technicians.
- Supervise or direct the work of non-destructive testing trainees or staff.
- Interpret the results of all methods of non-destructive testing (NDT), such as acoustic emission, electromagnetic, leak, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, neutron radiographic, radiographic, thermal or infrared, ultrasonic, vibration analysis, and visual testing.
- Interpret or evaluate test results in accordance with applicable codes, standards, specifications, or procedures.
- Identify defects in solid materials, using ultrasonic testing techniques.
- Make radiographic images to detect flaws in objects while leaving objects intact.
- Prepare reports on non-destructive testing results.
- Select, calibrate, or operate equipment used in the non-destructive testing of products or materials.
- Visually examine materials, structures, or components for signs of corrosion, metal fatigue, cracks, or other flaws, using tools and equipment such as endoscopes, closed-circuit television systems, and fiber optics.
- Examine structures or vehicles such as aircraft, trains, nuclear reactors, bridges, dams, and pipelines, using non-destructive testing techniques.
- Document non-destructive testing methods, processes, or results.
- Produce images of objects on film, using radiographic techniques.
- Conduct liquid penetrant tests to locate surface cracks by coating objects with fluorescent dyes, cleaning excess penetrant, and applying developer.
- Map the presence of imperfections within objects, using sonic measurements.
- Develop or use new non-destructive testing methods, such as acoustic emission testing, leak testing, and thermal or infrared testing.
- Identify defects in concrete or other building materials, using thermal or infrared testing.
- Evaluate material properties, using radio astronomy, voltage and amperage measurement, or rheometric flow measurement.
- Supervise or direct the work of non-destructive testing trainees or staff.
- Direct technicians, engineering designers or other technical support personnel as needed.
- Update knowledge and skills to keep up with rapid advancements in computer technology.
- Design and develop computer hardware and support peripherals, including central processing units (CPUs), support logic, microprocessors, custom integrated circuits, and printers and disk drives.
- Confer with engineering staff and consult specifications to evaluate interface between hardware and software and operational and performance requirements of overall system.
- Build, test, and modify product prototypes, using working models or theoretical models constructed with computer simulation.
- Write detailed functional specifications that document the hardware development process and support hardware introduction.
- Test and verify hardware and support peripherals to ensure that they meet specifications and requirements, by recording and analyzing test data.
- Provide technical support to designers, marketing and sales departments, suppliers, engineers and other team members throughout the product development and implementation process.
- Select hardware and material, assuring compliance with specifications and product requirements.
- Store, retrieve, and manipulate data for analysis of system capabilities and requirements.
- Analyze user needs and recommend appropriate hardware.
- Evaluate factors such as reporting formats required, cost constraints, and need for security restrictions to determine hardware configuration.
- Provide training and support to system designers and users.
- Monitor functioning of equipment and make necessary modifications to ensure system operates in conformance with specifications.
- Specify power supply requirements and configuration, drawing on system performance expectations and design specifications.
- Assemble and modify existing pieces of equipment to meet special needs.
- Analyze information to determine, recommend, and plan layout, including type of computers and peripheral equipment modifications.
- Recommend purchase of equipment to control dust, temperature, and humidity in area of system installation.
- Direct technicians, engineering designers or other technical support personnel as needed.
- Supervise, train, and evaluate technicians, technologists, survey personnel, engineers, scientists or other mine personnel.
- Prepare technical reports for use by mining, engineering, and management personnel.
- Inspect mining areas for unsafe structures, equipment, and working conditions.
- Select or develop mineral location, extraction, and production methods, based on factors such as safety, cost, and deposit characteristics.
- Select locations and plan underground or surface mining operations, specifying processes, labor usage, and equipment that will result in safe, economical, and environmentally sound extraction of minerals and ores.
- Prepare schedules, reports, and estimates of the costs involved in developing and operating mines.
- Monitor mine production rates to assess operational effectiveness.
- Examine maps, deposits, drilling locations, or mines to determine the location, size, accessibility, contents, value, and potential profitability of mineral, oil, and gas deposits.
- Design, implement, and monitor the development of mines, facilities, systems, or equipment.
- Test air to detect toxic gases and recommend measures to remove them, such as installation of ventilation shafts.
- Implement and coordinate mine safety programs, including the design and maintenance of protective and rescue equipment and safety devices.
- Devise solutions to problems of land reclamation and water and air pollution, such as methods of storing excavated soil and returning exhausted mine sites to natural states.
- Lay out, direct, and supervise mine construction operations, such as the construction of shafts and tunnels.
- Design, develop, and implement computer applications for use in mining operations such as mine design, modeling, or mapping or for monitoring mine conditions.
- Select or devise materials-handling methods and equipment to transport ore, waste materials, and mineral products efficiently and economically.
- Evaluate data to develop new mining products, equipment, or processes.
- Design mining and mineral treatment equipment and machinery in collaboration with other engineering specialists.
- Conduct or direct mining experiments to test or prove research findings.
- Supervise, train, and evaluate technicians, technologists, survey personnel, engineers, scientists or other mine personnel.
- Direct workers engaged in product measurement, inspection, and testing activities to ensure quality control and reliability.
- Estimate production costs, cost saving methods, and the effects of product design changes on expenditures for management review, action, and control.
- Plan and establish sequence of operations to fabricate and assemble parts or products and to promote efficient utilization.
- Analyze statistical data and product specifications to determine standards and establish quality and reliability objectives of finished product.
- Confer with clients, vendors, staff, and management personnel regarding purchases, product and production specifications, manufacturing capabilities, or project status.
- Communicate with management and user personnel to develop production and design standards.
- Evaluate precision and accuracy of production and testing equipment and engineering drawings to formulate corrective action plan.
- Recommend methods for improving utilization of personnel, material, and utilities.
- Record or oversee recording of information to ensure currency of engineering drawings and documentation of production problems.
- Draft and design layout of equipment, materials, and workspace to illustrate maximum efficiency using drafting tools and computer.
- Develop manufacturing methods, labor utilization standards, and cost analysis systems to promote efficient staff and facility utilization.
- Review production schedules, engineering specifications, orders, and related information to obtain knowledge of manufacturing methods, procedures, and activities.
- Complete production reports, purchase orders, and material, tool, and equipment lists.
- Coordinate and implement quality control objectives, activities, or procedures to resolve production problems, maximize product reliability, or minimize costs.
- Implement methods and procedures for disposition of discrepant material and defective or damaged parts, and assess cost and responsibility.
- Apply statistical methods and perform mathematical calculations to determine manufacturing processes, staff requirements, and production standards.
- Study operations sequence, material flow, functional statements, organization charts, and project information to determine worker functions and responsibilities.
- Formulate sampling procedures and designs and develop forms and instructions for recording, evaluating, and reporting quality and reliability data.
- Regulate and alter workflow schedules according to established manufacturing sequences and lead times to expedite production operations.
- Schedule deliveries based on production forecasts, material substitutions, storage and handling facilities, and maintenance requirements.
- Direct workers engaged in product measurement, inspection, and testing activities to ensure quality control and reliability.
- Supervise the work of technologists, technicians, and other engineers and scientists.
- Analyze product failure data and laboratory test results to determine causes of problems and develop solutions.
- Design and direct the testing or control of processing procedures.
- Monitor material performance, and evaluate its deterioration.
- Conduct or supervise tests on raw materials or finished products to ensure their quality.
- Evaluate technical specifications and economic factors relating to process or product design objectives.
- Modify properties of metal alloys, using thermal and mechanical treatments.
- Determine appropriate methods for fabricating and joining materials.
- Guide technical staff in developing materials for specific uses in projected products or devices.
- Review new product plans, and make recommendations for material selection, based on design objectives such as strength, weight, heat resistance, electrical conductivity, and cost.
- Plan and implement laboratory operations to develop material and fabrication procedures that meet cost, product specification, and performance standards.
- Plan and evaluate new projects, consulting with other engineers and corporate executives, as necessary.
- Supervise production and testing processes in industrial settings, such as metal refining facilities, smelting or foundry operations, or nonmetallic materials production operations.
- Solve problems in a number of engineering fields, such as mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, nuclear, and aerospace.
- Conduct training sessions on new material products, applications, or manufacturing methods for customers and their employees.
- Perform managerial functions, such as preparing proposals and budgets, analyzing labor costs, and writing reports.
- Present technical information at conferences.
- Replicate the characteristics of materials and their components, using computers.
- Design processing plants and equipment.
- Write for technical magazines, journals, and trade association publications.
- Teach in colleges and universities.
- Supervise the work of technologists, technicians, and other engineers and scientists.
- Supervise or train project team members, as necessary.
- Design, implement, maintain, or improve electrical instruments, equipment, facilities, components, products, or systems for commercial, industrial, or domestic purposes.
- Oversee project production efforts to assure projects are completed on time and within budget.
- Direct or coordinate manufacturing, construction, installation, maintenance, support, documentation, or testing activities to ensure compliance with specifications, codes, or customer requirements.
- Perform detailed calculations to compute and establish manufacturing, construction, or installation standards or specifications.
- Operate computer-assisted engineering or design software or equipment to perform engineering tasks.
- Confer with engineers, customers, or others to discuss existing or potential engineering projects or products.
- Investigate or test vendors' or competitors' products.
- Inspect completed installations and observe operations to ensure conformance to design and equipment specifications and compliance with operational, safety, or environmental standards.
- Investigate customer or public complaints to determine the nature and extent of problems.
- Prepare technical drawings, specifications of electrical systems, or topographical maps to ensure that installation and operations conform to standards and customer requirements.
- Compile data and write reports regarding existing or potential electrical engineering studies or projects.
- Prepare specifications for purchases of materials or equipment.
- Estimate labor, material, or construction costs for budget preparation purposes.
- Plan or implement research methodology or procedures to apply principles of electrical theory to engineering projects.
- Assist in developing capital project programs for new equipment or major repairs.
- Collect data relating to commercial or residential development, population, or power system interconnection to determine operating efficiency of electrical systems.
- Develop systems that produce electricity with renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, or biofuels.
- Develop software to control electrical systems.
- Integrate electrical systems with renewable energy systems to improve overall efficiency.
- Conduct field surveys or study maps, graphs, diagrams, or other data to identify and correct power system problems.
- Design electrical systems or components that minimize electric energy requirements, such as lighting systems designed to account for natural lighting.
- Supervise or train project team members, as necessary.
- Oversee the work of contractors in accordance with project requirements.
- Create mechanical design documents for parts, assemblies, or finished products.
- Design advanced precision equipment for accurate or controlled applications.
- Design engineering systems for the automation of industrial tasks.
- Implement or test design solutions.
- Maintain technical project files.
- Identify materials appropriate for mechatronic system designs.
- Research, select, or apply sensors, communication technologies, or control devices for motion control, position sensing, pressure sensing, or electronic communication.
- Apply mechatronic or automated solutions to the transfer of materials, components, or finished goods.
- Provide consultation or training on topics such as mechatronics or automated control.
- Publish engineering reports documenting design details or qualification test results.
- Upgrade the design of existing devices by adding mechatronic elements.
- Create mechanical models to simulate mechatronic design concepts.
- Analyze existing development or manufacturing procedures and suggest improvements.
- Determine the feasibility, costs, or performance benefits of new mechatronic equipment.
- Develop electronic, mechanical, or computerized processes to perform tasks in dangerous situations, such as underwater exploration or extraterrestrial mining.
- Monitor or calibrate automated systems, industrial control systems, or system components to maximize efficiency of production.
- Create embedded software design programs.
- Design advanced electronic control systems for mechanical systems.
- Design self-monitoring mechanical systems, such as gear systems that monitor loading or condition of systems to detect and prevent failures.
- Design or develop automated control systems for environmental applications, such as waste processing, air quality, or water quality systems.
- Design, develop, or implement control circuits or algorithms for electromechanical or pneumatic devices or systems.
- Design mechatronics components for computer-controlled products, such as cameras, video recorders, automobiles, or airplanes.
- Oversee the work of contractors in accordance with project requirements.
- Assign work to staff to obtain maximum utilization of personnel.
- Specify and supervise well modification and stimulation programs to maximize oil and gas recovery.
- Monitor production rates, and plan rework processes to improve production.
- Maintain records of drilling and production operations.
- Analyze data to recommend placement of wells and supplementary processes to enhance production.
- Assist engineering and other personnel to solve operating problems.
- Direct and monitor the completion and evaluation of wells, well testing, or well surveys.
- Develop plans for oil and gas field drilling, and for product recovery and treatment.
- Assess costs and estimate the production capabilities and economic value of oil and gas wells, to evaluate the economic viability of potential drilling sites.
- Confer with scientific, engineering, and technical personnel to resolve design, research, and testing problems.
- Interpret drilling and testing information for personnel.
- Coordinate activities of workers engaged in research, planning, and development.
- Write technical reports for engineering and management personnel.
- Evaluate findings to develop, design, or test equipment or processes.
- Test machinery and equipment to ensure that it is safe and conforms to performance specifications.
- Simulate reservoir performance for different recovery techniques, using computer models.
- Design and implement environmental controls on oil and gas operations.
- Supervise the removal of drilling equipment, the removal of any waste, and the safe return of land to structural stability when wells or pockets are exhausted.
- Inspect oil and gas wells to determine that installations are completed.
- Coordinate the installation, maintenance, and operation of mining and oil field equipment.
- Take samples to assess the amount and quality of oil, the depth at which resources lie, and the equipment needed to properly extract them.
- Design or modify mining and oil field machinery and tools, applying engineering principles.
- Conduct engineering research experiments to improve or modify mining and oil machinery and operations.
- Assign work to staff to obtain maximum utilization of personnel.
- Provide technical supervision regarding traffic control devices to other traffic technicians or laborers.
- Study traffic delays by noting times of delays, the numbers of vehicles affected, and vehicle speed through the delay area.
- Interact with the public to answer traffic-related questions, respond to complaints or requests, or discuss traffic control ordinances, plans, policies, or procedures.
- Prepare graphs, charts, diagrams, or other aids to illustrate observations or conclusions.
- Analyze data related to traffic flow, accident rates, or proposed development to determine the most efficient methods to expedite traffic flow.
- Prepare work orders for repair, maintenance, or changes in traffic systems.
- Plan, design, and improve components of traffic control systems to accommodate current or projected traffic and to increase usability and efficiency.
- Compute time settings for traffic signals or speed restrictions, using standard formulas.
- Prepare drawings of proposed signal installations or other control devices, using drafting instruments or computer-automated drafting equipment.
- Study factors affecting traffic conditions, such as lighting or sign and marking visibility, to assess their effectiveness.
- Gather and compile data from hand count sheets, machine count tapes, or radar speed checks and code data for computer input.
- Measure and record the speed of vehicular traffic, using electrical timing devices or radar equipment.
- Lay out pavement markings for striping crews.
- Operate counters and record data to assess the volume, type, and movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic at specified times.
- Place and secure automatic counters, using power tools, and retrieve counters after counting periods end.
- Review traffic control or barricade plans to issue permits for parades or other special events or for construction work that affects rights of way, providing assistance with plan preparation or revision, as necessary.
- Time stoplights or other delays, using stopwatches.
- Maintain or make minor adjustments or field repairs to equipment used in surveys, including the replacement of parts on traffic data gathering devices.
- Visit development or work sites to determine projects' effect on traffic and the adequacy of traffic control and safety plans or to suggest traffic control measures.
- Establish procedures for street closures or for repair or construction projects.
- Provide traffic information, such as road conditions, to the public.
- Monitor street or utility projects for compliance to traffic control permit conditions.
- Develop plans or long-range strategies for providing adequate parking space.
- Provide technical supervision regarding traffic control devices to other traffic technicians or laborers.
- Monitor the work of specialists, such as electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, interior designers, or sound specialists to ensure optimal form or function of designs or final structures.
- Develop final construction plans that include aesthetic representations of the structure or details for its construction.
- Prepare scale drawings or architectural designs, using computer-aided design or other tools.
- Prepare information regarding design, structure specifications, materials, color, equipment, estimated costs, or construction time.
- Consult with clients to determine functional or spatial requirements of structures.
- Meet with clients to review or discuss architectural drawings.
- Integrate engineering elements into unified architectural designs.
- Plan layouts of structural architectural projects.
- Conduct periodic on-site observations of construction work to monitor compliance with plans.
- Prepare contract documents for building contractors.
- Plan or design structures such as residences, office buildings, theatres, factories, or other structural properties in accordance with environmental, safety, or other regulations.
- Direct activities of technicians engaged in preparing drawings or specification documents.
- Administer construction contracts.
- Create three-dimensional or interactive representations of designs, using computer-assisted design software.
- Represent clients in obtaining bids or awarding construction contracts.
- Develop marketing materials, proposals, or presentations to generate new work opportunities.
- Perform predesign services, such as feasibility or environmental impact studies.
- Design structures that incorporate environmentally friendly building practices or concepts, such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards.
- Design or plan construction of green building projects to minimize adverse environmental impact or conserve energy.
- Gather information related to projects' environmental sustainability or operational efficiency.
- Inspect proposed building sites to determine suitability for construction.
- Design environmentally sound structural upgrades to existing buildings, such as natural lighting systems, green roofs, or rainwater collection systems.
- Calculate potential energy savings by comparing estimated energy consumption of proposed design to baseline standards.
- Prepare operating and maintenance manuals, studies, or reports.
- Monitor the work of specialists, such as electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, interior designers, or sound specialists to ensure optimal form or function of designs or final structures.
- Supervise technologists, technicians, or other engineers.
- Review or approve designs, calculations, or cost estimates.
- Process or interpret signals or sensor data.
- Debug robotics programs.
- Build, configure, or test robots or robotic applications.
- Create back-ups of robot programs or parameters.
- Provide technical support for robotic systems.
- Design end-of-arm tooling.
- Design robotic systems, such as automatic vehicle control, autonomous vehicles, advanced displays, advanced sensing, robotic platforms, computer vision, or telematics systems.
- Design software to control robotic systems for applications, such as military defense or manufacturing.
- Conduct research on robotic technology to create new robotic systems or system capabilities.
- Investigate mechanical failures or unexpected maintenance problems.
- Integrate robotics with peripherals, such as welders, controllers, or other equipment.
- Evaluate robotic systems or prototypes.
- Install, calibrate, operate, or maintain robots.
- Conduct research into the feasibility, design, operation, or performance of robotic mechanisms, components, or systems, such as planetary rovers, multiple mobile robots, reconfigurable robots, or man-machine interactions.
- Document robotic application development, maintenance, or changes.
- Design automated robotic systems to increase production volume or precision in high-throughput operations, such as automated ribonucleic acid (RNA) analysis or sorting, moving, or stacking production materials.
- Write algorithms or programming code for ad hoc robotic applications.
- Make system device lists or event timing charts.
- Design or program robotics systems for environmental clean-up applications to minimize human exposure to toxic or hazardous materials or to improve the quality or speed of clean-up operations.
- Plan mobile robot paths and teach path plans to robots.
- Design robotics applications for manufacturers of green products, such as wind turbines or solar panels, to increase production time, eliminate waste, or reduce costs.
- Automate assays on laboratory robotics.
- Supervise technologists, technicians, or other engineers.
- Supervise technologists or technicians engaged in nanotechnology research or production.
- Provide scientific or technical guidance or expertise to scientists, engineers, technologists, technicians, or others, using knowledge of chemical, analytical, or biological processes as applied to micro and nanoscale systems.
- Conduct research related to a range of nanotechnology topics, such as packaging, heat transfer, fluorescence detection, nanoparticle dispersion, hybrid systems, liquid systems, nanocomposites, nanofabrication, optoelectronics, or nanolithography.
- Synthesize, process, or characterize nanomaterials, using advanced tools or techniques.
- Prepare reports, deliver presentations, or participate in program review activities to communicate engineering results or recommendations.
- Design or conduct tests of new nanotechnology products, processes, or systems.
- Create designs or prototypes for nanosystem applications, such as biomedical delivery systems or atomic force microscopes.
- Write proposals to secure external funding or to partner with other companies.
- Generate high-resolution images or measure force-distance curves, using techniques such as atomic force microscopy.
- Develop processes or identify equipment needed for pilot or commercial nanoscale scale production.
- Provide technical guidance or support to customers on topics such as nanosystem start-up, maintenance, or use.
- Engineer production processes for specific nanotechnology applications, such as electroplating, nanofabrication, or epoxy.
- Apply nanotechnology to improve the performance or reduce the environmental impact of energy products, such as fuel cells or solar cells.
- Identify new applications for existing nanotechnologies.
- Design or engineer nanomaterials, nanodevices, nano-enabled products, or nanosystems, using three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) software.
- Design nano-enabled products with reduced toxicity, increased durability, or improved energy efficiency.
- Coordinate or supervise the work of suppliers or vendors in the designing, building, or testing of nanosystem devices, such as lenses or probes.
- Design nano-based manufacturing processes to minimize water, chemical, or energy use, as well as to reduce waste production.
- Design nanosystems with components such as nanocatalysts or nanofiltration devices to clean specific pollutants from hazardous waste sites.
- Prepare nanotechnology-related invention disclosures or patent applications.
- Reengineer nanomaterials to improve biodegradability.
- Integrate nanotechnology with antimicrobial properties into products, such as household or medical appliances, to reduce the development of bacteria or other microbes.
- Develop catalysis or other green chemistry methods to synthesize nanomaterials, such as nanotubes, nanocrystals, nanorods, or nanowires.
- Design nanoparticle catalysts to detect or remove chemical or other pollutants from water, soil, or air.
- Develop green building nanocoatings, such as self-cleaning, anti-stain, depolluting, anti-fogging, anti-icing, antimicrobial, moisture-resistant, or ultraviolet protectant coatings.
- Supervise technologists or technicians engaged in nanotechnology research or production.
- Supervise and train other technologists, technicians, and drafters.
- Produce drawings, using computer-assisted drafting systems (CAD) or drafting machines, or by hand, using compasses, dividers, protractors, triangles, and other drafting devices.
- Draft plans and detailed drawings for structures, installations, and construction projects, such as highways, sewage disposal systems, and dikes, working from sketches or notes.
- Coordinate structural, electrical, and mechanical designs and determine a method of presentation to graphically represent building plans.
- Analyze building codes, by-laws, space and site requirements, and other technical documents and reports to determine their effect on architectural designs.
- Draw maps, diagrams, and profiles, using cross-sections and surveys, to represent elevations, topographical contours, subsurface formations, and structures.
- Lay out and plan interior room arrangements for commercial buildings, using computer-assisted drafting (CAD) equipment and software.
- Determine the order of work and method of presentation, such as orthographic or isometric drawing.
- Finish and duplicate drawings and documentation packages according to required mediums and specifications for reproduction, using blueprinting, photography, or other duplicating methods.
- Draw rough and detailed scale plans for foundations, buildings, and structures, based on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets, and other data.
- Correlate, interpret, and modify data obtained from topographical surveys, well logs, and geophysical prospecting reports.
- Check dimensions of materials to be used and assign numbers to lists of materials.
- Determine procedures and instructions to be followed, according to design specifications and quantity of required materials.
- Supervise or conduct field surveys, inspections, or technical investigations to obtain data required to revise construction drawings.
- Explain drawings to production or construction teams and provide adjustments as necessary.
- Obtain and assemble data to complete architectural designs, visiting job sites to compile measurements as necessary.
- Determine quality, cost, strength, and quantity of required materials, and enter figures on materials lists.
- Locate and identify symbols on topographical surveys to denote geological and geophysical formations or oil field installations.
- Create freehand drawings and lettering to accompany drawings.
- Calculate excavation tonnage and prepare graphs and fill-hauling diagrams for use in earth-moving operations.
- Prepare colored drawings of landscape and interior designs for presentation to client.
- Calculate weights, volumes, and stress factors and their implications for technical aspects of designs.
- Plot characteristics of boreholes for oil and gas wells from photographic subsurface survey recordings and other data, representing depth, degree, and direction of inclination.
- Reproduce drawings on copy machines or trace copies of plans and drawings, using transparent paper or cloth, ink, pencil, and standard drafting instruments.
- Calculate heat loss and gain of buildings and structures to determine required equipment specifications, following standard procedures.
- Prepare cost estimates, contracts, bidding documents, and technical reports for specific projects under an architect's or engineer's supervision.
- Represent architect or engineer on construction site, ensuring builder compliance with design specifications and advising on design corrections, under supervision.
- Review rough sketches, drawings, specifications, and other engineering data to ensure that they conform to design concepts.
- Supervise and train other technologists, technicians, and drafters.
- Provide technical direction or supervision to junior engineers, engineering or computer-aided design (CAD) technicians, or other technical personnel.
- Review and critique proposals, plans, or designs related to water or wastewater treatment systems.
- Design domestic or industrial water or wastewater treatment plants, including advanced facilities with sequencing batch reactors (SBR), membranes, lift stations, headworks, surge overflow basins, ultraviolet disinfection systems, aerobic digesters, sludge lagoons, or control buildings.
- Evaluate the operation and maintenance of water or wastewater systems to identify ways to improve their efficiency.
- Design or select equipment for use in wastewater processing to ensure compliance with government standards.
- Design pumping systems, pumping stations, pipelines, force mains, or sewers for the collection of wastewater.
- Design water distribution systems for potable or non-potable water.
- Conduct water quality studies to identify and characterize water pollutant sources.
- Analyze and recommend chemical, biological, or other wastewater treatment methods to prepare water for industrial or domestic use.
- Identify design alternatives for the development of new water resources.
- Design water runoff collection networks, water supply channels, or water supply system networks.
- Design water or wastewater lift stations, including water wells.
- Conduct cost-benefit analyses for the construction of water supply systems, runoff collection networks, water and wastewater treatment plants, or wastewater collection systems.
- Provide technical support on water resource or treatment issues to government agencies.
- Conduct feasibility studies for the construction of facilities, such as water supply systems, runoff collection networks, water and wastewater treatment plants, or wastewater collection systems.
- Analyze storm water or floodplain drainage systems to control erosion, stabilize river banks, repair channel streams, or design bridges.
- Oversee the construction of decentralized or on-site wastewater treatment systems, including reclaimed water facilities.
- Develop plans for new water resources or water efficiency programs.
- Perform hydrological analyses, using three-dimensional simulation software, to model the movement of water or forecast the dispersion of chemical pollutants in the water supply.
- Perform hydraulic analyses of water supply systems or water distribution networks to model flow characteristics, test for pressure losses, or to identify opportunities to mitigate risks and improve operational efficiency.
- Write technical reports or publications related to water resources development or water use efficiency.
- Design water storage tanks or other water storage facilities.
- Analyze and recommend sludge treatment or disposal methods.
- Design sludge treatment plants.
- Gather and analyze water use data to forecast water demand.
- Conduct environmental impact studies related to water and wastewater collection, treatment, or distribution.
- Analyze the efficiency of water delivery structures, such as dams, tainter gates, canals, pipes, penstocks, or cofferdams.
- Perform mathematical modeling of underground or surface water resources, such as floodplains, ocean coastlines, streams, rivers, or wetlands.
- Provide technical direction or supervision to junior engineers, engineering or computer-aided design (CAD) technicians, or other technical personnel.
- Manage teams of engineers by creating schedules, tracking inventory, creating or using budgets, or overseeing contract obligations or deadlines.
- Evaluate the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of biomedical equipment.
- Prepare technical reports, data summary documents, or research articles for scientific publication, regulatory submissions, or patent applications.
- Design or develop medical diagnostic or clinical instrumentation, equipment, or procedures, using the principles of engineering and biobehavioral sciences.
- Conduct research, along with life scientists, chemists, and medical scientists, on the engineering aspects of the biological systems of humans and animals.
- Adapt or design computer hardware or software for medical science uses.
- Maintain databases of experiment characteristics or results.
- Develop statistical models or simulations, using statistical or modeling software.
- Read current scientific or trade literature to stay abreast of scientific, industrial, or technological advances.
- Develop models or computer simulations of human biobehavioral systems to obtain data for measuring or controlling life processes.
- Design or conduct follow-up experimentation, based on generated data, to meet established process objectives.
- Write documents describing protocols, policies, standards for use, maintenance, and repair of medical equipment.
- Communicate with bioregulatory authorities regarding licensing or compliance responsibilities.
- Develop methodologies for transferring procedures or biological processes from laboratories to commercial-scale manufacturing production.
- Collaborate with manufacturing or quality assurance staff to prepare product specification or safety sheets, standard operating procedures, user manuals, or qualification and validation reports.
- Research new materials to be used for products, such as implanted artificial organs.
- Prepare project plans for equipment or facility improvements, including time lines, budgetary estimates, or capital spending requests.
- Consult with chemists or biologists to develop or evaluate novel technologies.
- Confer with research and biomanufacturing personnel to ensure the compatibility of design and production.
- Recommend process formulas, instrumentation, or equipment specifications, based on results of bench or pilot experimentation.
- Communicate with suppliers regarding the design or specifications of bioproduction equipment, instrumentation, or materials.
- Conduct training or in-services to educate clinicians and other personnel on proper use of equipment.
- Advise hospital administrators on the planning, acquisition, and use of medical equipment.
- Analyze new medical procedures to forecast likely outcomes.
- Design and deliver technology, such as prosthetic devices, to assist people with disabilities.
- Advise manufacturing staff regarding problems with fermentation, filtration, or other bioproduction processes.
- Review existing manufacturing processes to identify opportunities for yield improvement or reduced process variation.
- Develop bioremediation processes to reduce pollution, protect the environment, or treat waste products.
- Lead studies to examine or recommend changes in process sequences or operation protocols.
- Design or direct bench or pilot production experiments to determine the scale of production methods that optimize product yield and minimize production costs.
- Manage teams of engineers by creating schedules, tracking inventory, creating or using budgets, or overseeing contract obligations or deadlines.
- Supervise other engineers and crew members and train them for routine and emergency duties.
- Design complete hull and superstructure according to specifications and test data, in conformity with standards of safety, efficiency, and economy.
- Study design proposals and specifications to establish basic characteristics of craft, such as size, weight, speed, propulsion, displacement, and draft.
- Perform monitoring activities to ensure that ships comply with international regulations and standards for life-saving equipment and pollution preventatives.
- Oversee construction and testing of prototype in model basin and develop sectional and waterline curves of hull to establish center of gravity, ideal hull form, and buoyancy and stability data.
- Evaluate performance of craft during dock and sea trials to determine design changes and conformance with national and international standards.
- Prepare plans, estimates, design and construction schedules, and contract specifications, including any special provisions.
- Check, test, and maintain automatic controls and alarm systems.
- Design layout of craft interior, including cargo space, passenger compartments, ladder wells, and elevators.
- Evaluate operation of marine equipment during acceptance testing and shakedown cruises.
- Act as liaisons between ships' captains and shore personnel to ensure that schedules and budgets are maintained, and that ships are operated safely and efficiently.
- Conduct environmental, operational, or performance tests on marine machinery and equipment.
- Inspect marine equipment and machinery to draw up work requests and job specifications.
- Prepare, or direct the preparation of, product or system layouts and detailed drawings and schematics.
- Investigate and observe tests on machinery and equipment for compliance with standards.
- Maintain records of engineering department activities, including expense records and details of equipment maintenance and repairs.
- Coordinate activities with regulatory bodies to ensure repairs and alterations are at minimum cost and consistent with safety.
- Design and oversee testing, installation, and repair of marine apparatus and equipment.
- Prepare technical reports for use by engineering, management, or sales personnel.
- Procure materials needed to repair marine equipment and machinery.
- Maintain contact with, and formulate reports for, contractors and clients to ensure completion of work at minimum cost.
- Maintain and coordinate repair of marine machinery and equipment for installation on vessels.
- Confer with research personnel to clarify or resolve problems and to develop or modify designs.
- Conduct analytical, environmental, operational, or performance studies to develop designs for products, such as marine engines, equipment, and structures.
- Determine conditions under which tests are to be conducted, as well as sequences and phases of test operations.
- Review work requests and compare them with previous work completed on ships to ensure that costs are economically sound.
- Analyze data to determine feasibility of product proposals.
- Schedule machine overhauls and the servicing of electrical, heating, ventilation, refrigeration, water, and sewage systems.
- Conduct analyses of ships, such as stability, structural, weight, and vibration analyses.
- Establish arrangement of boiler room equipment and propulsion machinery, heating and ventilating systems, refrigeration equipment, piping, and other functional equipment.
- Supervise other engineers and crew members and train them for routine and emergency duties.
- Supervise or coordinate activities of workers engaged in surveying, plotting data, drafting maps, or producing blueprints, photostats, or photographs.
- Position and hold the vertical rods, or targets, that theodolite operators use for sighting to measure angles, distances, and elevations.
- Check all layers of maps to ensure accuracy, identifying and marking errors and making corrections.
- Design or develop information databases that include geographic or topographic data.
- Monitor mapping work or the updating of maps to ensure accuracy, inclusion of new or changed information, or compliance with rules and regulations.
- Produce or update overlay maps to show information boundaries, water locations, or topographic features on various base maps or at different scales.
- Determine scales, line sizes, or colors to be used for hard copies of computerized maps, using plotters.
- Compile information necessary to stake projects for construction, using engineering plans.
- Identify and compile database information to create requested maps.
- Operate and manage land-information computer systems, performing tasks such as storing data, making inquiries, and producing plots and reports.
- Compare survey computations with applicable standards to determine adequacy of data.
- Analyze aerial photographs to detect and interpret significant military, industrial, resource, or topographical data.
- Research and combine existing property information to describe property boundaries in relation to adjacent properties, taking into account parcel splits, combinations, or land boundary adjustments.
- Calculate latitudes, longitudes, angles, areas, or other information for mapmaking, using survey field notes or reference tables.
- Compare topographical features or contour lines with images from aerial photographs, old maps, or other reference materials to verify the accuracy of their identification.
- Trace contours or topographic details to generate maps that denote specific land or property locations or geographic attributes.
- Provide assistance in the development of methods and procedures for conducting field surveys.
- Trim, align, and join prints to form photographic mosaics, maintaining scaled distances between reference points.
- Answer questions and provide information to the public or to staff members regarding assessment maps, surveys, boundaries, easements, property ownership, roads, zoning, or similar matters.
- Complete detailed source and method notes describing the location of routine or complex land parcels.
- Adjust and operate surveying instruments such as prisms, theodolites, electronic distance measuring equipment, or electronic data collectors.
- Collect information needed to carry out new surveys, using source maps, previous survey data, photographs, computer records, or other relevant information.
- Conduct surveys to ascertain the locations of natural features and man-made structures on the Earth's surface, underground, and underwater, using electronic distance-measuring equipment, such as GPS, and other surveying instruments.
- Enter Global Positioning System (GPS) data, legal deeds, field notes, or land survey reports into geographic information system (GIS) workstations so that information can be transformed into graphic land descriptions, such as maps and drawings.
- Perform calculations to determine earth curvature corrections, atmospheric impacts on measurements, traverse closures or adjustments, azimuths, level runs, or placement of markers.
- Prepare cost estimates for mapping projects.
- Prepare topographic or contour maps of land surveyed, including site features and other relevant information, such as charts, drawings, and survey notes.
- Record survey measurements or descriptive data, using notes, drawings, sketches, or inked tracings.
- Search for section corners, property irons, or survey points.
- Set out and recover stakes, marks, or other monumentation.
- Supervise or coordinate activities of workers engaged in surveying, plotting data, drafting maps, or producing blueprints, photostats, or photographs.