- Interpret laboratory findings or test results to identify and classify substances, materials, or other evidence collected at crime scenes.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Analyze and interpret geological data, using computer software.
- Analyze and interpret geological, geochemical, or geophysical information from sources, such as survey data, well logs, bore holes, or aerial photos.
- Identify risks for natural disasters, such as mudslides, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions.
- Plan or conduct geological, geochemical, or geophysical field studies or surveys, sample collection, or drilling and testing programs used to collect data for research or application.
- Investigate the composition, structure, or history of the Earth's crust through the collection, examination, measurement, or classification of soils, minerals, rocks, or fossil remains.
- Prepare geological maps, cross-sectional diagrams, charts, or reports concerning mineral extraction, land use, or resource management, using results of fieldwork or laboratory research.
- Communicate geological findings by writing research papers, participating in conferences, or teaching geological science at universities.
- Locate and estimate probable natural gas, oil, or mineral ore deposits or underground water resources, using aerial photographs, charts, or research or survey results.
- Advise construction firms or government agencies on dam or road construction, foundation design, land use, or resource management.
- Measure characteristics of the Earth, such as gravity or magnetic fields, using equipment such as seismographs, gravimeters, torsion balances, or magnetometers.
- Locate and review research articles or environmental, historical, or technical reports.
- Conduct geological or geophysical studies to provide information for use in regional development, site selection, or development of public works projects.
- Review environmental, historical, or technical reports and publications for accuracy.
- Assess ground or surface water movement to provide advice on issues, such as waste management, route and site selection, or the restoration of contaminated sites.
- Inspect construction projects to analyze engineering problems, using test equipment or drilling machinery.
- Provide advice on the safe siting of new nuclear reactor projects or methods of nuclear waste management.
- Design geological mine maps, monitor mine structural integrity, or advise and monitor mining crews.
- Review work plans to determine the effectiveness of activities for mitigating soil or groundwater contamination.
- Test industrial diamonds or abrasives, soil, or rocks to determine their geological characteristics, using optical, x-ray, heat, acid, or precision instruments.
- Study historical climate change indicators found in locations, such as ice sheets or rock formations to develop climate change models.
- Develop strategies for more environmentally friendly resource extraction and reclamation.
- Identify deposits of construction materials suitable for use as concrete aggregates, road fill, or other applications.
- Identify new sources of platinum group elements for industrial applications, such as automotive fuel cells or pollution abatement systems.
- Locate potential sources of geothermal energy.
- Research ways to reduce the ecological footprint of increasingly prevalent megacities.
- Collaborate with medical or health researchers to address health problems related to geological materials or processes.
- Determine ways to mitigate the negative consequences of mineral dust dispersion.
- Develop ways to capture or use gases burned off as waste during oil production processes.
- Research geomechanical or geochemical processes to be used in carbon sequestration projects.
- Develop applied software for the analysis and interpretation of geological data.
- Determine methods to incorporate geomethane or methane hydrates into global energy production or evaluate the potential environmental impacts of such incorporation.
- Identify possible sites for carbon sequestration projects.
- Analyze and interpret geological data, using computer software.
- Analyze and interpret geological, geochemical, or geophysical information from sources, such as survey data, well logs, bore holes, or aerial photos.
- Identify risks for natural disasters, such as mudslides, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions.
- Code, evaluate, or interpret collected study data.
- Identify protocol problems, inform investigators of problems, or assist in problem resolution efforts, such as protocol revisions.
- Schedule subjects for appointments, procedures, or inpatient stays as required by study protocols.
- Perform specific protocol procedures such as interviewing subjects, taking vital signs, and performing electrocardiograms.
- Assess eligibility of potential subjects through methods such as screening interviews, reviews of medical records, or discussions with physicians and nurses.
- Prepare study-related documentation, such as protocol worksheets, procedural manuals, adverse event reports, institutional review board documents, or progress reports.
- Inform patients or caregivers about study aspects and outcomes to be expected.
- Record adverse event and side effect data and confer with investigators regarding the reporting of events to oversight agencies.
- Monitor study activities to ensure compliance with protocols and with all relevant local, federal, and state regulatory and institutional polices.
- Oversee subject enrollment to ensure that informed consent is properly obtained and documented.
- Maintain required records of study activity including case report forms, drug dispensation records, or regulatory forms.
- Review proposed study protocols to evaluate factors such as sample collection processes, data management plans, or potential subject risks.
- Collaborate with investigators to prepare presentations or reports of clinical study procedures, results, and conclusions.
- Track enrollment status of subjects and document dropout information such as dropout causes and subject contact efforts.
- Direct the requisition, collection, labeling, storage, or shipment of specimens.
- Instruct research staff in scientific and procedural aspects of studies including standards of care, informed consent procedures, or documentation procedures.
- Maintain contact with sponsors to schedule and coordinate site visits or to answer questions about issues such as incomplete data.
- Prepare for or participate in quality assurance audits conducted by study sponsors, federal agencies, or specially designated review groups.
- Order drugs or devices necessary for study completion.
- Contact outside health care providers and communicate with subjects to obtain follow-up information.
- Participate in the development of study protocols including guidelines for administration or data collection procedures.
- Confer with health care professionals to determine the best recruitment practices for studies.
- Communicate with laboratories or investigators regarding laboratory findings.
- Review scientific literature, participate in continuing education activities, or attend conferences and seminars to maintain current knowledge of clinical studies affairs and issues.
- Organize space for study equipment and supplies.
- Develop advertising and other informational materials to be used in subject recruitment.
- Dispense medical devices or drugs, and calculate dosages and provide instructions as necessary.
- Arrange for research study sites and determine staff or equipment availability.
- Interpret protocols and advise treating physicians on appropriate dosage modifications or treatment calculations based on patient characteristics.
- Contact industry representatives to ensure equipment and software specifications necessary for successful study completion.
- Register protocol patients with appropriate statistical centers as required.
- Solicit industry-sponsored trials through contacts and professional organizations.
- Participate in preparation and management of research budgets and monetary disbursements.
- Code, evaluate, or interpret collected study data.
- Identify protocol problems, inform investigators of problems, or assist in problem resolution efforts, such as protocol revisions.
- Analyze and distill climate-related research findings to inform legislators, regulatory agencies, or other stakeholders.
- Provide analytical support for policy briefs related to renewable energy, energy efficiency, or climate change.
- Propose new or modified policies involving use of traditional and alternative fuels, transportation of goods, and other factors relating to climate and climate change.
- Prepare study reports, memoranda, briefs, testimonies, or other written materials to inform government or environmental groups on environmental issues, such as climate change.
- Make legislative recommendations related to climate change or environmental management, based on climate change policies, principles, programs, practices, and processes.
- Present climate-related information at public interest, governmental, or other meetings.
- Gather and review climate-related studies from government agencies, research laboratories, and other organizations.
- Review existing policies or legislation to identify environmental impacts.
- Promote initiatives to mitigate climate change with government or environmental groups.
- Research policies, practices, or procedures for climate or environmental management.
- Write reports or academic papers to communicate findings of climate-related studies.
- Develop, or contribute to the development of, educational or outreach programs on the environment or climate change.
- Present and defend proposals for climate change research projects.
- Prepare grant applications to obtain funding for programs related to climate change, environmental management, or sustainability.
- Analyze and distill climate-related research findings to inform legislators, regulatory agencies, or other stakeholders.
- Collect, analyze, and interpret data, such as election results and public opinion surveys, reporting on findings, recommendations, and conclusions.
- Teach political science.
- Maintain current knowledge of government policy decisions.
- Develop and test theories, using information from interviews, newspapers, periodicals, case law, historical papers, polls, or statistical sources.
- Disseminate research results through academic publications, written reports, or public presentations.
- Advise political science students.
- Interpret and analyze policies, public issues, legislation, or the operations of governments, businesses, and organizations.
- Serve on committees.
- Forecast political, economic, and social trends.
- Consult with and advise government officials, civic bodies, research agencies, the media, political parties, and others concerned with political issues.
- Evaluate programs and policies, and make related recommendations to institutions and organizations.
- Write drafts of legislative proposals, and prepare speeches, correspondence, and policy papers for governmental use.
- Identify issues for research and analysis.
- Provide media commentary or criticism related to public policy and political issues and events.
- Collect, analyze, and interpret data, such as election results and public opinion surveys, reporting on findings, recommendations, and conclusions.
- Analyze and interpret data to increase the understanding of human social behavior.
- Prepare publications and reports containing research findings.
- Develop, implement, and evaluate methods of data collection, such as questionnaires or interviews.
- Collect data about the attitudes, values, and behaviors of people in groups, using observation, interviews, and review of documents.
- Teach sociology.
- Plan and conduct research to develop and test theories about societal issues such as crime, group relations, poverty, and aging.
- Present research findings at professional meetings.
- Explain sociological research to the general public.
- Develop problem intervention procedures, using techniques such as interviews, consultations, role playing, and participant observation of group interactions.
- Consult with and advise individuals such as administrators, social workers, and legislators regarding social issues and policies, as well as the implications of research findings.
- Direct work of statistical clerks, statisticians, and others who compile and evaluate research data.
- Collaborate with research workers in other disciplines.
- Write grants to obtain funding for research projects.
- Develop approaches to the solution of groups' problems, based on research findings in sociology and related disciplines.
- Observe group interactions and role affiliations to collect data, identify problems, evaluate progress, and determine the need for additional change.
- Analyze and interpret data to increase the understanding of human social behavior.
- Compile and interpret results of tests and analyses.
- Conduct chemical or physical laboratory tests to assist scientists in making qualitative or quantitative analyses of solids, liquids, or gaseous materials.
- Maintain, clean, or sterilize laboratory instruments or equipment.
- Monitor product quality to ensure compliance with standards and specifications.
- Set up and conduct chemical experiments, tests, and analyses, using techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy, physical or chemical separation techniques, or microscopy.
- Prepare chemical solutions for products or processes, following standardized formulas, or create experimental formulas.
- Provide and maintain a safe work environment by participating in safety programs, committees, or teams and by conducting laboratory or plant safety audits.
- Train new employees on topics such as the proper operation of laboratory equipment.
- Write technical reports or prepare graphs or charts to document experimental results.
- Order and inventory materials to maintain supplies.
- Operate experimental pilot plants, assisting with experimental design.
- Direct or monitor other workers producing chemical products.
- Design or fabricate experimental apparatus to develop new products or processes.
- Develop new chemical engineering processes or production techniques.
- Provide technical support or assistance to chemists or engineers.
- Develop or conduct programs of sampling and analysis to maintain quality standards of raw materials, chemical intermediates, or products.
- Compile and interpret results of tests and analyses.
- Analyze experimental data and interpret results to write reports and summaries of findings.
- Conduct research, or assist in the conduct of research, including the collection of information and samples, such as blood, water, soil, plants and animals.
- Monitor and observe experiments, recording production and test data for evaluation by research personnel.
- Keep detailed logs of all work-related activities.
- Input data into databases.
- Isolate, identify and prepare specimens for examination.
- Set up, adjust, calibrate, clean, maintain, and troubleshoot laboratory and field equipment.
- Clean, maintain and prepare supplies and work areas.
- Monitor laboratory work to ensure compliance with set standards.
- Place orders for laboratory equipment and supplies.
- Feed livestock or laboratory animals.
- Conduct standardized biological, microbiological or biochemical tests and laboratory analyses to evaluate the quantity or quality of physical or chemical substances in food or other products.
- Examine animals and specimens to detect the presence of disease or other problems.
- Use computers, computer-interfaced equipment, robotics or high-technology industrial applications to perform work duties.
- Provide technical support and services for scientists and engineers working in fields such as agriculture, environmental science, resource management, biology, and health sciences.
- Participate in the research, development, or manufacturing of medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations.
- Measure or weigh compounds and solutions for use in testing or animal feed.
- Analyze experimental data and interpret results to write reports and summaries of findings.
- Interpret test results and prepare psychological reports for teachers, administrators, and parents.
- Select, administer, and score psychological tests.
- Assess an individual child's needs, limitations, and potential, using observation, review of school records, and consultation with parents and school personnel.
- Develop individualized educational plans in collaboration with teachers and other staff members.
- Counsel children and families to help solve conflicts and problems in learning and adjustment.
- Collect and analyze data to evaluate the effectiveness of academic programs and other services, such as behavioral management systems.
- Provide consultation to parents, teachers, administrators, and others on topics such as learning styles and behavior modification techniques.
- Collaborate with other educational professionals to develop teaching strategies and school programs.
- Design classes and programs to meet the needs of special students.
- Promote an understanding of child development and its relationship to learning and behavior.
- Attend workshops, seminars, or professional meetings to remain informed of new developments in school psychology.
- Refer students and their families to appropriate community agencies for medical, vocational, or social services.
- Serve as a resource to help families and schools deal with crises, such as separation and loss.
- Initiate and direct efforts to foster tolerance, understanding, and appreciation of diversity in school communities.
- Provide educational programs on topics such as classroom management, teaching strategies, or parenting skills.
- Compile and interpret students' test results, along with information from teachers and parents, to diagnose conditions and to help assess eligibility for special services.
- Maintain student records, including special education reports, confidential records, records of services provided, and behavioral data.
- Report any pertinent information to the proper authorities in cases of child endangerment, neglect, or abuse.
- Conduct research to generate new knowledge that can be used to address learning and behavior issues.
- Interpret test results and prepare psychological reports for teachers, administrators, and parents.
- Interpret indicators to ascertain the overall health of an environment.
- Write technical documents or academic articles to communicate study results or economic forecasts.
- Conduct research on economic and environmental topics, such as alternative fuel use, public and private land use, soil conservation, air and water pollution control, and endangered species protection.
- Collect and analyze data to compare the environmental implications of economic policy or practice alternatives.
- Assess the costs and benefits of various activities, policies, or regulations that affect the environment or natural resource stocks.
- Prepare and deliver presentations to communicate economic and environmental study results, to present policy recommendations, or to raise awareness of environmental consequences.
- Develop programs or policy recommendations to achieve environmental goals in cost-effective ways.
- Develop economic models, forecasts, or scenarios to predict future economic and environmental outcomes.
- Demonstrate or promote the economic benefits of sound environmental regulations.
- Conduct research to study the relationships among environmental problems and patterns of economic production and consumption.
- Perform complex, dynamic, and integrated mathematical modeling of ecological, environmental, or economic systems.
- Write social, legal, or economic impact statements to inform decision makers for natural resource policies, standards, or programs.
- Teach courses in environmental economics.
- Develop programs or policy recommendations to promote sustainability and sustainable development.
- Develop systems for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting environmental and economic data.
- Write research proposals and grant applications to obtain private or public funding for environmental and economic studies.
- Examine the exhaustibility of natural resources or the long-term costs of environmental rehabilitation.
- Monitor or analyze market and environmental trends.
- Develop environmental research project plans, including information on budgets, goals, deliverables, timelines, and resource requirements.
- Identify and recommend environmentally friendly business practices.
- Interpret indicators to ascertain the overall health of an environment.
- Interpret data from traffic modeling software, geographic information systems, or associated databases.
- Participate in public meetings or hearings to explain planning proposals, to gather feedback from those affected by projects, or to achieve consensus on project designs.
- Prepare reports or recommendations on transportation planning.
- Collaborate with engineers to research, analyze, or resolve complex transportation design issues.
- Recommend transportation system improvements or projects, based on economic, population, land-use, or traffic projections.
- Develop computer models to address transportation planning issues.
- Analyze information related to transportation, such as land use policies, environmental impact of projects, or long-range planning needs.
- Design transportation surveys to identify areas of public concern.
- Collaborate with other professionals to develop sustainable transportation strategies at the local, regional, or national level.
- Evaluate transportation project needs or costs.
- Review development plans for transportation system effects, infrastructure requirements, or compliance with applicable transportation regulations.
- Prepare necessary documents to obtain planned project approvals or permits.
- Produce environmental documents, such as environmental assessments or environmental impact statements.
- Prepare or review engineering studies or specifications.
- Develop or test new methods or models of transportation analysis.
- Evaluate transportation-related consequences of federal or state legislative proposals.
- Design new or improved transport infrastructure, such as junction improvements, pedestrian projects, bus facilities, or car parking areas.
- Define or update information such as urban boundaries or classification of roadways.
- Direct urban traffic counting programs.
- Define regional or local transportation planning problems or priorities.
- Analyze information from traffic counting programs.
- Represent jurisdictions in the legislative or administrative approval of land development projects.
- Interpret data from traffic modeling software, geographic information systems, or associated databases.
- Review, approve, or interpret genetic laboratory results.
- Supervise or direct the work of other geneticists, biologists, technicians, or biometricians working on genetics research projects.
- Plan or conduct basic genomic and biological research related to areas such as regulation of gene expression, protein interactions, metabolic networks, and nucleic acid or protein complexes.
- Prepare results of experimental findings for presentation at professional conferences or in scientific journals.
- Maintain laboratory notebooks that record research methods, procedures, and results.
- Write grants and papers or attend fundraising events to seek research funds.
- Search scientific literature to select and modify methods and procedures most appropriate for genetic research goals.
- Attend clinical and research conferences and read scientific literature to keep abreast of technological advances and current genetic research findings.
- Evaluate genetic data by performing appropriate mathematical or statistical calculations and analyses.
- Analyze determinants responsible for specific inherited traits, and devise methods for altering traits or producing new traits.
- Extract deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or perform diagnostic tests involving processes such as gel electrophoresis, Southern blot analysis, and polymerase chain reaction analysis.
- Collaborate with biologists and other professionals to conduct appropriate genetic and biochemical analyses.
- Instruct medical students, graduate students, or others in methods or procedures for diagnosis and management of genetic disorders.
- Create or use statistical models for the analysis of genetic data.
- Maintain laboratory safety programs and train personnel in laboratory safety techniques.
- Verify that cytogenetic, molecular genetic, and related equipment and instrumentation is maintained in working condition to ensure accuracy and quality of experimental results.
- Develop protocols to improve existing genetic techniques or to incorporate new diagnostic procedures.
- Confer with information technology specialists to develop computer applications for genetic data analysis.
- Design sampling plans or coordinate the field collection of samples such as tissue specimens.
- Evaluate, diagnose, or treat genetic diseases.
- Conduct family medical studies to evaluate the genetic basis for traits or diseases.
- Design and maintain genetics computer databases.
- Participate in the development of endangered species breeding programs or species survival plans.
- Plan curatorial programs for species collections that include acquisition, distribution, maintenance, or regeneration.
- Review, approve, or interpret genetic laboratory results.
- Interpret test results, compare them to established specifications and control limits, and make recommendations on appropriateness of data for release.
- Conduct routine and non-routine analyses of in-process materials, raw materials, environmental samples, finished goods, or stability samples.
- Calibrate, validate, or maintain laboratory equipment.
- Ensure that lab cleanliness and safety standards are maintained.
- Perform visual inspections of finished products.
- Complete documentation needed to support testing procedures, including data capture forms, equipment logbooks, or inventory forms.
- Compile laboratory test data and perform appropriate analyses.
- Identify and troubleshoot equipment problems.
- Write technical reports or documentation, such as deviation reports, testing protocols, and trend analyses.
- Investigate or report questionable test results.
- Monitor testing procedures to ensure that all tests are performed according to established item specifications, standard test methods, or protocols.
- Identify quality problems and recommend solutions.
- Participate in out-of-specification and failure investigations and recommend corrective actions.
- Receive and inspect raw materials.
- Train other analysts to perform laboratory procedures and assays.
- Supply quality control data necessary for regulatory submissions.
- Serve as a technical liaison between quality control and other departments, vendors, or contractors.
- Write or revise standard quality control operating procedures.
- Participate in internal assessments and audits as required.
- Perform validations or transfers of analytical methods in accordance with applicable policies or guidelines.
- Evaluate analytical methods and procedures to determine how they might be improved.
- Prepare or review required method transfer documentation including technical transfer protocols or reports.
- Review data from contract laboratories to ensure accuracy and regulatory compliance.
- Develop and qualify new testing methods.
- Coordinate testing with contract laboratories and vendors.
- Evaluate new technologies and methods to make recommendations regarding their use.
- Interpret test results, compare them to established specifications and control limits, and make recommendations on appropriateness of data for release.
- Interpret data, reports, maps, photographs, or charts to predict long- or short-range weather conditions, using computer models and knowledge of climate theory, physics, and mathematics.
- Develop or use mathematical or computer models for weather forecasting.
- Conduct meteorological research into the processes or determinants of atmospheric phenomena, weather, or climate.
- Broadcast weather conditions, forecasts, or severe weather warnings to the public via television, radio, or the Internet or provide this information to the news media.
- Prepare forecasts or briefings to meet the needs of industry, business, government, or other groups.
- Gather data from sources such as surface or upper air stations, satellites, weather bureaus, or radar for use in meteorological reports or forecasts.
- Develop computer programs to collect meteorological data or to present meteorological information.
- Prepare weather reports or maps for analysis, distribution, or use in weather broadcasts, using computer graphics.
- Develop and deliver training on weather topics.
- Prepare scientific atmospheric or climate reports, articles, or texts.
- Analyze climate data sets, using techniques such as geophysical fluid dynamics, data assimilation, or numerical modeling.
- Analyze historical climate information, such as precipitation or temperature records, to help predict future weather or climate trends.
- Consult with other offices, agencies, professionals, or researchers regarding the use and interpretation of climatological information for weather predictions and warnings.
- Speak to the public to discuss weather topics or answer questions.
- Apply meteorological knowledge to issues such as global warming, pollution control, or ozone depletion.
- Measure wind, temperature, and humidity in the upper atmosphere, using weather balloons.
- Direct forecasting services at weather stations or at radio or television broadcasting facilities.
- Collect air samples from planes or ships over land or sea to study atmospheric composition.
- Teach college-level courses on topics such as atmospheric and space science, meteorology, or global climate change.
- Design or develop new equipment or methods for meteorological data collection, remote sensing, or related applications.
- Research the impact of industrial projects or pollution on climate, air quality, or weather phenomena.
- Conduct wind assessment, integration, or validation studies.
- Conduct numerical simulations of climate conditions to understand and predict global or regional weather patterns.
- Estimate or predict the effects of global warming over time for specific geographic regions.
- Create visualizations to illustrate historical or future changes in the Earth's climate, using paleoclimate or climate geographic information systems (GIS) databases.
- Formulate predictions by interpreting environmental data, such as meteorological, atmospheric, oceanic, paleoclimate, climate, or related information.
- Perform managerial duties, such as creating work schedules, creating or implementing staff training, matching staff expertise to situations, or analyzing performance of offices.
- Interpret data, reports, maps, photographs, or charts to predict long- or short-range weather conditions, using computer models and knowledge of climate theory, physics, and mathematics.