Job Duties Custom List 29-1224.00 — Radiologists
- Provide counseling to radiologic patients to explain the processes, risks, benefits, or alternative treatments.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Interpret laboratory results and communicate findings to patients or physicians.
- Explain diagnostic procedures such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS), ultrasound, fetal blood sampling, and amniocentesis.
- Discuss testing options and the associated risks, benefits and limitations with patients and families to assist them in making informed decisions.
- Provide counseling to patient and family members by providing information, education, or reassurance.
- Provide patients with information about the inheritance of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and various forms of cancer.
- Analyze genetic information to identify patients or families at risk for specific disorders or syndromes.
- Write detailed consultation reports to provide information on complex genetic concepts to patients or referring physicians.
- Provide genetic counseling in specified areas of clinical genetics, such as obstetrics, pediatrics, oncology and neurology.
- Determine or coordinate treatment plans by requesting laboratory services, reviewing genetics or counseling literature, and considering histories or diagnostic data.
- Interview patients or review medical records to obtain comprehensive patient or family medical histories, and document findings.
- Assess patients' psychological or emotional needs, such as those relating to stress, fear of test results, financial issues, and marital conflicts to make referral recommendations or assist patients in managing test outcomes.
- Read current literature, talk with colleagues, or participate in professional organizations or conferences to keep abreast of developments in genetics.
- Prepare or provide genetics-related educational materials to patients or medical personnel.
- Refer patients to specialists or community resources.
- Design and conduct genetics training programs for physicians, graduate students, other health professions or the general community.
- Evaluate or make recommendations for standards of care or clinical operations, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations, ethics, legislation, or policies.
- Engage in research activities related to the field of medical genetics or genetic counseling.
- Collect for, or share with, research projects patient data on specific genetic disorders or syndromes.
- Identify funding sources and write grant proposals for eligible programs or services.
- Interpret laboratory results and communicate findings to patients or physicians.
- Explain diagnostic procedures such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS), ultrasound, fetal blood sampling, and amniocentesis.
- Discuss testing options and the associated risks, benefits and limitations with patients and families to assist them in making informed decisions.
- Provide counseling to patient and family members by providing information, education, or reassurance.
- Provide patients with information about the inheritance of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and various forms of cancer.
- Provide information to the patient about the proposed intervention, its material risks and expected benefits, and any reasonable alternatives.
- Inform patients and refer to appropriate practitioners when diagnosis reveals findings outside physical therapy.
- Plan, prepare, or carry out individually designed programs of physical treatment to maintain, improve, or restore physical functioning, alleviate pain, or prevent physical dysfunction in patients.
- Perform and document an initial exam, evaluating data to identify problems and determine a diagnosis prior to intervention.
- Record prognosis, treatment, response, and progress in patient's chart or enter information into computer.
- Instruct patient and family in treatment procedures to be continued at home.
- Evaluate effects of treatment at various stages and adjust treatments to achieve maximum benefit.
- Confer with the patient, medical practitioners, or appropriate others to plan, implement, or assess the intervention program.
- Administer manual exercises, massage, or traction to help relieve pain, increase patient strength, or decrease or prevent deformity or crippling.
- Obtain patients' informed consent to proposed interventions.
- Test and measure patient's strength, motor development and function, sensory perception, functional capacity, or respiratory or circulatory efficiency and record data.
- Direct, supervise, assess, and communicate with supportive personnel.
- Review physician's referral and patient's medical records to help determine diagnosis and physical therapy treatment required.
- Identify and document goals, anticipated progress, and plans for reevaluation.
- Provide educational information about physical therapy or physical therapists, injury prevention, ergonomics, or ways to promote health.
- Discharge patient from physical therapy when goals or projected outcomes have been attained and provide for appropriate follow-up care or referrals.
- Administer treatment involving application of physical agents, using equipment, moist packs, ultraviolet or infrared lamps, or ultrasound machines.
- Refer clients to community resources or services.
- Construct, maintain, or repair medical supportive devices.
- Evaluate, fit, or adjust prosthetic or orthotic devices or recommend modification to orthotist.
- Teach physical therapy students or those in other health professions.
- Conduct or support research and apply research findings to practice.
- Participate in community or community agency activities or help to formulate public policy.
- Direct group rehabilitation activities.
- Provide information to the patient about the proposed intervention, its material risks and expected benefits, and any reasonable alternatives.
- Inform patients and refer to appropriate practitioners when diagnosis reveals findings outside physical therapy.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.
- Design and explain treatment plans, based on patient information such as medical history, reports, and examination results.
- Administer emergency cardiac care for life-threatening heart problems, such as cardiac arrest and heart attack.
- Advise patients and community members concerning diet, activity, hygiene, or disease prevention.
- Answer questions that patients have about their health and well-being.
- Calculate valve areas from blood flow velocity measurements.
- Compare measurements of heart wall thickness and chamber sizes to standards to identify abnormalities, using the results of an echocardiogram.
- Conduct electrocardiogram (EKG), phonocardiogram, echocardiogram, or other cardiovascular tests to record patients' cardiac activity, using specialized electronic test equipment, recording devices, or laboratory instruments.
- Conduct exercise electrocardiogram tests to monitor cardiovascular activity under stress.
- Conduct research to develop or test medications, treatments, or procedures that prevent or control disease or injury.
- Conduct tests of the pulmonary system, using a spirometer or other respiratory testing equipment.
- Diagnose cardiovascular conditions, using cardiac catheterization.
- Diagnose medical conditions of patients, using records, reports, test results, or examination information.
- Inject contrast media into patients' blood vessels.
- Monitor patient progress following cardiac surgery.
- Monitor patients' conditions and progress, and reevaluate treatments, as necessary.
- Observe ultrasound display screen, and listen to signals to record vascular information, such as blood pressure, limb volume changes, oxygen saturation, and cerebral circulation.
- Obtain and record patient information, including patient identification, medical history, and examination results.
- Operate diagnostic imaging equipment to produce contrast-enhanced radiographs of heart and cardiovascular system.
- Order medical tests, such as echocardiograms, electrocardiograms, and angiograms.
- Perform minimally invasive surgical procedures, such as implanting pacemakers and defibrillators.
- Perform vascular procedures, such as balloon angioplasty and stents.
- Prescribe heart medication to treat or prevent heart problems.
- Recommend surgeons or surgical procedures.
- Supervise or train cardiology technologists or students.
- Talk to other physicians about patients to create a treatment plan.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.
- Design and explain treatment plans, based on patient information such as medical history, reports, and examination results.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.
- Prescribe or administer treatment, therapy, medication, vaccination, and other specialized medical care to treat or prevent illness, disease, or injury.
- Order, perform, and interpret tests and analyze records, reports, and examination information to diagnose patients' condition.
- Collect, record, and maintain patient information, such as medical history, reports, or examination results.
- Monitor patients' conditions and progress and reevaluate treatments as necessary.
- Advise patients and community members concerning diet, activity, hygiene, and disease prevention.
- Direct and coordinate activities of nurses, students, assistants, specialists, therapists, and other medical staff.
- Refer patients to medical specialists or other practitioners when necessary.
- Coordinate work with nurses, social workers, rehabilitation therapists, pharmacists, psychologists, and other health care providers.
- Plan, implement, or administer health programs or standards in hospitals, businesses, or communities for prevention or treatment of injury or illness.
- Train residents, medical students, and other health care professionals.
- Prepare government or organizational reports which include birth, death, and disease statistics, workforce evaluations, or medical status of individuals.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.
- Advise or inform guardians, relatives, or significant others of patients' conditions or treatment.
- Prescribe, direct, or administer psychotherapeutic treatments or medications to treat mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.
- Gather and maintain patient information and records, including social or medical history obtained from patients, relatives, or other professionals.
- Design individualized care plans, using a variety of treatments.
- Collaborate with physicians, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, or other professionals to discuss treatment plans and progress.
- Analyze and evaluate patient data or test findings to diagnose nature or extent of mental disorder.
- Examine or conduct laboratory or diagnostic tests on patients to provide information on general physical condition or mental disorder.
- Counsel outpatients or other patients during office visits.
- Teach, take continuing education classes, attend conferences or seminars, or conduct research and publish findings to increase understanding of mental, emotional, or behavioral states or disorders.
- Review and evaluate treatment procedures and outcomes of other psychiatrists or medical professionals.
- Prepare and submit case reports or summaries to government or mental health agencies.
- Serve on committees to promote or maintain community mental health services or delivery systems.
- Advise or inform guardians, relatives, or significant others of patients' conditions or treatment.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.
- Treat diseases of female organs.
- Care for and treat women during prenatal, natal, and postnatal periods.
- Analyze records, reports, test results, or examination information to diagnose medical condition of patient.
- Perform cesarean sections or other surgical procedures as needed to preserve patients' health and deliver babies safely.
- Collect, record, and maintain patient information, such as medical histories, reports, or examination results.
- Prescribe or administer therapy, medication, and other specialized medical care to treat or prevent illness, disease, or injury.
- Monitor patients' conditions and progress and reevaluate treatments as necessary.
- Consult with or provide consulting services to other physicians.
- Refer patient to medical specialist or other practitioner when necessary.
- Direct and coordinate activities of nurses, students, assistants, specialists, therapists, and other medical staff.
- Advise patients and community members concerning diet, activity, hygiene, and disease prevention.
- Plan, implement, or administer health programs in hospitals, businesses, or communities for prevention and treatment of injuries or illnesses.
- Prepare government and organizational reports on birth, death, and disease statistics, workforce evaluations, or the medical status of individuals.
- Conduct research to develop or test medications, treatments, or procedures to prevent or control disease or injury.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.
- Educate patients about diagnoses, prognoses, or treatments.
- Diagnose or treat allergic or immunologic conditions.
- Order or perform diagnostic tests such as skin pricks and intradermal, patch, or delayed hypersensitivity tests.
- Prescribe medication such as antihistamines, antibiotics, and nasal, oral, topical, or inhaled glucocorticosteroids.
- Interpret diagnostic test results to make appropriate differential diagnoses.
- Document patients' medical histories.
- Develop individualized treatment plans for patients, considering patient preferences, clinical data, or the risks and benefits of therapies.
- Provide therapies, such as allergen immunotherapy or immunoglobin therapy, to treat immune conditions.
- Conduct physical examinations of patients.
- Assess the risks and benefits of therapies for allergic and immunologic disorders.
- Coordinate the care of patients with other health care professionals or support staff.
- Engage in self-directed learning and continuing education activities.
- Provide allergy or immunology consultation or education to physicians or other health care providers.
- Conduct laboratory or clinical research on allergy or immunology topics.
- Present research findings at national meetings or in peer-reviewed journals.
- Perform allergen provocation tests such as nasal, conjunctival, bronchial, oral, food, or medication challenges.
- Educate patients about diagnoses, prognoses, or treatments.
- Explain testing procedures to patients, answering questions or reassuring patients, as needed.
- Monitor patients during tests or surgeries, using electroencephalographs (EEG), evoked potential (EP) instruments, or video recording equipment.
- Conduct tests or studies such as electroencephalography (EEG), polysomnography (PSG), nerve conduction studies (NCS), electromyography (EMG), and intraoperative monitoring (IOM).
- Collect patients' medical information needed to customize tests.
- Set up, program, or record montages or electrical combinations when testing peripheral nerve, spinal cord, subcortical, or cortical responses.
- Summarize technical data to assist physicians to diagnose brain, sleep, or nervous system disorders.
- Conduct tests to determine cerebral death, the absence of brain activity, or the probability of recovery from a coma.
- Attach electrodes to patients, using adhesives.
- Measure patients' body parts and mark locations where electrodes are to be placed.
- Submit reports to physicians summarizing test results.
- Calibrate, troubleshoot, or repair equipment and correct malfunctions, as needed.
- Adjust equipment to optimize viewing of the nervous system.
- Measure visual, auditory, or somatosensory evoked potentials (EPs) to determine responses to stimuli.
- Assist in training technicians, medical students, residents, or other staff members.
- Participate in research projects, conferences, or technical meetings.
- Indicate artifacts or interferences derived from sources outside of the brain, such as poor electrode contact or patient movement, on electroneurodiagnostic recordings.
- Explain testing procedures to patients, answering questions or reassuring patients, as needed.
- Provide instructions to patients or family members concerning diagnoses or treatment plans.
- Examine patients with problems related to ocular motility, binocular vision, amblyopia, or strabismus.
- Evaluate, diagnose, or treat disorders of the visual system with an emphasis on binocular vision or abnormal eye movements.
- Perform diagnostic tests or measurements, such as motor testing, visual acuity testing, lensometry, retinoscopy, and color vision testing.
- Provide nonsurgical interventions, including corrective lenses, patches, drops, fusion exercises, or stereograms, to treat conditions such as strabismus, heterophoria, and convergence insufficiency.
- Develop nonsurgical treatment plans for patients with conditions such as strabismus, nystagmus, and other visual disorders.
- Interpret clinical or diagnostic test results.
- Develop or use special test and communication techniques to facilitate diagnosis and treatment of children or patients with disabilities.
- Provide training related to clinical methods or orthoptics to students, resident physicians, or other health professionals.
- Refer patients to ophthalmic surgeons or other physicians.
- Prepare diagnostic or treatment reports for other medical practitioners or therapists.
- Collaborate with ophthalmologists, optometrists, or other specialists in the diagnosis, treatment, or management of conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal diseases.
- Perform vision screening of children in schools or community health centers.
- Present or publish scientific papers.
- Participate in clinical research projects.
- Assist ophthalmologists in diagnostic ophthalmic procedures, such as ultrasonography, fundus photography, and tonometry.
- Provide instructions to patients or family members concerning diagnoses or treatment plans.
- Explain test procedures and safety precautions to patients and provide them with assistance during test procedures.
- Administer radiopharmaceuticals or radiation intravenously to detect or treat diseases, using radioisotope equipment, under direction of a physician.
- Detect and map radiopharmaceuticals in patients' bodies, using a camera to produce photographic or computer images.
- Process cardiac function studies, using computer.
- Calculate, measure, and record radiation dosage or radiopharmaceuticals received, used, and disposed, using computer and following physician's prescription.
- Record and process results of procedures.
- Produce a computer-generated or film image for interpretation by a physician.
- Prepare stock radiopharmaceuticals, adhering to safety standards that minimize radiation exposure to workers and patients.
- Perform quality control checks on laboratory equipment or cameras.
- Dispose of radioactive materials and store radiopharmaceuticals, following radiation safety procedures.
- Gather information on patients' illnesses and medical history to guide the choice of diagnostic procedures for therapy.
- Maintain and calibrate radioisotope and laboratory equipment.
- Measure glandular activity, blood volume, red cell survival, or radioactivity of patient, using scanners, Geiger counters, scintillometers, or other laboratory equipment.
- Train or supervise student or subordinate nuclear medicine technologists.
- Position radiation fields, radiation beams, and patient to allow for most effective treatment of patient's disease, using computer.
- Add radioactive substances to biological specimens, such as blood, urine, or feces, to determine therapeutic drug or hormone levels.
- Develop treatment procedures for nuclear medicine treatment programs.
- Explain test procedures and safety precautions to patients and provide them with assistance during test procedures.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients and parents or guardians.
- Prescribe or administer treatment, therapy, medication, vaccination, and other specialized medical care to treat or prevent illness, disease, or injury in infants and children.
- Examine children regularly to assess their growth and development.
- Treat children who have minor illnesses, acute and chronic health problems, and growth and development concerns.
- Examine patients or order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests to obtain information on medical condition and determine diagnosis.
- Advise patients, parents or guardians, and community members concerning diet, activity, hygiene, and disease prevention.
- Collect, record, and maintain patient information, such as medical history, reports, or examination results.
- Monitor patients' conditions and progress and reevaluate treatments as necessary.
- Direct and coordinate activities of nurses, students, assistants, specialists, therapists, and other medical staff.
- Plan and execute medical care programs to aid in the mental and physical growth and development of children and adolescents.
- Refer patient to medical specialist or other practitioner when necessary.
- Teach residents or medical students about pediatric topics.
- Provide consulting services to other physicians.
- Operate on patients to remove, repair, or improve functioning of diseased or injured body parts and systems.
- Plan, implement, or administer health programs or standards in hospitals, businesses, or communities for prevention or treatment of injury or illness.
- Conduct research to study anatomy and develop or test medications, treatments, or procedures to prevent or control disease or injury.
- Prepare government or organizational reports of birth, death, and disease statistics, workforce evaluations, or medical status of individuals.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients and parents or guardians.
- Inform parents and guardians of child's health problems and surgical procedures through various channels, such as in-person and telecommunication systems.
- Analyze patient's medical history, medication allergies, physical condition, and examination results to verify operation's necessity and to determine best procedure.
- Conduct research to develop and test surgical techniques that can improve operating procedures and outcomes.
- Consult with patient's other medical care specialists, such as cardiologist and endocrinologist, to determine if surgery is necessary.
- Describe preoperative and postoperative treatments and procedures, such as sedatives, diets, antibiotics, or preparation and treatment of the patient's operative area, to parents or guardians of the patient.
- Direct and coordinate activities of nurses, assistants, specialists, residents, and other medical staff.
- Examine fetuses, infants, children, and adolescents, and diagnose health issues to determine need for intervention, such as surgery.
- Examine instruments, equipment, and operating room to ensure sterility.
- Examine patient to obtain information on medical condition and surgical risk.
- Follow established surgical techniques during the operation.
- Interpret results of preoperative tests and physical examinations.
- Manage surgery services, including planning, scheduling and coordination, determination of procedures, or procurement of supplies and equipment.
- Monitor patient's recovery, making follow-up visits and using postoperative assessment techniques, such as blood and imaging tests.
- Operate on fetuses, infants, children, and adolescents to correct deformities, repair injuries, prevent and treat diseases, or improve or restore patients' functions.
- Perform transplantation operations, such as organ transplants, on fetuses, infants, children, and adolescents.
- Prepare case histories.
- Provide consultation and surgical assistance to other physicians and surgeons.
- Refer patient to medical specialist or other practitioners when necessary.
- Inform parents and guardians of child's health problems and surgical procedures through various channels, such as in-person and telecommunication systems.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.
- Analyze records, reports, test results, or examination information to diagnose medical condition of patient.
- Treat internal disorders, such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, or problems of the lung, brain, kidney, or gastrointestinal tract.
- Prescribe or administer medication, therapy, and other specialized medical care to treat or prevent illness, disease, or injury.
- Manage and treat common health problems, such as infections, influenza or pneumonia, as well as serious, chronic, and complex illnesses, in adolescents, adults, and the elderly.
- Provide and manage long-term, comprehensive medical care, including diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases, for adult patients in an office or hospital.
- Advise patients and community members concerning diet, activity, hygiene, and disease prevention.
- Make diagnoses when different illnesses occur together or in situations where the diagnosis may be obscure.
- Refer patient to medical specialist or other practitioner when necessary.
- Monitor patients' conditions and progress and reevaluate treatments as necessary.
- Collect, record, and maintain patient information, such as medical history, reports, or examination results.
- Provide consulting services to other doctors caring for patients with special or difficult problems.
- Advise surgeon of a patient's risk status and recommend appropriate intervention to minimize risk.
- Immunize patients to protect them from preventable diseases.
- Direct and coordinate activities of nurses, students, assistants, specialists, therapists, and other medical staff.
- Prepare government or organizational reports on birth, death, and disease statistics, workforce evaluations, or the medical status of individuals.
- Conduct research to develop or test medications, treatments, or procedures to prevent or control disease or injury.
- Operate on patients to remove, repair, or improve functioning of diseased or injured body parts and systems.
- Plan, implement, or administer health programs in hospitals, businesses, or communities for prevention and treatment of injuries or illnesses.
- Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.
- Prepare patient for exam by explaining procedure, transferring patient to ultrasound table, scrubbing skin and applying gel, and positioning patient properly.
- Observe screen during scan to ensure that image produced is satisfactory for diagnostic purposes, making adjustments to equipment as required.
- Observe and care for patients throughout examinations to ensure their safety and comfort.
- Provide sonogram and oral or written summary of technical findings to physician for use in medical diagnosis.
- Select appropriate equipment settings and adjust patient positions to obtain the best sites and angles.
- Operate ultrasound equipment to produce and record images of the motion, shape, and composition of blood, organs, tissues, or bodily masses, such as fluid accumulations.
- Decide which images to include, looking for differences between healthy and pathological areas.
- Determine whether scope of exam should be extended, based on findings.
- Obtain and record accurate patient history, including prior test results or information from physical examinations.
- Maintain records that include patient information, sonographs and interpretations, files of correspondence, publications and regulations, or quality assurance records, such as pathology, biopsy, or post-operative reports.
- Record and store suitable images, using camera unit connected to the ultrasound equipment.
- Coordinate work with physicians or other healthcare team members, including providing assistance during invasive procedures.
- Clean, check, and maintain sonographic equipment, submitting maintenance requests or performing minor repairs as necessary.
- Perform clerical duties, such as scheduling exams or special procedures, keeping records, or archiving computerized images.
- Supervise or train students or other medical sonographers.
- Perform medical procedures, such as administering oxygen, inserting and removing airways, taking vital signs, or giving emergency treatment, such as first aid or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
- Maintain stock and supplies, preparing supplies for special examinations and ordering supplies when necessary.
- Process and code film from procedures and complete appropriate documentation.
- Load and unload film cassettes used to record images from procedures.
- Perform legal and ethical duties, including preparing safety or accident reports, obtaining written consent from patient to perform invasive procedures, or reporting symptoms of abuse or neglect.
- Prepare patient for exam by explaining procedure, transferring patient to ultrasound table, scrubbing skin and applying gel, and positioning patient properly.
- Explain testing procedures to patients to obtain cooperation and reduce anxiety.
- Conduct electrocardiogram (EKG), phonocardiogram, echocardiogram, stress testing, or other cardiovascular tests to record patients' cardiac activity, using specialized electronic test equipment, recording devices, or laboratory instruments.
- Monitor patients' blood pressure and heart rate using electrocardiogram (EKG) equipment during diagnostic or therapeutic procedures to notify the physician if something appears wrong.
- Obtain and record patient identification, medical history, or test results.
- Monitor patients' comfort and safety during tests, alerting physicians to abnormalities or changes in patient responses.
- Prepare and position patients for testing.
- Attach electrodes to the patients' chests, arms, and legs, connect electrodes to leads from the electrocardiogram (EKG) machine, and operate the EKG machine to obtain a reading.
- Adjust equipment and controls according to physicians' orders or established protocol.
- Check, test, and maintain cardiology equipment, making minor repairs when necessary, to ensure proper operation.
- Supervise or train other cardiology technologists or students.
- Compare measurements of heart wall thickness and chamber sizes to standard norms to identify abnormalities.
- Maintain a proper sterile field during surgical procedures.
- Observe ultrasound display screen and listen to signals to record vascular information, such as blood pressure, limb volume changes, oxygen saturation, or cerebral circulation.
- Assist physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac or peripheral vascular treatments, such as implanting pacemakers or assisting with balloon angioplasties to treat blood vessel blockages.
- Assess cardiac physiology and calculate valve areas from blood flow velocity measurements.
- Operate diagnostic imaging equipment to produce contrast enhanced radiographs of heart and cardiovascular system.
- Observe gauges, recorder, and video screens of data analysis system during imaging of cardiovascular system.
- Inject contrast medium into patients' blood vessels.
- Transcribe, type, and distribute reports of diagnostic procedures for interpretation by physician.
- Set up 24-hour Holter and event monitors, scan and interpret tapes, and report results to physicians.
- Perform general administrative tasks, such as scheduling appointments or ordering supplies or equipment.
- Explain testing procedures to patients to obtain cooperation and reduce anxiety.
- Explain procedures to patients, family members, staff members or others.
- Provide prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum, or newborn care to patients.
- Monitor fetal development by listening to fetal heartbeat, taking external uterine measurements, identifying fetal position, or estimating fetal size and weight.
- Document patients' health histories, symptoms, physical conditions, or other diagnostic information.
- Provide patients with direct family planning services, such as inserting intrauterine devices, dispensing oral contraceptives, and fitting cervical barriers, including cervical caps or diaphragms.
- Prescribe medications as permitted by state regulations.
- Develop and implement individualized plans for health care management.
- Order and interpret diagnostic or laboratory tests.
- Initiate emergency interventions to stabilize patients.
- Document findings of physical examinations.
- Educate patients and family members regarding prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum, newborn, or interconception care.
- Perform physical examinations by taking vital signs, checking neurological reflexes, examining breasts, or performing pelvic examinations.
- Write information in medical records or provide narrative summaries to communicate patient information to other health care providers.
- Provide primary health care, including pregnancy and childbirth, to women.
- Consult with or refer patients to appropriate specialists when conditions exceed the scope of practice or expertise.
- Read current literature, talk with colleagues, or participate in professional organizations or conferences to keep abreast of developments in midwifery.
- Instruct student nurse midwives, medical students, or residents on the birthing process.
- Establish practice guidelines for specialty areas such as primary health care of women, care of the childbearing family, and newborn care.
- Plan, provide, or evaluate educational programs for nursing staff, health care teams, or the community.
- Conduct clinical research on topics such as maternal or infant health care, contraceptive methods, breastfeeding, and gynecological care.
- Manage newborn care during the first weeks of life.
- Explain procedures to patients, family members, staff members or others.
- Prepare patients for examinations, tests, or treatments and explain procedures.
- Observe patients, charting and reporting changes in patients' conditions, such as adverse reactions to medication or treatment, and taking any necessary action.
- Measure and record patients' vital signs, such as height, weight, temperature, blood pressure, pulse, or respiration.
- Administer prescribed medications or start intravenous fluids, noting times and amounts on patients' charts.
- Provide basic patient care or treatments, such as taking temperatures or blood pressures, dressing wounds, treating bedsores, giving enemas or douches, rubbing with alcohol, massaging, or performing catheterizations.
- Supervise nurses' aides or assistants.
- Evaluate nursing intervention outcomes, conferring with other healthcare team members as necessary.
- Work as part of a healthcare team to assess patient needs, plan and modify care, and implement interventions.
- Record food and fluid intake and output.
- Assemble and use equipment, such as catheters, tracheotomy tubes, or oxygen suppliers.
- Collect samples, such as blood, urine, or sputum from patients, and perform routine laboratory tests on samples.
- Prepare or examine food trays for conformance to prescribed diet.
- Help patients with bathing, dressing, maintaining personal hygiene, moving in bed, or standing and walking.
- Apply compresses, ice bags, or hot water bottles.
- Provide medical treatment or personal care to patients in private home settings, such as cooking, keeping rooms orderly, seeing that patients are comfortable and in good spirits, or instructing family members in simple nursing tasks.
- Sterilize equipment and supplies, using germicides, sterilizer, or autoclave.
- Make appointments, keep records, or perform other clerical duties in doctors' offices or clinics.
- Set up equipment and prepare medical treatment rooms.
- Clean rooms and make beds.
- Inventory and requisition supplies and instruments.
- Answer patients' calls and determine how to assist them.
- Wash and dress bodies of deceased persons.
- Prepare patients for examinations, tests, or treatments and explain procedures.
- Educate, prepare, and reassure patients and their families by answering questions, providing physical assistance, and reinforcing physicians' advice regarding treatment reactions or post-treatment care.
- Position patients for treatment with accuracy, according to prescription.
- Administer prescribed doses of radiation to specific body parts, using radiation therapy equipment according to established practices and standards.
- Follow principles of radiation protection for patient, self, and others.
- Review prescription, diagnosis, patient chart, and identification.
- Enter data into computer and set controls to operate or adjust equipment or regulate dosage.
- Check radiation therapy equipment to ensure proper operation.
- Observe and reassure patients during treatment and report unusual reactions to physician or turn equipment off if unexpected adverse reactions occur.
- Maintain records, reports, or files as required, including such information as radiation dosages, equipment settings, or patients' reactions.
- Check for side effects, such as skin irritation, nausea, or hair loss to assess patients' reaction to treatment.
- Prepare or construct equipment, such as immobilization, treatment, or protection devices.
- Help physicians, radiation oncologists, or clinical physicists to prepare physical or technical aspects of radiation treatment plans, using information about patient condition and anatomy.
- Calculate actual treatment dosages delivered during each session.
- Photograph treated area of patient and process film.
- Act as liaison with physicist and supportive care personnel.
- Schedule patients for treatment times.
- Provide assistance to other healthcare personnel during dosimetry procedures and tumor localization.
- Train or supervise student or subordinate radiotherapy technologists.
- Store, sterilize, or prepare the special applicators containing the radioactive substance implanted by the physician.
- Assist in the preparation of sealed radioactive materials, such as cobalt, radium, cesium, or isotopes, for use in radiation treatments.
- Conduct most treatment sessions independently, in accordance with the long-term treatment plan and under the general direction of the patient's physician.
- Implement appropriate follow-up care plans.
- Educate, prepare, and reassure patients and their families by answering questions, providing physical assistance, and reinforcing physicians' advice regarding treatment reactions or post-treatment care.
- Explain treatment procedures to patients to gain cooperation and allay fears.
- Provide emergency care, such as artificial respiration, external cardiac massage, or assistance with cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- Monitor patient's physiological responses to therapy, such as vital signs, arterial blood gases, or blood chemistry changes, and consult with physician if adverse reactions occur.
- Set up and operate devices, such as mechanical ventilators, therapeutic gas administration apparatus, environmental control systems, or aerosol generators, following specified parameters of treatment.
- Work as part of a team of physicians, nurses, or other healthcare professionals to manage patient care by assisting with medical procedures or related duties.
- Maintain charts that contain patients' pertinent identification and therapy information.
- Read prescription, measure arterial blood gases, and review patient information to assess patient condition.
- Relay blood analysis results to a physician.
- Inspect, clean, test, and maintain respiratory therapy equipment to ensure equipment is functioning safely and efficiently, ordering repairs when necessary.
- Make emergency visits to resolve equipment problems.
- Determine requirements for treatment, such as type, method and duration of therapy, precautions to be taken, or medication and dosages, compatible with physicians' orders.
- Enforce safety rules and ensure careful adherence to physicians' orders.
- Educate patients and their families about their conditions and teach appropriate disease management techniques, such as breathing exercises or the use of medications or respiratory equipment.
- Perform bronchopulmonary drainage and assist or instruct patients in performance of breathing exercises.
- Conduct tests, such as electrocardiograms (EKGs), stress testing, or lung capacity tests, to evaluate patients' cardiopulmonary functions.
- Perform pulmonary function and adjust equipment to obtain optimum results in therapy.
- Demonstrate respiratory care procedures to trainees or other healthcare personnel.
- Use a variety of testing techniques to assist doctors in cardiac or pulmonary research or to diagnose disorders.
- Transport patients to the hospital or within the hospital.
- Teach, train, supervise, or use the assistance of students, respiratory therapy technicians, or assistants.
- Perform endotracheal intubation to maintain open airways for patients who are unable to breathe on their own.
- Monitor cardiac patients, using electrocardiography devices, such as a holter monitor.
- Explain treatment procedures to patients to gain cooperation and allay fears.
- Educate patients and family members about mental health and medical conditions, preventive health measures, medications, or treatment plans.
- Assess patients' mental and physical status, based on the presenting symptoms and complaints.
- Diagnose psychiatric disorders and mental health conditions.
- Document patients' medical and psychological histories, physical assessment results, diagnoses, treatment plans, prescriptions, or outcomes.
- Write prescriptions for psychotropic medications as allowed by state regulations and collaborative practice agreements.
- Monitor patients' medication usage and results.
- Evaluate patients' behavior to formulate diagnoses or assess treatments.
- Distinguish between physiologically- and psychologically-based disorders, and diagnose appropriately.
- Develop and implement treatment plans.
- Conduct individual, group, or family psychotherapy for those with chronic or acute mental disorders.
- Participate in activities aimed at professional growth and development, including conferences or continuing education activities.
- Collaborate with interdisciplinary team members, including psychiatrists, psychologists, or nursing staff, to develop, implement, or evaluate treatment plans.
- Consult with psychiatrists or other professionals when unusual or complex cases are encountered.
- Refer patients requiring more specialized or complex treatment to psychiatrists, primary care physicians, or other medical specialists.
- Participate in treatment team conferences regarding diagnosis or treatment of difficult cases.
- Interpret diagnostic or laboratory tests, such as electrocardiograms (EKGs) and renal functioning tests.
- Develop practice protocols for mental health problems, based on review and evaluation of published research.
- Provide routine physical health screenings to detect or monitor problems such as heart disease and diabetes.
- Administer medications, including those administered by injection.
- Develop, implement, or evaluate programs such as outreach activities, community mental health programs, and crisis situation response activities.
- Monitor the use and status of medical and pharmaceutical supplies.
- Treat patients for routine physical health problems.
- Teach classes in mental health topics, such as stress reduction.
- Direct or provide home health services.
- Educate patients and family members about mental health and medical conditions, preventive health measures, medications, or treatment plans.
- Explain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures to patients, patient representatives, or family members.
- Review physicians' orders to confirm prescribed exams.
- Conduct screening interviews of patients to identify contraindications, such as ferrous objects, pregnancy, prosthetic heart valves, cardiac pacemakers, or tattoos.
- Select appropriate imaging techniques or coils to produce required images.
- Operate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners.
- Position patients on cradle, attaching immobilization devices, if needed, to ensure appropriate placement for imaging.
- Take brief medical histories from patients.
- Inspect images for quality, using magnetic resonance scanner equipment and laser camera.
- Intravenously inject contrast dyes, such as gadolinium contrast, in accordance with scope of practice.
- Test magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment to ensure proper functioning and performance in accordance with specifications.
- Instruct medical staff or students in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures or equipment operation.
- Write reports or notes to summarize testing procedures or outcomes for physicians or other medical professionals.
- Comfort patients during exams, or request sedatives or other medication from physicians for patients with anxiety or claustrophobia.
- Calibrate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) console or peripheral hardware.
- Troubleshoot technical issues related to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner or peripheral equipment, such as monitors or coils.
- Connect physiological leads to physiological acquisition control (PAC) units.
- Operate optical systems to capture dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images, such as functional brain imaging, real-time organ motion tracking, or musculoskeletal anatomy and trajectory visualization.
- Attach physiological monitoring leads to patient's finger, chest, waist, or other body parts.
- Conduct inventories to maintain stock of clinical supplies.
- Place and secure small, portable magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners on body part to be imaged, such as arm, leg, or head.
- Develop or otherwise produce film records of magnetic resonance images.
- Schedule appointments for research subjects or clinical patients.
- Provide headphones or earplugs to patients to improve comfort and reduce unpleasant noise.
- Create backup copies of images by transferring images from disk to storage media or workstation.
- Explain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures to patients, patient representatives, or family members.
- Explain exercise program or physiological testing procedures to participants.
- Develop exercise programs to improve participant strength, flexibility, endurance, or circulatory functioning, in accordance with exercise science standards, regulatory requirements, and credentialing requirements.
- Provide emergency or other appropriate medical care to participants with symptoms or signs of physical distress.
- Demonstrate correct use of exercise equipment or performance of exercise routines.
- Recommend methods to increase lifestyle physical activity.
- Interpret exercise program participant data to evaluate progress or identify needed program changes.
- Prescribe individualized exercise programs, specifying equipment, such as treadmill, exercise bicycle, ergometers, or perceptual goggles.
- Provide clinical oversight of exercise for participants at all risk levels.
- Interview participants to obtain medical history or assess participant goals.
- Assess physical performance requirements to aid in the development of individualized recovery or rehabilitation exercise programs.
- Teach behavior modification classes related to topics such as stress management or weight control.
- Conduct stress tests, using electrocardiograph (EKG) machines.
- Measure oxygen consumption or lung functioning, using spirometers.
- Educate athletes or coaches on techniques to improve athletic performance, such as heart rate monitoring, recovery techniques, hydration strategies, or training limits.
- Evaluate staff performance in leading group exercise or conducting diagnostic tests.
- Teach group exercise for low-, medium-, or high-risk clients to improve participant strength, flexibility, endurance, or circulatory functioning.
- Calibrate exercise or testing equipment.
- Teach courses or seminars related to exercise or diet for patients, athletes, or community groups.
- Mentor or train staff to lead group exercise.
- Measure amount of body fat, using such equipment as hydrostatic scale, skinfold calipers, or tape measures.
- Perform routine laboratory tests of blood samples for cholesterol level or glucose tolerance.
- Supervise maintenance of exercise or exercise testing equipment.
- Present exercise knowledge, program information, or research study findings at professional meetings or conferences.
- Order or recommend diagnostic procedures, such as stress tests, drug screenings, or urinary tests.
- Plan or conduct exercise physiology research projects.
- Explain exercise program or physiological testing procedures to participants.
- Inform coaches, trainers, or other interested parties regarding the medical conditions of athletes.
- Diagnose or treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
- Order and interpret the results of laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging procedures.
- Record athletes' medical care information, and maintain medical records.
- Record athletes' medical histories, and perform physical examinations.
- Examine and evaluate athletes prior to participation in sports activities to determine level of physical fitness or predisposition to injuries.
- Coordinate sports care activities with other experts, including specialty physicians and surgeons, athletic trainers, physical therapists, or coaches.
- Provide education and counseling on illness and injury prevention.
- Participate in continuing education activities to improve and maintain knowledge and skills.
- Advise athletes, trainers, or coaches to alter or cease sports practices that are potentially harmful.
- Examine, evaluate and treat athletes who have been injured or who have medical problems such as exercise-induced asthma.
- Refer athletes for specialized consultation, physical therapy, or diagnostic testing.
- Prescribe medications for the treatment of athletic-related injuries.
- Inform athletes about nutrition, hydration, dietary supplements, or uses and possible consequences of medication.
- Develop and test procedures for dealing with emergencies during practices or competitions.
- Advise coaches, trainers, or physical therapists on the proper use of exercises and other therapeutic techniques, and alert them to potentially dangerous practices.
- Observe and evaluate athletes' mental well-being.
- Select and prepare medical equipment or medications to be taken to athletic competition sites.
- Conduct research in the prevention or treatment of injuries or medical conditions related to sports and exercise.
- Prescribe orthotics, prosthetics, and adaptive equipment.
- Evaluate and manage chronic pain conditions.
- Develop and prescribe exercise programs, such as off-season conditioning regimens.
- Provide coaches and therapists with assistance in selecting and fitting protective equipment.
- Advise athletes on ways that substances, such as herbal remedies, could affect drug testing results.
- Advise against injured athletes returning to games or competition if resuming activity could lead to further injury.
- Supervise the rehabilitation of injured athletes.
- Attend games and competitions to provide evaluation and treatment of activity-related injuries or medical conditions.
- Inform coaches, trainers, or other interested parties regarding the medical conditions of athletes.
- Explain procedures and observe patients to ensure safety and comfort during scan.
- Position imaging equipment and adjust controls to set exposure time and distance, according to specification of examination.
- Position patient on examining table and set up and adjust equipment to obtain optimum view of specific body area as requested by physician.
- Monitor patients' conditions and reactions, reporting abnormal signs to physician.
- Use radiation safety measures and protection devices to comply with government regulations and to ensure safety of patients and staff.
- Review and evaluate developed x-rays, video tape, or computer-generated information to determine if images are satisfactory for diagnostic purposes.
- Determine patients' x-ray needs by reading requests or instructions from physicians.
- Prepare contrast material, radiopharmaceuticals, or anesthetic or antispasmodic drugs under the direction of a radiologist.
- Process exposed radiographs using film processors or computer generated methods.
- Operate mobile x-ray equipment in operating room, emergency room, or at patient's bedside.
- Make exposures necessary for the requested procedures, rejecting and repeating work that does not meet established standards.
- Operate or oversee operation of radiologic or magnetic imaging equipment to produce images of the body for diagnostic purposes.
- Operate digital picture archiving communications systems.
- Perform procedures, such as linear tomography, mammography, sonograms, joint and cyst aspirations, routine contrast studies, routine fluoroscopy, or examinations of the head, trunk, or extremities under supervision of physician.
- Provide assistance to physicians or other technologists in the performance of more complex procedures.
- Record, process, and maintain patient data or treatment records and prepare reports.
- Take thorough and accurate patient medical histories.
- Key commands and data into computer to document and specify scan sequences, adjust transmitters and receivers, or photograph certain images.
- Operate fluoroscope to aid physician to view and guide wire or catheter through blood vessels to area of interest.
- Set up examination rooms, ensuring that all necessary equipment is ready.
- Transport patients to or from exam rooms.
- Assist with on-the-job training of new employees or students or provide input to supervisors regarding training performance.
- Maintain a current file of examination protocols.
- Perform general administrative tasks, such as answering phones, scheduling patient appointments, or pulling and filing films.
- Complete quality control activities, monitor equipment operation, and report malfunctioning equipment to supervisor.
- Assign duties to radiologic staff to maintain patient flows and achieve production goals.
- Provide assistance in dressing or changing seriously ill or injured patients or patients with disabilities.
- Coordinate work with clerical personnel or other technologists and technicians.
- Perform supervisory duties, such as developing departmental operating budget, coordinating purchases of supplies or equipment, or preparing work schedules.
- Provide students or other technicians and technologists with suggestions of additional views, alternate positioning, or improved techniques to ensure the images produced are of the highest quality.
- Explain procedures and observe patients to ensure safety and comfort during scan.