- Inspect equipment for safety prior to use, and perform necessary basic maintenance tasks.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Observe and listen to machinery operation to detect equipment malfunctions.
- Operate or tend equipment used in agricultural production, such as tractors, combines, and irrigation equipment.
- Adjust, repair, and service farm machinery and notify supervisors when machinery malfunctions.
- Irrigate soil, using portable pipes or ditch systems, and maintain ditches or pipes and pumps.
- Load and unload crops or containers of materials, manually or using conveyors, handtrucks, forklifts, or transfer augers.
- Mix specified materials or chemicals, and dump solutions, powders, or seeds into planter or sprayer machinery.
- Spray fertilizer or pesticide solutions to control insects, fungus and weed growth, and diseases, using hand sprayers.
- Manipulate controls to set, activate, and adjust mechanisms on machinery.
- Attach farm implements such as plows, discs, sprayers, or harvesters to tractors, using bolts and hand tools.
- Load hoppers, containers, or conveyors to feed machines with products, using forklifts, transfer augers, suction gates, shovels, or pitchforks.
- Direct and monitor the activities of work crews engaged in planting, weeding, or harvesting activities.
- Operate towed machines such as seed drills or manure spreaders to plant, fertilize, dust, and spray crops.
- Weigh crop-filled containers, and record weights and other identifying information.
- Walk beside or ride on planting machines while inserting plants in planter mechanisms at specified intervals.
- Drive trucks to haul crops, supplies, tools, or farm workers.
- Guide products on conveyors to regulate flow through machines, and to discard diseased or rotten products.
- Position boxes or attach bags at discharge ends of machinery to catch products, removing and closing full containers.
- Observe and listen to machinery operation to detect equipment malfunctions.
- Operate or tend equipment used in agricultural production, such as tractors, combines, and irrigation equipment.
- Adjust, repair, and service farm machinery and notify supervisors when machinery malfunctions.
- Irrigate soil, using portable pipes or ditch systems, and maintain ditches or pipes and pumps.
- Inspect buildings, fences, fields or ranges, supplies, and equipment to determine work to be performed.
- Inspect facilities to determine maintenance needs.
- Direct or assist with the adjustment or repair of equipment or machinery.
- Assign tasks such as feeding and treatment of animals, and cleaning and maintenance of animal quarters.
- Record the numbers and types of fish or shellfish reared, harvested, released, sold, and shipped.
- Monitor workers to ensure that safety regulations are followed, warning or disciplining those who violate safety regulations.
- Observe animals for signs of illness, injury, or unusual behavior, notifying veterinarians or managers as warranted.
- Observe fish and beds or ponds to detect diseases, monitor fish growth, determine quality of fish, or determine completeness of harvesting.
- Train workers in tree felling or bucking, operation of tractors or loading machines, yarding or loading techniques, or safety regulations.
- Treat animal illnesses or injuries, following experience or instructions of veterinarians.
- Train workers in spawning, rearing, cultivating, and harvesting methods, and in the use of equipment.
- Train workers in techniques such as planting, harvesting, weeding, or insect identification and in the use of safety measures.
- Confer with managers to evaluate weather or soil conditions, to develop plans or procedures, or to discuss issues such as changes in fertilizers, herbicides, or cultivating techniques.
- Communicate with forestry personnel regarding forest harvesting or forest management plans, procedures, or schedules.
- Inspect crops, fields, or plant stock to determine conditions and need for cultivating, spraying, weeding, or harvesting.
- Coordinate dismantling, moving, and setting up equipment at new work sites.
- Coordinate the selection and movement of logs from storage areas, according to transportation schedules or production requirements.
- Schedule work crews, equipment, or transportation for several different work locations.
- Drive or operate farm machinery, such as trucks, tractors, or self-propelled harvesters, to transport workers or supplies or to cultivate or harvest fields.
- Perform both supervisory and management functions, such as accounting, marketing, and personnel work.
- Transport or arrange for transport of animals, equipment, food, animal feed, and other supplies to and from work sites.
- Read inventory records, customer orders, or shipping schedules to determine required activities.
- Confer with managers to determine production requirements, conditions of equipment and supplies, and work schedules.
- Prepare and maintain time or payroll reports, as well as details of personnel actions, such as performance evaluations, hires, promotions, or disciplinary actions.
- Requisition or purchase supplies, such as insecticides, machine parts or lubricants, or tools.
- Monitor or oversee construction projects, such as horticultural buildings or irrigation systems.
- Issue equipment, such as farm implements, machinery, ladders, or containers to workers, and collect equipment when work is complete.
- Calculate or monitor budgets for maintenance or development of collections, grounds, or infrastructure.
- Monitor operations to identify and solve problems, improve work methods, and ensure compliance with safety, company, and government regulations.
- Plan work schedules according to personnel and equipment availability.
- Inspect buildings, fences, fields or ranges, supplies, and equipment to determine work to be performed.
- Inspect facilities to determine maintenance needs.
- Direct or assist with the adjustment or repair of equipment or machinery.
- Maintain and repair trapping equipment.
- Maintain engines, fishing gear, and other on-board equipment and perform minor repairs.
- Patrol trap lines or nets to inspect settings, remove catch, and reset or relocate traps.
- Obtain permission from landowners to hunt or trap on their land.
- Travel on foot, by vehicle, or by equipment such as boats, snowmobiles, helicopters, snowshoes, or skis to reach hunting areas.
- Steer vessels and operate navigational instruments.
- Skin quarry, using knives, and stretch pelts on frames to be cured.
- Scrape fat, blubber, or flesh from skin sides of pelts with knives or hand scrapers.
- Put fishing equipment into the water and anchor or tow equipment, according to the fishing method used.
- Sort, pack, and store catch in holds with salt and ice.
- Remove catches from fishing equipment and measure them to ensure compliance with legal size.
- Locate fish, using fish-finding equipment.
- Obtain required approvals for using poisons or traps, and notify persons in areas where traps and poison are set.
- Track animals by checking for signs such as droppings or destruction of vegetation.
- Compute positions and plot courses on charts to navigate vessels, using instruments such as compasses, sextants, and charts.
- Select, bait, and set traps, and lay poison along trails, according to species, size, habits, and environs of birds or animals and reasons for trapping them.
- Attach nets, slings, hooks, blades, or lifting devices to cables, booms, hoists, or dredges.
- Participate in animal damage control, wildlife management, disease control, and research activities.
- Transport fish to processing plants or to buyers.
- Interpret weather and vessel conditions to determine appropriate responses.
- Release quarry from traps or nets and transfer to cages.
- Kill or stun trapped quarry, using clubs, poisons, guns, or drowning methods.
- Wash and sort pelts according to species, color, and quality.
- Wash decks, conveyors, knives, and other equipment, using brushes, detergents, and water.
- Connect accessories such as floats, weights, flags, lights, or markers to nets, lines, or traps.
- Teach or guide individuals or groups unfamiliar with specific hunting methods or types of prey.
- Load and unload vessel equipment and supplies, by hand or using hoisting equipment.
- Harvest marine life for human or animal consumption, using diving or dredging equipment, traps, barges, rods, reels, or tackle.
- Direct fishing or hunting operations, and supervise crew members.
- Oversee the purchase of supplies, gear, and equipment.
- Maintain and repair trapping equipment.
- Maintain engines, fishing gear, and other on-board equipment and perform minor repairs.
- Check equipment to ensure that it is operating properly.
- Fight forest fires or perform prescribed burning tasks under the direction of fire suppression officers or forestry technicians.
- Perform fire protection or suppression duties, such as constructing fire breaks or disposing of brush.
- Confer with other workers to discuss issues, such as safety, cutting heights, or work needs.
- Maintain tallies of trees examined and counted during tree marking or measuring efforts.
- Explain or enforce regulations regarding camping, vehicle use, fires, use of buildings, or sanitation.
- Operate skidders, bulldozers, or other prime movers to pull a variety of scarification or site preparation equipment over areas to be regenerated.
- Spray or inject vegetation with insecticides to kill insects or to protect against disease or with herbicides to reduce competing vegetation.
- Thin or space trees, using power thinning saws.
- Identify diseased or undesirable trees and remove them, using power saws or hand saws.
- Select or cut trees according to markings or sizes, types, or grades.
- Prune or shear tree tops or limbs to control growth, increase density, or improve shape.
- Maintain campsites or recreational areas, replenishing firewood or other supplies and cleaning kitchens or restrooms.
- Erect signs or fences, using posthole diggers, shovels, or other hand tools.
- Select tree seedlings, prepare the ground, or plant the trees in reforestation areas, using manual planting tools.
- Provide assistance to forest survey crews by clearing site-lines, holding measuring tools, or setting stakes.
- Sort tree seedlings, discarding substandard seedlings, according to standard charts or verbal instructions.
- Check equipment to ensure that it is operating properly.
- Maintain and repair chainsaws and other equipment, cleaning, oiling, and greasing equipment, and sharpening equipment properly.
- Stop saw engines, pull cutting bars from cuts, and run to safety as tree falls.
- Appraise trees for certain characteristics, such as twist, rot, and heavy limb growth, and gauge amount and direction of lean, to determine how to control the direction of a tree's fall with the least damage.
- Saw back-cuts, leaving sufficient sound wood to control direction of fall.
- Clear brush from work areas and escape routes, and cut saplings and other trees from direction of falls, using axes, chainsaws, or bulldozers.
- Measure felled trees and cut them into specified log lengths, using chain saws and axes.
- Assess logs after cutting to ensure that the quality and length are correct.
- Determine position, direction, and depth of cuts to be made, and placement of wedges or jacks.
- Control the direction of a tree's fall by scoring cutting lines with axes, sawing undercuts along scored lines with chainsaws, knocking slabs from cuts with single-bit axes, and driving wedges.
- Trim off the tops and limbs of trees, using chainsaws, delimbers, or axes.
- Select trees to be cut down, assessing factors such as site, terrain, and weather conditions before beginning work.
- Insert jacks or drive wedges behind saws to prevent binding of saws and to start trees falling.
- Tag unsafe trees with high-visibility ribbons.
- Secure steel cables or chains to logs for dragging by tractors or for pulling by cable yarding systems.
- Load logs or wood onto trucks, trailers, or railroad cars, by hand or using loaders or winches.
- Mark logs for identification.
- Work as a member of a team, rotating between chain saw operation and skidder operation.
- Place supporting limbs or poles under felled trees to avoid splitting undersides, and to prevent logs from rolling.
- Maintain and repair chainsaws and other equipment, cleaning, oiling, and greasing equipment, and sharpening equipment properly.
- Inspect, maintain, and repair equipment, machinery, buildings, pens, yards, and fences.
- Feed and water livestock and monitor food and water supplies.
- Herd livestock to pastures for grazing or to scales, trucks, or other enclosures.
- Examine animals to detect illness, injury, or disease, and to check physical characteristics, such as rate of weight gain.
- Provide medical treatment, such as administering medications and vaccinations, or arrange for veterinarians to provide more extensive treatment.
- Mark livestock to identify ownership and grade, using brands, tags, paint, or tattoos.
- Drive trucks, tractors, and other equipment to distribute feed to animals.
- Segregate animals according to weight, age, color, and physical condition.
- Move equipment, poultry, or livestock from one location to another, manually or using trucks or carts.
- Clean stalls, pens, and equipment, using disinfectant solutions, brushes, shovels, water hoses, or pumps.
- Mix feed, additives, and medicines in prescribed portions.
- Shift animals between grazing areas to ensure that they have sufficient access to food.
- Protect herds from predators, using trained dogs.
- Order food for animals, and arrange for its delivery.
- Perform duties related to livestock reproduction, such as breeding animals within appropriate timeframes, performing artificial inseminations, and helping with animal births.
- Patrol grazing lands on horseback or using all-terrain vehicles.
- Maintain growth, feeding, production, and cost records.
- Groom, clip, trim, or castrate animals, dock ears and tails, or shear coats to collect hair.
- Spray livestock with disinfectants and insecticides, or dip or bathe animals.
- Inspect, maintain, and repair equipment, machinery, buildings, pens, yards, and fences.
- Clean, fuel, service, and perform safety checks on all equipment, and repair and replace parts as necessary.
- Handle high voltage sources and hang electrical cables.
- Drive loaded shuttle cars to ramps and move controls to discharge loads into mine cars or onto conveyors.
- Pry off loose material from roofs and move it into the paths of machines, using crowbars.
- Move trailing electrical cables clear of obstructions, using rubber safety gloves.
- Control conveyors that run the entire length of shuttle cars to distribute loads as loading progresses.
- Observe hand signals, grade stakes, or other markings when operating machines.
- Examine roadway and clear obstructions from the path of travel.
- Drive machines into piles of material blasted from working faces.
- Operate levers to move conveyor booms or shovels so that mine contents such as coal, rock, and ore can be placed into cars or onto conveyors.
- Clean hoppers, and clean spillage from tracks, walks, driveways, and conveyor decking.
- Oil, lubricate, and adjust conveyors, crushers, and other equipment, using hand tools and lubricating equipment.
- Monitor loading processes to ensure that materials are loaded according to specifications.
- Measure, weigh, or verify levels of rock, gravel, or other excavated material to prevent equipment overloads.
- Replace hydraulic hoses, headlight bulbs, and gathering-arm teeth.
- Stop gathering arms when cars are full.
- Move mine cars into position for loading and unloading, using pinchbars inserted under car wheels to position cars under loading spouts.
- Advance machines to gather material and convey it into cars.
- Signal workers to move loaded cars.
- Guide and stop cars by switching, applying brakes, or placing scotches, or wooden wedges, between wheels and rails.
- Observe and record car numbers, carriers, customers, tonnages, and grades and conditions of material.
- Read written instructions or confer with supervisors about schedules and materials to be moved.
- Maintain records of materials moved.
- Direct other workers to move stakes, place blocks, position anchors or cables, or move materials.
- Push or ride cars down slopes, or hook cars to cables and control cable drum brakes, to ease cars down inclines.
- Clean, fuel, service, and perform safety checks on all equipment, and repair and replace parts as necessary.
- Repair and maintain farm vehicles, implements, and mechanical equipment.
- Record information about crops, such as pesticide use, yields, or costs.
- Direct and monitor the work of casual and seasonal help during planting and harvesting.
- Participate in the inspection, grading, sorting, storage, and post-harvest treatment of crops.
- Harvest plants, and transplant or pot and label them.
- Harvest fruits and vegetables by hand.
- Set up and operate irrigation equipment.
- Inform farmers or farm managers of crop progress.
- Identify plants, pests, and weeds to determine the selection and application of pesticides and fertilizers.
- Operate tractors, tractor-drawn machinery, and self-propelled machinery to plow, harrow and fertilize soil, or to plant, cultivate, spray and harvest crops.
- Load agricultural products into trucks, and drive trucks to market or storage facilities.
- Clean work areas, and maintain grounds and landscaping.
- Sell and deliver plants and flowers to customers.
- Regulate greenhouse conditions, and indoor and outdoor irrigation systems.
- Feel plants' leaves and note their coloring to detect the presence of insects or disease.
- Provide information and advice to the public regarding the selection, purchase, and care of products.
- Maintain and repair irrigation and climate control systems.
- Dig, cut, and transplant seedlings, cuttings, trees, and shrubs.
- Record information about plants and plant growth.
- Maintain inventory, ordering materials as required.
- Dig, rake, and screen soil, filling cold frames and hot beds in preparation for planting.
- Inspect plants and bud ties to assess quality.
- Move containerized shrubs, plants, and trees, using wheelbarrows or tractors.
- Tie and bunch flowers, plants, shrubs, and trees, wrap their roots, and pack them into boxes to fill orders.
- Haul and spread topsoil, fertilizer, peat moss, and other materials to condition soil, using wheelbarrows or carts and shovels.
- Repair farm buildings, fences, and other structures.
- Plant, spray, weed, fertilize, water, and prune plants, shrubs, and trees, using gardening tools.
- Repair and maintain farm vehicles, implements, and mechanical equipment.