- Operate controls to open and close transit vehicle doors.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Drive shuttle busses, limousines, company cars, or privately owned vehicles to transport passengers.
- Operate vehicles with specialized equipment, such as wheelchair lifts, to transport and secure passengers with special needs.
- Pick up and drop off passengers at regularly scheduled neighborhood locations, following strict time schedules.
- Comply with traffic regulations to operate vehicles in a safe and courteous manner.
- Follow relevant safety regulations and state laws governing vehicle operation, and ensure that passengers follow safety regulations.
- Arrange to pick up particular customers or groups on a regular schedule.
- Check the condition of a vehicle's tires, brakes, windshield wipers, lights, oil, fuel, water, and safety equipment to ensure that everything is in working order.
- Collect fares or vouchers from passengers, and make change or issue receipts as necessary.
- Communicate with dispatchers by radio, telephone, or computer to exchange information and receive requests for passenger service.
- Complete accident reports when necessary.
- Maintain knowledge of first-aid procedures.
- Notify dispatchers or company mechanics of vehicle problems.
- Perform errands for customers or employers, such as delivering or picking up mail and packages.
- Perform minor vehicle repairs, such as cleaning spark plugs, or take vehicles to mechanics for servicing.
- Perform routine vehicle maintenance, such as regulating tire pressure and adding gasoline, oil, and water.
- Pick up or meet passengers according to requests, appointments, or schedules.
- Prepare and submit reports that may include the number of passengers or trips, hours worked, mileage driven fuel consumed, or fares received.
- Provide passengers with assistance entering and exiting vehicles, and help them with any luggage.
- Provide passengers with information or advice about the local area, points of interest, hotels, or restaurants.
- Read maps and follow written and verbal geographic directions.
- Record vehicle routes.
- Regulate heating, lighting, and ventilation systems for passenger comfort.
- Report any vehicle malfunctions or needed repairs.
- Report delays, accidents, or other traffic and transportation situations, using telephones or mobile two-way radios.
- Test vehicle equipment, such as lights, brakes, horns, or windshield wipers, to ensure proper operation.
- Vacuum and clean interiors, and wash and polish exteriors of automobiles.
- Drive shuttle busses, limousines, company cars, or privately owned vehicles to transport passengers.
- Operate vehicles with specialized equipment, such as wheelchair lifts, to transport and secure passengers with special needs.
- Pick up and drop off passengers at regularly scheduled neighborhood locations, following strict time schedules.
- Comply with traffic regulations to operate vehicles in a safe and courteous manner.
- Follow relevant safety regulations and state laws governing vehicle operation, and ensure that passengers follow safety regulations.
- Drive gasoline, diesel, or electrically powered multi-passenger vehicles to transport students between neighborhoods, schools, and school activities.
- Pick up and drop off students at regularly scheduled neighborhood locations, following strict time schedules.
- Comply with traffic regulations to operate vehicles in a safe and courteous manner.
- Follow safety rules as students board and exit buses or cross streets near bus stops.
- Check the condition of a vehicle's tires, brakes, windshield wipers, lights, oil, fuel, water, and safety equipment to ensure that everything is in working order.
- Escort small children across roads and highways.
- Keep bus interiors clean for students.
- Maintain knowledge of first-aid procedures.
- Maintain order among students during trips to ensure safety.
- Make minor repairs to vehicles.
- Prepare and submit reports that may include the number of students or trips, hours worked, mileage, or fuel consumption.
- Read maps and follow written and verbal geographic directions.
- Record bus routes.
- Regulate heating, lighting, and ventilation systems for student comfort.
- Report any bus malfunctions or needed repairs.
- Report delays, accidents, or other traffic and transportation situations, using telephones or mobile two-way radios.
- Report delinquent student behaviors to school administration.
- Drive gasoline, diesel, or electrically powered multi-passenger vehicles to transport students between neighborhoods, schools, and school activities.
- Pick up and drop off students at regularly scheduled neighborhood locations, following strict time schedules.
- Comply with traffic regulations to operate vehicles in a safe and courteous manner.
- Follow safety rules as students board and exit buses or cross streets near bus stops.
- Drive taxicabs or privately owned vehicles to transport passengers.
- Pick up passengers at prearranged locations, at taxi stands, or by cruising streets in high-traffic areas.
- Follow relevant safety regulations and state laws governing vehicle operation, and ensure that passengers follow safety regulations.
- Collect fares or vouchers from passengers, and make change or issue receipts as necessary.
- Communicate with dispatchers by radio, telephone, or computer to exchange information and receive requests for passenger service.
- Complete accident reports when necessary.
- Determine fares based on trip distances and times, using taximeters and fee schedules, and announce fares to passengers.
- Notify dispatchers or company mechanics of vehicle problems.
- Perform minor vehicle repairs, such as cleaning spark plugs, or take vehicles to mechanics for servicing.
- Perform routine vehicle maintenance, such as regulating tire pressure and adding gasoline, oil, and water.
- Provide passengers with assistance entering and exiting vehicles, and help them with any luggage.
- Provide passengers with information or advice about the local area, points of interest, hotels, or restaurants.
- Report to taxicab services or garages to receive vehicle assignments.
- Test vehicle equipment, such as lights, brakes, horns, or windshield wipers, to ensure proper operation.
- Turn the taximeter on when passengers enter the cab, and turn it off when they reach the final destination.
- Vacuum and clean interiors and wash and polish exteriors of automobiles.
- Drive taxicabs or privately owned vehicles to transport passengers.
- Pick up passengers at prearranged locations, at taxi stands, or by cruising streets in high-traffic areas.
- Follow relevant safety regulations and state laws governing vehicle operation, and ensure that passengers follow safety regulations.
- Drive vehicles over specified routes or to specified destinations according to time schedules, complying with traffic regulations to ensure that passengers have a smooth and safe ride.
- Park vehicles at loading areas so that passengers can board.
- Inspect vehicles and check gas, oil, and water levels prior to departure.
- Announce stops to passengers.
- Assist passengers, such as elderly or individuals with disabilities, on and off bus, ensure they are seated properly, help carry baggage, and answer questions about bus schedules or routes.
- Collect tickets or cash fares from passengers.
- Handle passenger emergencies or disruptions.
- Report delays or accidents.
- Advise passengers to be seated and orderly while on vehicles.
- Regulate heating, lighting, and ventilating systems for passenger comfort.
- Record information, such as cash receipts and ticket fares, and maintain log book.
- Maintain cleanliness of bus or motor coach.
- Read maps to plan bus routes.
- Load and unload baggage in baggage compartments.
- Drive vehicles over specified routes or to specified destinations according to time schedules, complying with traffic regulations to ensure that passengers have a smooth and safe ride.
- Park vehicles at loading areas so that passengers can board.
- Assemble and maintain portfolios, print composite cards, and travel to go-sees to obtain jobs.
- Pose for artists and photographers.
- Record rates of pay and durations of jobs on vouchers.
- Gather information from agents concerning the pay, dates, times, provisions, and lengths of jobs.
- Report job completions to agencies and obtain information about future appointments.
- Pose as directed, or strike suitable interpretive poses for promoting and selling merchandise or fashions during appearances, filming, or photo sessions.
- Apply makeup to face and style hair to enhance appearance, considering such factors as color, camera techniques, and facial features.
- Work closely with photographers, fashion coordinators, directors, producers, stylists, make-up artists, other models, and clients to produce the desired looks, and to finish photo shoots on schedule.
- Dress in sample or completed garments, and select accessories.
- Follow strict routines of diet, sleep, and exercise to maintain appearance.
- Assemble and maintain portfolios, print composite cards, and travel to go-sees to obtain jobs.
- Drive ambulances or assist ambulance drivers in transporting sick, injured, or convalescent persons.
- Remove and replace soiled linens or equipment to maintain sanitary conditions.
- Report facts concerning accidents or emergencies to hospital personnel or law enforcement officials.
- Place patients on stretchers, and load stretchers into ambulances, usually with assistance from other attendants.
- Accompany and assist emergency medical technicians on calls.
- Replace supplies and disposable items on ambulances.
- Perform minor maintenance on emergency medical services vehicles, such as ambulances.
- Clean and wash rigs, ambulances, or equipment.
- Earn and maintain appropriate certifications.
- Administer first aid, such as bandaging, splinting, or administering oxygen.
- Restrain or shackle violent patients.
- Drive ambulances or assist ambulance drivers in transporting sick, injured, or convalescent persons.
- Drive to sawmills, wharfs, or skids to inspect logs or pulpwood.
- Evaluate log characteristics and determine grades, using established criteria.
- Record data about individual trees or load volumes into tally books or hand-held collection terminals.
- Measure felled logs or loads of pulpwood to calculate volume, weight, dimensions, and marketable value, using measuring devices and conversion tables.
- Paint identification marks of specified colors on logs to identify grades or species, using spray cans, or call out grades to log markers.
- Jab logs with metal ends of scale sticks, and inspect logs to ascertain characteristics or defects such as water damage, splits, knots, broken ends, rotten areas, twists, and curves.
- Identify logs of substandard or special grade so that they can be returned to shippers, regraded, recut, or transferred for other processing.
- Arrange for hauling of logs to appropriate mill sites.
- Weigh log trucks before and after unloading, and record load weights and supplier identities.
- Measure log lengths and mark boles for bucking into logs, according to specifications.
- Communicate with coworkers by signals to direct log movement.
- Saw felled trees into lengths.
- Drive to sawmills, wharfs, or skids to inspect logs or pulpwood.
- Park and retrieve automobiles for customers in parking lots, storage garages, or new car lots.
- Take numbered tags from customers, locate vehicles, and deliver vehicles, or provide customers with instructions for locating vehicles.
- Inspect vehicles to detect any damage.
- Greet customers and open their car doors.
- Issue ticket stubs or place numbered tags on windshields, log tags or attach tag to customers' keys, and give customers matching tags for locating parked vehicles.
- Perform cash handling tasks, such as making change, balancing and recording cash drawer, or distributing tips.
- Explain and calculate parking charges, collect fees from customers, and respond to customer complaints.
- Provide customer assistance and information, such as giving directions or handling wheelchairs.
- Keep parking areas clean and orderly to ensure that space usage is maximized.
- Call emergency responders or the proper authorities and provide motorist assistance, such as giving directions or helping jump start a stalled vehicle.
- Patrol parking areas to prevent vehicle damage and vehicle or property thefts.
- Direct motorists to parking areas or parking spaces, using hand signals or flashlights as necessary.
- Escort customers to their vehicles to ensure their safety.
- Perform maintenance on cars in storage to protect tires, batteries, or exteriors from deterioration.
- Lift, position, and remove barricades to open or close parking areas.
- Park and retrieve automobiles for customers in parking lots, storage garages, or new car lots.
- Drive vehicles to or from workshops or customers' workplaces or homes.
- Rinse objects and place them on drying racks or use cloth, squeegees, or air compressors to dry surfaces.
- Apply paints, dyes, polishes, reconditioners, waxes, or masking materials to vehicles to preserve, protect, or restore color or condition.
- Clean and polish vehicle windows.
- Scrub, scrape, or spray machine parts, equipment, or vehicles, using scrapers, brushes, clothes, cleaners, disinfectants, insecticides, acid, abrasives, vacuums, or hoses.
- Inspect parts, equipment, or vehicles for cleanliness, damage, and compliance with standards or regulations.
- Mix cleaning solutions, abrasive compositions, or other compounds, according to formulas.
- Maintain inventories of supplies.
- Pre-soak or rinse machine parts, equipment, or vehicles by immersing objects in cleaning solutions or water, manually or using hoists.
- Turn valves or disconnect hoses to eliminate water, cleaning solutions, or vapors from machinery or tanks.
- Turn valves or handles on equipment to regulate pressure or flow of water, air, steam, or abrasives from sprayer nozzles.
- Sweep, shovel, or vacuum loose debris or salvageable scrap into containers and remove containers from work areas.
- Monitor operation of cleaning machines and stop machines or notify supervisors when malfunctions occur.
- Press buttons to activate cleaning equipment or machines.
- Connect hoses or lines to pumps or other equipment.
- Clean the plastic work inside cars, using paintbrushes.
- Disassemble and reassemble machines or equipment or remove and reattach vehicle parts or trim, using hand tools.
- Lubricate machinery, vehicles, or equipment or perform minor repairs or adjustments, using hand tools.
- Transport materials, equipment, or supplies to or from work areas, using carts or hoists.
- Fit boot spoilers, side skirts, or mud flaps to cars.
- Drive vehicles to or from workshops or customers' workplaces or homes.