- Distribute instructional or library materials.
Occupations with related activities Save Table: XLSX CSV
Shared Activities | Similar Activities | Job Zone | Code | Occupation |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-3031.00 | Substitute Teachers, Short-Term |
1 | 0 | 5 | 25-9044.00 | Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary |
1 | 0 | 4 | 11-2033.00 | Fundraising Managers
1 | 0 | 3 | 25-4031.00 | Library Technicians |
1 | 0 | 3 | 25-9042.00 | Teaching Assistants, Preschool, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary School, Except Special Education |
1 | 0 | 3 | 25-9043.00 | Teaching Assistants, Special Education |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-2055.00 | Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten |
1 | 0 | 5 | 25-2051.00 | Special Education Teachers, Preschool |
1 | 0 | 3 | 25-2011.00 | Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-2023.00 | Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-2031.00 | Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education |
1 | 0 | 3 | 25-3021.00 | Self-Enrichment Teachers |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-2032.00 | Career/Technical Education Teachers, Secondary School |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-2058.00 | Special Education Teachers, Secondary School |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-3011.00 | Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, and English as a Second Language Instructors |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-2022.00 | Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-2021.00 | Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-2012.00 | Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education |
1 | 0 | 4 | 25-2057.00 | Special Education Teachers, Middle School |
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Teach classes in area of specialization.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Assist patrons with entering or exiting vehicles or other forms of transportation.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Coordinate student extracurricular activities.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Evaluate student work.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Maintain student records.
- Operate audiovisual equipment.
- Operate computers or computerized equipment.
- Teach daily living skills or behaviors.
- Teach life skills.
- Tutor students who need extra assistance.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Evaluate student work.
- Guide class discussions.
- Supervise laboratory work.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Develop instructional materials.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Prepare tests.
- Tutor students who need extra assistance.
- Assist other educational professionals with projects or research.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Schedule instructional activities.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Evaluate performance of educational staff.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Develop organizational policies or programs.
- Develop business or market strategies.
- Develop financial or business plans.
- Develop library or archival databases.
- Develop operating strategies, plans, or procedures.
- Develop organizational goals or objectives.
- Develop promotional materials.
- Direct financial operations.
- Direct sales, marketing, or customer service activities.
- Edit documents.
- Establish interpersonal business relationships to facilitate work activities.
- Evaluate employee performance.
- Evaluate program effectiveness.
- Examine financial records.
- Inform the public about policies, services or procedures.
- Manage organizational or project budgets.
- Operate still or video cameras or related equipment.
- Organize special events.
- Prepare proposal documents.
- Present information to the public.
- Supervise employees.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Process library materials.
- Provide information to the general public.
- Help patrons use library or archival resources.
- Maintain operational records.
- Classify materials according to standard systems.
- Assist other educational professionals with projects or research.
- Inspect materials or equipment to determine need for repair or replacement.
- Maintain computer equipment or software.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Direct activities of subordinates.
- Search information sources to find specific data.
- Train staff members.
- Plan community programs or activities for the general public.
- Organize informational materials.
- Develop instructional materials.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Write articles, books or other original materials in area of expertise.
- Deliver items.
- Sort mail.
- Operate audiovisual equipment.
- Compile specialized bibliographies or lists of materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Tutor students who need extra assistance.
- Maintain student records.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Monitor student performance.
- Teach daily living skills or behaviors.
- Teach life skills.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Lead classes or community events.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Clean facilities or work areas.
- Maintain clean work areas.
- Display student work.
- Plan educational activities.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Maintain computer equipment or software.
- Develop instructional materials.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Evaluate student work.
- Teach physical education.
- Operate audiovisual equipment.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Collect deposits, payments or fees.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Maintain student records.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Monitor student performance.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Teach life skills.
- Assist other educational professionals with projects or research.
- Clean facilities or work areas.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Develop instructional materials.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Display student work.
- Document lesson plans.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Evaluate student work.
- Implement therapeutic programs to improve patient functioning.
- Lead classes or community events.
- Maintain clean work areas.
- Maintain computer equipment or software.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Plan educational activities.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Tutor students who need extra assistance.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Develop instructional materials.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Evaluate student work.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Monitor student performance.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Direct activities of subordinates.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Display student work.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Maintain student records.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Plan educational activities.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Prepare tests.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Teach life skills.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Tutor students who need extra assistance.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Teach life skills.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Encourage students.
- Monitor student performance.
- Evaluate student work.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Provide for basic needs of children.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Direct activities of subordinates.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Maintain student records.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Develop instructional materials.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Plan educational activities.
- Read to students.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Display student work.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Teach life skills.
- Provide for basic needs of children.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Plan educational activities.
- Evaluate student work.
- Maintain student records.
- Monitor student performance.
- Read to students.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Arrange childcare or educational settings to ensure physical safety of children.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Display student work.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Evaluate performance of educational staff.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Supervise student research or internship work.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Encourage students.
- Maintain student records.
- Monitor student performance.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Evaluate student work.
- Assign class work to students.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Prepare tests.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Plan educational activities.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Document lesson plans.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Coordinate student extracurricular activities.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Maintain student records.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Evaluate student work.
- Monitor student performance.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Plan educational activities.
- Assign class work to students.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Prepare tests.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Encourage students.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Document lesson plans.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Coordinate student extracurricular activities.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Encourage students.
- Assess educational needs of students.
- Monitor student performance.
- Maintain student records.
- Evaluate student work.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Prepare tests.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Assign class work to students.
- Document lesson plans.
- Teach life skills.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Evaluate effectiveness of educational programs.
- Plan educational activities.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Schedule instructional activities.
- Evaluate performance of educational staff.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Select educational materials or equipment.
- Promote educational institutions or programs.
- Write articles, books or other original materials in area of expertise.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Evaluate student work.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Monitor student performance.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Plan educational activities.
- Maintain student records.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Assign class work to students.
- Teach vocational courses.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Prepare tests.
- Encourage students.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Supervise student research or internship work.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Perform student enrollment or registration activities.
- Coordinate student extracurricular activities.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Select educational materials or equipment.
- Stay informed about current developments in field of specialization.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Evaluate student work.
- Monitor student performance.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Teach life skills.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Maintain student records.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Plan educational activities.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Direct activities of subordinates.
- Encourage students.
- Prepare tests.
- Document lesson plans.
- Teach vocational courses.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Tutor students who need extra assistance.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Coordinate student extracurricular activities.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Evaluate student work.
- Monitor student performance.
- Assess educational needs of students.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Encourage students.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Plan educational activities.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Assign class work to students.
- Maintain student records.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Prepare tests.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Document lesson plans.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Evaluate effectiveness of educational programs.
- Schedule instructional activities.
- Perform student enrollment or registration activities.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Train staff members.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Select educational materials or equipment.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Collaborate with other agencies and institutions to coordinate educational matters.
- Evaluate performance of educational staff.
- Promote educational institutions or programs.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Evaluate student work.
- Monitor student performance.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Prepare tests.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Assign class work to students.
- Plan educational activities.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Maintain student records.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Tutor students who need extra assistance.
- Encourage students.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Document lesson plans.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Coordinate student extracurricular activities.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Display student work.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Evaluate performance of educational staff.
- Supervise student research or internship work.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Plan educational activities.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Evaluate student work.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Monitor student performance.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Read to students.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Assign class work to students.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Encourage students.
- Prepare tests.
- Maintain student records.
- Enforce rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Document lesson plans.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Evaluate performance of educational staff.
- Supervise student research or internship work.
- Display student work.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Coordinate student extracurricular activities.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Encourage students.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Teach life skills.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Evaluate student work.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Monitor student performance.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Read to students.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Maintain student records.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Plan educational activities.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Provide for basic needs of children.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Arrange childcare or educational settings to ensure physical safety of children.
- Prepare tests.
- Display student work.
- Document lesson plans.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Evaluate performance of educational staff.
- Supervise student research or internship work.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.
- Establish rules or policies governing student behavior.
- Modify teaching methods or materials to accommodate student needs.
- Develop strategies or programs for students with special needs.
- Design psychological or educational treatment procedures or programs.
- Develop educational programs.
- Maintain student records.
- Prepare reports detailing student activities or performance.
- Discuss student progress with parents or guardians.
- Teach life skills.
- Discuss problems or issues with supervisors.
- Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Evaluate student work.
- Monitor student performance.
- Monitor student behavior, social development, or health.
- Assist students with special educational needs.
- Plan educational activities.
- Direct activities of subordinates.
- Set up classroom materials or equipment.
- Administer tests to assess educational needs or progress.
- Prepare tests.
- Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Create technology-based learning materials.
- Develop instructional objectives.
- Advise students on academic or career matters.
- Document lesson plans.
- Evaluate performance of educational staff.
- Supervise student research or internship work.
- Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Teach others to use technology or equipment.
- Teach vocational courses.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Plan experiential learning activities.
- Display student work.
- Supervise school or student activities.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Order instructional or library materials or equipment.
- Tutor students who need extra assistance.
- Distribute instructional or library materials.