- Repair circuits, wiring, and soldering, using soldering irons and hand tools to install parts and adjust connections.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
Closely Related Tasks | All Related Tasks | Job Zone | Code | Occupation |
4 | 7 | 2 | 49-9051.00 | Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers
4 | 5 | 3 | 49-2093.00 | Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment
3 | 6 | 3 | 49-9012.00 | Control and Valve Installers and Repairers, Except Mechanical Door |
3 | 3 | 3 | 49-9063.00 | Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners |
2 | 4 | 3 | 49-2095.00 | Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation, and Relay |
2 | 3 | 2 | 49-9095.00 | Manufactured Building and Mobile Home Installers |
2 | 3 | 2 | 49-3092.00 | Recreational Vehicle Service Technicians
1 | 5 | 2 | 49-9052.00 | Telecommunications Line Installers and Repairers |
1 | 5 | 3 | 49-2092.00 | Electric Motor, Power Tool, and Related Repairers |
1 | 5 | 3 | 49-2022.00 | Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers |
1 | 4 | 3 | 49-2096.00 | Electronic Equipment Installers and Repairers, Motor Vehicles |
1 | 4 | 3 | 49-2098.00 | Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers
1 | 3 | 2 | 49-9098.00 | Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers |
1 | 2 | 3 | 49-9062.00 | Medical Equipment Repairers
1 | 2 | 3 | 49-3042.00 | Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Except Engines
1 | 2 | 2 | 49-9011.00 | Mechanical Door Repairers
1 | 2 | 3 | 49-9071.00 | Maintenance and Repair Workers, General
1 | 2 | 3 | 49-9021.00 | Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers
1 | 1 | 3 | 49-9097.00 | Signal and Track Switch Repairers |
1 | 1 | 3 | 49-3051.00 | Motorboat Mechanics and Service Technicians
1 | 1 | 3 | 49-2011.00 | Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-9061.00 | Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers |
- Install, maintain, and repair electrical distribution and transmission systems, including conduits, cables, wires, and related equipment, such as transformers, circuit breakers, and switches.
- Install watt-hour meters and connect service drops between power lines and consumers' facilities.
- Splice or solder cables together or to overhead transmission lines, customer service lines, or street light lines, using hand tools, epoxies, or specialized equipment.
- Clean, tin, and splice corresponding conductors by twisting ends together or by joining ends with metal clamps and soldering connections.
- String wire conductors and cables between poles, towers, trenches, pylons, and buildings, setting lines in place and using winches to adjust tension.
- Pull up cable by hand from large reels mounted on trucks.
- Lay underground cable directly in trenches, or string it through conduit running through the trenches.
- Adhere to safety practices and procedures, such as checking equipment regularly and erecting barriers around work areas.
- Drive vehicles equipped with tools and materials to job sites.
- Open switches or attach grounding devices to remove electrical hazards from disturbed or fallen lines or to facilitate repairs.
- Climb poles or use truck-mounted buckets to access equipment.
- Inspect and test power lines and auxiliary equipment to locate and identify problems, using reading and testing instruments.
- Coordinate work assignment preparation and completion with other workers.
- Replace or straighten damaged poles.
- Attach cross-arms, insulators, and auxiliary equipment to poles prior to installing them.
- Dig holes, using augers, and set poles, using cranes and power equipment.
- Travel in trucks, helicopters, and airplanes to inspect lines for freedom from obstruction and adequacy of insulation.
- Identify defective sectionalizing devices, circuit breakers, fuses, voltage regulators, transformers, switches, relays, or wiring, using wiring diagrams and electrical-testing instruments.
- Test conductors, according to electrical diagrams and specifications, to identify corresponding conductors and to prevent incorrect connections.
- Place insulating or fireproofing materials over conductors and joints.
- Trim trees that could be hazardous to the functioning of cables or wires.
- Cut trenches for laying underground cables, using trenchers and cable plows.
- Cut and peel lead sheathing and insulation from defective or newly installed cables and conduits prior to splicing.
- Install, maintain, and repair electrical distribution and transmission systems, including conduits, cables, wires, and related equipment, such as transformers, circuit breakers, and switches.
- Install watt-hour meters and connect service drops between power lines and consumers' facilities.
- Splice or solder cables together or to overhead transmission lines, customer service lines, or street light lines, using hand tools, epoxies, or specialized equipment.
- Clean, tin, and splice corresponding conductors by twisting ends together or by joining ends with metal clamps and soldering connections.
- String wire conductors and cables between poles, towers, trenches, pylons, and buildings, setting lines in place and using winches to adjust tension.
- Pull up cable by hand from large reels mounted on trucks.
- Lay underground cable directly in trenches, or string it through conduit running through the trenches.
- Adjust, repair, or replace defective wiring and relays in ignition, lighting, air-conditioning, and safety control systems, using electrician's tools.
- Splice wires with knives or cutting pliers, and solder connections to fixtures, outlets, and equipment.
- Locate and remove or repair circuit defects such as blown fuses or malfunctioning transistors.
- Measure, cut, and install frameworks and conduit to support and connect wiring, control panels, and junction boxes, using hand tools.
- Repair or rebuild equipment such as starters, generators, distributors, or door controls, using electrician's tools.
- Inspect and test electrical systems and equipment to locate and diagnose malfunctions, using visual inspections, testing devices, and computer software.
- Reassemble and test equipment after repairs.
- Maintain equipment service records.
- Refer to schematics and manufacturers' specifications that show connections and provide instructions on how to locate problems.
- Install fixtures, outlets, terminal boards, switches, and wall boxes, using hand tools.
- Install new fuses, electrical cables, or power sources as required.
- Cut openings and drill holes for fixtures, outlet boxes, and fuse holders, using electric drills and routers.
- Confer with customers to determine the nature of malfunctions.
- Install electrical equipment such as air-conditioning, heating, or ignition systems and components such as generator brushes and commutators, using hand tools.
- Estimate costs of repairs based on parts and labor requirements.
- Adjust, repair, or replace defective wiring and relays in ignition, lighting, air-conditioning, and safety control systems, using electrician's tools.
- Splice wires with knives or cutting pliers, and solder connections to fixtures, outlets, and equipment.
- Locate and remove or repair circuit defects such as blown fuses or malfunctioning transistors.
- Measure, cut, and install frameworks and conduit to support and connect wiring, control panels, and junction boxes, using hand tools.
- Repair or rebuild equipment such as starters, generators, distributors, or door controls, using electrician's tools.
- Connect regulators to test stands, and turn screw adjustments until gauges indicate that inlet and outlet pressures meet specifications.
- Trace and tag meters or house lines.
- Splice and connect cables from meters or current transformers to pull boxes or switchboards, using hand tools.
- Repair electric meters and components, such as transformers and relays, and replace metering devices, dial glasses, and faulty or incorrect wiring, using hand tools.
- Attach air hoses to meter inlets, plug outlets, and observe gauges for pressure losses to test internal seams for leaks.
- Connect hoses from provers to meter inlets and outlets, and raise prover bells until prover gauges register zero.
- Record maintenance information, including test results, material usage, and repairs made.
- Disassemble and repair mechanical control devices or valves, such as regulators, thermostats, or hydrants, using power tools, hand tools, and cutting torches.
- Lubricate wearing surfaces of mechanical parts, using oils or other lubricants.
- Calibrate instrumentation, such as meters, gauges, and regulators, for pressure, temperature, flow, and level.
- Install, inspect and test electric meters, relays, and power sources to detect causes of malfunctions and inaccuracies, using hand tools and testing equipment.
- Test valves and regulators for leaks and accurate temperature and pressure settings, using precision testing equipment.
- Record meter readings and installation data on meter cards, work orders, or field service orders, or enter data into hand-held computers.
- Turn meters on or off to establish or close service.
- Shut off service and notify repair crews when major repairs are required, such as the replacement of underground pipes or wiring.
- Install regulators and related equipment such as gas meters, odorization units, and gas pressure telemetering equipment.
- Cut seats to receive new orifices, tap inspection ports, and perform other repairs to salvage usable materials, using hand tools and machine tools.
- Turn valves to allow measured amounts of air or gas to pass through meters at specified flow rates.
- Report hazardous field situations and damaged or missing meters.
- Vary air pressure flowing into regulators and turn handles to assess functioning of valves and pistons.
- Examine valves or mechanical control device parts for defects, dents, or loose attachments, and mark malfunctioning areas of defective units.
- Mount and install meters and other electric equipment such as time clocks, transformers, and circuit breakers, using electricians' hand tools.
- Investigate instances of illegal tapping into service lines.
- Replace defective parts, such as bellows, range springs, and toggle switches, and reassemble units according to blueprints, using cam presses and hand tools.
- Measure tolerances of assembled and salvageable parts for conformance to standards or specifications, using gauges, micrometers, and calipers.
- Clean internal compartments and moving parts, using rags and cleaning compounds.
- Dismantle meters, and replace or adjust defective parts such as cases, shafts, gears, disks, and recording mechanisms, using soldering irons and hand tools.
- Disconnect or remove defective or unauthorized meters, using hand tools.
- Make adjustments to meter components, such as setscrews or timing mechanisms, so that they conform to specifications.
- Repair leaks in valve seats or bellows of automotive heater thermostats, using soft solder, flux, and acetylene torches.
- Advise customers on proper installation of valves or regulators and related equipment.
- Clean plant growth, scale, paint, soil, or rust from meter housings, using wire brushes, scrapers, buffers, sandblasters, or cleaning compounds.
- Connect regulators to test stands, and turn screw adjustments until gauges indicate that inlet and outlet pressures meet specifications.
- Trace and tag meters or house lines.
- Splice and connect cables from meters or current transformers to pull boxes or switchboards, using hand tools.
- Repair electric meters and components, such as transformers and relays, and replace metering devices, dial glasses, and faulty or incorrect wiring, using hand tools.
- Attach air hoses to meter inlets, plug outlets, and observe gauges for pressure losses to test internal seams for leaks.
- Connect hoses from provers to meter inlets and outlets, and raise prover bells until prover gauges register zero.
- Solder posts and parts to hold them in their proper places.
- Test tubes and pickups in electronic amplifier units, and solder parts and connections as necessary.
- Solder or weld frames of mallet instruments and metal drum parts.
- Play instruments to evaluate their sound quality and to locate any defects.
- Adjust string tensions to tune instruments, using hand tools and electronic tuning devices.
- Reassemble instruments following repair, using hand tools and power tools and glue, hair, yarn, resin, or clamps, and lubricate instruments as necessary.
- Disassemble instruments and parts for repair and adjustment.
- Repair or replace musical instrument parts and components, such as strings, bridges, felts, and keys, using hand and power tools.
- Inspect instruments to locate defects, and to determine their value or the level of restoration required.
- Compare instrument pitches with tuning tool pitches to tune instruments.
- String instruments, and adjust trusses and bridges of instruments to obtain specified string tensions and heights.
- Polish instruments, using rags and polishing compounds, buffing wheels, or burnishing tools.
- Repair cracks in wood or metal instruments, using pinning wire, lathes, fillers, clamps, or soldering irons.
- Mix and measure glue that will be used for instrument repair.
- Shape old parts and replacement parts to improve tone or intonation, using hand tools, lathes, or soldering irons.
- Refinish instruments to protect and decorate them, using hand tools, buffing tools, and varnish.
- Make wood replacement parts, using woodworking machines and hand tools.
- Align pads and keys on reed or wind instruments.
- Remove dents and burrs from metal instruments, using mallets and burnishing tools.
- Adjust felt hammers on pianos to increase tonal mellowness or brilliance, using sanding paddles, lacquer, or needles.
- Remove irregularities from tuning pins, strings, and hammers of pianos, using wood blocks or filing tools.
- Strike wood, fiberglass, or metal bars of instruments, and use tuned blocks, stroboscopes, or electronic tuners to evaluate tones made by instruments.
- Wash metal instruments in lacquer-stripping and cyanide solutions to remove lacquer and tarnish.
- Deliver pianos to purchasers or to locations of their use.
- Remove drumheads by removing tension rods with drum keys and cutting tools.
- Repair breaks in percussion instruments, such as drums and cymbals, using drill presses, power saws, glue, clamps, grinding wheels, or other hand tools.
- Assemble bars onto percussion instruments.
- Clean, sand, and paint parts of percussion instruments to maintain their condition.
- Replace xylophone bars and wheels.
- Solder posts and parts to hold them in their proper places.
- Test tubes and pickups in electronic amplifier units, and solder parts and connections as necessary.
- Solder or weld frames of mallet instruments and metal drum parts.
- Open and close switches to isolate defective relays, performing adjustments or repairs.
- Disconnect voltage regulators, bolts, and screws, and connect replacement regulators to high-voltage lines.
- Repair, replace, and clean equipment and components such as circuit breakers, brushes, and commutators.
- Construct, test, maintain, and repair substation relay and control systems.
- Inspect and test equipment and circuits to identify malfunctions or defects, using wiring diagrams and testing devices such as ohmmeters, voltmeters, or ammeters.
- Prepare and maintain records detailing tests, repairs, and maintenance.
- Consult manuals, schematics, wiring diagrams, and engineering personnel to troubleshoot and solve equipment problems and to determine optimum equipment functioning.
- Analyze test data to diagnose malfunctions, to determine performance characteristics of systems, or to evaluate effects of system modifications.
- Notify facility personnel of equipment shutdowns.
- Run signal quality and connectivity tests for individual cables, and record results.
- Maintain inventories of spare parts for all equipment, requisitioning parts as necessary.
- Test insulators and bushings of equipment by inducing voltage across insulation, testing current, and calculating insulation loss.
- Schedule and supervise the construction and testing of special devices and the implementation of unique monitoring or control systems.
- Schedule and supervise splicing or termination of cables in color-code order.
- Test oil in circuit breakers and transformers for dielectric strength, refilling oil periodically.
- Open and close switches to isolate defective relays, performing adjustments or repairs.
- Disconnect voltage regulators, bolts, and screws, and connect replacement regulators to high-voltage lines.
- Repair, replace, and clean equipment and components such as circuit breakers, brushes, and commutators.
- Construct, test, maintain, and repair substation relay and control systems.
- Locate and repair frayed wiring, broken connections, or incorrect wiring, using ohmmeters, soldering irons, tape, and hand tools.
- Connect electrical systems to outside power sources and activate switches to test the operation of appliances and light fixtures.
- Connect water hoses to inlet pipes of plumbing systems, and test operation of plumbing fixtures.
- Seal open sides of modular units to prepare them for shipment, using polyethylene sheets, nails, and hammers.
- Move and set up mobile homes or prefabricated buildings on owners' lots or at mobile home parks.
- Inspect, examine, and test the operation of parts or systems to evaluate operating condition and to determine if repairs are needed.
- Remove damaged exterior panels, repair and replace structural frame members, and seal leaks, using hand tools.
- List parts needed, estimate costs, and plan work procedures, using parts lists, technical manuals, and diagrams.
- Confer with customers or read work orders to determine the nature and extent of damage to units.
- Install, repair, and replace units, fixtures, appliances, and other items and systems in mobile and modular homes, prefabricated buildings, or travel trailers, using hand tools or power tools.
- Reset hardware, using chisels, mallets, and screwdrivers.
- Repair leaks in plumbing or gas lines, using caulking compounds and plastic or copper pipe.
- Open and close doors, windows, and drawers to test their operation, trimming edges to fit, using jackplanes or drawknives.
- Refinish wood surfaces on cabinets, doors, moldings, and floors, using power sanders, putty, spray equipment, brushes, paints, or varnishes.
- Locate and repair frayed wiring, broken connections, or incorrect wiring, using ohmmeters, soldering irons, tape, and hand tools.
- Connect electrical systems to outside power sources and activate switches to test the operation of appliances and light fixtures.
- Connect water hoses to inlet pipes of plumbing systems, and test operation of plumbing fixtures.
- Locate and repair frayed wiring, broken connections, or incorrect wiring, using ohmmeters, soldering irons, tape, or hand tools.
- Connect electrical systems to outside power sources, and activate switches to test the operation of appliances or light fixtures.
- Connect water hoses to inlet pipes of plumbing systems, and test operation of toilets or sinks.
- Explain proper operation of vehicle systems to customers.
- Repair plumbing or propane gas lines, using caulking compounds and plastic or copper pipe.
- Confer with customers, read work orders, or examine vehicles needing repair to determine the nature and extent of damage.
- Examine or test operation of parts or systems to ensure completeness of repairs.
- Inspect recreational vehicles to diagnose problems and perform necessary adjustment, repair, or overhaul.
- Inspect, repair, or replace brake systems.
- Diagnose and repair furnace or air conditioning systems.
- Repair leaks with caulking compound or replace pipes, using pipe wrenches.
- List parts needed, estimate costs, and plan work procedures, using parts lists, technical manuals, or diagrams.
- Remove damaged exterior panels, and repair and replace structural frame members.
- Open and close doors, windows, or drawers to test their operation, trimming edges to fit, as necessary.
- Reset hardware, using chisels, mallets, and screwdrivers.
- Refinish wood surfaces on cabinets, doors, moldings, or floors, using power sanders, putty, spray equipment, brushes, paints, or varnishes.
- Seal open sides of modular units to prepare them for shipment, using polyethylene sheets, nails, and hammers.
- Locate and repair frayed wiring, broken connections, or incorrect wiring, using ohmmeters, soldering irons, tape, or hand tools.
- Connect electrical systems to outside power sources, and activate switches to test the operation of appliances or light fixtures.
- Connect water hoses to inlet pipes of plumbing systems, and test operation of toilets or sinks.
- Splice cables, using hand tools, epoxy, or mechanical equipment.
- String cables between structures and lines from poles, towers, or trenches, and pull lines to proper tension.
- Pull up cable by hand from large reels mounted on trucks.
- Lay underground cable directly in trenches, or string it through conduits running through trenches.
- Pull cable through ducts by hand or with winches.
- Set up service for customers, installing, connecting, testing, or adjusting equipment.
- Travel to customers' premises to install, maintain, or repair audio and visual electronic reception equipment or accessories.
- Measure signal strength at utility poles, using electronic test equipment.
- Inspect or test lines or cables, recording and analyzing test results, to assess transmission characteristics and locate faults or malfunctions.
- Access specific areas to string lines, or install terminal boxes, auxiliary equipment, or appliances, using bucket trucks, climbing poles or ladders, or entering tunnels, trenches, or crawl spaces.
- Clean or maintain tools or test equipment.
- Dig trenches for underground wires or cables.
- Explain cable service to subscribers after installation, and collect any installation fees due.
- Place insulation over conductors, or seal splices with moisture-proof covering.
- Compute impedance of wires from poles to houses to determine additional resistance needed for reducing signals to desired levels.
- Install equipment such as amplifiers or repeaters to maintain the strength of communications transmissions.
- Use a variety of construction equipment to complete installations, such as digger derricks, trenchers, or cable plows.
- Fill and tamp holes, using cement, earth, and tamping devices.
- Dig holes for power poles, using power augers or shovels, set poles in place with cranes, and hoist poles upright, using winches.
- Splice cables, using hand tools, epoxy, or mechanical equipment.
- String cables between structures and lines from poles, towers, or trenches, and pull lines to proper tension.
- Pull up cable by hand from large reels mounted on trucks.
- Lay underground cable directly in trenches, or string it through conduits running through trenches.
- Pull cable through ducts by hand or with winches.
- Solder, wrap, and coat wires to ensure proper insulation.
- Weld, braze, or solder electrical connections.
- Rewire electrical systems, and repair or replace electrical accessories.
- Repair and operate battery-charging equipment.
- Test battery charges, and replace or recharge batteries as necessary.
- Inspect and test equipment to locate damage or worn parts and diagnose malfunctions, or read work orders or schematic drawings to determine required repairs.
- Reassemble repaired electric motors to specified requirements and ratings, using hand tools and electrical meters.
- Measure velocity, horsepower, revolutions per minute (rpm), amperage, circuitry, and voltage of units or parts to diagnose problems, using ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, and other testing devices.
- Repair and rebuild defective mechanical parts in electric motors, generators, and related equipment, using hand tools and power tools.
- Lift units or parts such as motors or generators, using cranes or chain hoists, or signal crane operators to lift heavy parts or subassemblies.
- Record repairs required, parts used, and labor time.
- Disassemble defective equipment so that repairs can be made, using hand tools.
- Adjust working parts, such as fan belts, contacts, and springs, using hand tools and gauges.
- Lubricate moving parts.
- Read service guides to find information needed to perform repairs.
- Inspect electrical connections, wiring, relays, charging resistance boxes, and storage batteries, following wiring diagrams.
- Scrape and clean units or parts, using cleaning solvents and equipment such as buffing wheels.
- Verify and adjust alignments and dimensions of parts, using gauges and tracing lathes.
- Steam-clean polishing and buffing wheels to remove abrasives and bonding materials, and spray, brush, or recoat surfaces as necessary.
- Set machinery for proper performance, using computers.
- Test equipment for overheating, using speed gauges and thermometers.
- Reface, ream, and polish commutators and machine parts to specified tolerances, using machine tools.
- Maintain stocks of parts.
- Cut and form insulation, and insert insulation into armature, rotor, or stator slots.
- Assemble electrical parts such as alternators, generators, starting devices, and switches, following schematic drawings and using hand, machine, and power tools.
- Clean cells, cell assemblies, glassware, leads, electrical connections, and battery poles, using scrapers, steam, water, emery cloths, power grinders, or acid.
- Rewind coils on cores in slots, or make replacement coils, using coil-winding machines.
- Remove and replace defective parts such as coil leads, carbon brushes, and wires, using soldering equipment.
- Hammer out dents and twists in tools and equipment.
- Seal joints with putty, mortar, and asbestos, using putty extruders and knives.
- Sharpen tools such as saws, picks, shovels, screwdrivers, and scoops, either manually or by using bench grinders and emery wheels.
- Solder, wrap, and coat wires to ensure proper insulation.
- Weld, braze, or solder electrical connections.
- Rewire electrical systems, and repair or replace electrical accessories.
- Repair and operate battery-charging equipment.
- Test battery charges, and replace or recharge batteries as necessary.
- Route and connect cables and lines to switches, switchboard equipment, and distributing frames, using wire-wrap guns or soldering irons to connect wires to terminals.
- Run wires between components and to outside cable systems, connecting them to wires from telephone poles or underground cable accesses.
- Repair or replace faulty equipment, such as defective and damaged telephones, wires, switching system components, and associated equipment.
- Remove and remake connections to change circuit layouts, following work orders or diagrams.
- Remove and replace plug-in circuit equipment.
- Demonstrate equipment to customers and explain its use, responding to any inquiries or complaints.
- Test circuits and components of malfunctioning telecommunications equipment to isolate sources of malfunctions, using test meters, circuit diagrams, polarity probes, and other hand tools.
- Test repaired, newly installed, or updated equipment to ensure that it functions properly and conforms to specifications, using test equipment and observation.
- Climb poles and ladders, use truck-mounted booms, and enter areas such as manholes and cable vaults to install, maintain, or inspect equipment.
- Assemble and install communication equipment such as data and telephone communication lines, wiring, switching equipment, wiring frames, power apparatus, computer systems, and networks.
- Test connections to ensure that power supplies are adequate and that communications links function.
- Note differences in wire and cable colors so that work can be performed correctly.
- Inspect equipment on a regular basis to ensure proper functioning.
- Collaborate with other workers to locate and correct malfunctions.
- Remove loose wires and other debris after work is completed.
- Maintain computer and manual records pertaining to facilities and equipment.
- Communicate with bases, using telephones or two-way radios to receive instructions or technical advice, or to report equipment status.
- Clean and maintain tools, test equipment, and motor vehicles.
- Perform database verifications, using computers.
- Request support from technical service centers when on-site procedures fail to solve installation or maintenance problems.
- Analyze test readings, computer printouts, and trouble reports to determine equipment repair needs and required repair methods.
- Adjust or modify equipment to enhance equipment performance or to respond to customer requests.
- Refer to manufacturers' manuals to obtain maintenance instructions pertaining to specific malfunctions.
- Dig holes or trenches as necessary for equipment installation and access.
- Review manufacturer's instructions, manuals, technical specifications, building permits, and ordinances to determine communication equipment requirements and procedures.
- Drive crew trucks to and from work areas.
- Designate cables available for use.
- Diagnose and correct problems from remote locations, using special switchboards to find the sources of problems.
- Program computerized switches and switchboards to provide requested features.
- Enter codes needed to correct electronic switching system programming.
- Examine telephone transmission facilities to determine requirements for new or additional telephone services.
- Measure distances from landmarks to identify exact installation sites for equipment.
- Install updated software and programs that maintain existing software or provide requested features, such as time-correlated call routing.
- Perform routine maintenance on equipment, including adjusting and lubricating components and painting worn or exposed areas.
- Determine viability of sites through observation, and discuss site locations and construction requirements with customers.
- Install telephone station equipment, such as intercommunication systems, transmitters, receivers, relays, and ringers, and related apparatus, such as coin collectors, telephone booths, and switching-key equipment.
- Clean switches and replace contact points, using vacuum hoses, solvents, and hand tools.
- Provide input into the design and manufacturing of new equipment.
- Address special issues or situations, such as illegal or unauthorized use of equipment, or cases of electrical or acoustic shock.
- Route and connect cables and lines to switches, switchboard equipment, and distributing frames, using wire-wrap guns or soldering irons to connect wires to terminals.
- Run wires between components and to outside cable systems, connecting them to wires from telephone poles or underground cable accesses.
- Repair or replace faulty equipment, such as defective and damaged telephones, wires, switching system components, and associated equipment.
- Remove and remake connections to change circuit layouts, following work orders or diagrams.
- Remove and replace plug-in circuit equipment.
- Splice wires with knives or cutting pliers, and solder connections to fixtures and equipment.
- Diagnose or repair problems with electronic equipment, such as sound, navigation, communication, and security equipment, in motor vehicles.
- Run new speaker and electrical cables.
- Replace and clean electrical or electronic components.
- Install equipment and accessories, such as stereos, navigation equipment, communication equipment, and security systems.
- Inspect and test electrical or electronic systems to locate and diagnose malfunctions, using visual inspections and testing instruments, such as oscilloscopes and voltmeters.
- Cut openings and drill holes for fixtures and equipment, using electric drills and routers.
- Confer with customers to determine the nature of malfunctions.
- Remove seats, carpeting, and interiors of doors and add sound-absorbing material in empty spaces, reinstalling interior parts.
- Record results of diagnostic tests.
- Estimate costs of repairs, based on parts and labor charges.
- Build fiberglass or wooden enclosures for sound components, and fit them to automobile dimensions.
- Splice wires with knives or cutting pliers, and solder connections to fixtures and equipment.
- Diagnose or repair problems with electronic equipment, such as sound, navigation, communication, and security equipment, in motor vehicles.
- Run new speaker and electrical cables.
- Replace and clean electrical or electronic components.
- Test and repair circuits and sensors, following wiring and system specifications.
- Install, maintain, or repair security systems, alarm devices, or related equipment, following blueprints of electrical layouts and building plans.
- Feed cables through access holes, roof spaces, or cavity walls to reach fixture outlets, positioning and terminating cables, wires, or strapping.
- Mount raceways and conduits and fasten wires to wood framing, using staplers.
- Mount and fasten control panels, door and window contacts, sensors, or video cameras, and attach electrical and telephone wiring to connect components.
- Demonstrate systems for customers and explain details, such as the causes and consequences of false alarms.
- Examine systems to locate problems, such as loose connections or broken insulation.
- Test backup batteries, keypad programming, sirens, or other security features to ensure proper functioning or to diagnose malfunctions.
- Drill holes for wiring in wall studs, joists, ceilings, or floors.
- Inspect installation sites and study work orders, building plans, and installation manuals to determine materials requirements and installation procedures.
- Consult with clients to assess risks and to determine security requirements.
- Adjust sensitivity of units, based on room structures and manufacturers' recommendations, using programming keypads.
- Keep informed of new products and developments.
- Order replacement parts.
- Prepare documents, such as invoices or warranties.
- Provide customers with cost estimates for equipment installation.
- Test and repair circuits and sensors, following wiring and system specifications.
- Install, maintain, or repair security systems, alarm devices, or related equipment, following blueprints of electrical layouts and building plans.
- Feed cables through access holes, roof spaces, or cavity walls to reach fixture outlets, positioning and terminating cables, wires, or strapping.
- Mount raceways and conduits and fasten wires to wood framing, using staplers.
- Adjust, connect, or disconnect wiring, piping, tubing, and other parts, using hand or power tools.
- Diagnose electrical problems and install and rewire electrical components.
- Design, weld, and fabricate parts, using blueprints or other mechanical plans.
- Install or replace machinery, equipment, and new or replacement parts and instruments, using hand or power tools.
- Examine and test machinery, equipment, components, and parts for defects to ensure proper functioning.
- Tend and observe equipment and machinery to verify efficient and safe operation.
- Clean or lubricate vehicles, machinery, equipment, instruments, tools, work areas, and other objects, using hand tools, power tools, and cleaning equipment.
- Disassemble broken or defective equipment to facilitate repair and reassemble equipment when repairs are complete.
- Position vehicles, machinery, equipment, physical structures, and other objects for assembly or installation, using hand tools, power tools, and moving equipment.
- Transfer tools, parts, equipment, and supplies to and from work stations and other areas.
- Adjust, maintain, and repair tools, equipment, and machines, and assist more skilled workers with similar tasks.
- Order new parts to maintain inventory.
- Apply protective materials to equipment, components, and parts to prevent defects and corrosion.
- Assemble and maintain physical structures, using hand or power tools.
- Prepare work stations for use by mechanics and repairers.
- Hold or supply tools, parts, equipment, and supplies for other workers.
- Adjust, connect, or disconnect wiring, piping, tubing, and other parts, using hand or power tools.
- Diagnose electrical problems and install and rewire electrical components.
- Design, weld, and fabricate parts, using blueprints or other mechanical plans.
- Solder loose connections, using soldering iron.
- Repair shop equipment, metal furniture, or hospital equipment, including welding broken parts or replacing missing parts, or bring item into local shop for major repairs.
- Test or calibrate components or equipment, following manufacturers' manuals and troubleshooting techniques, using hand tools, power tools, or measuring devices.
- Perform preventive maintenance or service, such as cleaning, lubricating, or adjusting equipment.
- Inspect, test, or troubleshoot malfunctioning medical or related equipment, following manufacturers' specifications and using test and analysis instruments.
- Keep records of maintenance, repair, and required updates of equipment.
- Disassemble malfunctioning equipment and remove, repair, or replace defective parts, such as motors, clutches, or transformers.
- Examine medical equipment or facility's structural environment and check for proper use of equipment to protect patients and staff from electrical or mechanical hazards and to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
- Install medical equipment.
- Test, evaluate, and classify excess or in-use medical equipment and determine serviceability, condition, and disposition, in accordance with regulations.
- Plan and carry out work assignments, using blueprints, schematic drawings, technical manuals, wiring diagrams, or liquid or air flow sheets, following prescribed regulations, directives, or other instructions as required.
- Study technical manuals or attend training sessions provided by equipment manufacturers to maintain current knowledge.
- Explain or demonstrate correct operation or preventive maintenance of medical equipment to personnel.
- Research catalogs or repair part lists to locate sources for repair parts, requisitioning parts and recording their receipt.
- Compute power and space requirements for installing medical, dental, or related equipment and install units to manufacturers' specifications.
- Evaluate technical specifications to identify equipment or systems best suited for intended use and possible purchase, based on specifications, user needs, or technical requirements.
- Contribute expertise to develop medical maintenance standard operating procedures.
- Fabricate, dress down, or substitute parts or major new items to modify equipment to meet unique operational or research needs, working from job orders, sketches, modification orders, samples, or discussions with operating officials.
- Supervise or advise subordinate personnel.
- Make computations relating to load requirements of wiring or equipment, using algebraic expressions and standard formulas.
- Solder loose connections, using soldering iron.
- Repair shop equipment, metal furniture, or hospital equipment, including welding broken parts or replacing missing parts, or bring item into local shop for major repairs.
- Weld or solder broken parts and structural members, using electric or gas welders and soldering tools.
- Repair, rewire, and troubleshoot electrical systems.
- Repair and replace damaged or worn parts.
- Test mechanical products and equipment after repair or assembly to ensure proper performance and compliance with manufacturers' specifications.
- Operate and inspect machines or heavy equipment to diagnose defects.
- Read and understand operating manuals, blueprints, and technical drawings.
- Dismantle and reassemble heavy equipment using hoists and hand tools.
- Overhaul and test machines or equipment to ensure operating efficiency.
- Adjust, maintain, and repair or replace subassemblies, such as transmissions and crawler heads, using hand tools, jacks, and cranes.
- Diagnose faults or malfunctions to determine required repairs, using engine diagnostic equipment such as computerized test equipment and calibration devices.
- Examine parts for damage or excessive wear, using micrometers and gauges.
- Research, order, and maintain parts inventory for services and repairs.
- Fit bearings to adjust, repair, or overhaul mobile mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic equipment.
- Schedule maintenance for industrial machines and equipment, and keep equipment service records.
- Clean, lubricate, and perform other routine maintenance work on equipment and vehicles.
- Assemble gear systems, and align frames and gears.
- Clean parts by spraying them with grease solvent or immersing them in tanks of solvent.
- Adjust and maintain industrial machinery, using control and regulating devices.
- Fabricate needed parts or items from sheet metal.
- Direct workers who are assembling or disassembling equipment or cleaning parts.
- Weld or solder broken parts and structural members, using electric or gas welders and soldering tools.
- Repair, rewire, and troubleshoot electrical systems.
- Set in and secure floor treadles for door-activating mechanisms, and connect power packs and electrical panelboards to treadles.
- Run low voltage wiring on ceiling surfaces, using insulated staples.
- Wind large springs with upward motion of arm.
- Adjust doors to open or close with the correct amount of effort, or make simple adjustments to electric openers.
- Carry springs to tops of doors, using ladders or scaffolding, and attach springs to tracks to install spring systems.
- Repair or replace worn or broken door parts, using hand tools.
- Complete required paperwork, such as work orders, according to services performed or required.
- Fasten angle iron back-hangers to ceilings and tracks, using fasteners or welding equipment.
- Collect payment upon job completion.
- Install door frames, rails, steel rolling curtains, electronic-eye mechanisms, or electric door openers and closers, using power tools, hand tools, and electronic test equipment.
- Inspect job sites, assessing headroom, side room, or other conditions to determine appropriateness of door for a given location.
- Assemble and fasten tracks to structures or bucks, using impact wrenches or welding equipment.
- Set doors into place or stack hardware sections into openings after rail or track installation.
- Operate lifts, winches, or chain falls to move heavy curtain doors.
- Remove or disassemble defective automatic mechanical door closers, using hand tools.
- Fabricate replacements for worn or broken parts, using welders, lathes, drill presses, or shaping or milling machines.
- Prepare doors for hardware installation, such as drilling holes to install locks.
- Cut door stops or angle irons to fit openings.
- Study blueprints and schematic diagrams to determine appropriate methods of installing or repairing automated door openers.
- Install dock seals, bumpers, or shelters.
- Order replacement springs, sections, or slats.
- Lubricate door closer oil chambers, and pack spindles with leather washers.
- Cover treadles with carpeting or other floor covering materials, and test systems by operating treadles.
- Bore or cut holes in flooring as required for installation, using hand or power tools.
- Clean door closer parts, using caustic soda, rotary brushes, or grinding wheels.
- Set in and secure floor treadles for door-activating mechanisms, and connect power packs and electrical panelboards to treadles.
- Run low voltage wiring on ceiling surfaces, using insulated staples.
- Assemble, install, or repair wiring, electrical or electronic components, pipe systems, plumbing, machinery, or equipment.
- Operate cutting torches or welding equipment to cut or join metal parts.
- Perform routine maintenance, such as inspecting drives, motors, or belts, checking fluid levels, replacing filters, or doing other preventive maintenance actions.
- Inspect, operate, or test machinery or equipment to diagnose machine malfunctions.
- Adjust functional parts of devices or control instruments, using hand tools, levels, plumb bobs, or straightedges.
- Order parts, supplies, or equipment from catalogs or suppliers.
- Diagnose mechanical problems and determine how to correct them, checking blueprints, repair manuals, or parts catalogs, as necessary.
- Design new equipment to aid in the repair or maintenance of machines, mechanical equipment, or building structures.
- Clean or lubricate shafts, bearings, gears, or other parts of machinery.
- Estimate costs to repair machinery, equipment, or building structures.
- Align and balance new equipment after installation.
- Record type and cost of maintenance or repair work.
- Maintain or repair specialized equipment or machinery located in cafeterias, laundries, hospitals, stores, offices, or factories.
- Dismantle machines, equipment, or devices to access and remove defective parts, using hoists, cranes, hand tools, or power tools.
- Plan and lay out repair work, using diagrams, drawings, blueprints, maintenance manuals, or schematic diagrams.
- Install equipment to improve the energy or operational efficiency of residential or commercial buildings.
- Set up and operate machine tools to repair or fabricate machine parts, jigs, fixtures, or tools.
- Perform general cleaning of buildings or properties.
- Train or manage maintenance personnel or subcontractors.
- Fabricate or repair counters, benches, partitions, or other wooden structures, such as sheds or outbuildings.
- Paint or repair roofs, windows, doors, floors, woodwork, plaster, drywall, or other parts of building structures.
- Perform routine maintenance on boilers, such as replacing burners or hoses, installing replacement parts, or reinforcing structural weaknesses to ensure optimal boiler efficiency.
- Provide groundskeeping services, such as landscaping or snow removal.
- Inspect used parts to determine changes in dimensional requirements, using rules, calipers, micrometers, or other measuring instruments.
- Assemble boilers at installation sites, using tools such as levels, plumb bobs, hammers, torches, or other hand tools.
- Position, attach, or blow insulating materials to prevent energy losses from buildings, pipes, or other structures or objects.
- Repair machines, equipment, or structures, using tools such as hammers, hoists, saws, drills, wrenches, or equipment such as precision measuring instruments or electrical or electronic testing devices.
- Assemble, install, or repair wiring, electrical or electronic components, pipe systems, plumbing, machinery, or equipment.
- Operate cutting torches or welding equipment to cut or join metal parts.
- Lay out and connect electrical wiring between controls and equipment, according to wiring diagrams, using electrician's hand tools.
- Braze or solder parts to repair defective joints and leaks.
- Test electrical circuits or components for continuity, using electrical test equipment.
- Comply with all applicable standards, policies, or procedures, such as safety procedures or the maintenance of a clean work area.
- Study blueprints, design specifications, or manufacturers' recommendations to ascertain the configuration of heating or cooling equipment components and to ensure the proper installation of components.
- Discuss heating or cooling system malfunctions with users to isolate problems or to verify that repairs corrected malfunctions.
- Connect heating or air conditioning equipment to fuel, water, or refrigerant source to form complete circuit.
- Adjust system controls to settings recommended by manufacturer to balance system.
- Recommend, develop, or perform preventive or general maintenance procedures, such as cleaning, power-washing, or vacuuming equipment, oiling parts, or changing filters.
- Inspect and test systems to verify system compliance with plans and specifications or to detect and locate malfunctions.
- Repair or replace defective equipment, components, or wiring.
- Install or repair self-contained ground source heat pumps or hybrid ground or air source heat pumps to minimize carbon-based energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions.
- Install, connect, or adjust thermostats, humidistats, or timers.
- Install auxiliary components to heating or cooling equipment, such as expansion or discharge valves, air ducts, pipes, blowers, dampers, flues, or stokers.
- Perform mechanical overhauls and refrigerant reclaiming.
- Install expansion and control valves, using acetylene torches and wrenches.
- Measure, cut, thread, or bend pipe or tubing, using pipe fitter's tools.
- Mount compressor, condenser, and other components in specified locations on frames, using hand tools and acetylene welding equipment.
- Install dehumidifiers or related equipment for spaces that require cool, dry air to operate efficiently, such as computer rooms.
- Record and report time, materials, faults, deficiencies, or other unusual occurrences on work orders.
- Keep records of repairs and replacements made and causes of malfunctions.
- Cut or drill holes in floors, walls, or roof to install equipment, using power saws or drills.
- Estimate, order, pick up, deliver, and install materials and supplies needed to maintain equipment in good working condition.
- Schedule work with customers and initiate work orders, house requisitions, and orders from stock.
- Supervise and instruct assistants.
- Lay out reference points for installation of structural and functional components, using measuring instruments.
- Lift and align components into position, using hoist or block and tackle.
- Install or repair air purification systems, such as specialized filters or ultraviolet (UV) light purification systems.
- Repair or service heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to improve efficiency, such as by changing filters, cleaning ducts, and refilling non-toxic refrigerants.
- Test pipes, lines, components, and connections for leaks.
- Lay out and connect electrical wiring between controls and equipment, according to wiring diagrams, using electrician's hand tools.
- Braze or solder parts to repair defective joints and leaks.
- Inspect electrical units of railroad grade crossing gates and repair loose bolts and defective electrical connections and parts.
- Inspect and test operation, mechanical parts, and circuitry of gate crossings, signals, and signal equipment such as interlocks and hotbox detectors.
- Test and repair track circuits.
- Drive motor vehicles to job sites.
- Install, inspect, maintain, and repair various railroad service equipment on the road or in the shop, including railroad signal systems.
- Tighten loose bolts, using wrenches, and test circuits and connections by opening and closing gates.
- Inspect switch-controlling mechanisms on trolley wires and in track beds, using hand tools and test equipment.
- Replace defective wiring, broken lenses, or burned-out light bulbs.
- Inspect, maintain, and replace batteries as needed.
- Record and report information about mileage or track inspected, repairs performed, and equipment requiring replacement.
- Lubricate moving parts on gate-crossing mechanisms and swinging signals.
- Clean lenses of lamps with cloths and solvents.
- Inspect electrical units of railroad grade crossing gates and repair loose bolts and defective electrical connections and parts.
- Adjust generators and replace faulty wiring, using hand tools and soldering irons.
- Start motors and monitor performance for signs of malfunctioning, such as smoke, excessive vibration, or misfiring.
- Document inspection and test results and work performed or to be performed.
- Mount motors to boats, and operate boats at various speeds on waterways to conduct operational tests.
- Repair engine mechanical equipment, such as power tilts, bilge pumps, or power take-offs.
- Perform routine engine maintenance on motorboats, such as changing oil and filters.
- Replace parts, such as gears, magneto points, piston rings, or spark plugs, and reassemble engines.
- Idle motors and observe thermometers to determine the effectiveness of cooling systems.
- Inspect and repair or adjust propellers or propeller shafts.
- Adjust carburetor mixtures, electrical point settings, or timing while motors are running in water-filled test tanks.
- Set starter locks and align and repair steering or throttle controls, using gauges, screwdrivers, or wrenches.
- Disassemble and inspect motors to locate defective parts, using mechanic's hand tools and gauges.
- Repair or rework parts, using machine tools such as lathes, mills, drills, or grinders.
- Adjust generators and replace faulty wiring, using hand tools and soldering irons.
- Lay cable and hook up electrical connections between machines, power sources, and phone lines.
- Reassemble machines after making repairs or replacing parts.
- Converse with customers to determine details of equipment problems.
- Disassemble machines to examine parts, such as wires, gears, or bearings for wear or defects, using hand or power tools and measuring devices.
- Advise customers concerning equipment operation, maintenance, or programming.
- Align, adjust, or calibrate equipment according to specifications.
- Repair, adjust, or replace electrical or mechanical components or parts, using hand tools, power tools, or soldering or welding equipment.
- Travel to customers' stores or offices to service machines or to provide emergency repair service.
- Maintain parts inventories and order any additional parts needed for repairs.
- Operate machines to test functioning of parts or mechanisms.
- Reinstall software programs or adjust settings on existing software to fix machine malfunctions.
- Clean, oil, or adjust mechanical parts to maintain machines' operating efficiency and to prevent breakdowns.
- Maintain records of equipment maintenance work or repairs.
- Test new systems to ensure that they are in working order.
- Complete repair bills, shop records, time cards, or expense reports.
- Install and configure new equipment, including operating software or peripheral equipment.
- Analyze equipment performance records to assess equipment functioning.
- Read specifications, such as blueprints, charts, or schematics, to determine machine settings or adjustments.
- Update existing equipment, performing tasks such as installing updated circuit boards or additional memory.
- Test components or circuits of faulty equipment to locate defects, using oscilloscopes, signal generators, ammeters, voltmeters, or special diagnostic software programs.
- Assemble machines according to specifications, using hand or power tools and measuring devices.
- Enter information into computers to copy programs from one electronic component to another or to draw, modify, or store schematics.
- Fill machines with toners, inks, or other duplicating fluids.
- Train new repairers.
- Calibrate testing instruments.
- Lay cable and hook up electrical connections between machines, power sources, and phone lines.
- Fabricate, install, position, or connect components, parts, finished products, or instruments for testing or operational purposes.
- Discard or reject products, materials, or equipment not meeting specifications.
- Mark items with details, such as grade or acceptance-rejection status.
- Measure dimensions of products to verify conformance to specifications, using measuring instruments, such as rulers, calipers, gauges, or micrometers.
- Notify supervisors or other personnel of production problems.
- Inspect, test, or measure materials, products, installations, or work for conformance to specifications.
- Write test or inspection reports describing results, recommendations, or needed repairs.
- Recommend necessary corrective actions, based on inspection results.
- Read dials or meters to verify that equipment is functioning at specified levels.
- Make minor adjustments to equipment, such as turning setscrews to calibrate instruments to required tolerances.
- Read blueprints, data, manuals, or other materials to determine specifications, inspection and testing procedures, adjustment methods, certification processes, formulas, or measuring instruments required.
- Monitor production operations or equipment to ensure conformance to specifications, making necessary process or assembly adjustments.
- Record inspection or test data, such as weights, temperatures, grades, or moisture content, and quantities inspected or graded.
- Position products, components, or parts for testing.
- Remove defects, such as chips, burrs, or lap corroded or pitted surfaces.
- Collect or select samples for testing or for use as models.
- Stack or arrange tested products for further processing, shipping, or packaging.
- Check arriving materials to ensure that they match purchase orders, submitting discrepancy reports as necessary.
- Inspect or test raw materials, parts, or products to determine compliance with environmental standards.
- Analyze test data, making computations as necessary, to determine test results.
- Compare colors, shapes, textures, or grades of products or materials with color charts, templates, or samples to verify conformance to standards.
- Clean, maintain, calibrate, or repair measuring instruments or test equipment, such as dial indicators, fixed gauges, or height gauges.
- Administer tests to assess whether engineers or operators are qualified to use equipment.
- Monitor machines that automatically measure, sort, or inspect products.
- Interpret legal requirements, provide safety information, or recommend compliance procedures to contractors, craft workers, engineers, or property owners.
- Adjust, clean, or repair products or processing equipment to correct defects found during inspections.
- Compute usable amounts of items in shipments.
- Grade, classify, or sort products according to sizes, weights, colors, or other specifications.
- Disassemble defective parts or components, such as inaccurate or worn gauges or measuring instruments.
- Weigh materials, products, containers, or samples to verify packaging weights or ingredient quantities.
- Compute defect percentages or averages, using formulas and calculators.
- Fabricate, install, position, or connect components, parts, finished products, or instruments for testing or operational purposes.