- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
Occupations with related activities Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel to enhance job skills.
- Train employees in proper work procedures.
- Prepare investigation or incident reports.
- Record information about suspects or criminals.
- Testify at legal or legislative proceedings.
- Process forensic or legal evidence in accordance with procedures.
- Inspect equipment to ensure safety or proper functioning.
- Analyze crime scene evidence.
- Interview people to gather information about criminal activities.
- Examine debris to obtain information about causes of fires.
- Inspect facilities to ensure compliance with fire regulations.
- Record crime or accident scene evidence with video or still cameras.
- Educate the public about fire safety or prevention.
- Issue permits or other legal documents.
- Inspect facilities to ensure compliance with security or safety regulations.
- Write operational reports.
- Investigate crimes committed within organizations.
- Identify actions needed to bring properties or facilities into compliance with regulations.
- Inform others about laws or regulations.
- Develop fire safety or prevention programs or plans.
- Attend training to learn new skills or update knowledge.
- Collaborate with law enforcement or security agencies to respond to incidents.
- Review documents or materials for compliance with policies or regulations.
- Examine crime scenes to obtain evidence.
- Maintain fire fighting tools or equipment.
- Provide safety training.
- Direct fire fighting or prevention activities.
- Evaluate employee performance.
- Recommend improvements to increase safety or reduce risks.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel to enhance job skills.
- Train employees in proper work procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Develop software or applications for scientific or technical use.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Advise others on the development or use of new technologies.
- Analyze biological samples.
- Review professional literature to maintain professional knowledge.
- Develop technical or scientific databases.
- Research genetic characteristics or expression.
- Supervise scientific or technical personnel.
- Collaborate with technical specialists to resolve design or development problems.
- Advise others on business or operational matters.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Communicate safety or hazard information to others.
- Measure radiation levels.
- Collect environmental data or samples.
- Analyze environmental data.
- Record research or operational data.
- Advise others on management of emergencies or hazardous situations or materials.
- Set up laboratory or field equipment.
- Calibrate scientific or technical equipment.
- Maintain laboratory or technical equipment.
- Prepare operational reports.
- Clean objects.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Record research or operational data.
- Cultivate land.
- Manage agricultural or forestry operations.
- Supervise scientific or technical personnel.
- Advise others on management of emergencies or hazardous situations or materials.
- Develop technical or scientific databases.
- Survey land or properties.
- Collect biological specimens.
- Inspect condition of natural environments.
- Prepare maps.
- Prepare documentation for permits or licenses.
- Advise others about environmental management or conservation.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Advise others on business or operational matters.
- Develop methods of social or economic research.
- Conduct scientific research of organizational behavior or processes.
- Collect information from people through observation, interviews, or surveys.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Counsel clients on mental health or personal achievement.
- Administer standardized physical or psychological tests.
- Develop educational programs.
- Testify at legal or legislative proceedings.
- Confer with clients to exchange information.
- Review professional literature to maintain professional knowledge.
- Mediate disputes.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Analyze chemical compounds or substances.
- Clean objects.
- Maintain laboratory or technical equipment.
- Evaluate quality of materials or products.
- Prepare compounds or solutions for products or testing.
- Set up laboratory or field equipment.
- Interpret research or operational data.
- Serve on institutional or departmental committees.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Manage scientific or technical project resources.
- Operate laboratory or field equipment.
- Supervise scientific or technical personnel.
- Develop new or advanced products or production methods.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Evaluate quality of materials or products.
- Test quality of materials or finished products.
- Record research or operational data.
- Measure physical or chemical properties of materials or objects.
- Analyze chemical compounds or substances.
- Clean objects.
- Maintain laboratory or technical equipment.
- Prepare biological samples for testing or analysis.
- Examine characteristics or behavior of living organisms.
- Prepare compounds or solutions for products or testing.
- Research methods to improve food products.
- Supervise laboratory work.
- Manage scientific or technical project resources.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Classify organisms based on their characteristics or behavior.
- Record research or operational data.
- Prepare operational reports.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Plan social sciences research.
- Confer with clients to exchange information.
- Collect information from people through observation, interviews, or surveys.
- Direct scientific activities.
- Supervise scientific or technical personnel.
- Conduct research on social issues.
- Prepare proposals or grant applications to obtain project funding.
- Write grant proposals.
- Collaborate on research activities with scientists or technical specialists.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Communicate with government agencies.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Direct medical science or healthcare programs.
- Research diseases or parasites.
- Plan biological research.
- Develop methods of social or economic research.
- Write articles, books or other original materials in area of expertise.
- Establish standards for products, processes, or procedures.
- Prepare proposals or grant applications to obtain project funding.
- Write grant proposals.
- Advise others on healthcare matters.
- Supervise scientific or technical personnel.
- Instruct college students in physical or life sciences.
- Analyze biological samples.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Analyze geological or geographical data.
- Record research or operational data.
- Create images or other visual displays.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Compile geographic or related data.
- Develop environmental research methods.
- Develop technical or scientific databases.
- Collect environmental data or samples.
- Collect geographical or geological field data.
- Set up laboratory or field equipment.
- Direct technical activities or operations.
- Attend conferences or workshops to maintain professional knowledge.
- Review professional literature to maintain professional knowledge.
- Evaluate new technologies or methods.
- Advise others on the development or use of new technologies.
- Apply knowledge or research findings to address environmental problems.
- Develop software or applications for scientific or technical use.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Supervise scientific or technical personnel.
- Research genetic characteristics or expression.
- Plan biological research.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Review professional literature to maintain professional knowledge.
- Prepare proposal documents or grant applications.
- Record research or operational data.
- Interpret research or operational data.
- Attend conferences or workshops to maintain professional knowledge.
- Analyze biological samples.
- Research diseases or parasites.
- Collaborate on research activities with scientists or technical specialists.
- Instruct college students in physical or life sciences.
- Inspect equipment to ensure proper functioning.
- Collaborate with technical specialists to resolve design or development problems.
- Develop software or applications for scientific or technical use.
- Establish standards for medical care.
- Develop technical or scientific databases.
- Plan natural resources conservation or restoration programs.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Manage information technology projects or system activities.
- Develop software or computer applications.
- Install computer software.
- Analyze security of systems, network, or data.
- Coordinate reporting or editing activities.
- Develop operating strategies, plans, or procedures.
- Develop performance metrics or standards related to information technology.
- Establish work standards.
- Evaluate potential of products, technologies, or resources.
- Evaluate utility of software or hardware technologies.
- Implement security measures for computer or information systems.
- Investigate illegal or suspicious activities.
- Monitor processes for compliance with standards.
- Provide technical guidance to other personnel.
- Read documents to gather technical information.
- Recommend changes to improve computer or information systems.
- Supervise information technology personnel.
- Test computer system operations to ensure proper functioning.
- Troubleshoot issues with computer applications or systems.
- Write reports or evaluations.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Cultivate land.
- Operate farming equipment.
- Record research or operational data.
- Maintain laboratory or technical equipment.
- Research sustainable agricultural processes or practices.
- Prepare biological samples for testing or analysis.
- Measure ingredients.
- Test quality of materials or finished products.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Collect biological specimens.
- Operate laboratory or field equipment.
- Examine characteristics or behavior of living organisms.
- Manage agricultural or forestry operations.
- Set up laboratory or field equipment.
- Supervise scientific or technical personnel.
- Develop sustainable industrial or development methods.
- Research diseases or parasites.
- Care for plants or animals.
- Research crop management methods.
- Prepare compounds or solutions for products or testing.
- Provide technical information or assistance to public.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Plan natural resources conservation or restoration programs.
- Advise others about environmental management or conservation.
- Inspect condition of natural environments.
- Analyze environmental data.
- Collect environmental data or samples.
- Supervise scientific or technical personnel.
- Communicate results of environmental research.
- Assess compliance with environmental laws.
- Develop plans to manage natural or renewable resources.
- Prepare documentation for permits or licenses.
- Identify sustainable business practices.
- Research impacts of environmental conservation initiatives.
- Communicate with government agencies.
- Direct natural resources management or conservation programs.
- Plan environmental research.
- Prepare proposals or grant applications to obtain project funding.
- Write grant proposals.
- Review environmental permits, plans, or reports.
- Advise others about land management or conservation.
- Research environmental impact of industrial or development activities.
- Develop mathematical models of environmental conditions.
- Create images or other visual displays.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Apply knowledge or research findings to address environmental problems.
- Plan natural resources conservation or restoration programs.
- Monitor operational procedures in technical environments to ensure conformance to standards.
- Advise others about land management or conservation.
- Develop plans to manage natural or renewable resources.
- Determine design criteria or specifications.
- Collect geographical or geological field data.
- Estimate green project costs.
- Inspect condition of natural environments.
- Develop collaborative relationships between departments or with external organizations.
- Advise others about environmental management or conservation.
- Record research or operational data.
- Research sustainable agricultural processes or practices.
- Plan environmental research.
- Direct natural resources management or conservation programs.
- Analyze environmental data.
- Communicate with the public on environmental issues.
- Compile environmental or climatological data.
- Review plans or proposals for environmental conservation.
- Create maps.
- Assess compliance with environmental laws.
- Review environmental permits, plans, or reports.
- Mediate disputes.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Interpret research or operational data.
- Test quality of materials or finished products.
- Maintain laboratory or technical equipment.
- Calibrate scientific or technical equipment.
- Evaluate quality of materials or products.
- Inspect areas for compliance with sanitation standards.
- Record research or operational data.
- Apply mathematical principles or statistical approaches to solve problems in scientific or applied fields.
- Prepare operational reports.
- Analyze test results.
- Monitor operational procedures in technical environments to ensure conformance to standards.
- Advise others on business or operational matters.
- Conduct quantitative failure analyses of operational data.
- Prepare information or documentation related to legal or regulatory matters.
- Develop collaborative relationships between departments or with external organizations.
- Conduct financial or regulatory audits.
- Determine appropriate methods for data analysis.
- Establish standards for products, processes, or procedures.
- Verify accuracy of data.
- Develop testing routines or procedures.
- Evaluate new technologies or methods.
- Coordinate activities with suppliers, contractors, clients, or other departments.
- Advise others on the development or use of new technologies.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.
- Collect information from people through observation, interviews, or surveys.
- Instruct college students in social sciences or humanities disciplines.
- Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.
- Direct scientific activities.
- Plan social sciences research.
- Record research or operational data.
- Document events or evidence, using photographic or audiovisual equipment.
- Advise others about environmental management or conservation.
- Inspect condition of natural environments.
- Conduct anthropological or archaeological research.
- Collect biological specimens.
- Conduct research on social issues.
- Apply knowledge or research findings to address environmental problems.
- Evaluate characteristics of archival or historical objects.
- Mark materials or objects for identification.
- Package materials or products.
- Conduct scientific research of organizational behavior or processes.
- Collect archival data.
- Advise others on matters of public policy.
- Plan community programs or activities for the general public.
- Write grant proposals.
- Clean objects.
- Collaborate with technical specialists to resolve design or development problems.
- Communicate with government agencies.
- Design psychological or educational treatment procedures or programs.
- Analyze forensic evidence to solve crimes.
- Advise others on educational matters.
- Conduct historical research.
- Develop theories or models of social phenomena.
- Train personnel in technical or scientific procedures.