- File and maintain records.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- File and retrieve corporate documents, records, and reports.
- Prepare responses to correspondence containing routine inquiries.
- Provide clerical support to other departments.
- Manage and maintain executives' schedules.
- Make travel arrangements for executives.
- Prepare invoices, reports, memos, letters, financial statements, and other documents, using word processing, spreadsheet, database, or presentation software.
- Coordinate and direct office services, such as records, departmental finances, budget preparation, personnel issues, and housekeeping, to aid executives.
- Answer phone calls and direct calls to appropriate parties or take messages.
- Open, sort, and distribute incoming correspondence, including faxes and email.
- Greet visitors and determine whether they should be given access to specific individuals.
- Prepare agendas and make arrangements, such as coordinating catering for luncheons, for committee, board, and other meetings.
- Conduct research, compile data, and prepare papers for consideration and presentation by executives, committees, and boards of directors.
- Perform general office duties, such as ordering supplies, maintaining records management database systems, and performing basic bookkeeping work.
- Read and analyze incoming memos, submissions, and reports to determine their significance and plan their distribution.
- Attend meetings to record minutes.
- Process payroll information.
- Interpret administrative and operating policies and procedures for employees.
- Set up and oversee administrative policies and procedures for offices or organizations.
- Meet with individuals, special interest groups, and others on behalf of executives, committees, and boards of directors.
- Compile, transcribe, and distribute minutes of meetings.
- Supervise and train other clerical staff and arrange for employee training by scheduling training or organizing training material.
- Review operating practices and procedures to determine whether improvements can be made in areas such as workflow, reporting procedures, or expenditures.
- File and retrieve corporate documents, records, and reports.
- Prepare responses to correspondence containing routine inquiries.
- Provide clerical support to other departments.
- Sort and file deposit slips and checks.
- Perform clerical tasks, such as typing, filing, and microfilm photography.
- Compose, type, and mail customer statements and other correspondence related to issues such as discrepancies and outstanding unpaid items.
- Balance currency, coin, and checks in cash drawers at ends of shifts and calculate daily transactions, using computers, calculators, or adding machines.
- Receive checks and cash for deposit, verify amounts, and check accuracy of deposit slips.
- Monitor bank vaults to ensure cash balances are correct.
- Cash checks and pay out money after verifying that signatures are correct, that written and numerical amounts agree, and that accounts have sufficient funds.
- Count currency, coins, and checks received, by hand or using currency-counting machine, to prepare them for deposit or shipment to branch banks or the Federal Reserve Bank.
- Enter customers' transactions into computers to record transactions and issue computer-generated receipts.
- Examine checks for endorsements and to verify other information, such as dates, bank names, identification of the persons receiving payments, and the legality of the documents.
- Resolve problems or discrepancies concerning customers' accounts.
- Prepare and verify cashier's checks.
- Process transactions, such as term deposits, retirement savings plan contributions, automated teller transactions, night deposits, and mail deposits.
- Answer telephones and assist customers with their questions.
- Identify transaction mistakes when debits and credits do not balance.
- Carry out special services for customers, such as ordering bank cards and checks.
- Receive and count daily inventories of cash, drafts, and travelers' checks.
- Order a supply of cash to meet daily needs.
- Arrange monies received in cash boxes and coin dispensers according to denomination.
- Receive mortgage, loan, or public utility bill payments, verifying payment dates and amounts due.
- Explain, promote, or sell products or services, such as travelers' checks, savings bonds, money orders, and cashier's checks, using computerized information about customers to tailor recommendations.
- Count, verify, and post armored car deposits.
- Obtain and process information required for the provision of services, such as opening accounts, savings plans, and purchasing bonds.
- Compute financial fees, interest, and service charges.
- Process and maintain records of customer loans.
- Quote unit exchange rates, following daily international rate sheets or computer displays.
- Issue checks to bond owners in settlement of transactions.
- Inform customers about foreign currency regulations and compute transaction fees for currency exchanges.
- Sort and file deposit slips and checks.
- Perform clerical tasks, such as typing, filing, and microfilm photography.
- Compose, type, and mail customer statements and other correspondence related to issues such as discrepancies and outstanding unpaid items.
- File a legible transcript of records of a court case with the court clerk's office.
- Type court orders for judges.
- Record verbatim proceedings of courts, legislative assemblies, committee meetings, and other proceedings, using computerized recording equipment, electronic stenograph machines, or stenomasks.
- Proofread transcripts for correct spelling of words.
- Provide transcripts of proceedings upon request of judges, lawyers, or the public.
- Transcribe recorded proceedings in accordance with established formats.
- Log and store exhibits from court proceedings.
- File and store shorthand notes of court session.
- Verify accuracy of transcripts by checking copies against original records of proceedings and accuracy of rulings by checking with judges.
- Respond to requests during court sessions to read portions of the proceedings already recorded.
- Record symbols on computer storage media and use computer aided transcription to translate and display them as text.
- Take notes in shorthand or use a stenotype or shorthand machine that prints letters on a paper tape.
- Record depositions and other proceedings for attorneys.
- Ask speakers to clarify inaudible statements.
- File a legible transcript of records of a court case with the court clerk's office.
- Type court orders for judges.
- Add new material to file records or create new records as necessary.
- Perform general office activities, such as typing, answering telephones, operating office machines, processing mail, or securing confidential materials.
- Scan or read incoming materials to determine how and where they should be classified or filed.
- Input data, such as file numbers, new or updated information, or document information codes into computer systems to support document and information retrieval.
- Sort or classify information according to guidelines, such as content, purpose, user criteria, or chronological, alphabetical, or numerical order.
- Answer questions about records or files.
- Keep records of materials filed or removed, using logbooks or computers and generate computerized reports.
- Gather materials to be filed from departments or employees.
- Find, retrieve, and make copies of information from files in response to requests and deliver information to authorized users.
- Track materials removed from files to ensure that borrowed files are returned.
- Place materials into storage receptacles, such as file cabinets, boxes, bins, or drawers, according to classification and identification information.
- Eliminate outdated or unnecessary materials, destroying them or transferring them to inactive storage, according to file maintenance guidelines or legal requirements.
- Perform periodic inspections of materials or files to ensure correct placement, legibility, or proper condition.
- Modify or improve filing systems or implement new filing systems.
- Design forms related to filing systems.
- Complete general financial activities, such as processing accounts payable, reviewing invoices, collecting cash payments, or issuing receipts.
- Operate mechanized files that rotate to bring needed records to a particular location.
- Assign and record or stamp identification numbers or codes to index materials for filing.
- Retrieve documents stored in microfilm or microfiche and place them in viewers for reading.
- Add new material to file records or create new records as necessary.
- Perform general office activities, such as typing, answering telephones, operating office machines, processing mail, or securing confidential materials.
- Stamp messages with time and date and file them appropriately.
- Perform various data entry or word processing tasks, such as updating phone directories, typing or proofreading documents, or creating schedules.
- Operate communication systems, such as telephone, switchboard, intercom, two-way radio, or public address.
- Answer incoming calls, greeting callers, providing information, transferring calls or taking messages as necessary.
- Greet visitors, log them in and out of the facility, assign them security badges, and contact employee escorts.
- Monitor emergency and code alarms, make emergency announcements, or route emergency calls to the appropriate location.
- Record messages, suggesting rewording for clarity or conciseness.
- Page individuals to inform them of telephone calls, using paging or interoffice communication equipment.
- Relay or route written or verbal messages.
- Perform various cash handling tasks, such as collecting payments, making bank deposits, or managing petty cash.
- Place telephone calls or arrange conference calls as instructed.
- Process incoming or outgoing mail, packages, or deliveries.
- Perform administrative tasks, such as accepting orders, scheduling appointments or meeting rooms, or sending and receiving faxes.
- Monitor alarm systems to ensure that secure conditions are maintained.
- Contact security staff members when necessary, using radio-telephones.
- Complete forms for sales orders.
- Answer simple questions about clients' businesses, using reference files.
- Keep records of calls placed and charges incurred.
- Place orders, such as for equipment, supplies, or catering for meetings.
- Stamp messages with time and date and file them appropriately.
- Perform various data entry or word processing tasks, such as updating phone directories, typing or proofreading documents, or creating schedules.
- File, type, or operate standard office machines.
- Correspond with customers and confer with coworkers to answer inquiries, discuss market fluctuations, or resolve account problems.
- Document security transactions, such as purchases, sales, conversions, redemptions, or payments, using computers, accounting ledgers, or certificate records.
- Perform clerical tasks, such as answering phones or distributing mail.
- Prepare forms, such as receipts, withdrawal orders, transmittal papers, or transfer confirmations, based on transaction requests from stockholders.
- Schedule and coordinate transfer and delivery of security certificates between companies, departments, and customers.
- Monitor daily stock prices and compute fluctuations to determine the need for additional collateral to secure loans.
- Verify ownership and transaction information and dividend distribution instructions to ensure conformance with governmental regulations, using stock records and reports.
- Compute total holdings, dividends, interest, transfer taxes, brokerage fees, or commissions and allocate appropriate payments to customers.
- Prepare reports summarizing daily transactions and earnings for individual customer accounts.
- File, type, or operate standard office machines.
- Archive documents, conduct research, and read copy, using the internet and various computer programs.
- Mark copy to indicate and correct errors in type, arrangement, grammar, punctuation, or spelling, using standard printers' marks.
- Read corrected copies or proofs to ensure that all corrections have been made.
- Correct or record omissions, errors, or inconsistencies found.
- Compare information or figures on one record against same data on other records, or with original copy, to detect errors.
- Route proofs with marked corrections to authors, editors, typists, or typesetters for correction or reprinting.
- Consult reference books or secure aid of readers to check references with rules of grammar and composition.
- Consult with authors and editors regarding manuscript changes and suggestions.
- Write original content, such as headlines, cutlines, captions, and cover copy.
- Typeset and measure dimensions, spacing, and positioning of page elements, such as copy and illustrations, to verify conformance to specifications, using printer's ruler or layout software.
- Read proof sheets aloud, calling out punctuation marks and spelling unusual words and proper names.
- Archive documents, conduct research, and read copy, using the internet and various computer programs.
- File data and related information, and maintain and update databases.
- Compute and analyze data, using statistical formulas and computers or calculators.
- Check source data to verify completeness and accuracy.
- Enter data into computers for use in analyses or reports.
- Compile reports, charts, or graphs that describe and interpret findings of analyses.
- Participate in the publication of data or information.
- Organize paperwork, such as survey forms or reports, for distribution or analysis.
- Code data prior to computer entry, using lists of codes.
- Compile statistics from source materials, such as production or sales records, quality-control or test records, time sheets, or survey sheets.
- Interview people and keep track of their responses.
- Check survey responses for errors, such as the use of pens instead of pencils, and set aside response forms that cannot be used.
- Select statistical tests for analyzing data.
- Discuss data presentation requirements with clients.
- Send out surveys.
- File data and related information, and maintain and update databases.
- Sort and file correspondence and perform miscellaneous clerical duties, such as answering correspondence and writing reports.
- Record information about financial status of customers and status of collection efforts.
- Locate and notify customers of delinquent accounts by mail, telephone, or personal visits to solicit payment.
- Locate and monitor overdue accounts, using computers and a variety of automated systems.
- Arrange for debt repayment or establish repayment schedules, based on customers' financial situations.
- Advise customers of necessary actions and strategies for debt repayment.
- Answer customer questions regarding problems with their accounts.
- Persuade customers to pay amounts due on credit accounts, damage claims, or nonpayable checks, or to return merchandise.
- Confer with customers by telephone or in person to determine reasons for overdue payments and to review the terms of sales, service, or credit contracts.
- Receive payments and post amounts paid to customer accounts.
- Trace delinquent customers to new addresses by inquiring at post offices, telephone companies, credit bureaus, or through the questioning of neighbors.
- Notify credit departments, order merchandise repossession or service disconnection, and turn over account records to attorneys when customers fail to respond to collection attempts.
- Perform various administrative functions for assigned accounts, such as recording address changes and purging the records of deceased customers.
- Contact insurance companies to check on status of claims payments and write appeal letters for denial on claims.
- Negotiate credit extensions when necessary.
- Sort and file correspondence and perform miscellaneous clerical duties, such as answering correspondence and writing reports.
- Perform general office or clerical work, such as filing materials, operating duplicating machines, or running errands.
- Deliver and pick up medical records, lab specimens, and medications to and from hospitals and other medical facilities.
- Obtain signatures and payments, or arrange for recipients to make payments.
- Record information, such as items received and delivered and recipients' responses to messages.
- Receive messages or materials to be delivered, and information on recipients, such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, and delivery instructions, communicated via telephone, two-way radio, or in person.
- Load vehicles with listed goods, ensuring goods are loaded correctly and taking precautions with hazardous goods.
- Walk, ride bicycles, drive vehicles, or use public conveyances to reach destinations to deliver messages or materials.
- Sort items to be delivered according to the delivery route.
- Deliver messages and items, such as newspapers, documents, and packages, between establishment departments and to other establishments and private homes.
- Unload and sort items collected along delivery routes.
- Plan and follow the most efficient routes for delivering goods.
- Check with home offices after completed deliveries to confirm deliveries and collections and to receive instructions for other deliveries.
- Perform routine maintenance on delivery vehicles, such as monitoring fluid levels and replenishing fuel.
- Collect, seal, and stamp outgoing mail, using postage meters and envelope sealers.
- Use telephone to deliver verbal messages.
- Perform general office or clerical work, such as filing materials, operating duplicating machines, or running errands.
- File sales slips in customers' ledgers for billing purposes.
- Keep records of customers' charges and payments.
- Compile and analyze credit information gathered by investigation.
- Obtain information about potential creditors from banks, credit bureaus, and other credit services, and provide reciprocal information if requested.
- Interview credit applicants by telephone or in person to obtain personal and financial data needed to complete credit report.
- Evaluate customers' computerized credit records and payment histories to decide whether to approve new credit, based on predetermined standards.
- Receive charge slips or credit applications by mail, or receive information from salespeople or merchants by telephone.
- Mail charge statements to customers.
- Examine city directories and public records to verify residence property ownership, bankruptcies, liens, arrest record, or unpaid taxes of applicants.
- Relay credit report information to subscribers by mail or by telephone.
- Prepare credit cards or charge account plates.
- Call customers to collect payment on delinquent accounts.
- Consult with customers to resolve complaints or verify financial or credit transactions.
- Contact former employers and other acquaintances to verify applicants' references, employment, health history, or social behavior.
- Prepare reports of findings and recommendations.
- Review individual or commercial customer files to identify and select delinquent accounts for collection.
- File sales slips in customers' ledgers for billing purposes.
- File copies of orders received, or post orders on records.
- Review orders for completeness according to reporting procedures and forward incomplete orders for further processing.
- Obtain customers' names, addresses, and billing information, product numbers, and specifications of items to be purchased, and enter this information on order forms.
- Recommend merchandise or services that will meet customers' needs.
- Inspect outgoing work for compliance with customers' specifications.
- Receive and respond to customer complaints.
- Check inventory records to determine availability of requested merchandise.
- Verify customer and order information for correctness, checking it against previously obtained information as necessary.
- Compute total charges for merchandise or services and shipping charges.
- Inform customers by mail or telephone of order information, such as unit prices, shipping dates, and any anticipated delays.
- Notify departments when supplies of specific items are low, or when orders would deplete available supplies.
- Prepare invoices, shipping documents, and contracts.
- Confer with production, sales, shipping, warehouse, or common carrier personnel to expedite or trace shipments.
- Direct specified departments or units to prepare and ship orders to designated locations.
- Adjust inventory records to reflect product movement.
- Collect payment for merchandise, record transactions, and send items, such as checks or money orders for further processing.
- Calculate and compile order-related statistics, and prepare reports for management.
- Recommend type of packing or labeling needed on order.
- Attempt to sell additional merchandise or services to prospective or current customers by telephone or through visits.
- File copies of orders received, or post orders on records.
- Compile, copy, sort, and file records of office activities, business transactions, and other activities.
- Operate office machines, such as photocopiers and scanners, facsimile machines, voice mail systems, and personal computers.
- Answer telephones, direct calls, and take messages.
- Communicate with customers, employees, and other individuals to answer questions, disseminate or explain information, take orders, and address complaints.
- Maintain and update filing, inventory, mailing, and database systems, either manually or using a computer.
- Review files, records, and other documents to obtain information to respond to requests.
- Open, sort, and route incoming mail, answer correspondence, and prepare outgoing mail.
- Compute, record, and proofread data and other information, such as records or reports.
- Complete work schedules, manage calendars, and arrange appointments.
- Type, format, proofread, and edit correspondence and other documents, from notes or dictating machines, using computers or typewriters.
- Inventory and order materials, supplies, and services.
- Deliver messages and run errands.
- Collect, count, and disburse money, do basic bookkeeping, and complete banking transactions.
- Complete and mail bills, contracts, policies, invoices, or checks.
- Process and prepare documents, such as business or government forms and expense reports.
- Monitor and direct the work of lower-level clerks.
- Prepare meeting agendas, attend meetings, and record and transcribe minutes.
- Train other staff members to perform work activities, such as using computer applications.
- Count, weigh, measure, or organize materials.
- Troubleshoot problems involving office equipment, such as computer hardware and software.
- Compile, copy, sort, and file records of office activities, business transactions, and other activities.
- Prepare and file payroll tax returns.
- Verify attendance, hours worked, and pay adjustments, and post information onto designated records.
- Process and issue employee paychecks and statements of earnings and deductions.
- Compute wages and deductions, and enter data into computers.
- Process paperwork for new employees and enter employee information into the payroll system.
- Prepare and balance period-end reports, and reconcile issued payrolls to bank statements.
- Review time sheets, work charts, wage computation, and other information to detect and reconcile payroll discrepancies.
- Distribute and collect timecards each pay period.
- Record employee information, such as exemptions, transfers, and resignations, to maintain and update payroll records.
- Issue and record adjustments to pay related to previous errors or retroactive increases.
- Keep track of leave time, such as vacation, personal, and sick leave, for employees.
- Compile employee time, production, and payroll data from time sheets and other records.
- Keep informed about changes in tax and deduction laws that apply to the payroll process.
- Complete time sheets showing employees' arrival and departure times.
- Provide information to employees and managers on payroll matters, tax issues, benefit plans, and collective agreement provisions.
- Conduct verifications of employment.
- Compile statistical reports, statements, and summaries related to pay and benefits accounts, and submit them to appropriate departments.
- Balance cash and payroll accounts.
- Complete, verify, and process forms and documentation for administration of benefits, such as pension plans, and unemployment and medical insurance.
- Train employees on organizations' timekeeping systems.
- Coordinate special programs, such as United Way campaigns, that involve payroll deductions.
- Prepare and file payroll tax returns.
- Assist coroners at death scenes or at autopsies, file police reports, and testify at inquests or in court, if employed by a coroner.
- Conform to laws of health and sanitation and ensure that legal requirements concerning embalming are met.
- Apply cosmetics to impart lifelike appearance to the deceased.
- Join lips, using needles and thread or wire.
- Close incisions, using needles and sutures.
- Incise stomach and abdominal walls and probe internal organs, using trocar, to withdraw blood and waste matter from organs.
- Clean and disinfect areas in which bodies are prepared and embalmed.
- Dress bodies and place them in caskets.
- Make incisions in arms or thighs and drain blood from circulatory system and replace it with embalming fluid, using pump.
- Remove the deceased from place of death and transport to funeral home.
- Perform the duties of funeral directors, including coordinating funeral activities.
- Attach trocar to pump-tube, start pump, and repeat probing to force embalming fluid into organs.
- Reshape or reconstruct disfigured or maimed bodies when necessary, using dermasurgery techniques and materials such as clay, cotton, plaster of Paris, and wax.
- Pack body orifices with cotton saturated with embalming fluid to prevent escape of gases or waste matter.
- Conduct interviews to arrange for the preparation of obituary notices, to assist with the selection of caskets or urns, and to determine the location and time of burials or cremations.
- Insert convex celluloid or cotton between eyeballs and eyelids to prevent slipping and sinking of eyelids.
- Assist with placing caskets in hearses and organize cemetery processions.
- Maintain records, such as itemized lists of clothing or valuables delivered with body and names of persons embalmed.
- Wash and dry bodies, using germicidal soap and towels or hot air dryers.
- Arrange for transporting the deceased to another state for interment.
- Perform special procedures necessary for remains that are to be transported to other states or overseas, or where death was caused by infectious disease.
- Supervise funeral attendants and other funeral home staff.
- Serve as pallbearers, attend visiting rooms, and provide other assistance to the bereaved.
- Direct casket and floral display placement and arrange guest seating.
- Arrange funeral home equipment and perform general maintenance.
- Press diaphragm to evacuate air from lungs.
- Assist coroners at death scenes or at autopsies, file police reports, and testify at inquests or in court, if employed by a coroner.
- Perform general office duties, such as filing, answering telephones, and handling routine correspondence.
- Operate computers programmed with accounting software to record, store, and analyze information.
- Check figures, postings, and documents for correct entry, mathematical accuracy, and proper codes.
- Comply with federal, state, and company policies, procedures, and regulations.
- Operate 10-key calculators, typewriters, and copy machines to perform calculations and produce documents.
- Receive, record, and bank cash, checks, and vouchers.
- Code documents according to company procedures.
- Perform financial calculations, such as amounts due, interest charges, balances, discounts, equity, and principal.
- Reconcile or note and report discrepancies found in records.
- Access computerized financial information to answer general questions as well as those related to specific accounts.
- Classify, record, and summarize numerical and financial data to compile and keep financial records, using journals and ledgers or computers.
- Debit, credit, and total accounts on computer spreadsheets and databases, using specialized accounting software.
- Match order forms with invoices, and record the necessary information.
- Prepare and process payroll information.
- Prepare bank deposits by compiling data from cashiers, verifying and balancing receipts, and sending cash, checks, or other forms of payment to banks.
- Calculate and prepare checks for utilities, taxes, and other payments.
- Monitor status of loans and accounts to ensure that payments are up to date.
- Reconcile records of bank transactions.
- Compile budget data and documents, based on estimated revenues and expenses and previous budgets.
- Compare computer printouts to manually maintained journals to determine if they match.
- Transfer details from separate journals to general ledgers or data processing sheets.
- Complete and submit tax forms and returns, workers' compensation forms, pension contribution forms, and other government documents.
- Calculate, prepare, and issue bills, invoices, account statements, and other financial statements according to established procedures.
- Calculate costs of materials, overhead, and other expenses, based on estimates, quotations and price lists.
- Prepare purchase orders and expense reports.
- Prepare trial balances of books.
- Compile statistical, financial, accounting, or auditing reports and tables pertaining to such matters as cash receipts, expenditures, accounts payable and receivable, and profits and losses.
- Maintain inventory records.
- Perform general office duties, such as filing, answering telephones, and handling routine correspondence.