Occupations with related activities Save Table: XLSX CSV
Shared Activities | Similar Activities | Job Zone | Code | Occupation |
1 | 2 | 2 | 53-7062.04 | Recycling and Reclamation Workers
1 | 2 | 2 | 51-9023.00 | Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
1 | 2 | 3 | 49-9071.00 | Maintenance and Repair Workers, General
1 | 1 | 3 | 51-8031.00 | Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators |
1 | 1 | 2 | 41-2012.00 | Gambling Change Persons and Booth Cashiers |
1 | 1 | 2 | 49-3093.00 | Tire Repairers and Changers |
1 | 1 | 3 | 39-4011.00 | Embalmers |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-3092.00 | Food Batchmakers
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-9021.00 | Crushing, Grinding, and Polishing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
1 | 1 | 2 | 49-9098.00 | Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers |
1 | 1 | 3 | 49-9043.00 | Maintenance Workers, Machinery
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-3093.00 | Food Cooking Machine Operators and Tenders |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-8093.00 | Petroleum Pump System Operators, Refinery Operators, and Gaugers |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-9012.00 | Separating, Filtering, Clarifying, Precipitating, and Still Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-9198.00 | Helpers--Production Workers |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-9124.00 | Coating, Painting, and Spraying Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-7042.00 | Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Except Sawing |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-4031.00 | Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic |
1 | 1 | 3 | 49-2022.00 | Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers |
1 | 0 | 2 | 39-3021.00 | Motion Picture Projectionists |
1 | 0 | 2 | 51-2092.00 | Team Assemblers |
1 | 0 | 2 | 51-8099.01 | Biofuels Processing Technicians |
1 | 0 | 2 | 51-4021.00 | Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic |
1 | 0 | 2 | 41-2022.00 | Parts Salespersons |
1 | 0 | 2 | 41-9011.00 | Demonstrators and Product Promoters |
1 | 0 | 3 | 51-8013.04 | Hydroelectric Plant Technicians |
1 | 0 | 2 | 41-1011.00 | First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers
1 | 0 | 2 | 49-3021.00 | Automotive Body and Related Repairers |
1 | 0 | 2 | 41-2011.00 | Cashiers
1 | 0 | 2 | 51-4034.00 | Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic |
1 | 0 | 2 | 41-2031.00 | Retail Salespersons
1 | 0 | 3 | 49-3023.00 | Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics |
- Decontaminate equipment or sites to remove hazardous or toxic substances.
- Clean production equipment.
- Sort recyclable materials.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Operate recycling equipment.
- Clean materials to prepare them for production.
- Operate forklifts or other loaders.
- Record operational or production data.
- Lubricate production equipment.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
- Operate grinding equipment.
- Clean work areas.
- Decontaminate equipment or sites to remove hazardous or toxic substances.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean facilities or work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements.
- Weigh finished products.
- Operate mixing equipment.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
- Mix substances to create chemical solutions.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Operate cooking, baking, or other food preparation equipment.
- Record operational or production data.
- Move products, materials, or equipment between work areas.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of production materials or products.
- Clear equipment jams.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean facilities or work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Remove snow.
- Inspect mechanical components of vehicles to identify problems.
- Replace worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
- Inspect mechanical equipment to locate damage, defects, or wear.
- Test mechanical equipment to ensure proper functioning.
- Adjust equipment to ensure optimal performance.
- Maintain work equipment or machinery.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Install machine or equipment replacement parts.
- Develop equipment or component configurations.
- Read technical information needed to perform maintenance or repairs.
- Troubleshoot equipment or systems operation problems.
- Assemble electrical components, subsystems, or systems.
- Install electrical components, equipment, or systems.
- Repair electrical circuits or wiring.
- Align equipment or machinery.
- Estimate costs for labor or materials.
- Lubricate equipment to allow proper functioning.
- Record information about parts, materials or repair procedures.
- Operate welding equipment.
- Perform manual agricultural, aquacultural, or horticultural tasks.
- Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
- Operate cranes, hoists, or other moving or lifting equipment.
- Lay out work according to specifications.
- Plan work procedures.
- Measure distances or dimensions.
- Install energy-efficient heating, ventilation, or air conditioning (HVAC) equipment.
- Assemble mechanical components or machine parts.
- Fabricate parts or components.
- Supervise employees.
- Train others in operational procedures.
- Assemble structural components.
- Paint surfaces or equipment.
- Install insulation in equipment or structures.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Remove snow.
- Clean production equipment.
- Operate chemical processing or water treatment systems or equipment.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
- Record operational or production data.
- Inspect production equipment.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Lubricate production equipment.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
- Direct operational or production activities.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean facilities or equipment.
- Maintain records of sales or other business transactions.
- Obtain written authorization to perform activities.
- Issue money, credit, or vouchers.
- Process sales or other transactions.
- Compute gaming wins and losses.
- Reconcile records of sales or other financial transactions.
- Examine personal documentation to ensure that it is valid.
- Monitor work areas to provide security.
- Review accuracy of sales or other transactions.
- Verify patron or staff credentials.
- Verify customer credit information.
- Sell products or services.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean facilities or equipment.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Operate cranes, hoists, or other moving or lifting equipment.
- Install vehicle parts or accessories.
- Service vehicles to maintain functionality.
- Remove parts or components from vehicles.
- Test mechanical equipment to ensure proper functioning.
- Repair tires.
- Assemble mechanical components or machine parts.
- Reassemble equipment after repair.
- Inspect mechanical components of vehicles to identify problems.
- Smooth surfaces of objects or equipment.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
- Drive trucks or other vehicles to or at work sites.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Clean facilities or equipment.
- Monitor operations to ensure compliance with safety or security policies or regulations.
- Embalm corpses.
- Apply makeup to alter or enhance appearance.
- Apply decorative or textured finishes or coverings.
- Transport biological or other medical materials.
- Direct funeral or mortuary activities.
- Collect information from people through observation, interviews, or surveys.
- Handle caskets.
- Maintain client information or service records.
- Apply cleansing or conditioning agents to client hair, scalp, or skin.
- Supervise service workers.
- Arrange items for use or display.
- Perform basic equipment maintenance.
- Assist practitioners to perform medical procedures.
- File documents or records.
- Testify at legal or legislative proceedings.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean facilities or equipment.
- Sterilize food cooking or processing equipment.
- Record operational or production data.
- Inspect food products.
- Operate cooking, baking, or other food preparation equipment.
- Operate mixing equipment.
- Inspect production equipment.
- Direct operational or production activities.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Select production input materials.
- Determine food production methods.
- Notify others of equipment repair or maintenance needs.
- Watch operating equipment to detect malfunctions.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
- Monitor instruments to ensure proper production conditions.
- Shape clay or dough to create products.
- Move products, materials, or equipment between work areas.
- Evaluate quality of food ingredients or prepared foods.
- Package products for storage or shipment.
- Clean work areas.
- Sterilize food cooking or processing equipment.
- Clean production equipment.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Operate grinding equipment.
- Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Notify others of equipment repair or maintenance needs.
- Weigh finished products.
- Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
- Mark products, workpieces, or equipment with identifying information.
- Move products, materials, or equipment between work areas.
- Mix substances to create chemical solutions.
- Evaluate quality of materials or products.
- Inspect production equipment.
- Record operational or production data.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of water, cleaning solutions, or other liquids.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements.
- Clear equipment jams.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Inspect mechanical equipment to locate damage, defects, or wear.
- Install machine or equipment replacement parts.
- Test mechanical equipment to ensure proper functioning.
- Connect electrical components or equipment.
- Connect hoses to equipment or piping.
- Observe equipment in operation to detect potential problems.
- Assemble structural components.
- Lubricate equipment to allow proper functioning.
- Inspect electrical or electronic systems for defects.
- Repair electrical components.
- Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
- Reassemble equipment after repair.
- Move materials, equipment, or supplies.
- Position equipment using hand tools, power tools, or heavy equipment.
- Adjust equipment to ensure optimal performance.
- Maintain work equipment or machinery.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Apply protective coverings to objects or surfaces near work areas.
- Fabricate parts or components.
- Operate welding equipment.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
- Maintain repair or maintenance records.
- Reassemble equipment after repair.
- Adjust equipment to ensure optimal performance.
- Install machine or equipment replacement parts.
- Lubricate equipment to allow proper functioning.
- Communicate with coworkers to coordinate installations or repairs.
- Confer with coworkers to resolve equipment problems.
- Inspect mechanical equipment to locate damage, defects, or wear.
- Read work orders or descriptions of problems to determine repairs or modifications needed.
- Test mechanical equipment to ensure proper functioning.
- Observe equipment in operation to detect potential problems.
- Operate cranes, hoists, or other moving or lifting equipment.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Position containers to receive materials or workpieces.
- Repair worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
- Replace worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
- Prepare compounds or solutions to be used for repairs.
- Test fluids to identify contamination or other problems.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Sterilize food cooking or processing equipment.
- Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements.
- Review blueprints or other instructions to determine operational methods or sequences.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of production materials or products.
- Monitor instruments to ensure proper production conditions.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Operate cooking, baking, or other food preparation equipment.
- Record operational or production data.
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Operate mixing equipment.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Inspect food products.
- Remove products or workpieces from production equipment.
- Lift materials or workpieces using cranes or other lifting equipment.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Operate grinding equipment.
- Notify others of equipment repair or maintenance needs.
- Watch operating equipment to detect malfunctions.
- Signal others to coordinate work activities.
- Move products, materials, or equipment between work areas.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate coolant flow.
- Clean work areas.
- Sterilize food cooking or processing equipment.
- Clean production equipment.
- Signal others to coordinate work activities.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Notify others of equipment repair or maintenance needs.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of water, cleaning solutions, or other liquids.
- Operate energy distribution equipment.
- Watch operating equipment to detect malfunctions.
- Monitor equipment fluid levels.
- Plan production or operational procedures or sequences.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Direct operational or production activities.
- Record operational or production data.
- Study blueprints or other instructions to determine equipment setup requirements.
- Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
- Inspect production equipment.
- Lubricate production equipment.
- Analyze test results.
- Seal gaps or cracks to prevent leakage or moisture intrusion.
- Calculate costs of goods or services.
- Calculate weights, volumes or other characteristics of materials.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean production equipment.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Assess compliance with environmental laws.
- Maintain safety.
- Monitor instruments to ensure proper production conditions.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of production materials or products.
- Operate mixing equipment.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
- Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
- Inspect production equipment.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Exchange information with colleagues.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of water, cleaning solutions, or other liquids.
- Clear equipment jams.
- Record operational or production data.
- Install mechanical components in production equipment.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
- Connect supply lines to production equipment or tools.
- Assemble machine tools, parts, or fixtures.
- Position containers to receive materials or workpieces.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean production equipment.
- Remove products or workpieces from production equipment.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Operate industrial equipment.
- Count finished products or workpieces.
- Inspect work to ensure standards are met.
- Weigh finished products.
- Sort materials or products for processing, storing, shipping, or grading.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of water, cleaning solutions, or other liquids.
- Mark products, workpieces, or equipment with identifying information.
- Mix substances to create chemical solutions.
- Notify others of equipment repair or maintenance needs.
- Watch operating equipment to detect malfunctions.
- Lift materials or workpieces using cranes or other lifting equipment.
- Package products for storage or shipment.
- Record operational or production data.
- Move products, materials, or equipment between work areas.
- Signal others to coordinate work activities.
- Lubricate production equipment.
- Prepare materials for processing.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
- Replace worn equipment components.
- Mount attachments or tools onto production equipment.
- Clean workpieces or finished products.
- Trim excess material from workpieces.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean production equipment.
- Dispose of trash or waste materials.
- Mount attachments or tools onto production equipment.
- Apply protective or decorative finishes to workpieces or products.
- Operate painting or coating equipment.
- Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure that products are not flawed.
- Feed materials or products into or through equipment.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Inspect finishes of workpieces or finished products.
- Remove products or workpieces from production equipment.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of production materials or products.
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
- Connect supply lines to production equipment or tools.
- Record operational or production data.
- Operate cranes, hoists, or other moving or lifting equipment.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
- Assemble temporary equipment or structures.
- Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
- Weigh finished products.
- Polish materials, workpieces, or finished products.
- Prepare surfaces for finishing.
- Fill cracks, imperfections, or holes in products or workpieces.
- Mix ingredients to create specific finishes.
- Smooth metal surfaces or edges.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean production equipment.
- Operate woodworking equipment.
- Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
- Conduct test runs of production equipment.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure that products are not flawed.
- Set equipment controls to meet cutting specifications.
- Inspect lumber or raw woodstock.
- Mount attachments or tools onto production equipment.
- Determine production equipment settings.
- Feed materials or products into or through equipment.
- Select production input materials.
- Maneuver workpieces in equipment during production.
- Select production equipment according to product specifications.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Mount materials or workpieces onto production equipment.
- Remove accessories, tools, or other parts from equipment.
- Replace worn equipment components.
- Mark products, workpieces, or equipment with identifying information.
- Stack finished items for further processing or shipment.
- Inspect production equipment.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Set equipment guides, stops, spacers, or other fixtures.
- Trim excess material from workpieces.
- Remove products or workpieces from production equipment.
- Program equipment to perform production tasks.
- Lubricate production equipment.
- Operate cranes, hoists, or other moving or lifting equipment.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean production equipment.
- Set equipment guides, stops, spacers, or other fixtures.
- Inspect metal, plastic, or composite products.
- Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
- Sort materials or products for processing, storing, shipping, or grading.
- Operate cutting equipment.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure that products are not flawed.
- Record operational or production data.
- Mount attachments or tools onto production equipment.
- Inspect production equipment.
- Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements.
- Review blueprints or other instructions to determine operational methods or sequences.
- Mount materials or workpieces onto production equipment.
- Align parts or workpieces to ensure proper assembly.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Operate metal or plastic forming equipment.
- Lubricate production equipment.
- Mark products, workpieces, or equipment with identifying information.
- Set equipment controls to meet cutting specifications.
- Draw guide lines or markings on materials or workpieces using patterns or other references.
- Plan production or operational procedures or sequences.
- Operate forklifts or other loaders.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate coolant flow.
- Feed materials or products into or through equipment.
- Operate grinding equipment.
- Apply lubricants or coolants to workpieces.
- Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
- Remove accessories, tools, or other parts from equipment.
- Replace worn equipment components.
- Smooth metal surfaces or edges.
- Cut industrial materials in preparation for fabrication or processing.
- Select production equipment according to product specifications.
- Heat material or workpieces to prepare for or complete production.
- Sharpen cutting or grinding tools.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean production equipment.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Explain use of products or services.
- Test communications equipment to ensure proper functioning.
- Test electrical circuits or components for proper functioning.
- Install electrical components, equipment, or systems.
- Assemble electrical components, subsystems, or systems.
- Climb equipment or structures to access work areas.
- Run wiring to connect equipment.
- Drive trucks or other vehicles to or at work sites.
- Gather information about work conditions or locations.
- Inspect telecommunications equipment to identify problems.
- Confer with coworkers to resolve equipment problems.
- Repair electronic equipment.
- Document operational activities.
- Connect electrical components or equipment.
- Determine types of equipment, tools, or materials needed for jobs.
- Rewire electrical or electronic systems.
- Troubleshoot equipment or systems operation problems.
- Maintain work equipment or machinery.
- Service vehicles to maintain functionality.
- Verify information or specifications.
- Install programs onto computer or computer-controlled equipment.
- Analyze test or performance data to assess equipment operation.
- Enter codes or other information into computers.
- Measure distances or dimensions.
- Adjust equipment to ensure optimal performance.
- Lubricate equipment to allow proper functioning.
- Paint surfaces or equipment.
- Repair electrical components.
- Read technical information needed to perform maintenance or repairs.
- Dig holes or trenches.
- Interpret blueprints, specifications, or diagrams to inform installation, development or operation activities.
- Advise others on issues related to repairs, installation, or equipment design.
- Investigate legal issues.
- Clean work areas.
- Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
- Monitor operational quality or safety.
- Inspect equipment to ensure proper functioning.
- Operate audio-visual equipment.
- Arrange facility schedules.
- Perform basic equipment maintenance.
- Prepare film for distribution or use.
- Prepare operational reports or records.
- Clean work areas.
- Evaluate quality of materials or products.
- Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements.
- Assemble electrical or electronic equipment.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Record operational or production data.
- Plan production or operational procedures or sequences.
- Direct operational or production activities.
- Instruct workers to use equipment or perform technical procedures.
- Package products for storage or shipment.
- Operate forklifts or other loaders.
- Clean work areas.
- Monitor biofuel production operations.
- Operate biomass or biofuel production equipment.
- Record operational or production data.
- Evaluate quality of materials or products.
- Collect samples of materials or products for testing.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Prepare biological feedstock for physical, chemical, or biological processing.
- Inspect sustainable energy production facilities or equipment.
- Notify others of equipment repair or maintenance needs.
- Measure stock or liquid levels in sustainable fuel production systems.
- Calculate specific material, equipment, or labor requirements for production.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Direct operational or production activities.
- Maintain sustainable energy production equipment.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of water, cleaning solutions, or other liquids.
- Replace worn equipment components.
- Clean work areas.
- Inspect metal, plastic, or composite products.
- Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
- Select production equipment according to product specifications.
- Determine production equipment settings.
- Operate metal or plastic forming equipment.
- Adjust temperature controls of ovens or other heating equipment.
- Package products for storage or shipment.
- Mount attachments or tools onto production equipment.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Mix substances to create chemical solutions.
- Load materials into production equipment.
- Diagnose equipment malfunctions.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
- Maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products.
- Replace worn equipment components.
- Operate cutting equipment.
- Clean work areas.
- Process sales or other transactions.
- Explain technical product or service information to customers.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Monitor inventories of products or materials.
- Take product orders from customers.
- Prepare sales or other contracts.
- Gather customer or product information to determine customer needs.
- Examine condition of property or products.
- Analyze shipping information to make routing decisions.
- Calculate shipping costs.
- Stock products or parts.
- Set up merchandise displays.
- Advise customers on the use of products or services.
- Demonstrate products to consumers.
- Measure product or material dimensions.
- Arrange delivery of goods or services.
- Repair parts or assemblies.
- Clean work areas.
- Distribute promotional literature or samples to customers.
- Maintain records of sales or other business transactions.
- Sell products or services.
- Demonstrate products to consumers.
- Explain technical product or service information to customers.
- Recommend products or services to customers.
- Record sales or transactions data.
- Study product information to acquire professional knowledge.
- Set up merchandise displays.
- Identify potential customers.
- Answer customer questions about goods or services.
- Gather customer or product information to determine customer needs.
- Advise customers on the use of products or services.
- Develop content for sales presentations or other materials.
- Stock products or parts.
- Deliver promotional presentations to current or prospective customers.
- Train sales personnel.
- Model cosmetics, clothing, or accessories.
- Clean work areas.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure that products are not flawed.
- Diagnose equipment malfunctions.
- Operate energy production equipment.
- Inspect sustainable energy production facilities or equipment.
- Exchange information with colleagues.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Maintain sustainable energy production equipment.
- Assemble electromechanical or hydraulic systems.
- Install mechanical components in production equipment.
- Lubricate production equipment.
- Record operational or production data.
- Lift materials or workpieces using cranes or other lifting equipment.
- Operate welding equipment.
- Solder parts or workpieces.
- Connect supply lines to production equipment or tools.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
- Test electrical equipment or systems to ensure proper functioning.
- Assemble temporary equipment or structures.
- Cut industrial materials in preparation for fabrication or processing.
- Clean work areas.
- Answer customer questions about goods or services.
- Greet customers, patrons, or visitors.
- Supervise sales or support personnel.
- Establish operational policies.
- Examine condition of property or products.
- Monitor sales activities.
- Train sales personnel.
- Assign duties or work schedules to employees.
- Set up merchandise displays.
- Develop marketing plans or strategies.
- Maintain records of sales or other business transactions.
- Sell products or services.
- Coordinate sales campaigns.
- Monitor inventories of products or materials.
- Prepare financial documents, reports, or budgets.
- Purchase stocks of merchandise or supplies.
- Monitor work areas to provide security.
- Monitor market conditions or trends.
- Authorize financial actions.
- Prepare operational budgets.
- Clean work areas.
- Smooth surfaces of objects or equipment.
- Inspect completed work to ensure proper functioning.
- Install vehicle parts or accessories.
- Operate welding equipment.
- Paint surfaces or equipment.
- Receive information or instructions for performing work assignments.
- Apply protective coverings to objects or surfaces near work areas.
- Mount materials or workpieces onto production equipment.
- Cut materials according to specifications or needs.
- Remove dents from equipment, materials, tools or structures.
- Read work orders or descriptions of problems to determine repairs or modifications needed.
- Plan work procedures.
- Remove parts or components from vehicles.
- Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
- Install machine or equipment replacement parts.
- Prepare compounds or solutions to be used for repairs.
- Adjust vehicle components according to specifications.
- Replace vehicle glass.
- Heat material or workpieces to prepare for or complete production.
- Confer with customers or users to assess problems.
- Measure distances or dimensions.
- Clean work areas.
- Process sales or other transactions.
- Greet customers, patrons, or visitors.
- Issue money, credit, or vouchers.
- Calculate costs of goods or services.
- Reconcile records of sales or other financial transactions.
- Answer customer questions about goods or services.
- Explain technical product or service information to customers.
- Monitor sales activities.
- Maintain records of sales or other business transactions.
- Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
- Calculate weights, volumes or other characteristics of materials.
- Prepare cash for deposit or disbursement.
- Record sales or transactions data.
- Provide customers with general information or assistance.
- Communicate with other workers to coordinate activities.
- Supervise sales or support personnel.
- Train sales personnel.
- Assist customers to ensure comfort or safety.
- Sell products or services.
- Package objects for shipping.
- Prepare outgoing shipments.
- Stock products or parts.
- Clean work areas.
- Operate metal or plastic forming equipment.
- Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements.
- Review blueprints or other instructions to determine operational methods or sequences.
- Set equipment controls to meet cutting specifications.
- Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to specifications.
- Operate grinding equipment.
- Replace worn equipment components.
- Sharpen cutting or grinding tools.
- Feed materials or products into or through equipment.
- Calculate dimensions of workpieces, products, or equipment.
- Conduct test runs of production equipment.
- Mount attachments or tools onto production equipment.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure that products are not flawed.
- Operate cutting equipment.
- Perform basic equipment maintenance.
- Program equipment to perform production tasks.
- Program robotic equipment.
- Lift materials or workpieces using cranes or other lifting equipment.
- Mount materials or workpieces onto production equipment.
- Install mechanical components in production equipment.
- Select production equipment according to product specifications.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate coolant flow.
- Clean work areas.
- Gather customer or product information to determine customer needs.
- Greet customers, patrons, or visitors.
- Recommend products or services to customers.
- Maintain records of sales or other business transactions.
- Process sales or other transactions.
- Set up merchandise displays.
- Calculate costs of goods or services.
- Answer customer questions about goods or services.
- Review laws or regulations to maintain professional knowledge.
- Reconcile records of sales or other financial transactions.
- Prepare sales or other contracts.
- Advise customers on the use of products or services.
- Demonstrate products to consumers.
- Explain technical product or service information to customers.
- Monitor inventories of products or materials.
- Purchase stocks of merchandise or supplies.
- Estimate costs or terms of sales.
- Assist customers with product selection.
- Package materials or products.
- Monitor work areas to provide security.
- Arrange delivery of goods or services.
- Sell products or services.
- Arrange services or reservations for patrons.
- Clean work areas.
- Inspect vehicles to determine overall condition.
- Record information about parts, materials or repair procedures.
- Operate transportation equipment to demonstrate function or malfunction.
- Adjust equipment to ensure optimal performance.
- Test mechanical systems to ensure proper functioning.
- Replace worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
- Adjust vehicle components according to specifications.
- Repair non-engine automotive or vehicle components.
- Confer with coworkers to coordinate work activities.
- Read work orders or descriptions of problems to determine repairs or modifications needed.
- Inspect gas systems or components to identify leaks or other potential hazards.
- Estimate costs for labor or materials.
- Confer with customers or users to assess problems.
- Align equipment or machinery.
- Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
- Reassemble equipment after repair.
- Inspect mechanical components of vehicles to identify problems.
- Plan work procedures.
- Service vehicles to maintain functionality.
- Service green vehicles to make repairs or maintain good working order.
- Repair worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
- Disassemble equipment to inspect for deficiencies.
- Service heating, ventilation or air-conditioning (HVAC) systems or components.
- Test electrical circuits or components for proper functioning.
- Rebuild parts or components.
- Rewire electrical or electronic systems.
- Troubleshoot equipment or systems operation problems.
- Repair defective engines or engine components.
- Install vehicle parts or accessories.
- Clean work areas.