- Establish scientific or technical goals within broad outlines provided by top management.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Direct daily operations of department, analyzing workflow, establishing priorities, developing standards and setting deadlines.
- Develop and interpret organizational goals, policies, and procedures.
- Meet with department heads, managers, supervisors, vendors, and others, to solicit cooperation and resolve problems.
- Review project plans to plan and coordinate project activity.
- Assign and review the work of systems analysts, programmers, and other computer-related workers.
- Provide users with technical support for computer problems.
- Develop computer information resources, providing for data security and control, strategic computing, and disaster recovery.
- Recruit, hire, train and supervise staff, or participate in staffing decisions.
- Stay abreast of advances in technology.
- Consult with users, management, vendors, and technicians to assess computing needs and system requirements.
- Evaluate the organization's technology use and needs and recommend improvements, such as hardware and software upgrades.
- Review and approve all systems charts and programs prior to their implementation.
- Prepare and review operational reports or project progress reports.
- Evaluate data processing proposals to assess project feasibility and requirements.
- Control operational budget and expenditures.
- Purchase necessary equipment.
- Manage backup, security and user help systems.
- Direct daily operations of department, analyzing workflow, establishing priorities, developing standards and setting deadlines.
- Develop and interpret organizational goals, policies, and procedures.
- Set goals and deadlines for the department.
- Monitor the facility to ensure that it remains safe, secure, and well-maintained.
- Oversee the maintenance and repair of machinery, equipment, and electrical and mechanical systems.
- Oversee construction and renovation projects to improve efficiency and to ensure that facilities meet environmental, health, and security standards, and comply with government regulations.
- Plan, administer, and control budgets for contracts, equipment, and supplies.
- Participate in architectural and engineering planning and design, including space and installation management.
- Conduct classes to teach procedures to staff.
- Prepare and review operational reports and schedules to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
- Acquire, distribute and store supplies.
- Dispose of, or oversee the disposal of, surplus or unclaimed property.
- Manage leasing of facility space.
- Set goals and deadlines for the department.
- Determine, or help determine, company policy, and explain complex technical matters to company executives, government officials, shareholders, policyholders, or the public.
- Ascertain premium rates required and cash reserves and liabilities necessary to ensure payment of future benefits.
- Collaborate with programmers, underwriters, accounts, claims experts, and senior management to help companies develop plans for new lines of business or improvements to existing business.
- Analyze statistical information to estimate mortality, accident, sickness, disability, and retirement rates.
- Design, review, and help administer insurance, annuity and pension plans, determining financial soundness and calculating premiums.
- Construct probability tables for events such as fires, natural disasters, and unemployment, based on analysis of statistical data and other pertinent information.
- Provide advice to clients on a contract basis, working as a consultant.
- Determine equitable basis for distributing surplus earnings under participating insurance and annuity contracts in mutual companies.
- Negotiate terms and conditions of reinsurance with other companies.
- Provide expertise to help financial institutions manage risks and maximize returns associated with investment products or credit offerings.
- Testify before public agencies on proposed legislation affecting businesses.
- Determine policy contract provisions for each type of insurance.
- Testify in court as expert witness or to provide legal evidence on matters such as the value of potential lifetime earnings of a person disabled or killed in an accident.
- Explain changes in contract provisions to customers.
- Manage credit and help price corporate security offerings.
- Determine, or help determine, company policy, and explain complex technical matters to company executives, government officials, shareholders, policyholders, or the public.
- Develop and interpret organizational goals, policies, and procedures.
- Analyze problems to develop solutions involving computer hardware and software.
- Apply theoretical expertise and innovation to create or apply new technology, such as adapting principles for applying computers to new uses.
- Assign or schedule tasks to meet work priorities and goals.
- Meet with managers, vendors, and others to solicit cooperation and resolve problems.
- Design computers and the software that runs them.
- Conduct logical analyses of business, scientific, engineering, and other technical problems, formulating mathematical models of problems for solution by computers.
- Evaluate project plans and proposals to assess feasibility issues.
- Participate in multidisciplinary projects in areas such as virtual reality, human-computer interaction, or robotics.
- Consult with users, management, vendors, and technicians to determine computing needs and system requirements.
- Develop performance standards, and evaluate work in light of established standards.
- Maintain network hardware and software, direct network security measures, and monitor networks to ensure availability to system users.
- Direct daily operations of departments, coordinating project activities with other departments.
- Participate in staffing decisions and direct training of subordinates.
- Approve, prepare, monitor, and adjust operational budgets.
- Develop and interpret organizational goals, policies, and procedures.
- Establish goals for soliciting funds, develop policies for collection and safeguarding of contributions, and coordinate disbursement of funds.
- Assign, supervise, and review the activities of fundraising staff.
- Compile or develop materials to submit to granting or other funding organizations.
- Conduct research to identify the goals, net worth, charitable donation history, or other data related to potential donors, potential investors, or general donor markets.
- Contact corporate representatives, government officials, or community leaders to increase awareness of organizational causes, activities, or needs.
- Design and edit promotional publications, such as brochures.
- Develop fundraising activity plans that maximize participation or contributions and minimize costs.
- Develop strategies to encourage new or increased contributions.
- Direct activities of external agencies, establishments, or departments that develop and implement fundraising strategies and programs.
- Establish and maintain effective working relationships with clients, government officials, and media representatives and use these relationships to develop new fundraising opportunities.
- Evaluate advertising and promotion programs for compatibility with fundraising efforts.
- Formulate policies and procedures related to fundraising programs.
- Manage fundraising budgets.
- Plan and direct special events for fundraising, such as silent auctions, dances, golf events, or walks.
- Produce films and other video products, regulate their distribution, and operate film library.
- Write interesting and effective press releases, prepare information for media kits, and develop and maintain company internet or intranet Web pages.
- Establish goals for soliciting funds, develop policies for collection and safeguarding of contributions, and coordinate disbursement of funds.
- Determine scientific or technical goals within broad outlines provided by top management and make detailed plans to accomplish these goals.
- Hire, supervise, or evaluate engineers, technicians, researchers, or other staff.
- Design or coordinate successive phases of problem analysis, solution proposals, or testing.
- Plan or direct research, development, or production activities.
- Review project activities and prepare and review research, testing, or operational reports.
- Confer with scientists, engineers, regulators, or others to plan or review projects or to provide technical assistance.
- Develop client relationships and communicate with clients to explain proposals, present research findings, establish specifications, or discuss project status.
- Prepare project proposals.
- Develop or implement policies, standards, or procedures for the architectural, scientific, or technical work performed to ensure regulatory compliance or operations enhancement.
- Recruit personnel or oversee the development or maintenance of staff competence.
- Prepare and administer budgets, approve and review expenditures, and prepare financial reports.
- Conduct own research in field of expertise.
- Develop innovative technology or train staff for its implementation.
- Make presentations at professional meetings to further knowledge in the field.
- Provide for stewardship of plant or animal resources or habitats, studying land use, monitoring animal populations, or providing shelter, resources, or medical treatment for animals.
- Advise or assist in obtaining patents or meeting other legal requirements.
- Determine scientific or technical goals within broad outlines provided by top management and make detailed plans to accomplish these goals.
- Establish goals, objectives, or priorities for wind field operations.
- Supervise employees or subcontractors to ensure quality of work or adherence to safety regulations or policies.
- Train or coordinate the training of employees in operations, safety, environmental issues, or technical issues.
- Track and maintain records for wind operations, such as site performance, downtime events, parts usage, or substation events.
- Oversee the maintenance of wind field equipment or structures, such as towers, transformers, electrical collector systems, roadways, or other site assets.
- Prepare wind field operational budgets.
- Develop relationships and communicate with customers, site managers, developers, land owners, authorities, utility representatives, or residents.
- Maintain operations records, such as work orders, site inspection forms, or other documentation.
- Recruit or select wind operations employees, contractors, or subcontractors.
- Provide technical support to wind field customers, employees, or subcontractors.
- Estimate costs associated with operations, including repairs or preventive maintenance.
- Monitor and maintain records of daily facility operations.
- Order parts, tools, or equipment needed to maintain, restore, or improve wind field operations.
- Review, negotiate, or approve wind farm contracts.
- Manage warranty repair or replacement services.
- Develop processes or procedures for wind operations, including transitioning from construction to commercial operations.
- Establish goals, objectives, or priorities for wind field operations.
- Establish or implement departmental policies, goals, objectives, or procedures in conjunction with board members, organization officials, or staff members.
- Review financial statements, sales or activity reports, or other performance data to measure productivity or goal achievement or to identify areas needing cost reduction or program improvement.
- Direct and coordinate activities of businesses or departments concerned with the production, pricing, sales, or distribution of products.
- Direct administrative activities directly related to making products or providing services.
- Prepare staff work schedules and assign specific duties.
- Direct or coordinate financial or budget activities to fund operations, maximize investments, or increase efficiency.
- Plan or direct activities, such as sales promotions, that require coordination with other department managers.
- Perform personnel functions, such as selection, training, or evaluation.
- Monitor suppliers to ensure that they efficiently and effectively provide needed goods or services within budgetary limits.
- Manage the movement of goods into and out of production facilities to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, or sustainability of operations.
- Set prices or credit terms for goods or services, based on forecasts of customer demand.
- Perform sales floor work, such as greeting or assisting customers, stocking shelves, or taking inventory.
- Develop or implement product-marketing strategies, including advertising campaigns or sales promotions.
- Direct non-merchandising departments of businesses, such as advertising or purchasing.
- Implement or oversee environmental management or sustainability programs addressing issues such as recycling, conservation, or waste management.
- Plan store layouts or design displays.
- Recommend locations for new facilities, or oversee the remodeling or renovating of current facilities.
- Establish or implement departmental policies, goals, objectives, or procedures in conjunction with board members, organization officials, or staff members.
- Set goals and deadlines for the department.
- Prepare and review operational reports and schedules to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
- Acquire, distribute and store supplies.
- Analyze internal processes and recommend and implement procedural or policy changes to improve operations, such as supply changes or the disposal of records.
- Conduct classes to teach procedures to staff.
- Plan, administer, and control budgets for contracts, equipment, and supplies.
- Hire and terminate clerical and administrative personnel.
- Direct or coordinate the supportive services department of a business, agency, or organization.
- Communicate with and provide guidance for external vendors and service providers to ensure the organization, department, or work unit's business needs are met.
- Develop operational standards and procedures for the work unit or department.
- Establish work procedures or schedules to organize the daily work of administrative staff.
- Learn to operate new office technologies as they are developed and implemented.
- Manage paper or electronic filing systems by recording information, updating paperwork, or maintaining documents, such as attendance records or correspondence.
- Meet with other departmental leaders to establish organizational goals, strategic plans, and objectives, as well as make decisions about personnel, resources, and space or equipment needs.
- Oversee payroll functions, such as maintaining timekeeping information and processing and submitting payroll.
- Read through contracts, regulations, and procedural guidelines to ensure comprehension and compliance.
- Represent work unit at meetings or conferences and serve as liaison for requests or complaints.
- Supervise administrative staff and provide training and orientation to new staff.
- Set goals and deadlines for the department.
- Establish objectives and evaluative or operational criteria for units managed.
- Direct, supervise and evaluate work activities of medical, nursing, technical, clerical, service, maintenance, and other personnel.
- Develop and maintain computerized record management systems to store and process data, such as personnel activities and information, and to produce reports.
- Plan, implement, and administer programs and services in a health care or medical facility, including personnel administration, training, and coordination of medical, nursing and physical plant staff.
- Conduct and administer fiscal operations, including accounting, planning budgets, authorizing expenditures, establishing rates for services, and coordinating financial reporting.
- Maintain awareness of advances in medicine, computerized diagnostic and treatment equipment, data processing technology, government regulations, health insurance changes, and financing options.
- Establish work schedules and assignments for staff, according to workload, space, and equipment availability.
- Monitor the use of diagnostic services, inpatient beds, facilities, and staff to ensure effective use of resources and assess the need for additional staff, equipment, and services.
- Direct or conduct recruitment, hiring, and training of personnel.
- Manage change in integrated health care delivery systems, such as work restructuring, technological innovations, and shifts in the focus of care.
- Maintain communication between governing boards, medical staff, and department heads by attending board meetings and coordinating interdepartmental functioning.
- Develop and implement organizational policies and procedures for the facility or medical unit.
- Review and analyze facility activities and data to aid planning and cash and risk management and to improve service utilization.
- Prepare activity reports to inform management of the status and implementation plans of programs, services, and quality initiatives.
- Develop or expand and implement medical programs or health services that promote research, rehabilitation, and community health.
- Consult with medical, business, and community groups to discuss service problems, respond to community needs, enhance public relations, coordinate activities and plans, and promote health programs.
- Develop instructional materials and conduct in-service and community-based educational programs.
- Inspect facilities and recommend building or equipment modifications to ensure emergency readiness and compliance to access, safety, and sanitation regulations.
- Establish objectives and evaluative or operational criteria for units managed.
- Set marketing, sales, or other financial goals for funeral service establishments and monitor progress toward these goals.
- Consult with families or friends of the deceased to arrange funeral details, such as obituary notice wording, casket selection, or plans for services.
- Schedule funerals, burials, or cremations.
- Deliver death certificates to medical facilities or offices to obtain signatures from legally authorized persons.
- Offer counsel and comfort to families and friends of the deceased.
- Monitor funeral service operations to ensure that they comply with applicable policies, regulations, and laws.
- Direct and supervise work of embalmers, funeral attendants, death certificate clerks, cosmetologists, or other staff.
- Complete and maintain records, such as state-required documents, tracking documents, or product inventories.
- Sell funeral services, products, or merchandise to clients.
- Plan and implement changes to service offerings to meet community needs or increase funeral home revenues.
- Respond to customer complaints, legal inquiries, payment negotiations, or other post-service matters.
- Negotiate contracts for prearranged funeral services.
- Explain goals, policies, or procedures to staff members.
- Schedule work hours for funeral home or contract employees.
- Set prices or credit terms for funeral products or services.
- Review financial statements, sales or activity reports, or other performance data to identify opportunities for cost reductions or service improvements.
- Interview and hire new employees.
- Identify skill development needs for funeral home staff.
- Direct or monitor administrative, support, repair, or maintenance services for funeral homes.
- Attend or make presentations at community events to promote funeral home services or build community relationships.
- Evaluate the performance of vendors, contract employees, or other service providers to ensure quality and cost-efficiency.
- Conduct market research and analyze industry trends.
- Plan and implement sales promotions or other marketing strategies and activities for funeral home operations.
- Set marketing, sales, or other financial goals for funeral service establishments and monitor progress toward these goals.
- Establish regulatory priorities or budgets and allocate resources and workloads.
- Develop regulatory strategies and implementation plans for the preparation and submission of new products.
- Review all regulatory agency submission materials to ensure timeliness, accuracy, comprehensiveness, or compliance with regulatory standards.
- Direct the preparation and submission of regulatory agency applications, reports, or correspondence.
- Investigate product complaints and prepare documentation and submissions to appropriate regulatory agencies as necessary.
- Provide responses to regulatory agencies regarding product information or issues.
- Represent organizations before domestic or international regulatory agencies on major policy matters or decisions regarding company products.
- Provide regulatory guidance to departments or development project teams regarding design, development, evaluation, or marketing of products.
- Manage activities such as audits, regulatory agency inspections, or product recalls.
- Communicate regulatory information to multiple departments and ensure that information is interpreted correctly.
- Maintain current knowledge of relevant regulations, including proposed and final rules.
- Formulate or implement regulatory affairs policies and procedures to ensure that regulatory compliance is maintained or enhanced.
- Direct documentation efforts to ensure compliance with domestic and international regulations and standards.
- Review materials such as marketing literature or user manuals to ensure that regulatory agency requirements are met.
- Participate in the development or implementation of clinical trial protocols.
- Implement or monitor complaint processing systems to ensure effective and timely resolution of all complaint investigations.
- Establish procedures or systems for publishing document submissions in hardcopy or electronic formats.
- Train staff in regulatory policies or procedures.
- Develop and maintain standard operating procedures or local working practices.
- Contribute to the development or implementation of business unit strategic and operating plans.
- Monitor regulatory affairs activities to ensure their alignment with corporate sustainability or green initiatives.
- Coordinate internal discoveries and depositions with legal department staff.
- Monitor emerging trends regarding industry regulations to determine potential impacts on organizational processes.
- Develop relationships with state or federal environmental regulatory agencies to learn about and analyze the potential impacts of proposed environmental policy regulations.
- Monitor regulatory affairs trends related to environmental issues.
- Evaluate regulatory affairs aspects that are specifically green, such as the use of toxic substances in packaging, carbon footprinting issues, or green policy implementation.
- Evaluate new software publishing systems and confer with regulatory agencies concerning news or updates on electronic publishing of submissions.
- Establish regulatory priorities or budgets and allocate resources and workloads.
- Define and analyze objectives, scope, issues, or organizational impact of information systems.
- Communicate with staff or clients to understand specific system requirements.
- Investigate system component suitability for specified purposes, and make recommendations regarding component use.
- Provide customers or installation teams guidelines for implementing secure systems.
- Direct the analysis, development, and operation of complete computer systems.
- Direct the installation of operating systems, network or application software, or computer or network hardware.
- Monitor system operation to detect potential problems.
- Identify system data, hardware, or software components required to meet user needs.
- Perform ongoing hardware and software maintenance operations, including installing or upgrading hardware or software.
- Verify stability, interoperability, portability, security, or scalability of system architecture.
- Research, test, or verify proper functioning of software patches and fixes.
- Configure servers to meet functional specifications.
- Collaborate with engineers or software developers to select appropriate design solutions or ensure the compatibility of system components.
- Design and conduct hardware or software tests.
- Evaluate existing systems to determine effectiveness, and suggest changes to meet organizational requirements.
- Document design specifications, installation instructions, and other system-related information.
- Perform security analyses of developed or packaged software components.
- Provide technical guidance or support for the development or troubleshooting of systems.
- Establish functional or system standards to address operational requirements, quality requirements, and design constraints.
- Develop system engineering, software engineering, system integration, or distributed system architectures.
- Provide advice on project costs, design concepts, or design changes.
- Evaluate current or emerging technologies to consider factors such as cost, portability, compatibility, or usability.
- Develop or approve project plans, schedules, or budgets.
- Communicate project information through presentations, technical reports, or white papers.
- Train system users in system operation or maintenance.
- Complete models and simulations, using manual or automated tools, to analyze or predict system performance under different operating conditions.
- Develop efficient and effective system controllers.
- Develop application-specific software.
- Define and analyze objectives, scope, issues, or organizational impact of information systems.
- Define performance metrics for measurement, comparison, or evaluation of supply chain factors, such as product cost or quality.
- Determine appropriate equipment and staffing levels to load, unload, move, or store materials.
- Manage activities related to strategic or tactical purchasing, material requirements planning, controlling inventory, warehousing, or receiving.
- Select transportation routes to maximize economy by combining shipments or consolidating warehousing and distribution.
- Implement new or improved supply chain processes to improve efficiency or performance.
- Develop procedures for coordination of supply chain management with other functional areas, such as sales, marketing, finance, production, or quality assurance.
- Confer with supply chain planners to forecast demand or create supply plans that ensure availability of materials or products.
- Analyze inventories to determine how to increase inventory turns, reduce waste, or optimize customer service.
- Negotiate prices and terms with suppliers, vendors, or freight forwarders.
- Analyze information about supplier performance or procurement program success.
- Monitor suppliers' activities to assess performance in meeting quality or delivery requirements.
- Design or implement supply chains that support business strategies adapted to changing market conditions, new business opportunities, or cost reduction strategies.
- Meet with suppliers to discuss performance metrics, to provide performance feedback, or to discuss production forecasts or changes.
- Monitor forecasts and quotas to identify changes and predict effects on supply chain activities.
- Participate in the coordination of engineering changes, product line extensions, or new product launches to ensure orderly and timely transitions in material or production flow.
- Identify or qualify new suppliers in collaboration with other departments, such as procurement, engineering, or quality assurance.
- Design or implement plant warehousing strategies for production materials or finished products.
- Design, implement, or oversee product take back or reverse logistics programs to ensure products are recycled, reused, or responsibly disposed.
- Develop or implement procedures or systems to evaluate or select suppliers.
- Document physical supply chain processes, such as workflows, cycle times, position responsibilities, or system flows.
- Diagram supply chain models to help facilitate discussions with customers.
- Evaluate and select information or other technology solutions to improve tracking and reporting of materials or products distribution, storage, or inventory.
- Identify opportunities to reuse or recycle materials to minimize consumption of new materials, minimize waste, or to convert wastes to by-products.
- Review or update supply chain practices in accordance with new or changing environmental policies, standards, regulations, or laws.
- Design or implement supply chains that support environmental policies.
- Forecast material costs or develop standard cost lists.
- Locate or select biodegradable, non-toxic, or other environmentally friendly raw materials for manufacturing processes.
- Appraise vendor manufacturing capabilities through on-site observations or other measurements.
- Conduct or oversee the conduct of life cycle analyses to determine the environmental impacts of products, processes, or systems.
- Investigate or review the carbon footprints and environmental performance records of current or potential storage and distribution service providers.
- Define performance metrics for measurement, comparison, or evaluation of supply chain factors, such as product cost or quality.