Job Duties Custom List 33-9032.00 — Security Guards
- Answer alarms and investigate disturbances.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Provide for public safety by maintaining order, responding to emergencies, protecting people and property, enforcing motor vehicle and criminal laws, and promoting good community relations.
- Investigate illegal or suspicious activities.
- Monitor, note, report, and investigate suspicious persons and situations, safety hazards, and unusual or illegal activity in patrol area.
- Patrol specific area on foot, horseback, or motorized conveyance, responding promptly to calls for assistance.
- Verify that the proper legal charges have been made against law offenders.
- Identify, pursue, and arrest suspects and perpetrators of criminal acts.
- Record facts to prepare reports that document incidents and activities.
- Render aid to accident survivors and other persons requiring first aid for physical injuries.
- Review facts of incidents to determine if criminal act or statute violations were involved.
- Testify in court to present evidence or act as witness in traffic and criminal cases.
- Relay complaint and emergency-request information to appropriate agency dispatchers.
- Monitor traffic to ensure motorists observe traffic regulations and exhibit safe driving procedures.
- Drive vehicles or patrol specific areas to detect law violators, issue citations, and make arrests.
- Execute arrest warrants, locating and taking persons into custody.
- Patrol and guard courthouses, grand jury rooms, or assigned areas to provide security, enforce laws, maintain order, and arrest violators.
- Photograph or draw diagrams of crime or accident scenes and interview principals and eyewitnesses.
- Evaluate complaint and emergency-request information to determine response requirements.
- Investigate traffic accidents and other accidents to determine causes and to determine if a crime has been committed.
- Transport or escort prisoners and defendants en route to courtrooms, prisons or jails, attorneys' offices, or medical facilities.
- Direct traffic flow and reroute traffic in case of emergencies.
- Question individuals entering secured areas to determine their business, directing and rerouting individuals as necessary.
- Notify patrol units to take violators into custody or to provide needed assistance or medical aid.
- Place people in protective custody.
- Serve statements of claims, subpoenas, summonses, jury summonses, orders to pay alimony, and other court orders.
- Inform citizens of community services and recommend options to facilitate longer-term problem resolution.
- Locate and confiscate real or personal property, as directed by court order.
- Provide road information to assist motorists.
- Conduct community programs for all ages concerning topics such as drugs and violence.
- Process prisoners, and prepare and maintain records of prisoner bookings and prisoner status during booking and pre-trial process.
- Supervise law enforcement staff, such as jail staff, officers, and deputy sheriffs.
- Provide for public safety by maintaining order, responding to emergencies, protecting people and property, enforcing motor vehicle and criminal laws, and promoting good community relations.
- Investigate illegal or suspicious activities.
- Monitor, note, report, and investigate suspicious persons and situations, safety hazards, and unusual or illegal activity in patrol area.
- Patrol specific area on foot, horseback, or motorized conveyance, responding promptly to calls for assistance.
- Verify that the proper legal charges have been made against law offenders.
- Link or chart suspects to criminal organizations or events to determine activities and interrelationships.
- Study activities relating to narcotics, money laundering, gangs, auto theft rings, terrorism, or other national security threats.
- Study the assets of criminal suspects to determine the flow of money from or to targeted groups.
- Validate known intelligence with data from other sources.
- Gather, analyze, correlate, or evaluate information from a variety of resources, such as law enforcement databases.
- Evaluate records of communications, such as telephone calls, to plot activity and determine the size and location of criminal groups and members.
- Gather intelligence information by field observation, confidential information sources, or public records.
- Analyze intelligence data to identify patterns and trends in criminal activity.
- Identify gaps in information.
- Predict future gang, organized crime, or terrorist activity, using analyses of intelligence data.
- Gather and evaluate information, using tools such as aerial photographs, radar equipment, or sensitive radio equipment.
- Prepare comprehensive written reports, presentations, maps, or charts, based on research, collection, and analysis of intelligence data.
- Collaborate with representatives from other government and intelligence organizations to share information or coordinate intelligence activities.
- Establish criminal profiles to aid in connecting criminal organizations with their members.
- Design, use, or maintain databases and software applications, such as geographic information systems (GIS) mapping and artificial intelligence tools.
- Conduct presentations of analytic findings.
- Develop defense plans or tactics, using intelligence and other information.
- Interview, interrogate, or interact with witnesses or crime suspects to collect human intelligence.
- Prepare plans to intercept foreign communications transmissions.
- Study communication code languages or foreign languages to translate intelligence.
- Operate cameras, radios, or other surveillance equipment to intercept communications or document activities.
- Link or chart suspects to criminal organizations or events to determine activities and interrelationships.
- Study activities relating to narcotics, money laundering, gangs, auto theft rings, terrorism, or other national security threats.
- Study the assets of criminal suspects to determine the flow of money from or to targeted groups.
- Validate known intelligence with data from other sources.
- Gather, analyze, correlate, or evaluate information from a variety of resources, such as law enforcement databases.
- Evaluate records of communications, such as telephone calls, to plot activity and determine the size and location of criminal groups and members.
- Gather intelligence information by field observation, confidential information sources, or public records.
- Analyze intelligence data to identify patterns and trends in criminal activity.
- Identify gaps in information.
- Predict future gang, organized crime, or terrorist activity, using analyses of intelligence data.
- Gather and evaluate information, using tools such as aerial photographs, radar equipment, or sensitive radio equipment.
- Respond to fire alarms and other calls for assistance, such as automobile and industrial accidents.
- Rescue survivors from burning buildings, accident sites, and water hazards.
- Position and climb ladders to gain access to upper levels of buildings, or to rescue individuals from burning structures.
- Search to locate fire survivors.
- Dress with equipment such as fire-resistant clothing and breathing apparatus.
- Assess fires and situations and report conditions to superiors to receive instructions, using two-way radios.
- Move toward the source of a fire, using knowledge of types of fires, construction design, building materials, and physical layout of properties.
- Create openings in buildings for ventilation or entrance, using axes, chisels, crowbars, electric saws, or core cutters.
- Drive and operate fire fighting vehicles and equipment.
- Inspect fire sites after flames have been extinguished to ensure that there is no further danger.
- Select and attach hose nozzles, depending on fire type, and direct streams of water or chemicals onto fires.
- Operate pumps connected to high-pressure hoses.
- Maintain contact with fire dispatchers at all times to notify them of the need for additional firefighters and supplies, or to detail any difficulties encountered.
- Collaborate with other firefighters as a member of a firefighting crew.
- Patrol burned areas after fires to locate and eliminate hot spots that may restart fires.
- Collaborate with police to respond to accidents, disasters, and arson investigation calls.
- Participate in fire drills and demonstrations of fire fighting techniques.
- Prepare written reports that detail specifics of fire incidents.
- Maintain knowledge of current firefighting practices by participating in drills and by attending seminars, conventions, and conferences.
- Participate in physical training activities to maintain a high level of physical fitness.
- Protect property from water and smoke, using waterproof salvage covers, smoke ejectors, and deodorants.
- Inform and educate the public on fire prevention.
- Salvage property by removing broken glass, pumping out water, and ventilating buildings to remove smoke.
- Orient self in relation to fire, using compass and map, and collect supplies and equipment dropped by parachute.
- Clean and maintain fire stations and fire fighting equipment and apparatus.
- Inspect buildings for fire hazards and compliance with fire prevention ordinances, testing and checking smoke alarms and fire suppression equipment as necessary.
- Take action to contain any hazardous chemicals that could catch fire, leak, or spill.
- Extinguish flames and embers to suppress fires, using shovels or engine- or hand-driven water or chemical pumps.
- Administer first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation to injured persons or provide emergency medical care such as basic or advanced life support.
- Train new employees to control and suppress fires.
- Respond to fire alarms and other calls for assistance, such as automobile and industrial accidents.
- Rescue survivors from burning buildings, accident sites, and water hazards.
- Position and climb ladders to gain access to upper levels of buildings, or to rescue individuals from burning structures.
- Search to locate fire survivors.
- Perform emergency work during off-hours.
- Look for trace evidence, such as fingerprints, hairs, fibers, or shoe impressions, using alternative light sources when necessary.
- Dust selected areas of crime scene and lift latent fingerprints, adhering to proper preservation procedures.
- Maintain records of evidence and write and review reports.
- Package, store and retrieve evidence.
- Submit evidence to supervisors, crime labs, or court officials for legal proceedings.
- Testify in court and present evidence.
- Analyze and process evidence at crime scenes, during autopsies, or in the laboratory, wearing protective equipment and using powders and chemicals.
- Photograph crime or accident scenes for evidence records.
- Create sketches and diagrams, by hand or computer software, to depict crime scenes.
- Serve as technical advisor and coordinate with other law enforcement workers or legal personnel to exchange information on crime scene collection activities.
- Coordinate or conduct instructional classes or in-services, such as citizen police academy classes and crime scene training for other officers.
- Interview survivors, witnesses, suspects, and other law enforcement personnel.
- Process film and prints from crime or accident scenes.
- Identify, compare, classify, and file fingerprints, using systems such as Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) or the Henry Classification System.
- Perform emergency work during off-hours.
- Look for trace evidence, such as fingerprints, hairs, fibers, or shoe impressions, using alternative light sources when necessary.
- Dust selected areas of crime scene and lift latent fingerprints, adhering to proper preservation procedures.
- Institute civil and criminal prosecutions and cooperate with other law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of those in violation of immigration or customs laws.
- Investigate applications for duty refunds and petition for remission or mitigation of penalties when warranted.
- Examine immigration applications, visas, and passports and interview persons to determine eligibility for admission, residence, and travel in the U.S.
- Detain persons found to be in violation of customs or immigration laws and arrange for legal action, such as deportation.
- Inspect cargo, baggage, and personal articles entering or leaving U.S. for compliance with revenue laws and U.S. customs regulations.
- Locate and seize contraband, undeclared merchandise, and vehicles, aircraft, or boats that contain such merchandise.
- Interpret and explain laws and regulations to travelers, prospective immigrants, shippers, and manufacturers.
- Testify regarding decisions at immigration appeals or in federal court.
- Record and report job-related activities, findings, transactions, violations, discrepancies, and decisions.
- Determine duty and taxes to be paid on goods.
- Collect samples of merchandise for examination, appraisal, or testing.
- Institute civil and criminal prosecutions and cooperate with other law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of those in violation of immigration or customs laws.
- Investigate applications for duty refunds and petition for remission or mitigation of penalties when warranted.
- Respond to critical incidents, such as catastrophic events, violent weather, or civil disorders.
- Investigate known or suspected internal theft, external theft, or vendor fraud.
- Implement or monitor processes to reduce property or financial losses.
- Identify and report merchandise or stock shortages.
- Maintain documentation or reports on security-related incidents or investigations.
- Apprehend shoplifters in accordance with guidelines.
- Verify proper functioning of physical security systems, such as closed-circuit televisions, alarms, sensor tag systems, or locks.
- Identify and report safety concerns to maintain a safe shopping and working environment.
- Conduct store audits to identify problem areas or procedural deficiencies.
- Monitor compliance with standard operating procedures for loss prevention, physical security, or risk management.
- Inspect buildings, equipment, or access points to determine security risks.
- Perform covert surveillance of areas susceptible to loss, such loading docks, distribution centers, or warehouses.
- Prepare written reports on investigations.
- Collaborate with law enforcement agencies to report or investigate crimes.
- Testify in civil or criminal court proceedings.
- Recommend methods to reduce potential financial fraud losses.
- Train establishment personnel in loss prevention activities.
- Coordinate with risk management, human resources, or other departments to assist in company programs, investigations, or training.
- Recommend new or improved processes or equipment to reduce risk exposure.
- Direct work of contract security officers or other loss prevention agents.
- Conduct employee background investigations and review reports with operational or human resources managers.
- Respond to critical incidents, such as catastrophic events, violent weather, or civil disorders.
- Investigate known or suspected internal theft, external theft, or vendor fraud.
- Identify new threat tactics, techniques, or procedures used by cyber threat actors.
- Investigate security incidents, using computer forensics, network forensics, root cause analysis, or malware analysis.
- Assess the physical security of servers, systems, or network devices to identify vulnerability to temperature, vandalism, or natural disasters.
- Collect stakeholder data to evaluate risk and to develop mitigation strategies.
- Conduct network and security system audits, using established criteria.
- Configure information systems to incorporate principles of least functionality and least access.
- Design security solutions to address known device vulnerabilities.
- Develop and execute tests that simulate the techniques of known cyber threat actors.
- Develop infiltration tests that exploit device vulnerabilities.
- Develop presentations on threat intelligence.
- Develop security penetration testing processes, such as wireless, data networks, and telecommunication security tests.
- Discuss security solutions with information technology teams or management.
- Document penetration test findings.
- Evaluate vulnerability assessments of local computing environments, networks, infrastructures, or enclave boundaries.
- Gather cyber intelligence to identify vulnerabilities.
- Identify security system weaknesses, using penetration tests.
- Keep up with new penetration testing tools and methods.
- Maintain up-to-date knowledge of hacking trends.
- Prepare and submit reports describing the results of security fixes.
- Test the security of systems by attempting to gain access to networks, Web-based applications, or computers.
- Update corporate policies to improve cyber security.
- Write audit reports to communicate technical and procedural findings and recommend solutions.
- Identify new threat tactics, techniques, or procedures used by cyber threat actors.
- Investigate security incidents, using computer forensics, network forensics, root cause analysis, or malware analysis.
- Respond to emergencies, such as escapes.
- Carry injured offenders or employees to safety and provide emergency first aid when necessary.
- Take, receive, or check periodic inmate counts.
- Maintain order, discipline, and security within assigned areas in accordance with relevant rules, regulations, policies, and laws.
- Maintain knowledge of, comply with, and enforce all institutional policies, rules, procedures, and regulations.
- Supervise and direct the work of correctional officers to ensure the safe custody, discipline, and welfare of inmates.
- Supervise or perform searches of inmates or their quarters to locate contraband items.
- Monitor behavior of subordinates to ensure alert, courteous, and professional behavior toward inmates, parolees, fellow employees, visitors, and the public.
- Restrain, secure, or control offenders, using chemical agents, firearms, or other weapons of force as necessary.
- Complete administrative paperwork or supervise the preparation or maintenance of records, forms, or reports.
- Supervise activities, such as searches, shakedowns, riot control, or institutional tours.
- Conduct roll calls of correctional officers.
- Instruct employees or provide on-the-job training.
- Resolve problems between inmates.
- Set up employee work schedules.
- Examine incoming or outgoing mail to ensure conformance with regulations.
- Transfer or transport offenders on foot or by driving vehicles, such as trailers, vans, or buses.
- Review offender information to identify issues that require special attention.
- Develop work or security procedures.
- Convey correctional officers' or inmates' complaints to superiors.
- Supervise or provide security for offenders performing tasks, such as construction, maintenance, laundry, food service, or other industrial or agricultural operations.
- Conduct evaluations of employees' performance.
- Rate behavior of inmates, promoting acceptable attitudes and behaviors to those with low ratings.
- Respond to emergencies, such as escapes.
- Carry injured offenders or employees to safety and provide emergency first aid when necessary.
- Respond to emergency situations on an on-call basis.
- Monitor tapes or digital recordings to identify the source of losses.
- Assess the nature and level of physical security threats so that the scope of the problem can be determined.
- Budget and schedule security design work.
- Conduct security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities related to physical security or staff safety.
- Design security policies, programs, or practices to ensure adequate security relating to alarm response, access card use, and other security needs.
- Design, implement, or establish requirements for security systems, video surveillance, motion detection, or closed-circuit television systems to ensure proper installation and operation.
- Develop conceptual designs of security systems.
- Develop or review specifications for design or construction of security systems.
- Engineer, install, maintain, or repair security systems, programmable logic controls, or other security-related electronic systems.
- Inspect fire, intruder detection, or other security systems.
- Inspect physical security design features, installations, or programs to ensure compliance with applicable standards or regulations.
- Interview witnesses or suspects to identify persons responsible for security breaches or to establish losses, pursue prosecutions, or obtain restitution.
- Monitor the work of contractors in the design, construction, and startup phases of security systems.
- Outline system security criteria for pre-bid meetings with clients and companies to ensure comprehensiveness and appropriateness for implementation.
- Perform risk analyses so that appropriate countermeasures can be developed.
- Prepare documentation for case reports or court proceedings.
- Prepare, maintain, or update security procedures, security system drawings, or related documentation.
- Provide system design and integration recommendations.
- Recommend improvements in security systems or procedures.
- Review design drawings or technical documents for completeness, correctness, or appropriateness.
- Test security measures for final acceptance and implement or provide procedures for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the measures.
- Train personnel in security procedures or use of security equipment.
- Respond to emergency situations on an on-call basis.
- Monitor tapes or digital recordings to identify the source of losses.
- Investigate hunting accidents or reports of fish or game law violations.
- Participate in search-and-rescue operations.
- Patrol assigned areas by car, boat, airplane, horse, or on foot to enforce game, fish, or boating laws or to manage wildlife programs, lakes, or land.
- Compile and present evidence for court actions.
- Protect and preserve native wildlife, plants, or ecosystems.
- Issue warnings or citations and file reports as necessary.
- Serve warrants and make arrests.
- Provide assistance to other local law enforcement agencies as required.
- Promote or provide hunter or trapper safety training.
- Arrange for disposition of fish or game illegally taken or possessed.
- Seize equipment used in fish and game law violations.
- Address schools, civic groups, sporting clubs, or the media to disseminate information concerning wildlife conservation and regulations.
- Recommend revisions in hunting and trapping regulations or in animal management programs so that wildlife balances or habitats can be maintained.
- Inspect commercial operations relating to fish or wildlife, recreation, or protected areas.
- Survey areas and compile figures of bag counts of hunters to determine the effectiveness of control measures.
- Collect and report information on populations or conditions of fish and wildlife in their habitats, availability of game food or cover, or suspected pollution.
- Design or implement control measures to prevent or counteract damage caused by wildlife or people.
- Provide advice or information to park or reserve visitors.
- Investigate crop, property, or habitat damage or destruction or instances of water pollution to determine causes and to advise property owners of preventive measures.
- Issue licenses, permits, or other documentation.
- Document the extent of crop, property, or habitat damage and make financial loss estimates or compensation recommendations.
- Supervise the activities of seasonal workers.
- Perform facilities maintenance work, such as constructing or repairing structures or controlling weeds or pests.
- Participate in firefighting efforts.
- Investigate hunting accidents or reports of fish or game law violations.
- Participate in search-and-rescue operations.
- Investigate or direct investigations of freight theft, suspicious damage or loss of passengers' valuables, or other crimes on railroad property.
- Prepare reports documenting investigation activities and results.
- Monitor transit areas and conduct security checks to protect railroad properties, patrons, and employees.
- Apprehend or remove trespassers or thieves from railroad property or coordinate with law enforcement agencies in apprehensions and removals.
- Direct security activities at derailments, fires, floods, or strikes involving railroad property.
- Patrol railroad yards, cars, stations, or other facilities to protect company property or shipments and to maintain order.
- Examine credentials of unauthorized persons attempting to enter secured areas.
- Enforce traffic laws regarding the transit system and reprimand individuals who violate them.
- Provide training to the public or law enforcement personnel in railroad safety or security.
- Plan or implement special safety or preventive programs, such as fire or accident prevention.
- Direct or coordinate the daily activities or training of security staff.
- Interview neighbors, associates, or former employers of job applicants to verify personal references or to obtain work history data.
- Investigate or direct investigations of freight theft, suspicious damage or loss of passengers' valuables, or other crimes on railroad property.
- Investigate reports of animal attacks or animal cruelty, interviewing witnesses, collecting evidence, and writing reports.
- Capture and remove stray, uncontrolled, or abused animals from undesirable conditions, using nets, nooses, or tranquilizer darts as necessary.
- Supply animals with food, water, and personal care.
- Write reports of activities, and maintain files of impoundments and dispositions of animals.
- Prepare for prosecutions related to animal treatment, and give evidence in court.
- Examine animals for injuries or malnutrition, and arrange for any necessary medical treatment.
- Contact animal owners to inform them that their pets are at animal holding facilities.
- Educate the public about animal welfare, and animal control laws and regulations.
- Clean facilities and equipment such as dog pens and animal control trucks.
- Remove captured animals from animal-control service vehicles and place animals in shelter cages or other enclosures.
- Issue warnings or citations in connection with animal-related offenses, or contact police to report violations and request arrests.
- Examine animal licenses, and inspect establishments housing animals for compliance with laws.
- Euthanize rabid, unclaimed, or severely injured animals.
- Answer inquiries from the public concerning animal control operations.
- Organize the adoption of unclaimed animals.
- Investigate reports of animal attacks or animal cruelty, interviewing witnesses, collecting evidence, and writing reports.
- Conduct investigations of information security breaches to identify vulnerabilities and evaluate the damage.
- Assess the quality of security controls, using performance indicators.
- Coordinate documentation of computer security or emergency measure policies, procedures, or tests.
- Coordinate monitoring of networks or systems for security breaches or intrusions.
- Coordinate vulnerability assessments or analysis of information security systems.
- Develop information security standards and best practices.
- Develop or implement software tools to assist in the detection, prevention, and analysis of security threats.
- Develop or install software, such as firewalls and data encryption programs, to protect sensitive information.
- Develop response and recovery strategies for security breaches.
- Identify or implement solutions to information security problems.
- Identify security system weaknesses, using penetration tests.
- Oversee development of plans to safeguard computer files against accidental or unauthorized modification, destruction, or disclosure or to meet emergency data processing needs.
- Oversee performance of risk assessment or execution of system tests to ensure the functioning of data processing activities or security measures.
- Provide technical support to computer users for installation and use of security products.
- Recommend information security enhancements to management.
- Review security assessments for computing environments or check for compliance with cybersecurity standards and regulations.
- Scan networks, using vulnerability assessment tools to identify vulnerabilities.
- Train staff on, and oversee the use of, information security standards, policies, and best practices.
- Troubleshoot security and network problems.
- Write reports regarding investigations of information security breaches or network evaluations.
- Conduct investigations of information security breaches to identify vulnerabilities and evaluate the damage.
- Investigate disturbances on the premises, such as security alarms, altercations, and suspicious activity.
- Advise employees in handling problems or resolving complaints from customers, tenants, detainees, or other persons.
- Assign security personnel to posts or patrols.
- Call police or fire departments in cases of emergency, such as fire, bomb threats, and presence of unauthorized persons.
- Develop and document security procedures, policies, or standards.
- Explain company policies and procedures to staff using oral or written communication.
- Inspect and adjust security equipment to ensure it is operational or to detect evidence of tampering.
- Log items distributed to persons, such as keys and key cards.
- Monitor and authorize entry of employees, visitors, or other persons.
- Monitor closed-circuit television cameras.
- Monitor the behavior of security employees to ensure adherence to quality standards, deadlines, or procedures.
- Order materials or supplies, such as keys, uniforms, and badges.
- Patrol the premises to prevent or detect intrusion, protect property, or preserve order.
- Recruit, interview, and hire security personnel.
- Schedule training or drills for emergencies, such as fires, bombs, and other threats.
- Screen individuals and belongings to prevent passage of prohibited materials using walkthrough detectors, wands, or bag searches.
- Secure entrances and exits by locking doors and gates.
- Train security personnel on protective procedures, first aid, fire safety, and other duties.
- Write and present department budgets to upper management or other stakeholders.
- Write reports documenting observations made while on patrol.
- Apprehend or evict trespassers, rule violators, or other security threats from the premises.
- Investigate disturbances on the premises, such as security alarms, altercations, and suspicious activity.
- Implement operational and emergency procedures.
- Set and monitor product standards, examining samples of raw products or directing testing during processing, to ensure finished products are of prescribed quality.
- Direct or coordinate production, processing, distribution, or marketing activities of industrial organizations.
- Review processing schedules or production orders to make decisions concerning inventory requirements, staffing requirements, work procedures, or duty assignments, considering budgetary limitations and time constraints.
- Review operations and confer with technical or administrative staff to resolve production or processing problems.
- Hire, train, evaluate, or discharge staff or resolve personnel grievances.
- Develop or implement production tracking or quality control systems, analyzing production, quality control, maintenance, or other operational reports to detect production problems.
- Prepare and maintain production reports or personnel records.
- Review plans and confer with research or support staff to develop new products or processes.
- Develop budgets or approve expenditures for supplies, materials, or human resources, ensuring that materials, labor, or equipment are used efficiently to meet production targets.
- Maintain current knowledge of the quality control field, relying on current literature pertaining to materials use, technological advances, or statistical studies.
- Coordinate or recommend procedures for facility or equipment maintenance or modification, including the replacement of machines.
- Initiate or coordinate inventory or cost control programs.
- Negotiate materials prices with suppliers.
- Conduct site audits to ensure adherence to safety and environmental regulations.
- Develop or enforce procedures for normal operation of manufacturing systems.
- Maintain records to demonstrate compliance with safety and environmental laws, regulations, or policies.
- Monitor permit requirements for updates.
- Optimize operational costs and productivity consistent with safety and environmental rules and regulations.
- Prepare reports on operations and system productivity or efficiency.
- Supervise subordinate employees.
- Implement operational and emergency procedures.
- Perform activities related to underwater search and rescue, salvage, recovery, or cleanup operations.
- Take appropriate safety precautions, such as monitoring dive lengths and depths and registering with authorities before diving expeditions begin.
- Check and maintain diving equipment, such as helmets, masks, air tanks, harnesses, or gauges.
- Communicate with workers on the surface while underwater, using signal lines or telephones.
- Descend into water with the aid of diver helpers, using scuba gear or diving suits.
- Obtain information about diving tasks and environmental conditions.
- Supervise or train other divers, including hobby divers.
- Inspect the condition of underwater steel or wood structures.
- Inspect and test docks, ships, buoyage systems, plant intakes or outflows, or underwater pipelines, cables, or sewers, using closed circuit television, still photography, and testing equipment.
- Repair ships, bridge foundations, or other structures below the water line, using caulk, bolts, and hand tools.
- Recover objects by placing rigging around sunken objects, hooking rigging to crane lines, and operating winches, derricks, or cranes to raise objects.
- Operate underwater video, sonar, recording, or related equipment to investigate underwater structures or marine life.
- Take test samples or photographs to assess the condition of vessels or structures.
- Cut and weld steel, using underwater welding equipment, jigs, and supports.
- Install, inspect, clean, or repair piping or valves.
- Carry out non-destructive testing, such as tests for cracks on the legs of oil rigs at sea.
- Install pilings or footings for piers or bridges.
- Salvage wrecked ships or their cargo, using pneumatic power velocity and hydraulic tools and explosive charges, when necessary.
- Remove obstructions from strainers or marine railway or launching ways, using pneumatic or power hand tools.
- Set or guide placement of pilings or sandbags to provide support for structures, such as docks, bridges, cofferdams, or platforms.
- Perform offshore oil or gas exploration or extraction duties, such as conducting underwater surveys or repairing and maintaining drilling rigs or platforms.
- Drill holes in rock and rig explosives for underwater demolitions.
- Remove rubbish or pollution from the sea.
- Perform activities related to underwater search and rescue, salvage, recovery, or cleanup operations.
- Coordinate or conduct internal investigations of problems such as employee theft and violations of corporate loss prevention policies.
- Administer systems and programs to reduce loss, maintain inventory control, or increase safety.
- Review loss prevention exception reports and cash discrepancies to ensure adherence to guidelines.
- Train loss prevention staff, retail managers, or store employees on loss control and prevention measures.
- Investigate or interview individuals suspected of shoplifting or internal theft.
- Provide recommendations and solutions in crisis situations such as workplace violence, protests, and demonstrations.
- Identify potential for loss and develop strategies to eliminate it.
- Hire or supervise loss prevention staff.
- Advise retail managers on compliance with applicable codes, laws, regulations, or standards.
- Develop and maintain partnerships with federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies or members of the retail loss prevention community.
- Perform or direct inventory investigations in response to shrink results outside of acceptable ranges.
- Maintain documentation of all loss prevention activity.
- Assess security needs across locations to ensure proper deployment of loss prevention resources, such as staff and technology.
- Monitor compliance to operational, safety, or inventory control procedures, including physical security standards.
- Verify correct use and maintenance of physical security systems, such as closed-circuit television, merchandise tags, and burglar alarms.
- Visit stores to ensure compliance with company policies and procedures.
- Analyze retail data to identify current or emerging trends in theft or fraud.
- Direct loss prevention audit programs including target store audits, maintenance audits, safety audits, or electronic article surveillance (EAS) audits.
- Collaborate with law enforcement to investigate and solve external theft or fraud cases.
- Coordinate theft and fraud investigations involving career criminals or organized group activities.
- Supervise surveillance, detection, or criminal processing related to theft and criminal cases.
- Perform cash audits and deposit investigations to fully account for store cash.
- Recommend improvements in loss prevention programs, staffing, scheduling, or training.
- Direct installation of covert surveillance equipment, such as security cameras.
- Monitor and review paperwork procedures and systems to prevent error-related shortages.
- Advise retail establishments on development of loss-investigation procedures.
- Maintain databases such as bad check logs, reports on multiple offenders, and alarm activation lists.
- Coordinate or conduct internal investigations of problems such as employee theft and violations of corporate loss prevention policies.
- Perform crisis interventions to help ensure the safety of the patients and others.
- Encourage clients to express their feelings and discuss what is happening in their lives, helping them to develop insight into themselves or their relationships.
- Prepare and maintain all required treatment records and reports.
- Counsel clients or patients, individually or in group sessions, to assist in overcoming dependencies, adjusting to life, or making changes.
- Guide clients in the development of skills or strategies for dealing with their problems.
- Perform crisis interventions with clients.
- Fill out and maintain client-related paperwork, including federal- and state-mandated forms, client diagnostic records, and progress notes.
- Develop and implement treatment plans based on clinical experience and knowledge.
- Collect information about clients through interviews, observation, or tests.
- Discuss with individual patients their plans for life after leaving therapy.
- Modify treatment activities or approaches as needed to comply with changes in clients' status.
- Evaluate clients' physical or mental condition, based on review of client information.
- Monitor clients' use of medications.
- Collaborate with mental health professionals and other staff members to perform clinical assessments or develop treatment plans.
- Act as client advocates to coordinate required services or to resolve emergency problems in crisis situations.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of counseling programs on clients' progress in resolving identified problems and moving towards defined objectives.
- Plan, organize, or lead structured programs of counseling, work, study, recreation, or social activities for clients.
- Refer patients, clients, or family members to community resources or to specialists as necessary.
- Counsel family members to assist them in understanding, dealing with, or supporting clients or patients.
- Learn about new developments in counseling by reading professional literature, attending courses and seminars, or establishing and maintaining contact with other social service agencies.
- Meet with families, probation officers, police, or other interested parties to exchange necessary information during the treatment process.
- Gather information about community mental health needs or resources that could be used in conjunction with therapy.
- Supervise other counselors, social service staff, assistants, or graduate students.
- Plan or conduct programs to prevent substance abuse or improve community health or counseling services.
- Coordinate or direct employee workshops, courses, or training about mental health issues.
- Maintain confidentiality of records relating to clients' treatment.
- Assess patients for risk of suicide attempts.
- Perform crisis interventions to help ensure the safety of the patients and others.
- Respond to medical emergencies, bomb threats, fire alarms, or intrusion alarms, following emergency response procedures.
- Analyze and evaluate security operations to identify risks or opportunities for improvement through auditing, review, or assessment.
- Assess risks to mitigate potential consequences of incidents and develop a plan to respond to incidents.
- Attend meetings, professional seminars, or conferences to keep abreast of changes in executive legislative directives or new technologies impacting security operations.
- Communicate security status, updates, and actual or potential problems, using established protocols.
- Conduct physical examinations of property to ensure compliance with security policies and regulations.
- Conduct threat or vulnerability analyses to determine probable frequency, criticality, consequence, or severity of natural or man-made disasters or criminal activity on the organization's profitability or delivery of products or services.
- Coordinate security operations or activities with public law enforcement, fire and other agencies.
- Create or implement security standards, policies, and procedures.
- Develop budgets for security operations.
- Develop or manage investigation programs, including collection and preservation of video and notes of surveillance processes or investigative interviews.
- Develop, arrange for, perform, or assess executive protection activities to reduce security risks.
- Develop, conduct, support, or assist in governmental reviews, internal corporate evaluations, or assessments of the overall effectiveness of facility and personnel security processes.
- Develop, implement, manage, or evaluate policies and methods to protect personnel against harassment, threats, or violence.
- Develop, recommend, or manage security procedures for operations or processes, such as security call centers, access control, and reporting tools.
- Direct or participate in emergency management and contingency planning.
- Identify, investigate, or resolve security breaches.
- Monitor and ensure a sound, ethical environment.
- Monitor security policies, programs or procedures to ensure compliance with internal security policies, or applicable government security requirements, policies, and directives.
- Plan security for special and high-risk events.
- Plan, direct, or coordinate security activities to safeguard company employees, guests, or others on company property.
- Prepare reports or make presentations on internal investigations, losses, or violations of regulations, policies and procedures.
- Purchase security-related supplies, equipment, or technology.
- Review financial reports to ensure efficiency and quality of security operations.
- Supervise or provide leadership to subordinate security professionals, performing activities such as hiring, investigating applicants' backgrounds, training, assigning work, evaluating performance, or disciplining.
- Support efforts to reduce substance abuse or other illegal activities in the workplace.
- Train subordinate security professionals or other organization members in security rules and procedures.
- Write or review security-related documents, such as incident reports, proposals, and tactical or strategic initiatives.
- Respond to medical emergencies, bomb threats, fire alarms, or intrusion alarms, following emergency response procedures.
- Investigate instances of illegal tapping into service lines.
- Record maintenance information, including test results, material usage, and repairs made.
- Disassemble and repair mechanical control devices or valves, such as regulators, thermostats, or hydrants, using power tools, hand tools, and cutting torches.
- Lubricate wearing surfaces of mechanical parts, using oils or other lubricants.
- Calibrate instrumentation, such as meters, gauges, and regulators, for pressure, temperature, flow, and level.
- Install, inspect and test electric meters, relays, and power sources to detect causes of malfunctions and inaccuracies, using hand tools and testing equipment.
- Test valves and regulators for leaks and accurate temperature and pressure settings, using precision testing equipment.
- Record meter readings and installation data on meter cards, work orders, or field service orders, or enter data into hand-held computers.
- Turn meters on or off to establish or close service.
- Shut off service and notify repair crews when major repairs are required, such as the replacement of underground pipes or wiring.
- Install regulators and related equipment such as gas meters, odorization units, and gas pressure telemetering equipment.
- Cut seats to receive new orifices, tap inspection ports, and perform other repairs to salvage usable materials, using hand tools and machine tools.
- Turn valves to allow measured amounts of air or gas to pass through meters at specified flow rates.
- Report hazardous field situations and damaged or missing meters.
- Vary air pressure flowing into regulators and turn handles to assess functioning of valves and pistons.
- Examine valves or mechanical control device parts for defects, dents, or loose attachments, and mark malfunctioning areas of defective units.
- Mount and install meters and other electric equipment such as time clocks, transformers, and circuit breakers, using electricians' hand tools.
- Connect regulators to test stands, and turn screw adjustments until gauges indicate that inlet and outlet pressures meet specifications.
- Trace and tag meters or house lines.
- Repair electric meters and components, such as transformers and relays, and replace metering devices, dial glasses, and faulty or incorrect wiring, using hand tools.
- Replace defective parts, such as bellows, range springs, and toggle switches, and reassemble units according to blueprints, using cam presses and hand tools.
- Measure tolerances of assembled and salvageable parts for conformance to standards or specifications, using gauges, micrometers, and calipers.
- Clean internal compartments and moving parts, using rags and cleaning compounds.
- Dismantle meters, and replace or adjust defective parts such as cases, shafts, gears, disks, and recording mechanisms, using soldering irons and hand tools.
- Disconnect or remove defective or unauthorized meters, using hand tools.
- Attach air hoses to meter inlets, plug outlets, and observe gauges for pressure losses to test internal seams for leaks.
- Make adjustments to meter components, such as setscrews or timing mechanisms, so that they conform to specifications.
- Repair leaks in valve seats or bellows of automotive heater thermostats, using soft solder, flux, and acetylene torches.
- Splice and connect cables from meters or current transformers to pull boxes or switchboards, using hand tools.
- Advise customers on proper installation of valves or regulators and related equipment.
- Clean plant growth, scale, paint, soil, or rust from meter housings, using wire brushes, scrapers, buffers, sandblasters, or cleaning compounds.
- Connect hoses from provers to meter inlets and outlets, and raise prover bells until prover gauges register zero.
- Investigate instances of illegal tapping into service lines.