- Mark reference points onto floors or face blocks and transpose them to workpieces, using measuring devices, squares, chalk, and soapstone.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
Closely Related Tasks | All Related Tasks | Job Zone | Code | Occupation |
5 | 5 | 3 | 51-6092.00 | Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers |
3 | 4 | 2 | 51-4032.00 | Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic |
2 | 5 | 2 | 51-4192.00 | Layout Workers, Metal and Plastic |
2 | 3 | 1 | 51-6031.00 | Sewing Machine Operators |
2 | 2 | 2 | 51-9195.03 | Stone Cutters and Carvers, Manufacturing |
1 | 3 | 2 | 51-2011.00 | Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assemblers |
1 | 3 | 2 | 51-4122.00 | Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
1 | 2 | 3 | 51-4061.00 | Model Makers, Metal and Plastic |
1 | 2 | 2 | 51-9083.00 | Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians |
1 | 2 | 2 | 51-6093.00 | Upholsterers |
1 | 2 | 2 | 51-6041.00 | Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers |
1 | 2 | 3 | 51-9071.00 | Jewelers and Precious Stone and Metal Workers |
1 | 2 | 2 | 51-4031.00 | Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic |
1 | 1 | 3 | 51-7031.00 | Model Makers, Wood |
1 | 1 | 3 | 51-9162.00 | Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers
1 | 1 | 3 | 51-9082.00 | Medical Appliance Technicians |
1 | 1 | 3 | 51-4062.00 | Patternmakers, Metal and Plastic |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-9195.04 | Glass Blowers, Molders, Benders, and Finishers |
1 | 1 | 1 | 51-9031.00 | Cutters and Trimmers, Hand |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-4194.00 | Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners |
1 | 1 | 3 | 51-7032.00 | Patternmakers, Wood |
1 | 1 | 3 | 53-6041.00 | Traffic Technicians |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-9032.00 | Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-9194.00 | Etchers and Engravers |
1 | 1 | 2 | 51-9161.00 | Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators |
1 | 1 | 3 | 51-4041.00 | Machinists |
- Draw details on outlined parts to indicate where parts are to be joined, as well as the positions of pleats, pockets, buttonholes, and other features, using computers or drafting instruments.
- Draw outlines of pattern parts by adapting or copying existing patterns, or by drafting new patterns.
- Determine the best layout of pattern pieces to minimize waste of material, and mark fabric accordingly.
- Trace outlines of paper onto cardboard patterns, and cut patterns into parts to make templates.
- Trace outlines of specified patterns onto material, and cut fabric, using scissors.
- Create a master pattern for each size within a range of garment sizes, using charts, drafting instruments, computers, or grading devices.
- Input specifications into computers to assist with pattern design and pattern cutting.
- Make adjustments to patterns after fittings.
- Compute dimensions of patterns according to sizes, considering stretching of material.
- Mark samples and finished patterns with information, such as garment size, section, style, identification, and sewing instructions.
- Test patterns by making and fitting sample garments.
- Position and cut out master or sample patterns, using scissors and knives, or print out copies of patterns, using computers.
- Create a paper pattern from which to mass-produce a design concept.
- Discuss design specifications with designers, and convert their original models of garments into patterns of separate parts that can be laid out on a length of fabric.
- Examine sketches, sample articles, and design specifications to determine quantities, shapes, and sizes of pattern parts, and to determine the amount of material or fabric required to make a product.
- Create design specifications to provide instructions on garment sewing and assembly.
- Draw details on outlined parts to indicate where parts are to be joined, as well as the positions of pleats, pockets, buttonholes, and other features, using computers or drafting instruments.
- Draw outlines of pattern parts by adapting or copying existing patterns, or by drafting new patterns.
- Determine the best layout of pattern pieces to minimize waste of material, and mark fabric accordingly.
- Trace outlines of paper onto cardboard patterns, and cut patterns into parts to make templates.
- Trace outlines of specified patterns onto material, and cut fabric, using scissors.
- Establish zero reference points on workpieces, such as at the intersections of two edges or over hole locations.
- Lay out reference lines and machining locations on work, using layout tools, and applying knowledge of shop math and layout techniques.
- Operate tracing attachments to duplicate contours from templates or models.
- Verify that workpiece reference lines are parallel to the axis of table rotation, using dial indicators mounted in spindles.
- Verify conformance of machined work to specifications, using measuring instruments, such as calipers, micrometers, or fixed or telescoping gauges.
- Study machining instructions, job orders, or blueprints to determine dimensional or finish specifications, sequences of operations, setups, or tooling requirements.
- Move machine controls to lower tools to workpieces and to engage automatic feeds.
- Change worn cutting tools, using wrenches.
- Select and set cutting speeds, feed rates, depths of cuts, and cutting tools, according to machining instructions or knowledge of metal properties.
- Position and secure workpieces on tables, using bolts, jigs, clamps, shims, or other holding devices.
- Observe drilling or boring machine operations to detect any problems.
- Lift workpieces onto work tables either manually or with hoists or direct crane operators to lift and position workpieces.
- Turn valves and direct flow of coolants or cutting oil over cutting areas.
- Install tools in spindles.
- Perform minor assembly, such as fastening parts with nuts, bolts, or screws, using power tools or hand tools.
- Operate single- or multiple-spindle drill presses to bore holes so that machining operations can be performed on metal or plastic workpieces.
- Sharpen cutting tools, using bench grinders.
- Establish zero reference points on workpieces, such as at the intersections of two edges or over hole locations.
- Lay out reference lines and machining locations on work, using layout tools, and applying knowledge of shop math and layout techniques.
- Operate tracing attachments to duplicate contours from templates or models.
- Verify that workpiece reference lines are parallel to the axis of table rotation, using dial indicators mounted in spindles.
- Mark curves, lines, holes, dimensions, and welding symbols onto workpieces, using scribes, soapstones, punches, and hand drills.
- Compute layout dimensions, and determine and mark reference points on metal stock or workpieces for further processing, such as welding and assembly.
- Fit and align fabricated parts to be welded or assembled.
- Locate center lines and verify template positions, using measuring instruments such as gauge blocks, height gauges, and dial indicators.
- Lay out and fabricate metal structural parts such as plates, bulkheads, and frames.
- Plan locations and sequences of cutting, drilling, bending, rolling, punching, and welding operations, using compasses, protractors, dividers, and rules.
- Plan and develop layouts from blueprints and templates, applying knowledge of trigonometry, design, effects of heat, and properties of metals.
- Lift and position workpieces in relation to surface plates, manually or with hoists, and using parallel blocks and angle plates.
- Design and prepare templates of wood, paper, or metal.
- Install doors, hatches, brackets, and clips.
- Brace parts in position within hulls or ships for riveting or welding.
- Inspect machined parts to verify conformance to specifications.
- Add dimensional details to blueprints or drawings made by other workers.
- Apply pigment to layout surfaces, using paint brushes.
- Mark curves, lines, holes, dimensions, and welding symbols onto workpieces, using scribes, soapstones, punches, and hand drills.
- Compute layout dimensions, and determine and mark reference points on metal stock or workpieces for further processing, such as welding and assembly.
- Fit and align fabricated parts to be welded or assembled.
- Locate center lines and verify template positions, using measuring instruments such as gauge blocks, height gauges, and dial indicators.
- Lay out and fabricate metal structural parts such as plates, bulkheads, and frames.
- Draw markings or pin appliques on fabric to obtain variations in design.
- Position and mark patterns on materials to prepare for sewing.
- Baste edges of material to align and temporarily secure parts for final assembly.
- Monitor machine operation to detect problems such as defective stitching, breaks in thread, or machine malfunctions.
- Place spools of thread, cord, or other materials on spindles, insert bobbins, and thread ends through machine guides and components.
- Position items under needles, using marks on machines, clamps, templates, or cloth as guides.
- Guide garments or garment parts under machine needles and presser feet to sew parts together.
- Remove holding devices and finished items from machines.
- Match cloth pieces in correct sequences prior to sewing them, and verify that dye lots and patterns match.
- Fold or stretch edges or lengths of items while sewing to facilitate forming specified sections.
- Cut excess material or thread from finished products.
- Select supplies such as fasteners and thread, according to job requirements.
- Examine and measure finished articles to verify conformance to standards, using rulers.
- Start and operate or tend machines, such as single or double needle serging and flat-bed felling machines, to automatically join, reinforce, or decorate material or articles.
- Record quantities of materials processed.
- Turn knobs, screws, and dials to adjust settings of machines, according to garment styles and equipment performance.
- Attach tape, trim, appliques, or elastic to specified garments or garment parts, according to item specifications.
- Repair or alter items by adding replacement parts or missing stitches.
- Perform equipment maintenance tasks such as replacing needles, sanding rough areas of needles, or cleaning and oiling sewing machines.
- Mount attachments, such as needles, cutting blades, or pattern plates, and adjust machine guides according to specifications.
- Cut materials according to specifications, using blades, scissors, or electric knives.
- Inspect garments, and examine repair tags and markings on garments to locate defects or damage, and mark errors as necessary.
- Attach buttons, hooks, zippers, fasteners, or other accessories to fabric, using feeding hoppers or clamp holders.
- Position material or articles in clamps, templates, or hoop frames prior to automatic operation of machines.
- Tape or twist together thread or cord to repair breaks.
- Perform specialized or automatic sewing machine functions, such as buttonhole making or tacking.
- Draw markings or pin appliques on fabric to obtain variations in design.
- Position and mark patterns on materials to prepare for sewing.
- Baste edges of material to align and temporarily secure parts for final assembly.
- Lay out designs or dimensions from sketches or blueprints on stone surfaces, freehand or by transferring them from tracing paper, using scribes or chalk and measuring instruments.
- Copy drawings on rough clay or plaster models.
- Verify depths and dimensions of cuts or carvings to ensure adherence to specifications, blueprints, or models, using measuring instruments.
- Move fingers over surfaces of carvings to ensure smoothness of finish.
- Shape, trim, or touch up roughed-out designs with appropriate tools to finish carvings.
- Cut, shape, and finish rough blocks of building or monumental stone, according to diagrams or patterns.
- Drill holes and cut or carve moldings and grooves in stone, according to diagrams and patterns.
- Select chisels, pneumatic or surfacing tools, or sandblasting nozzles, and determine sequence of use.
- Study artistic objects or graphic materials, such as models, sketches, or blueprints, to plan carving or cutting techniques.
- Carve designs or figures in full or bas relief on stone, employing knowledge of stone carving techniques and sense of artistry to produce carvings consistent with designers' plans.
- Carve rough designs freehand or by chipping along marks on stone, using mallets and chisels or pneumatic tools.
- Guide nozzles over stone, following stencil outlines, or chip along marks to create designs or to work surfaces down to specified finishes.
- Smooth surfaces of carvings, using rubbing stones.
- Load sandblasting equipment with abrasives, attach nozzles to hoses, and turn valves to admit compressed air and activate jets.
- Dress stone surfaces, using bushhammers.
- Remove or add stencils during blasting to create differing cut depths, intricate designs, or rough, pitted finishes.
- Lay out designs or dimensions from sketches or blueprints on stone surfaces, freehand or by transferring them from tracing paper, using scribes or chalk and measuring instruments.
- Copy drawings on rough clay or plaster models.
- Layout and mark reference points and locations for installation of parts or components, using jigs, templates, or measuring and marking instruments.
- Position and align subassemblies in jigs or fixtures, using measuring instruments and following blueprint lines and index points.
- Align, fit, assemble, connect, or install system components, using jigs, fixtures, measuring instruments, hand tools, or power tools.
- Assemble parts, fittings, or subassemblies on aircraft, using layout tools, hand tools, power tools, or fasteners, such as bolts, screws, rivets, or clamps.
- Read blueprints, illustrations, or specifications to determine layouts, sequences of operations, or identities or relationships of parts.
- Attach brackets, hinges, or clips to secure or support components or subassemblies, using bolts, screws, rivets, chemical bonding, or welding.
- Inspect or test installed units, parts, systems, or assemblies for fit, alignment, performance, defects, or compliance with standards, using measuring instruments or test equipment.
- Adjust, repair, rework, or replace parts or assemblies to ensure proper operation.
- Cut, trim, file, bend, or smooth parts to ensure proper fit and clearance.
- Fabricate parts needed for assembly or installation, using shop machinery or equipment.
- Clean, oil, or coat system components, as necessary, before assembly or attachment.
- Assemble prefabricated parts to form subassemblies.
- Set, align, adjust, or synchronize aircraft armament or rigging or control system components to established tolerances or requirements, using sighting devices and hand tools.
- Join structural assemblies, such as wings, tails, or fuselage.
- Assemble prototypes or integrated-technology demonstrators of new or emerging environmental technologies for aircraft.
- Manually install structural assemblies or signal crane operators to position assemblies for joining.
- Set up or operate machines or systems to crimp, cut, bend, form, swage, flare, bead, burr, or straighten tubing, according to specifications.
- Place and connect control cables to electronically controlled units, using hand tools, ring locks, cotter keys, threaded connectors, turnbuckles, or related devices.
- Install mechanical linkages and actuators, using tensiometers to verify tension of cables.
- Clean aircraft structures, parts, or components, using aqueous, semi-aqueous, aliphatic hydrocarbon, or organic solvent cleaning products or techniques to reduce carbon or other harmful emissions.
- Install accessories in swaging machines, using hand tools.
- Mark identifying information on tubing or cable assemblies, using etching devices, labels, rubber stamps, or other methods.
- Verify dimensions of cable assemblies or positions of fittings, using measuring instruments.
- Weld tubing and fittings or solder cable ends, using tack welders, induction brazing chambers, or other equipment.
- Fit and fasten sheet metal coverings to surface areas or other sections of aircraft prior to welding or riveting.
- Capture or segregate waste material, such as aluminum swarf, machine cutting fluid, or solvents, for recycling or environmentally responsible disposal.
- Cut cables and tubing, using master templates, measuring instruments, and cable cutters or saws.
- Layout and mark reference points and locations for installation of parts or components, using jigs, templates, or measuring and marking instruments.
- Position and align subassemblies in jigs or fixtures, using measuring instruments and following blueprint lines and index points.
- Align, fit, assemble, connect, or install system components, using jigs, fixtures, measuring instruments, hand tools, or power tools.
- Mark weld points and positions of components on workpieces, using rules, squares, templates, or scribes.
- Lay out, fit, or connect parts to be bonded, calculating production measurements, as necessary.
- Assemble, align, and clamp workpieces into holding fixtures to bond, heat-treat, or solder fabricated metal components.
- Read blueprints, work orders, or production schedules to determine product or job instructions or specifications.
- Inspect, measure, or test completed metal workpieces to ensure conformance to specifications, using measuring and testing devices.
- Record operational information on specified production reports.
- Correct problems by adjusting controls or by stopping machines and opening holding devices.
- Set up, operate, or tend welding machines that join or bond components to fabricate metal products or assemblies.
- Select torch tips, alloys, flux, coil, tubing, or wire, according to metal types or thicknesses, data charts, or records.
- Prepare metal surfaces or workpieces, using hand-operated equipment, such as grinders, cutters, or drills.
- Set dials and timing controls to regulate electrical current, gas flow pressure, heating or cooling cycles, or shut-off.
- Turn and press knobs and buttons or enter operating instructions into computers to adjust and start welding machines.
- Conduct trial runs before welding, soldering, or brazing, and make necessary adjustments to equipment.
- Give directions to other workers regarding machine set-up and use.
- Clean, lubricate, maintain, and adjust equipment to maintain efficient operation, using air hoses, cleaning fluids, and hand tools.
- Select, position, align, and bolt jigs, holding fixtures, guides, or stops onto machines, using measuring instruments and hand tools.
- Remove completed workpieces or parts from machinery, using hand tools.
- Observe meters, gauges, or machine operations to ensure that soldering or brazing processes meet specifications.
- Transfer components, metal products, or assemblies, using moving equipment.
- Devise or build fixtures or jigs used to hold parts in place during welding, brazing, or soldering.
- Add chemicals or materials to workpieces or machines to facilitate bonding or to cool workpieces.
- Tend auxiliary equipment used in welding processes.
- Compute and record settings for new work, applying knowledge of metal properties, principles of welding, and shop mathematics.
- Anneal finished workpieces to relieve internal stress.
- Load or feed workpieces into welding machines to join or bond components.
- Fill hoppers and position spouts to direct flow of flux or manually brush flux onto seams of workpieces.
- Start, monitor, and adjust robotic welding production lines.
- Dress electrodes, using tip dressers, files, emery cloths, or dressing wheels.
- Immerse completed workpieces into water or acid baths to cool and clean components.
- Mark weld points and positions of components on workpieces, using rules, squares, templates, or scribes.
- Lay out, fit, or connect parts to be bonded, calculating production measurements, as necessary.
- Assemble, align, and clamp workpieces into holding fixtures to bond, heat-treat, or solder fabricated metal components.
- Lay out and mark reference points and dimensions on materials, using measuring instruments and drawing or scribing tools.
- Align, fit, and join parts, using bolts and screws or by welding or gluing.
- Study blueprints, drawings, and sketches to determine material dimensions, required equipment, and operations sequences.
- Inspect and test products to verify conformance to specifications, using precision measuring instruments or circuit testers.
- Drill, countersink, and ream holes in parts and assemblies for bolts, screws, and other fasteners, using power tools.
- Cut, shape, and form metal parts, using lathes, power saws, snips, power brakes and shears, files, and mallets.
- Set up and operate machines, such as lathes, drill presses, punch presses, or bandsaws, to fabricate prototypes or models.
- Devise and construct tools, dies, molds, jigs, and fixtures, or modify existing tools and equipment.
- Rework or alter component model or parts as required to ensure that products meet standards.
- Grind, file, and sand parts to finished dimensions.
- Program computer numerical control (CNC) machines to fabricate model parts.
- Use computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software or hardware to fabricate model parts.
- Assemble mechanical, electrical, and electronic components into models or prototypes, using hand tools, power tools, and fabricating machines.
- Consult and confer with engineering personnel to discuss developmental problems and to recommend product modifications.
- Record specifications, production operations, and final dimensions of models for use in establishing operating standards and procedures.
- Wire and solder electrical and electronic connections and components.
- Lay out and mark reference points and dimensions on materials, using measuring instruments and drawing or scribing tools.
- Align, fit, and join parts, using bolts and screws or by welding or gluing.
- Lay out lenses and trace lens outlines on glass, using templates.
- Mount, secure, and align finished lenses in frames or optical assemblies, using precision hand tools.
- Mount and secure lens blanks or optical lenses in holding tools or chucks of cutting, polishing, grinding, or coating machines.
- Inspect lens blanks to detect flaws, verify smoothness of surface, and ensure thickness of coating on lenses.
- Set up machines to polish, bevel, edge, or grind lenses, flats, blanks, or other precision optical elements.
- Inspect, weigh, and measure mounted or unmounted lenses after completion to verify alignment and conformance to specifications, using precision instruments.
- Shape lenses appropriately so that they can be inserted into frames.
- Clean finished lenses and eyeglasses, using cloths and solvents.
- Examine prescriptions, work orders, or broken or used eyeglasses to determine specifications for lenses, contact lenses, or other optical elements.
- Adjust lenses and frames to correct alignment.
- Select lens blanks, molds, tools, and polishing or grinding wheels, according to production specifications.
- Position and adjust cutting tools to specified curvature, dimensions, and depth of cut.
- Assemble eyeglass frames and attach shields, nose pads, and temple pieces, using pliers, screwdrivers, and drills.
- Set dials and start machines to polish lenses or hold lenses against rotating wheels to polish them manually.
- Repair broken parts, using precision hand tools and soldering irons.
- Immerse eyeglass frames in solutions to harden, soften, or dye frames.
- Control equipment that coats lenses to alter their reflective qualities.
- Remove lenses from molds and separate lenses in containers for further processing or storage.
- Lay out lenses and trace lens outlines on glass, using templates.
- Mount, secure, and align finished lenses in frames or optical assemblies, using precision hand tools.
- Draw cutting lines on material following patterns, templates, sketches, or blueprints, using chalk, pencils, paint, or other methods.
- Fit, install, and secure material on frames, using hand tools, power tools, glue, cement, or staples.
- Measure and cut new covering materials, using patterns and measuring and cutting instruments, following sketches and design specifications.
- Build furniture up with loose fiber stuffing, cotton, felt, or foam padding to form smooth, rounded surfaces.
- Make, restore, or create custom upholstered furniture, using hand tools and knowledge of fabrics and upholstery methods.
- Read work orders, and apply knowledge and experience with materials to determine types and amounts of materials required to cover workpieces.
- Examine furniture frames, upholstery, springs, and webbing to locate defects.
- Adjust or replace webbing, padding, or springs, and secure them in place.
- Sew rips or tears in material, or create tufting, using needles and thread.
- Remove covering, webbing, padding, or defective springs from workpieces, using hand tools such as hammers and tack pullers.
- Attach fasteners, grommets, buttons, buckles, ornamental trim, and other accessories to covers or frames, using hand tools.
- Repair furniture frames and refinish exposed wood.
- Interweave and fasten strips of webbing to the backs and undersides of furniture, using small hand tools and fasteners.
- Stretch webbing and fabric, using webbing stretchers.
- Operate sewing machines or sew upholstery by hand to seam cushions and join various sections of covering material.
- Design upholstery cover patterns and cutting plans, based on sketches, customer descriptions, or blueprints.
- Maintain records of time required to perform each job.
- Discuss upholstery fabrics, colors, and styles with customers, and provide cost estimates.
- Pick up and deliver furniture.
- Attach bindings or apply solutions to edges of cut material to prevent raveling.
- Collaborate with interior designers to decorate rooms and coordinate furnishing fabrics.
- Make, repair, or replace automobile upholstery and convertible and vinyl tops, using knowledge of fabric and upholstery methods.
- Draw cutting lines on material following patterns, templates, sketches, or blueprints, using chalk, pencils, paint, or other methods.
- Fit, install, and secure material on frames, using hand tools, power tools, glue, cement, or staples.
- Select materials and patterns, and trace patterns onto materials to be cut out.
- Align and stitch or glue materials such as fabric, fleece, leather, or wood, to join parts.
- Dye, soak, polish, paint, stamp, stitch, stain, buff, or engrave leather or other materials to obtain desired effects, decorations, or shapes.
- Cut out parts, following patterns or outlines, using knives, shears, scissors, or machine presses.
- Construct, decorate, or repair leather products according to specifications, using sewing machines, needles and thread, leather lacing, glue, clamps, hand tools, or rivets.
- Repair and recondition leather products such as trunks, luggage, shoes, saddles, belts, purses, and baseball gloves.
- Inspect articles for defects, and remove damaged or worn parts, using hand tools.
- Drill or punch holes and insert or attach metal rings, handles, and fastening hardware, such as buckles.
- Prepare inserts, heel pads, and lifts from casts of customers' feet.
- Dress and otherwise finish boots or shoes, as by trimming the edges of new soles and heels to the shoe shape.
- Attach insoles to shoe lasts, affix shoe uppers, and apply heels and outsoles.
- Clean and polish shoes.
- Cement, nail, or sew soles and heels to shoes.
- Check the texture, color, and strength of leather to ensure that it is adequate for a particular purpose.
- Shape shoe heels with a knife, and sand them on a buffing wheel for smoothness.
- Place shoes on lasts to remove soles and heels, using knives or pliers.
- Repair or replace soles, heels, and other parts of footwear, using sewing, buffing and other shoe repair machines, materials, and equipment.
- Cut, insert, position, and secure paddings, cushioning, or linings, using stitches or glue.
- Estimate the costs of requested products or services such as custom footwear or footwear repair, and receive payment from customers.
- Draw patterns, using measurements, designs, plaster casts, or customer specifications, and position or outline patterns on work pieces.
- Nail heel and toe cleats onto shoes.
- Re-sew seams, and replace handles and linings of suitcases or handbags.
- Stretch shoes, dampening parts and inserting and twisting parts, using an adjustable stretcher.
- Read prescriptions or specifications, and take measurements to establish the type of product to be made, using calipers, tape measures, or rules.
- Attach accessories or ornamentation to decorate or protect products.
- Make, modify, and repair orthopedic or therapeutic footwear according to doctors' prescriptions, or modify existing footwear for people with foot problems and special needs.
- Select materials and patterns, and trace patterns onto materials to be cut out.
- Align and stitch or glue materials such as fabric, fleece, leather, or wood, to join parts.
- Lay out designs on metal stock, and cut along markings to fabricate pieces used to cast metal molds.
- Position stones and metal pieces, and set, mount, and secure items in place, using setting and hand tools.
- Smooth soldered joints and rough spots, using hand files and emery paper, and polish smoothed areas with polishing wheels or buffing wire.
- Create jewelry from materials such as gold, silver, platinum, and precious or semiprecious stones.
- Make repairs, such as enlarging or reducing ring sizes, soldering pieces of jewelry together, and replacing broken clasps and mountings.
- Clean and polish metal items and jewelry pieces, using jewelers' tools, polishing wheels, and chemical baths.
- Cut and file pieces of jewelry such as rings, brooches, bracelets, and lockets.
- Select and acquire metals and gems for designs.
- Compute costs of labor and materials to determine production costs of products and articles.
- Examine assembled or finished products to ensure conformance to specifications, using magnifying glasses or precision measuring instruments.
- Pierce and cut open designs in ornamentation, using hand drills and scroll saws.
- Construct preliminary models of wax, metal, clay, or plaster, and form sample castings in molds.
- Pour molten metal alloys or other materials into molds to cast models of jewelry.
- Shape and straighten damaged or twisted articles by hand or using pliers.
- Soften metal to be used in designs by heating it with a gas torch and shape it, using hammers and dies.
- Determine appraised values of diamonds and other gemstones based on price guides, market fluctuations, and stone grades and rarity.
- Grade stones based on their color, perfection, and quality of cut.
- Plate articles such as jewelry pieces and watch dials, using silver, gold, nickel, or other metals.
- Write or modify design specifications such as the metal contents and weights of items.
- Create new jewelry designs and modify existing designs, using computers as necessary.
- Buy and sell jewelry, or serve as agents between buyers and sellers.
- Record the weights and processing times of finished pieces.
- Mark, engrave, or emboss designs on metal pieces such as castings, wire, or jewelry, following specifications.
- Cut designs in molds or other materials to be used as models in the fabrication of metal and jewelry products.
- Design and fabricate molds, models, and machine accessories, and modify hand tools used to cast metal and jewelry pieces.
- Research and analyze reference materials, and consult with interested parties to develop new products or modify existing designs.
- Weigh, mix, and melt metal alloys or materials needed for jewelry models.
- Rotate molds to distribute alloys and to prevent formation of air pockets.
- Rout out locations where parts are to be joined to items, using routing machines.
- Lay out designs on metal stock, and cut along markings to fabricate pieces used to cast metal molds.
- Position stones and metal pieces, and set, mount, and secure items in place, using setting and hand tools.
- Scribe reference lines on workpieces as guides for cutting operations, according to blueprints, templates, sample parts, or specifications.
- Position, align, and secure workpieces against fixtures or stops on machine beds or on dies.
- Examine completed workpieces for defects, such as chipped edges or marred surfaces and sort defective pieces according to types of flaws.
- Measure completed workpieces to verify conformance to specifications, using micrometers, gauges, calipers, templates, or rulers.
- Set stops on machine beds, change dies, and adjust components, such as rams or power presses, when making multiple or successive passes.
- Start machines, monitor their operations, and record operational data.
- Set up, operate, or tend machines to saw, cut, shear, slit, punch, crimp, notch, bend, or straighten metal or plastic material.
- Test and adjust machine speeds or actions, according to product specifications, using gauges and hand tools.
- Install, align, and lock specified punches, dies, cutting blades, or other fixtures in rams or beds of machines, using gauges, templates, feelers, shims, and hand tools.
- Read work orders or production schedules to determine specifications, such as materials to be used, locations of cutting lines, or dimensions and tolerances.
- Position guides, stops, holding blocks, or other fixtures to secure and direct workpieces, using hand tools and measuring devices.
- Load workpieces, plastic material, or chemical solutions into machines.
- Adjust ram strokes of presses to specified lengths, using hand tools.
- Clean and lubricate machines.
- Mark identifying data on workpieces.
- Clean work area.
- Plan sequences of operations, applying knowledge of physical properties of workpiece materials.
- Operate forklifts to deliver materials.
- Lubricate workpieces with oil.
- Turn controls to set cutting speeds, feed rates, or table angles for specified operations.
- Place workpieces on cutting tables, manually or using hoists, cranes, or sledges.
- Turn valves to start flow of coolant against cutting areas or to start airflow that blows cuttings away from kerfs.
- Thread ends of metal coils from reels through slitters and secure ends on recoilers.
- Grind out burrs or sharp edges, using portable grinders, speed lathes, or polishing jacks.
- Remove housings, feed tubes, tool holders, or other accessories to replace worn or broken parts, such as springs or bushings.
- Replace defective blades or wheels, using hand tools.
- Set blade tensions, heights, and angles to perform prescribed cuts, using wrenches.
- Select, clean, and install spacers, rubber sleeves, or cutters on arbors.
- Hand-form, cut, or finish workpieces, using tools such as table saws, hand sledges, or anvils.
- Preheat workpieces, using heating furnaces or hand torches.
- Sharpen dulled blades, using bench grinders, abrasive wheels, or lathes.
- Hone cutters with oilstones to remove nicks.
- Scribe reference lines on workpieces as guides for cutting operations, according to blueprints, templates, sample parts, or specifications.
- Position, align, and secure workpieces against fixtures or stops on machine beds or on dies.
- Plan, lay out, and draw outlines of units, sectional patterns, or full-scale mock-ups of products.
- Read blueprints, drawings, or written specifications, and consult with designers to determine sizes and shapes of patterns and required machine setups.
- Fit, fasten, and assemble wood parts together to form patterns, models, or sections, using glue, nails, dowels, bolts, screws, and other fasteners.
- Verify dimensions and contours of models during hand-forming processes, using templates and measuring devices.
- Trim, smooth, and shape surfaces, and plane, shave, file, scrape, and sand models to attain specified shapes, using hand tools.
- Construct wooden models, patterns, templates, full scale mock-ups, and molds for parts of products and production tools.
- Select wooden stock, determine layouts, and mark layouts of parts on stock, using precision equipment such as scribers, squares, and protractors.
- Mark identifying information on patterns, parts, and templates to indicate assembly methods and details.
- Set up, operate, and adjust a variety of woodworking machines such as bandsaws and planers to cut and shape sections, parts, and patterns, according to specifications.
- Maintain pattern records for reference.
- Build jigs that can be used as guides for assembling oversized or special types of box shooks.
- Issue patterns to designated machine operators.
- Fabricate work aids such as scrapers or templates.
- Finish patterns or models with protective or decorative coatings such as shellac, lacquer, or wax.
- Plan, lay out, and draw outlines of units, sectional patterns, or full-scale mock-ups of products.
- Draw machine tool paths on pattern film according to guidelines for tool speed and efficiency, using colored markers.
- Write programs in the language of a machine's controller and store programs on media, such as punch tapes, magnetic tapes, or disks.
- Determine the sequence of machine operations, and select the proper cutting tools needed to machine workpieces into the desired shapes.
- Revise programs or tapes to eliminate errors, and retest programs to check that problems have been solved.
- Analyze job orders, drawings, blueprints, specifications, printed circuit board pattern films, and design data to calculate dimensions, tool selection, machine speeds, and feed rates.
- Write instruction sheets and cutter lists for a machine's controller to guide setup and encode numerical control tapes.
- Observe machines on trial runs or conduct computer simulations to ensure that programs and machinery will function properly and produce items that meet specifications.
- Enter computer commands to store or retrieve parts patterns, graphic displays, or programs that transfer data to other media.
- Modify existing programs to enhance efficiency.
- Determine reference points, machine cutting paths, or hole locations, and compute angular and linear dimensions, radii, and curvatures.
- Sort shop orders into groups to maximize materials utilization and minimize machine setup time.
- Compare encoded tapes or computer printouts with original part specifications and blueprints to verify accuracy of instructions.
- Perform preventative maintenance or minor repairs on machines.
- Prepare geometric layouts from graphic displays, using computer-assisted drafting software or drafting instruments and graph paper.
- Enter coordinates of hole locations into program memories by depressing pedals or buttons of programmers.
- Draw machine tool paths on pattern film according to guidelines for tool speed and efficiency, using colored markers.
- Lay out and mark dimensions of parts, using templates and precision measuring instruments.
- Drill and tap holes for rivets, and glue, weld, bolt, or rivet parts together to form prosthetic or orthotic devices.
- Read prescriptions or specifications to determine the type of product or device to be fabricated and the materials and tools required.
- Make orthotic or prosthetic devices, using materials such as thermoplastic and thermosetting materials, metal alloys and leather, and hand or power tools.
- Bend, form, and shape fabric or material to conform to prescribed contours of structural components.
- Construct or receive casts or impressions of patients' torsos or limbs for use as cutting and fabrication patterns.
- Repair, modify, or maintain medical supportive devices, such as artificial limbs, braces, or surgical supports, according to specifications.
- Cover or pad metal or plastic structures or devices, using coverings such as rubber, leather, felt, plastic, or fiberglass.
- Test medical supportive devices for proper alignment, movement, or biomechanical stability, using meters and alignment fixtures.
- Fit appliances onto patients, and make any necessary adjustments.
- Polish artificial limbs, braces, or supports, using grinding and buffing wheels.
- Take patients' body or limb measurements for use in device construction.
- Instruct patients in use of prosthetic or orthotic devices.
- Service or repair machinery used in the fabrication of appliances.
- Mix pigments to match patients' skin coloring, according to formulas, and apply mixtures to orthotic or prosthetic devices.
- Lay out and mark dimensions of parts, using templates and precision measuring instruments.
- Lay out and draw or scribe patterns onto material, using compasses, protractors, rulers, scribes, or other instruments.
- Verify conformance of patterns or template dimensions to specifications, using measuring instruments such as calipers, scales, and micrometers.
- Set up and operate machine tools, such as milling machines, lathes, drill presses, and grinders, to machine castings or patterns.
- Repair and rework templates and patterns.
- Assemble pattern sections, using hand tools, bolts, screws, rivets, glue, or welding equipment.
- Read and interpret blueprints or drawings of parts to be cast or patterns to be made, compute dimensions, and plan operational sequences.
- Construct platforms, fixtures, and jigs for holding and placing patterns.
- Clean and finish patterns or templates, using emery cloths, files, scrapers, and power grinders.
- Mark identification numbers or symbols onto patterns or templates.
- Program computerized numerical control machine tools.
- Create computer models of patterns or parts, using modeling software.
- Design and create templates, patterns, or coreboxes according to work orders, sample parts, or mockups.
- Paint or lacquer patterns.
- Select pattern materials such as wood, resin, and fiberglass.
- Apply plastic-impregnated fabrics or coats of sealing wax or lacquer to patterns used to produce plastic.
- Lay out and draw or scribe patterns onto material, using compasses, protractors, rulers, scribes, or other instruments.
- Superimpose bent tubing on asbestos patterns to ensure accuracy.
- Heat glass to pliable stage, using gas flames or ovens and rotating glass to heat it uniformly.
- Inspect, weigh, and measure products to verify conformance to specifications, using instruments such as micrometers, calipers, magnifiers, or rulers.
- Record manufacturing information, such as quantities, sizes, or types of goods produced.
- Place glass into dies or molds of presses and control presses to form products, such as glassware components or optical blanks.
- Spray or swab molds with oil solutions to prevent adhesion of glass.
- Blow tubing into specified shapes to prevent glass from collapsing, using compressed air or own breath, or blow and rotate gathers in molds or on boards to obtain final shapes.
- Determine types and quantities of glass required to fabricate products.
- Set up and adjust machine press stroke lengths and pressures and regulate oven temperatures, according to glass types to be processed.
- Shape, bend, or join sections of glass, using paddles, pressing and flattening hand tools, or cork.
- Design and create glass objects, using blowpipes and artisans' hand tools and equipment.
- Operate and maintain finishing machines to grind, drill, sand, bevel, decorate, wash, or polish glass or glass products.
- Repair broken scrolls by replacing them with new sections of tubing.
- Develop sketches of glass products into blueprint specifications, applying knowledge of glass technology and glass blowing.
- Cut lengths of tubing to specified sizes, using files or cutting wheels.
- Place rubber hoses on ends of tubing and charge tubing with gas.
- Superimpose bent tubing on asbestos patterns to ensure accuracy.
- Mark cutting lines around patterns or templates, or follow layout points, using squares, rules, and straightedges, and chalk, pencils, or scribes.
- Mark or discard items with defects such as spots, stains, scars, snags, chips, scratches, or unacceptable shapes or finishes.
- Trim excess material or cut threads off finished products, such as cutting loose ends of plastic off a manufactured toy for a smoother finish.
- Cut, shape, and trim materials, such as textiles, food, glass, stone, and metal, using knives, scissors, and other hand tools, portable power tools, or bench-mounted tools.
- Position templates or measure materials to locate specified points of cuts or to obtain maximum yields, using rules, scales, or patterns.
- Read work orders to determine dimensions, cutting locations, and quantities to cut.
- Mark identification numbers, trademarks, grades, marketing data, sizes, or model numbers on products.
- Unroll, lay out, attach, or mount materials or items on cutting tables or machines.
- Separate materials or products according to size, weight, type, condition, color, or shade.
- Fold or shape materials before or after cutting them.
- Replace or sharpen dulled cutting tools such as saws.
- Lower table-mounted cutters such as knife blades, cutting wheels, or saws to cut items to specified sizes.
- Stack cut items and load them on racks or conveyors or onto trucks.
- Adjust guides and stops to control depths and widths of cuts.
- Count or weigh and bundle items.
- Clean, treat, buff, or polish finished items, using grinders, brushes, chisels, and cleaning solutions and polishing materials.
- Route items to provide cutouts for parts, using portable routers, grinders, and hand tools.
- Transport items to work or storage areas, using carts.
- Mark cutting lines around patterns or templates, or follow layout points, using squares, rules, and straightedges, and chalk, pencils, or scribes.
- Duplicate workpiece contours, using tracer attachments.
- Monitor machine operations to determine whether adjustments are necessary, stopping machines when problems occur.
- Inspect, feel, and measure workpieces to ensure that surfaces and dimensions meet specifications.
- Study blueprints or layouts of metal workpieces to determine grinding procedures, and to plan machine setups and operational sequences.
- Select and mount grinding wheels on machines, according to specifications, using hand tools and applying knowledge of abrasives and grinding procedures.
- Compute numbers, widths, and angles of cutting tools, micrometers, scales, and gauges, and adjust tools to produce specified cuts.
- Turn valves to direct flow of coolant against cutting wheels and workpieces during grinding.
- Set up and operate grinding or polishing machines to grind metal workpieces, such as dies, parts, and tools.
- Dress grinding wheels, according to specifications.
- File or finish surfaces of workpieces, using prescribed hand tools.
- Perform basic maintenance, such as cleaning and lubricating machine parts.
- Remove finished workpieces from machines and place them in boxes or on racks, setting aside pieces that are defective.
- Remove and replace worn or broken machine parts, using hand tools.
- Fit parts together in pre-assembly to ensure that dimensions are accurate.
- Attach workpieces to grinding machines and form specified sections and repair cracks, using welding or brazing equipment.
- Inspect dies to detect defects, assess wear, and verify specifications, using micrometers, steel gauge pins, and loupes.
- Place workpieces in electroplating solutions or apply pigments to surfaces of workpieces to highlight ridges and grooves.
- Straighten workpieces and remove dents, using straightening presses and hammers.
- Duplicate workpiece contours, using tracer attachments.
- Lay out patterns on wood stock and draw outlines of units, sectional patterns, or full-scale mock-ups of products, based on blueprint specifications and sketches, and using marking and measuring devices.
- Read blueprints, drawings, or written specifications to determine sizes and shapes of patterns and required machine setups.
- Fit, fasten, and assemble wood parts together to form patterns, models, or sections, using glue, nails, dowels, bolts, and screws.
- Trim, smooth, and shape surfaces, and plane, shave, file, scrape, and sand models to attain specified shapes, using hand tools.
- Divide patterns into sections according to shapes of castings to facilitate removal of patterns from molds.
- Verify dimensions of completed patterns, using templates, straightedges, calipers, or protractors.
- Correct patterns to compensate for defects in castings.
- Set up, operate, and adjust a variety of woodworking machines such as bandsaws and lathes to cut and shape sections, parts, and patterns, according to specifications.
- Finish completed products or models with shellac, lacquer, wax, or paint.
- Estimate costs for patternmaking jobs.
- Mark identifying information such as colors or codes on patterns, parts, and templates to indicate assembly methods.
- Repair broken or damaged patterns.
- Maintain pattern records for reference.
- Glue fillets along interior angles of patterns.
- Construct wooden models, templates, full scale mock-ups, jigs, or molds for shaping parts of products.
- Compute dimensions, areas, volumes, and weights.
- Select lumber to be used for patterns.
- Collect and store patterns and lumber.
- Inventory equipment and supplies, ordering parts and tools as necessary.
- Issue patterns to designated machine operators.
- Lay out patterns on wood stock and draw outlines of units, sectional patterns, or full-scale mock-ups of products, based on blueprint specifications and sketches, and using marking and measuring devices.
- Lay out pavement markings for striping crews.
- Study traffic delays by noting times of delays, the numbers of vehicles affected, and vehicle speed through the delay area.
- Interact with the public to answer traffic-related questions, respond to complaints or requests, or discuss traffic control ordinances, plans, policies, or procedures.
- Prepare graphs, charts, diagrams, or other aids to illustrate observations or conclusions.
- Analyze data related to traffic flow, accident rates, or proposed development to determine the most efficient methods to expedite traffic flow.
- Prepare work orders for repair, maintenance, or changes in traffic systems.
- Plan, design, and improve components of traffic control systems to accommodate current or projected traffic and to increase usability and efficiency.
- Compute time settings for traffic signals or speed restrictions, using standard formulas.
- Prepare drawings of proposed signal installations or other control devices, using drafting instruments or computer-automated drafting equipment.
- Study factors affecting traffic conditions, such as lighting or sign and marking visibility, to assess their effectiveness.
- Gather and compile data from hand count sheets, machine count tapes, or radar speed checks and code data for computer input.
- Measure and record the speed of vehicular traffic, using electrical timing devices or radar equipment.
- Provide technical supervision regarding traffic control devices to other traffic technicians or laborers.
- Operate counters and record data to assess the volume, type, and movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic at specified times.
- Place and secure automatic counters, using power tools, and retrieve counters after counting periods end.
- Review traffic control or barricade plans to issue permits for parades or other special events or for construction work that affects rights of way, providing assistance with plan preparation or revision, as necessary.
- Time stoplights or other delays, using stopwatches.
- Maintain or make minor adjustments or field repairs to equipment used in surveys, including the replacement of parts on traffic data gathering devices.
- Visit development or work sites to determine projects' effect on traffic and the adequacy of traffic control and safety plans or to suggest traffic control measures.
- Establish procedures for street closures or for repair or construction projects.
- Provide traffic information, such as road conditions, to the public.
- Monitor street or utility projects for compliance to traffic control permit conditions.
- Develop plans or long-range strategies for providing adequate parking space.
- Lay out pavement markings for striping crews.
- Mark cutting lines or identifying information on stock, using marking pencils, rulers, or scribes.
- Set up, operate, or tend machines that cut or slice materials, such as glass, stone, cork, rubber, tobacco, food, paper, or insulating material.
- Review work orders, blueprints, specifications, or job samples to determine components, settings, and adjustments for cutting and slicing machines.
- Examine, measure, and weigh materials or products to verify conformance to specifications, using measuring devices, such as rulers, micrometers, or scales.
- Press buttons, pull levers, or depress pedals to start and operate cutting and slicing machines.
- Start machines to verify setups, and make any necessary adjustments.
- Feed stock into cutting machines, onto conveyors, or under cutting blades, by threading, guiding, pushing, or turning handwheels.
- Monitor operation of cutting or slicing machines to detect malfunctions or to determine whether supplies need replenishment.
- Stack and sort cut material for packaging, further processing, or shipping, according to types and sizes of material.
- Adjust machine controls to alter position, alignment, speed, or pressure.
- Remove completed materials or products from cutting or slicing machines, and stack or store them for additional processing.
- Maintain production records, such as quantities, types, and dimensions of materials produced.
- Remove defective or substandard materials from machines, and readjust machine components so that products meet standards.
- Position stock along cutting lines, or against stops on beds of scoring or cutting machines.
- Move stock or scrap to and from machines manually, or by using carts, handtrucks, or lift trucks.
- Select and install machine components, such as cutting blades, rollers, and templates, according to specifications, using hand tools.
- Clean and lubricate cutting machines, conveyors, blades, saws, or knives, using steam hoses, scrapers, brushes, or oil cans.
- Type instructions on computer keyboards, push buttons to activate computer programs, or manually set cutting guides, clamps, and knives.
- Change or replace saw blades, cables, cutter heads, and grinding wheels, using hand tools.
- Position width gauge blocks between blades, and level blades and insert wedges into frames to secure blades to frames.
- Direct workers on cutting teams.
- Sharpen cutting blades, knives, or saws, using files, bench grinders, or honing stones.
- Turn cranks or press buttons to activate winches that move cars under sawing cables or saw frames.
- Tighten pulleys or add abrasives to maintain cutting speeds.
- Cut stock manually to prepare for machine cutting, using tools such as knives, cleavers, handsaws, or hammers and chisels.
- Mark cutting lines or identifying information on stock, using marking pencils, rulers, or scribes.
- Sketch, trace, or scribe layout lines and designs on workpieces, plates, dies, or rollers, using compasses, scribers, gravers, or pencils.
- Inspect etched work for depth of etching, uniformity, and defects, using calibrated microscopes, gauges, fingers, or magnifying lenses.
- Examine sketches, diagrams, samples, blueprints, or photographs to decide how designs are to be etched, cut, or engraved onto workpieces.
- Clean and polish engraved areas.
- Prepare workpieces for etching or engraving by cutting, sanding, cleaning, polishing, or treating them with wax, acid resist, lime, etching powder, or light-sensitive enamel.
- Engrave and print patterns, designs, etchings, trademarks, or lettering onto flat or curved surfaces of a wide variety of metal, glass, plastic, or paper items, using hand tools or hand-held power tools.
- Prepare etching chemicals according to formulas, diluting acid with water to obtain solutions of specified concentration.
- Use computer software to design patterns for engraving.
- Expose workpieces to acid to develop etch patterns such as designs, lettering, or figures.
- Adjust depths and sizes of cuts by adjusting heights of worktables, or by adjusting machine-arm gauges.
- Measure and compute dimensions of lettering, designs, or patterns to be engraved.
- Neutralize workpieces to remove acid, wax, or enamel, using water, solvents, brushes, or specialized machines.
- Examine engraving for quality of cut, burrs, rough spots, and irregular or incomplete engraving.
- Transfer image to workpiece, using contact printer, pantograph stylus, silkscreen printing device, or stamp pad.
- Set reduction scales to attain specified sizes of reproduction on workpieces, and set pantograph controls for required heights, depths, and widths of cuts.
- Print proofs or examine designs to verify accuracy of engraving, and rework engraving as required.
- Position and clamp workpieces, plates, or rollers in holding fixtures.
- Remove wax or tape from etched glassware by using a stylus or knife, or by immersing ware in hot water.
- Guide stylus over template, causing cutting tool to duplicate design or letters on workpiece.
- Start machines and lower cutting tools to beginning points on patterns.
- Determine machine settings, and move bars or levers to reproduce designs on rollers or plates.
- Remove completed workpieces and place them in trays.
- Insert cutting tools or bits into machines and secure them with wrenches.
- Sandblast exposed areas of glass to cut designs in surfaces, using spray guns.
- Fill etched characters with opaque paste to improve readability.
- Brush or wipe acid over engraving to darken or highlight inscriptions.
- Sketch, trace, or scribe layout lines and designs on workpieces, plates, dies, or rollers, using compasses, scribers, gravers, or pencils.
- Lay out and mark areas of parts to be shot peened and fill hoppers with shot.
- Measure dimensions of finished workpieces to ensure conformance to specifications, using precision measuring instruments, templates, and fixtures.
- Set up and operate computer-controlled machines or robots to perform one or more machine functions on metal or plastic workpieces.
- Mount, install, align, and secure tools, attachments, fixtures, and workpieces on machines, using hand tools and precision measuring instruments.
- Review program specifications or blueprints to determine and set machine operations and sequencing, finished workpiece dimensions, or numerical control sequences.
- Stop machines to remove finished workpieces or to change tooling, setup, or workpiece placement, according to required machining sequences.
- Listen to machines during operation to detect sounds such as those made by dull cutting tools or excessive vibration, and adjust machines to compensate for problems.
- Implement changes to machine programs, and enter new specifications, using computers.
- Calculate machine speed and feed ratios and the size and position of cuts.
- Transfer commands from servers to computer numerical control (CNC) modules, using computer network links.
- Remove and replace dull cutting tools.
- Check to ensure that workpieces are properly lubricated and cooled during machine operation.
- Adjust machine feed and speed, change cutting tools, or adjust machine controls when automatic programming is faulty or if machines malfunction.
- Monitor machine operation and control panel displays, and compare readings to specifications to detect malfunctions.
- Maintain machines and remove and replace broken or worn machine tools, using hand tools.
- Insert control instructions into machine control units to start operation.
- Modify cutting programs to account for problems encountered during operation, and save modified programs.
- Write simple programs for computer-controlled machine tools.
- Lift workpieces to machines manually or with hoists or cranes.
- Input initial part dimensions into machine control panels.
- Set up future jobs while machines are operating.
- Confer with supervisors or programmers to resolve machine malfunctions or production errors or to obtain approval to continue production.
- Stack or load finished items, or place items on conveyor systems.
- Control coolant systems.
- Clean machines, tooling, or parts, using solvents or solutions and rags.
- Enter commands or load control media, such as tapes, cards, or disks, into machine controllers to retrieve programmed instructions.
- Examine electronic components for defects or completeness of laser-beam trimming, using microscopes.
- Lay out and mark areas of parts to be shot peened and fill hoppers with shot.
- Lay out, measure, and mark metal stock to display placement of cuts.
- Calculate dimensions or tolerances, using instruments, such as micrometers or vernier calipers.
- Machine parts to specifications, using machine tools, such as lathes, milling machines, shapers, or grinders.
- Measure, examine, or test completed units to check for defects and ensure conformance to specifications, using precision instruments, such as micrometers.
- Set up, adjust, or operate basic or specialized machine tools used to perform precision machining operations.
- Program computers or electronic instruments, such as numerically controlled machine tools.
- Study sample parts, blueprints, drawings, or engineering information to determine methods or sequences of operations needed to fabricate products.
- Monitor the feed and speed of machines during the machining process.
- Maintain machine tools in proper operational condition.
- Fit and assemble parts to make or repair machine tools.
- Align and secure holding fixtures, cutting tools, attachments, accessories, or materials onto machines.
- Confer with numerical control programmers to check and ensure that new programs or machinery will function properly and that output will meet specifications.
- Operate equipment to verify operational efficiency.
- Evaluate machining procedures and recommend changes or modifications for improved efficiency or adaptability.
- Diagnose machine tool malfunctions to determine need for adjustments or repairs.
- Design fixtures, tooling, or experimental parts to meet special engineering needs.
- Dispose of scrap or waste material in accordance with company policies and environmental regulations.
- Confer with engineering, supervisory, or manufacturing personnel to exchange technical information.
- Separate scrap waste and related materials for reuse, recycling, or disposal.
- Check work pieces to ensure that they are properly lubricated or cooled.
- Support metalworking projects from planning and fabrication through assembly, inspection, and testing, using knowledge of machine functions, metal properties, and mathematics.
- Install repaired parts into equipment or install new equipment.
- Dismantle machines or equipment, using hand tools or power tools to examine parts for defects and replace defective parts where needed.
- Test experimental models under simulated operating conditions, for purposes such as development, standardization, or feasibility of design.
- Set up or operate metalworking, brazing, heat-treating, welding, or cutting equipment.
- Prepare working sketches for the illustration of product appearance.
- Establish work procedures for fabricating new structural products, using a variety of metalworking machines.
- Install experimental parts or assemblies, such as hydraulic systems, electrical wiring, lubricants, or batteries into machines or mechanisms.
- Advise clients about the materials being used for finished products.
- Lay out, measure, and mark metal stock to display placement of cuts.