Green Topic

17 programs shown from the 2020 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)
CodeEducation Title
A program that prepares individuals to apply principles of planning, analysis, and architecture to the development and improvement of urban areas and surrounding regions, and to function as professional planners. Includes instruction in principles of architecture; master plan development; service, communications, and transportation systems design; community and commercial development; zoning; land use planning; applied economics; policy analysis; applicable laws and regulations; and professional responsibilities and managerial duties.
A program that focuses on issues and problems specific to the educational needs of populations and communities located in metropolitan, inner city, and related areas and prepares individuals to provide educational services and administrative leadership in urban contexts. Includes instruction in multicultural education, at-risk studies, urban sociology, multilingual education, urban studies and planning, human services, health services and nutrition, cross-cultural communication, diversity studies, safety and security, and urban educational administration and leadership.
A program that focuses on the application of social science principles to the study of urban institutions and the forces influencing urban social and political life. Includes instruction in urban theory, the development and evolution of urban areas, urban sociology, principles of urban and social planning, and the politics and economics of urban government and services.
A program that prepares individuals to apply the principles of forestry and related sciences to the development, care, and maintenance of individual trees and forested areas within or close to areas of dense human habitation. Includes instruction in urban environments; effects of pollution on tree species; environmental design and landscaping; urban pest infestation; urban forest management; and applicable policies and regulations.
A program that focuses on principles and techniques for the production of horticultural crops in an urban environment. Includes instruction in ecology, environmental sustainability, food production systems, and plant and soil sciences.
A program that focuses on the economic, social, spatial, and environmental aspects of transportation and infrastructure planning. Includes instruction in economics, environmental analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), logistics, risk analysis, transportation economics, transportation evaluation, transportation planning, transportation policy, and urban transportation planning.
A program that focuses on the study of architecture, cities, landscapes, designed objects, ornament, architectural photography, and material culture in diverse places and time periods, and the social and aesthetic dimensions of contemporary architecture, landscapes, and cities, emphasizing issues of sustainable environments, new forms of urbanism, and the use of digital media for visualization and analysis. Includes instruction in the fundamentals of architecture, design, environmental and sustainability studies, historic preservation, landscape architecture, studio art, and urban affairs and planning.
A program that prepares individuals to design public and private spaces, indoor and outdoor, for leisure, recreational, commercial, and living purposes, and for professional practice as environmental designers and architects. Includes instruction in the design and planning of public and private open spaces and their relationship to buildings and other aspects of the built environment; facilities management; related aspects of interior design and architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning; and professional responsibilities and standards.
A program that prepares individuals to create and redevelop housing, offices, retail centers, and industrial sites. Includes instruction in architectural design and construction, historic preservation, landscape architecture, urban planning and design, business, real estate and land use law, public policy, and engineering.
A program that prepares individuals to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills in support of architects, engineers and planners engaged in designing and developing buildings, urban complexes, and related systems. Includes instruction in design testing procedures, building site analysis, model building and computer graphics, engineering drawing, structural systems testing, analysis of prototype mechanical and interior systems, test equipment operation and maintenance, and report preparation.
An advanced program of study for architects and related professionals that focuses on theoretical and practical issues in architecture and integrates digital technologies into architectural design, fabrication, and construction. Includes instruction in architectural history and urban theory, 3-D digital technologies, construction, design and fabrication methods, and sustainable practices in architecture.
A program that focuses on human cultures and their adaptation to physical environments. Includes instruction in archaeology, biogeography, climatology, cultural anthropology, cultural geography, economic development, environmental geography, geomorphology, global environmental change, historical geography, mapping sciences, physical anthropology, political ecology, Quaternary studies, and urban geography.
A program that focuses on the application of biological, physical, and social science in the design of sustainable cities and metropolitan regions. Includes instruction in community revitalization, community economic development, construction technology, design innovation, environmental economics, ethics, justice and politics, sustainable materials, sustainability theory, structural materials, and urbanism.
A program that focuses on how public and/or private land and associated resources can be preserved, developed, and used for maximum social, economic, and environmental benefit. Includes instruction in natural resources management, natural resource economics, public policy, regional and land use planning, environmental impact assessment, applicable law and regulations, government and politics, principles of business and real estate land use, statistical and analytical tools, computer applications, mapping and report preparation, site analysis, cost analysis, and communications skills.
A program that focuses on the systematic study of the spatial distribution and interrelationships of people, natural resources, plant and animal life. Includes instruction in historical and political geography, cultural geography, economic and physical geography, regional science, cartographic methods, remote sensing, spatial analysis, and applications to areas such as land-use planning, development studies, and analyses of specific countries, regions, and resources.
A program that focuses on the defined geographic subregions and subcultures within modern and historical countries and societies. Includes such topics as Acadian Studies, French Canadian and Quebec Studies, Southern (U.S.) Studies, New England Studies, Southwestern Studies, Northern Studies, and others.
A program that focuses on the concept of sustainability from an interdisciplinary perspective. Includes instruction in sustainable development, environmental policies, ethics, ecology, landscape architecture, city and regional planning, economics, natural resources, sociology, and anthropology.