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PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance. It was originally named POSTGRES, referring to its origins as a successor to the Ingres database developed at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1996, the project was renamed to PostgreSQL to reflect its support for SQL. After a review in 2007, the development team decided to keep the name PostgreSQL and the alias Postgres.
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Occupations linked to this hot technology skill are listed below based on the percentage of their job postings that include the skill.
The skill is considered In Demand for the occupation if it is mentioned in 5% or more of the occupation’s employer job postings.
Source: Lightcast
external site job postings data for the US nationwide between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.
“Percentage” represents the ratio of unique postings which mention the skill to all unique postings linked to the O*NET-SOC occupation.
This page uses material from the Wikipedia article PostgreSQL
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external site.