Technology Skill

Geographic information system GIS software Save Table: XLSX CSV

A geographic information system (GIS) is a conceptualized framework that provides the ability to capture and analyze spatial and geographic data. GIS applications are computer-based tools that allow the user to create interactive queries, store and edit spatial and non-spatial data, analyze spatial information output, and visually share the results of these operations by presenting them as maps. Read more at Wikipedia external site

Examples of occupations where workers may use Geographic information system GIS software:

71 occupations shown
Job ZoneCodeOccupation
233-9011.00Animal Control Workers
519-3091.00Anthropologists and Archeologists Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
525-1061.00Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary
511-9041.00Architectural and Engineering Managers Bright Outlook
415-2099.01Bioinformatics Technicians Bright Outlook
525-1042.00Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary Bright Outlook
419-4021.00Biological Technicians Bright Outlook
519-1029.04Biologists Bright Outlook
415-2051.01Business Intelligence Analysts Bright Outlook
417-1021.00Cartographers and Photogrammetrists Bright Outlook
317-3022.00Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians
417-2051.00Civil Engineers Bright Outlook
515-1221.00Computer and Information Research Scientists Bright Outlook
415-1251.00Computer Programmers
315-1211.00Computer Systems Analysts Bright Outlook
315-1299.08Computer Systems Engineers/Architects Bright Outlook
315-1232.00Computer User Support Specialists
419-1031.00Conservation Scientists Bright Outlook
415-1242.00Database Administrators Bright Outlook
415-1243.00Database Architects Bright Outlook
333-3021.00Detectives and Criminal Investigators
411-9161.00Emergency Management Directors
413-1041.01Environmental Compliance Inspectors
519-3011.01Environmental Economists
417-3025.00Environmental Engineering Technologists and Technicians
519-2041.02Environmental Restoration Planners Bright Outlook
419-2041.00Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health Bright Outlook
519-1041.00Epidemiologists Bright Outlook
525-9021.00Farm and Home Management Educators
333-1021.00First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers
245-4011.00Forest and Conservation Workers
525-1043.00Forestry and Conservation Science Teachers, Postsecondary
411-1021.00General and Operations Managers Bright Outlook
417-1022.01Geodetic Surveyors Bright Outlook
315-1299.02Geographic Information Systems Technologists and Technicians Bright Outlook
525-1064.00Geography Teachers, Postsecondary
419-4043.00Geological Technicians, Except Hydrologic Technicians
519-2042.00Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers Bright Outlook
525-1071.00Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary Bright Outlook
519-3093.00Historians Bright Outlook
525-1125.00History Teachers, Postsecondary
319-4044.00Hydrologic Technicians
415-1212.00Information Security Analysts Bright Outlook
415-1299.09Information Technology Project Managers Bright Outlook
433-3021.06Intelligence Analysts
413-1111.00Management Analysts Bright Outlook
417-2141.00Mechanical Engineers Bright Outlook
411-9111.00Medical and Health Services Managers Bright Outlook
413-1121.00Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners Bright Outlook
415-1244.00Network and Computer Systems Administrators
515-2031.00Operations Research Analysts Bright Outlook
351-8012.00Power Distributors and Dispatchers
341-9022.00Real Estate Sales Agents
411-2022.00Sales Managers Bright Outlook
441-4012.00Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products Bright Outlook
415-1253.00Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers Bright Outlook
519-1013.00Soil and Plant Scientists Bright Outlook
317-3031.00Surveying and Mapping Technicians Bright Outlook
417-1022.00Surveyors Bright Outlook
413-1199.05Sustainability Specialists Bright Outlook
419-3099.01Transportation Planners
519-3051.00Urban and Regional Planners
411-9121.02Water Resource Specialists Bright Outlook
417-2051.02Water/Wastewater Engineers Bright Outlook
315-1254.00Web Developers Bright Outlook
417-2199.10Wind Energy Engineers
419-1023.00Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists

This page uses material from the Wikipedia article GIS applications external site, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 external site.