Hot Technology

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The HyperText Markup Language, or HTML(HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. Read more at Wikipedia external site

Occupations linked to this hot technology skill are listed below based on the percentage of their job postings that include the skill.

The skill is considered In Demand for the occupation if it is mentioned in 5% or more of the occupation’s employer job postings.

78 occupations shown
PercentageJob ZoneCodeOccupation
427-1011.00Art Directors Bright Outlook
419-2032.00Materials Scientists Bright Outlook
427-3042.00Technical Writers Bright Outlook
427-1021.00Commercial and Industrial Designers
525-1021.00Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary Bright Outlook
413-1161.00Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists Bright Outlook
315-1211.00Computer Systems Analysts Bright Outlook
525-9031.00Instructional Coordinators
415-1253.00Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers Bright Outlook
427-3031.00Public Relations Specialists Bright Outlook
519-3032.00Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Bright Outlook
427-2012.00Producers and Directors Bright Outlook
413-1199.06Online Merchants Bright Outlook
315-1299.08Computer Systems Engineers/Architects Bright Outlook
411-3021.00Computer and Information Systems Managers Bright Outlook
427-3043.00Writers and Authors
525-4022.00Librarians and Media Collections Specialists
415-1244.00Network and Computer Systems Administrators
411-2021.00Marketing Managers Bright Outlook
415-1242.00Database Administrators Bright Outlook
415-1299.09Information Technology Project Managers Bright Outlook
415-1241.00Computer Network Architects
427-3023.00News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists
415-1243.00Database Architects Bright Outlook
411-2032.00Public Relations Managers Bright Outlook
415-1299.03Document Management Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%315-1232.00Computer User Support Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%415-2051.01Business Intelligence Analysts Bright Outlook
Under 1%415-1255.01Video Game Designers Bright Outlook
Under 1%415-1212.00Information Security Analysts Bright Outlook
Under 1%317-3031.00Surveying and Mapping Technicians
Under 1%413-1111.00Management Analysts Bright Outlook
Under 1%433-3021.06Intelligence Analysts
Under 1%413-1151.00Training and Development Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%511-9033.00Education Administrators, Postsecondary
Under 1%413-1121.00Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-2022.00Sales Managers
Under 1%413-1071.00Human Resources Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%419-2031.00Chemists Bright Outlook
Under 1%243-6014.00Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive Bright Outlook
Under 1%319-4099.01Quality Control Analysts
Under 1%441-4012.00Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-9141.00Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers Bright Outlook
Not available525-4011.00Archivists Bright Outlook
Not available525-1121.00Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary
Not available417-2031.00Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers Bright Outlook
Not available519-1029.01Bioinformatics Scientists
Not available415-2099.01Bioinformatics Technicians Bright Outlook
Not available525-1011.00Business Teachers, Postsecondary Bright Outlook
Not available425-2023.00Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School
Not available349-2011.00Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers
Not available241-9011.00Demonstrators and Product Promoters
Not available343-9031.00Desktop Publishers
Not available415-1299.06Digital Forensics Analysts Bright Outlook
Not available427-4032.00Film and Video Editors Bright Outlook
Not available327-1013.00Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators Bright Outlook
Not available419-1012.00Food Scientists and Technologists Bright Outlook
Not available411-2033.00Fundraising Managers Bright Outlook
Not available417-1022.01Geodetic Surveyors Bright Outlook
Not available517-2112.01Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists Bright Outlook
Not available427-3091.00Interpreters and Translators
Not available515-2021.00Mathematicians
Not available427-2012.03Media Programming Directors Bright Outlook
Not available419-4099.03Remote Sensing Technicians
Not available325-3021.00Self-Enrichment Teachers
Not available411-3031.01Treasurers and Controllers Bright Outlook
Not available519-3051.00Urban and Regional Planners
Not available415-1255.00Web and Digital Interface Designers Bright Outlook

Source: Lightcast external site job postings data for the US nationwide between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. “Percentage” represents the ratio of unique postings which mention the skill to all unique postings linked to the O*NET-SOC occupation.

This page uses material from the Wikipedia article Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) external site, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 external site.