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Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications—which may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network. Microsoft markets at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server, aimed at different audiences and for workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users. Read more at Wikipedia external site

Occupations linked to this hot technology skill are listed below based on the percentage of their job postings that include the skill.

The skill is considered In Demand for the occupation if it is mentioned in 5% or more of the occupation’s employer job postings.

95 occupations shown
PercentageJob ZoneCodeOccupation
415-1252.00Software Developers Bright Outlook
415-1251.00Computer Programmers
329-9021.00Health Information Technologists and Medical Registrars Bright Outlook
415-1244.00Network and Computer Systems Administrators
415-1243.01Data Warehousing Specialists Bright Outlook
415-2051.01Business Intelligence Analysts Bright Outlook
415-1299.02Geographic Information Systems Technologists and Technicians Bright Outlook
315-1254.00Web Developers Bright Outlook
315-1299.08Computer Systems Engineers/Architects Bright Outlook
315-1211.00Computer Systems Analysts Bright Outlook
515-2041.00Statisticians Bright Outlook
415-1253.00Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers Bright Outlook
415-1299.05Information Security Engineers Bright Outlook
411-3021.00Computer and Information Systems Managers Bright Outlook
415-1241.00Computer Network Architects Bright Outlook
415-1231.00Computer Network Support Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%315-1232.00Computer User Support Specialists
Under 1%415-2051.00Data Scientists Bright Outlook
Under 1%415-1212.00Information Security Analysts Bright Outlook
Under 1%413-1111.00Management Analysts Bright Outlook
Under 1%415-1299.09Information Technology Project Managers Bright Outlook
Under 1%427-3042.00Technical Writers
Under 1%419-4061.00Social Science Research Assistants Bright Outlook
Under 1%415-2011.00Actuaries Bright Outlook
Under 1%415-2051.02Clinical Data Managers Bright Outlook
Under 1%417-2112.02Validation Engineers Bright Outlook
Under 1%413-2054.00Financial Risk Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%413-1081.02Logistics Analysts Bright Outlook
Under 1%415-1255.01Video Game Designers Bright Outlook
Under 1%511-9041.00Architectural and Engineering Managers Bright Outlook
Under 1%329-2072.00Medical Records Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%417-2071.00Electrical Engineers Bright Outlook
Under 1%413-2051.00Financial and Investment Analysts Bright Outlook
Under 1%417-2112.00Industrial Engineers Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-3051.01Quality Control Systems Managers
Under 1%517-1011.00Architects, Except Landscape and Naval Bright Outlook
Under 1%515-2031.00Operations Research Analysts Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-2021.00Marketing Managers Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-1021.00General and Operations Managers Bright Outlook
Under 1%413-2011.00Accountants and Auditors Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-3031.00Financial Managers Bright Outlook
Under 1%243-6014.00Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive Bright Outlook
Under 1%413-1161.00Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%417-2141.00Mechanical Engineers Bright Outlook
Under 1%413-1071.00Human Resources Specialists Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-9111.00Medical and Health Services Managers Bright Outlook
Under 1%411-2022.00Sales Managers Bright Outlook
Not available411-2011.00Advertising and Promotions Managers
Not available317-3021.00Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technologists and Technicians Bright Outlook
Not available411-9041.01Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Development Managers Bright Outlook
Not available519-1029.01Bioinformatics Scientists Bright Outlook
Not available415-2099.01Bioinformatics Technicians Bright Outlook
Not available515-2041.01Biostatisticians Bright Outlook
Not available413-1199.04Business Continuity Planners Bright Outlook
Not available425-2023.00Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School
Not available411-3111.00Compensation and Benefits Managers
Not available413-1141.00Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists Bright Outlook
Not available515-1221.00Computer and Information Research Scientists Bright Outlook
Not available413-2041.00Credit Analysts
Not available415-1299.03Document Management Specialists Bright Outlook
Not available519-3011.00Economists
Not available519-3011.01Environmental Economists
Not available513-2099.01Financial Quantitative Analysts Bright Outlook
Not available319-4013.00Food Science Technicians Bright Outlook
Not available333-2022.00Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists Bright Outlook
Not available413-2099.04Fraud Examiners, Investigators and Analysts Bright Outlook
Not available311-3051.06Hydroelectric Production Managers
Not available519-2041.03Industrial Ecologists Bright Outlook
Not available433-3021.06Intelligence Analysts
Not available411-1031.00Legislators
Not available413-1081.00Logisticians Bright Outlook
Not available413-1081.01Logistics Engineers Bright Outlook
Not available427-2012.03Media Programming Directors Bright Outlook
Not available427-2012.05Media Technical Directors/Managers Bright Outlook
Not available427-3023.00News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists
Not available413-1199.06Online Merchants Bright Outlook
Not available529-1041.00Optometrists Bright Outlook
Not available415-1299.04Penetration Testers Bright Outlook
Not available413-2052.00Personal Financial Advisors Bright Outlook
Not available319-4099.01Quality Control Analysts Bright Outlook
Not available417-2072.01Radio Frequency Identification Device Specialists Bright Outlook
Not available413-1041.07Regulatory Affairs Specialists
Not available419-2099.01Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists
Not available419-4099.03Remote Sensing Technicians Bright Outlook
Not available441-9031.00Sales Engineers Bright Outlook
Not available413-1161.01Search Marketing Strategists Bright Outlook
Not available527-1027.00Set and Exhibit Designers
Not available411-3071.04Supply Chain Managers Bright Outlook
Not available315-1241.01Telecommunications Engineering Specialists Bright Outlook
Not available411-3071.00Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers Bright Outlook
Not available415-1299.01Web Administrators Bright Outlook
Not available415-1255.00Web and Digital Interface Designers Bright Outlook
Not available417-2199.10Wind Energy Engineers

Source: Lightcast external site job postings data for the US nationwide between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. “Percentage” represents the ratio of unique postings which mention the skill to all unique postings linked to the O*NET-SOC occupation.

This page uses material from the Wikipedia article Microsoft SQL Server external site, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 external site.